“Huh! A bunch of rabble? Dare to ambush your overlord too??? ”

Chu Tianba was not afraid.

The chain braid in his hand instantly waved.

The sound of breaking the air crackled.

Like the whisper of death, it enveloped the audience!

And those flying boys who rushed through first.

Like a top, they were whipped by the iron chain with a powerful force, and they flew out upside down.

‘Click! ’

The sound of bones breaking echoed very clearly in the minds of those present.

Then he fell fiercely into the crowd and hit a large area of flying boys.

After this wave, there were fewer people around Chu Tianba.

Moreover, those flying boys around, looking at Chu Tianba’s tiger and tiger wielding the chain, were a little scared for a while.

Stunned in place and hesitating, you look at me, I look at you, push left, pull right, but no one dares to rush forward.

This group of flying boys, is just a group of punks, the lowest existence in the rivers and lakes, greedy for life and afraid of death, seeing Chu Tianba so fierce, of course they were intimidated.

“A bunch of trash! Brothers up, give me up, hack Chu Tianba, I will give 200,000! ”

Seeing that the flying boy he hired was so unbearable, he immediately greeted the henchmen behind him.

These are the number gangs he has seriously visited in the incense hall.

Far from those flying boys, blue lanterns can compare.

Even if Chu Tianba is powerful, but now he is only one person, how long can he last?

In ancient times, it was as strong as the overlord Xiang Yu, and there were times when it was exhausted.

was fought by Liu Bang on wheels, life and death.


If he makes trouble, he must emulate Liu Bang and achieve a generation of hegemony!


With a low roar, this group of people rushed towards Chu Tianba.

And those flying boys around, hearing about 200,000, they all wanted to move again.

As the saying goes, birds die for food, and people die for wealth.

Money talks!

Two hundred thousand, many blue lanterns have never seen so much money in their lives.

Plus the little brother with the number gang took the lead.

This group of flying boys, following the people of the number gang, rushed up again desperately.

Who wants to be a short mule for the rest of their lives?

Who wouldn’t want to be the one in the upper position???

“Good to go!”

Chu Tianba’s eyes sank, and the strength in his hand increased a little, and he fiercely pumped towards the little brother of the number gang!


The person who rushed over first was directly pumped away, and after making a few spins in the air, he fell heavily on the ground.

However, this time the little brother of the number gang did not flinch, and the people behind still rushed forward desperately.

Chu Tianba’s old skills were repeated, and anyone who dared to get close to one meter flew one after another.

The little brothers of one number gang after another were pumped away, and it was difficult to see the extreme of the troublemaker Xiong’s face at this time.

And those flying boys around were already too frightened to move, and stood in place silently.

Looking at the crowd with dull eyes, the fire Qilin Chu Tianba, who was like the god of war.

As Feizai of Wan Chai, they had not heard of the name of the Fire Qilin Chu Tianba.


When Chu Tianba fought the world and mixed the rivers and lakes, this group of fourteen- and fifteen-year-old flying boys still didn’t know where to wet the bed.

And fame is only fame after all.

In the rivers and lakes of Hong Kong Island, the famous fishing people are like rivers and seas!

The newborn calves were not afraid of tigers, and these flying boys accepted the employment of troublemakers.

I want to take out the once famous Fire Qilin Chu Tianba, and become famous in a battle!

But now!

They knew they were wrong.

Miss by a mile!

The Fire Qilin is not only not a fame fisherman, but even more courageous than the legends!!!

That’s when it happened.

Among this group of thin flying boys, three people suddenly appeared who were dressed in rags, but were tall and not simple at first glance.

And these three are the three Tony brothers.

“Big brother! Shall we help??? ”

Tony looked at Slag, the reason why they came here was under the influence of a mysterious force.

And when they saw Chu Tianba, who was killing all directions among nearly a hundred people, a voice suddenly sounded in their hearts.

The voice told them that the person in front of them was the one they were going to follow.


Ah Zai nodded almost without hesitation.

Although they don’t know what the sound is, the three brothers heard it, there must be some reason!

Perhaps the gods blessed them and showed them a clear way.

Although the three Tony brothers are tigers, the face of the gods still has to be given!

As soon as Ah Za’s voice fell, Tony and Ah Hu rushed up

Although the three of them were dressed in rags,

But the three of them were all working harder before, and they just came to Hong Kong Island, and they were squeezed out by Hong Kong Island short mules, and they were just miserable.

