The artillery fire between warships continued to collide, and the fierce artillery fire intertwined into beautiful fireworks, dazzling meteors streaked across the sky, and beautiful and gorgeous fireworks bloomed in the sky.


The deafening sound rang out continuously, and strong air waves sprayed out from the muzzles of the ships behind, directly blowing away some warships hit by the artillery fire.

Some Siren warships that dodged in time took this opportunity to quickly escape from the battle, while the warships that did not dodge in time had to be forced to counterattack, forming an extremely chaotic situation in this area.

One by one, the Siren warships, like crazy dancing puppets, rushed left and right under the attack of waves of artillery fire, but they could not escape within the coverage of the artillery fire and were almost completely submerged in an instant.

The artillery fire was still waving wantonly, and balls of fire kept exploding around.

The Siren finally sorted out the formation under the surging artillery fire.

The elite executors had no time to feel sorry for the main fleet that died under the raging artillery fire. With the explorers, ocean leaders and trackers as the sharp edge, the huge Siren fleet rushed towards the enemy camp at a very fast speed.

The carrier-based aircraft was like an arrow from a string, drawing arcs in the air and circling over the enemy's head with the fastest posture.

And in the deep water, the submarine formation led by the lurker was also silently approaching the direction of Tiancheng and Gascony!

The huge gun barrels of the warships kept turning, making a series of teeth-grinding sounds, and shells kept spewing out.

The artillery fire of the Siren fleet was like a fierce hurricane, instantly covering everything on the sea surface, and also engulfing the two tall figures standing on the sea surface and calmly launching artillery fire.

It's just that some gaps are far from being made up by quantity.

Even if the Siren has a huge advantage in quantity, it is still difficult to make up for the gap in quality.

The fire flooded the entire combat area, and countless shells raged in the sea. Under the cover of the artillery fire, the Siren fleets advanced rapidly.

It was just that the artillery fire had already baptized the entire sea area, and the creepy and dull roars from the enemy ship girls seemed like an eternal spell, lingering in everyone's ears for a long time.

Their firepower couldn't even stop the opponent's attack!

Every time the gunfire sounded, a blood-red flower dyed red by the gunfire would bloom on the sea surface, bright and beautiful, and in the depths of the seabed, countless lives also disappeared at the end of the world with the burning of these gunfires.

Underwater is another silent battlefield.

Miss Lone Wolf drove the Iron Shark quickly in the dark seabed, her face was indifferent and calm, and there was no emotional ripples in her blood-red eyes.

Torpedoes were fired from the mouth and side of the Iron Shark ship suit, heading straight for the areas on the sea surface where the gunfire was raging.

Then she turned around at high speed with great ease, and the torpedo brushed the tail of the steel shark and slid away, leaving a long water mark underwater.

Miss Lone Wolf glanced at the densely packed submarines underwater, and in a glance, she saw the figure of a girl on one of the submarines.


Found the prey.

Miss Lone Wolf silently retracted her gaze, and her mouth corners slightly raised.

The steel shark dived into the deeper water and disappeared in the dark seabed...

The lurker felt a surge of uneasiness in his heart, but he had no intention of investigating the whereabouts of the submarine ship girl. The most important thing was the two battleship girls!

The opponent's firepower was too strong!

If the opponent was allowed to fire recklessly, I am afraid that the outcome of the entire battle would be decided immediately.

"All submarine units, pay attention, close torpedoes focus fire, the enemy's combat level is too high, and the defense is extremely strong. Don't give the enemy any chance to resist." The Lurker issued an attack order to the submarine fleet.

A large number of torpedoes roared out in the water, rushing straight to the place where the two battleships were.

It was just that submarines suddenly exploded in the sea, making a dull roar, forming a huge wave on the seabed, one after another, flashing a strange light in the dark, like a ghost fire, embellishing the dark seabed with a few weird scenes.

The enemy's anti-submarine unit is very strong!

The Lurker's face became solemn. The enemy's anti-submarine unit not only reacted quickly but also had very strong strength. Their current combat depth was not aggressive at all, but should be said to be extremely cautious!

But it was still captured by the enemy first.

While thinking, the Lurker suddenly accelerated forward and narrowly avoided a torpedo shot from the bottom of the water.

MonitoringOn the radar, a blurry image of a shark flashed by...

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