The supply fleet slowly sailed away from his port. Wang Yu was about to leave when he found that Gascogne was still standing there, staring at the direction where the supply fleet left, with a complicated look in his eyes.

Wang Yu was a little surprised: "What's wrong with Gascogne?"

"Master, I feel that 'Bumblebee' is a little strange."

"Strange?" Wang Yu scratched his head.

"I don't know, I just feel a little strange." This was the first time Wang Yu heard Gascogne say such vague words. In the past, she was capable, decisive, precise, and said what she meant.

But now it's a good thing. Compared with the silly Gascogne when they first met, the current Gascogne is still silly, but it's much better.

"Maybe the other party feels embarrassed to stay with me, so he ran away in a hurry." Wang Yu thought about it from another perspective and felt that if he stood in the other party's position, he would not be able to stay for long.

Gascogne nodded.

If the master said so, it was probably because she had beaten the master and he had a prejudice against her.

Sure enough, even if Sister Guanghui had already started fighting, I wanted to beat her up.

I'll let Dunkirk and Jean Bart help me figure out how to beat her up later...

She silently sorted out this information and backed it up, and followed Wang Yu out of the dock.


The supply fleet gradually sailed away from the defensive waters of Tianqing Port. 'Bumblebee' looked back, and the island where Tianqing Port was located was no longer visible in his sight. The sea was vast and the sea behind him was calm.

The war stopped helplessly in front of this sea.

"You continue to sail according to the previous route, I will go ahead to scout."

After saying this, 'Bumblebee' jumped off the battleship in a chic manner, and quickly disappeared in the distance at a speed much faster than the battleship sailing.

The rest of the people on the supply fleet did not feel strange. The fleet sailing itself has its own reconnaissance pioneers, and it is not strange for the commander to go for reconnaissance alone.

'Bumblebee' turned on the communication equipment, and the invisible signal was sent out until it was received in a distant sea area.

"How is it?" The communication was connected, and a somewhat lazy female voice came from the communication device.

"The mission failed."


"Something unexpected happened. I was targeted."

"What... happened?"

"Some more detailed intelligence was not collected by us, which attracted the attention of the other party, and the intelligence you gave me about the other party was wrong. The intelligence did not indicate that the other party had such a keen insight. The other party seemed to have discovered something." 'Bumblebee' said, with some accusations in his voice.

"Such ancient...information only...used as a reference. It is not surprising that the other party is than expected...but...your current more advanced than before...and it stands to reason will not be...discovered...situation...should be." Intermittent voices came from the other end of the communication.

"Before the other party discovered the abnormality, I changed my plan and evacuated in advance. If I stayed any longer, I might be exposed. At present, the other party should just be a little suspicious." 'Bumblebee' added.

"You did...right..." The communicator was silent for a while, and then continued: "So...the mission...completely failed?"

"There was no chance to obtain the other party's data." 'Bumblebee' explained: "And since the target was too sensitive, all subsequent lurking plans were cancelled."

The communicator was silent for a long time and then slowly said: " an observer, these...are...all you want to tell me?"

'Bumblebee' felt a sense of shame for no reason.

The voice continued to speak slowly, and it was impossible to tell whether it was happy or angry: "That commander, you have met him in person, how is it?"

'Bumblebee' recalled the short time she spent with him, and the scenes flashed through her mind.

"Very special, completely different from other commanders, he seems to have a special temperament that makes people believe..."

"Including you?" The cold voice from the communicator interrupted her story: "Remember...your identity, you are observer, you only need to me...what you observed......"

The voice became colder and colder: "When... can you... produce... emotions that you shouldn't have... during a mission? Aren't the lessons... enough? There should be corresponding records in your database..."

The expression on 'Bumblebee's' face changed, but he continued: "I don't know if he has the ability, but I think we can give it a try. He has a much higher possibility than others."

"These... I have my own considerations... You just need to... obey orders..."

"All missions have failed, so should I retreat next, or implement the second plan?"

"According to... the original... backup plan, continue to lurk... and keep this identity..."

"Next... the plan against him... will be taken over by... the arbitration agency... You... don't need to take the initiative to contact... just wait for the final instructions... "

"Yes. "

There was no sound in the communicator, only the roar of mechanical operation, as if some huge monster was slowly moving.

The communication was completely disconnected.

'Bumblebee' looked at the sea in the distance quietly, without saying a word, and no one knew what she was thinking.

After a long time, the supply fleet finally caught up slowly, and 'Bumblebee' jumped onto the warship.

"Speed ​​up, and you must reach the N7764 sea area within three days."

Although the people on the supply ship felt that the commander's mood seemed to have suddenly become worse, no one asked questions, secretly guessing that perhaps the battle report sent back from the front line was not optimistic.

This is not surprising. If everything goes well for the time being, they don't need to rush over to support from thousands of miles away.

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