And the more difficult, the degree of chaos is no worse than that of Hong Kong Island.

Fights are almost commonplace.

Although it is now three people fighting dozens of people, they are not afraid.

And how could these flying boys, Blue Lanterns, be the opponents of the three Tony brothers.

Almost punched one by one, directly knocked to the ground.

“Damn! Is Chu Tianba’s helper here? ”

Troublemaker Xiong also noticed the situation on the periphery at this time, and one after another wailing of Feizai came, making him think that Chu Tianba’s younger brother had rushed to save people.

“Boss! Let’s withdraw first, leave the green mountains behind, and don’t be afraid of no firewood!!! ”

The henchman of the troublesome Xiong said in a panic.

Nearly a hundred people did not take down Chu Tianba at the first time.

Now that Chu Tianba’s people are here, let alone him!

“Damn it!” The ambition to make things is broken, and the heart is full of unwillingness.

But looking at Chu Tianba, who was like a god of war in the crowd, his heart was terrified.

Then without saying a word, turn around and leave!

“Want to go??? Is it really good for you to bully? Come when you want, go when you want??? ”

Chu Tianba also noticed the actions of the troublemaker Xiong, and immediately waved the chain braid in his hand even harder, and at the same time headed in the direction where the troublemaker was located.

“Crouch! What a fierce! ”

Troublemaker Xiong watched Chu Tianba rush towards him, not caring about face, pulling out his legs and running.

Chu Tianba’s hand is not light.

Last time, he was directly beaten by Chu Tianba and lay in the hospital for three months.

He didn’t want to go to the hospital for another three months!

“Brothers, stop Chu Tianba, I will pay for the medical expenses, and I will pay each of you 10,000 yuan afterwards!”

Looking at Chu Tianba, who was getting closer and closer, the troublemaker could only paint cakes.

And this cake painting is also useful, the little brothers who originally planned to lie down, got up and rushed towards Chu Tianba again, wanting to delay his steps!

Chu Tianba paused, glanced at this group of shrimp soldiers and crab generals, and said coldly: “If you want to die, give your overlord a step forward!” ”

Sure enough, when Chu Tianba roared, everyone was calmed and froze in place!

“Humph! If you don’t want to die, then give Lao Tzu a roll, or wait for Lao Tzu to kill the troublemaker and kill you again! ”

Seeing that it was effective, Chu Tianba roared again, and at the same time, the chain braid in his hand pulled forward fiercely.

‘Bang! ’

Empty explosion, like thunder!

Frightened, everyone broke out in a cold sweat, and their faces turned pale!

I can’t imagine how bad it would be if I was hit by this whip.

The next moment, the people who were still standing there ran away, and dozens of rabble quickly scattered as birds and beasts

“Huh! No one is stopping me now, look where you run! ”

Chu Tianba looked at the troublesome male who was fleeing in the distance, and sneered.

Then he increased his horsepower and ran towards the troublemaker.

The troublesome man’s face was already frightened to bloodless at this time, and his little heart was cold.

Right at this moment.


Accompanied by an empty boom.

An iron chain braid was pumped fiercely on the back of the troublemaker.

The troublemaker staggered and fell directly into a dog eating

“Help me up,! Help me up! ”

Troublemaker wanted to get up, but the hot pain in his back made him unable to even sit up at this time, so he could only ask for help from the henchman just now.

“I’m sorry, big brother! Go in peace, be your little brother in the afterlife! ”

The henchman brother looked back at the Fire Qilin that was gradually approaching, and the sharp gaze made his heart thump twice, and he almost didn’t jump out.

Suddenly did not dare to hesitate, and ran away with a crawl!

“Huh! Stop shouting! Your little brother has long run away! ”

Chu Tianba stepped heavily on the back of the troublemaker, and the troublemaker suddenly grinned with painful teeth, but he didn’t dare to shout out out no matter how painful it was, and gritted his teeth and hurriedly begged for mercy: “Chu Tianba!” No! Overlord, I was wrong, I was wrong, spare me this time!

I will never mess with you again, please, overlord!

I am very rich, I have a million, all of them will be given to you, please leave me with a rotten life…”

PS: “Thanks to the ‘Liu Keqing’ brother for the monthly ticket support, ‘please call me Uncle A’ brother’s tip” and then all kinds of data !!!

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