The lights in the construction center were on again, and this time, all the staff were present.

A pale blue light appeared, and the construction device restarted.

Now Wang Yu was familiar with the process, and was also prepared for failure.

Bang, bang, bang!

As expected, it was a good start. Wang Yu was dizzy after three consecutive kicks, but Wang Yu felt that his ship girls should have some conscience. The last time they had to send a submarine over, this time there should be no such requirements.

You can't want to kick the commander 30 times, right? That would be too unreasonable!

Fortunately, his consciousness quickly sank into the world of construction. The imagined black and white image did not appear. One by one, the drawings of the ship flew towards him - the hull structure, the main gun, the bridge, the keel, the deck...

So this time, a plan ship came?

The drawings formed a battleship phantom composed of blueprints in front of him. He felt a complex emotion mixed with love and hatred, which made Wang Yu a little confused.

What the hell, is the ship girl so dissatisfied with me this time?

The names of the proposed ships floated through his mind, and finally stopped at a name that seemed like a nightmare. Wang Yu felt uneasy. Could it be her?

Damn, I'm not ready yet!

It seemed that during the construction process, the other party could also vaguely sense Wang Yu's thoughts. Wang Yu felt that the love from the other party was a little less, but the jealousy and anger seemed to ignite him.

Wang Yu felt that he could throw all those flukes aside. This feeling must be from the other party!

Where is Bismarck, where is the great mother, where are you, save them!

Even if you want to let the other party come, at least you have to come first, are you really not afraid of never seeing me again?

But the construction process is not transferred by people's thoughts. On the contrary, after the other party noticed Wang Yu's panic, the emotions transmitted were inexplicably more joyful, and it seemed that they were quite satisfied with Wang Yu's reaction.

When Gascogne was built before, the other party was a taciturn person, which made him think that the ability of this kind of project ship to feel emotions was one-way. After all, when Gascogne was built, the other party's heart was full of expectations and joy, without any other emotions, which led him into the ditch!

Gascogne misled me!

Wang Yu dared not think about it anymore, but suddenly he found that the other party's mood seemed to be getting better and better, and the emotions conveyed were full of expectations and joy.

What the hell? Did I do something to make the other party happy?

He didn't wait for too long to be confused. The fluctuations of construction gradually subsided. His body was a little tired, but fortunately his spirit was still clear. It seems that the emotional resonance of the project ship is indeed weaker, and the mental consumption is also less. His previous guess is not a problem.

The fog gradually dissipated, and before the human figure could be seen clearly, what came into view was the huge and ferocious steel ship suit.

Just a startled glance at the ship suit was put away by the other party, and the girl in a black dress walked out of the misty silver fog.

Under the pure black dress is a pair of round, white and tender long legs, the pure white skin is as crystal clear as mutton-fat jade, the slender figure is like a goddess sculpture, and the deep brown eyes are like a black hole that attracts people to keep sinking in.

The light red short hair has a few strands of red highlights, the long eyelashes cover the eyes, the tall nose is slightly tilted, the cherry mouth is tightly closed, a pair of jade hands are gently placed on the legs, the slender white feet are stepping on high heels, and the black dress perfectly sets off her graceful figure. There is a faint smile on the corner of her mouth, and the dimples are looming, as if she is as gentle and beautiful as a princess from a fairy tale.

Wang Yu felt cold all over, and it was indeed...

Before he could react, the black figure flashed and appeared in front of him in an instant.

He was hugged by a huge force, and the person hugging him seemed too excited, and his body was almost trembling with excitement.

The unique fragrance of women completely surrounded him, it was a faint rose-like fragrance.

He only felt like he was surrounded by a soft wall, like a gentle ocean, with a strong heart beating underneath, and through a thin layer of cloth, he could clearly feel the trembling chest underneath.

But Wang Yu had no lustful thoughts in his heart, he just felt his mind was blank, the embrace was so warm that he could hardly breathe.

He could fully feel the excitement of the ship girl who was holding him, her hands were completely unwilling to let go, and then a vibrato full of emotion came, the sound was long, excited, happy, and with a hint of tenderness..

"Commander, do you like it? Ron will give you a healing hug..."

After that, Wang Yu's mind went blank, and there was only one thought left in his mind-

Ron, did you bring a change of clothes with you?

I have to say that Ron in a black dress is stunningly beautiful, which makes Wang Yu still have the energy to think about it at this time when human lives are at stake.

Ron is one of the few ship girls in the port area that commanders need to stay away from. To some extent-

The less familiar you are with Ron, the safer you are!

But how to say it, there are always some young commanders who will be fascinated by the dark red smile, listening to the other's soft and warm voice, and unknowingly their whole hearts are healed by Ron.

Even though Ron's lines became more and more weird later, the young commanders who had always been smooth sailing had lost their vigilance and were completely unaware of the approach of danger. Until they were captured by Ron and presented the ring in a daze, Ron would reveal her original true face!

Commander... unforgivable!

How many commanders were frightened by this sentence of unforgivable after offering the ring and began to doubt their lives.

Where is my gentle and virtuous wife?

Of course, there are commanders who are more excited after hearing it. Wang Yu was attracted by the skill lines of Ron when he attacked.

Don't... underestimate me!

He still remembers this skill voice that was almost shouted out, the high voice, the fierce tone, coupled with the unique military personality of the Iron Blood Ship Girl, the young Wang Yu obediently offered the ring, and even admired Ron's sudden black character. After all, that was Ron's charm...

But now, he just wants to go back to the past and slap himself hard. You can just provoke Taifeng for no reason. At most, you will end up exhausted.

But if you provoke Ron, aren't you waiting to be sliced?

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