"Commander, is there anything you want to talk to me about this time?" Ron said lazily.

"Well..." Did I show it so obviously?

"Of course!" Ron smiled softly - "If the commander has nothing to do, how dare he come to me alone at night? Every time I come to the commander by myself, okay!"

Wang Yu was a little embarrassed to hear this.

Although... I really haven't looked for Ron alone at night.

But that's not because of fear, but respect for Ron's night life habits!

This is respect, how can the commander be afraid of his own ship girl? It's so embarrassing to say it out.

As for why he dared to look for Guanghui or Tiancheng alone. That's another matter!

"It's not a big deal." Wang Yu's hand gently pinched Ron's shoulder - the smooth and delicate touch spread from his fingertips to his whole body, and he couldn't help but increase his strength a little!

"That group of ship girls from the headquarters..."

Hearing this, a sharp light flashed in Ron's eyes, but soon returned to calmness. Wang Yu did not notice this scene and said to himself: "After all, they are the ship girls of the headquarters. When the port was just established, the headquarters gave us a lot of assistance. Now I don't know how to thank them."

He pressed the delicate skin with a little force on his fingertips.

"A little lower..." Hearing this, Wang Yu did it honestly.

"Then the Pennsylvania this time, you may not know that before you came to the port, the other party was one of the garrison fleets in our sea area. When the port was just established and short of manpower, the other party also helped us maintain the sea patrol mission for a long time."

"Yeah." Ron hummed twice, and Wang Yu said, "So Ron, if possible, let's not bully them too much..."

He considered his words and said tentatively, "If they do something wrong and accidentally offend you, Ron... Well, considering that they performed well before, don't be too harsh on them."

He thought for a while and added, "If possible, if something happens, it would be best to discuss it with me first."

Ron had a smile on his face. She raised her head and looked at the commander who was hesitating, and suddenly laughed out loud, "What's wrong? Commander, does Ron seem so terrible and unreasonable to you?"

It's reasonable, but sometimes it's really scary. Of course, Wang Yu would never dare to say these words.

"How could that be? Ron is beautiful and gentle." Wang Yu remained calm.

"It's mainly because those outsiders are not as good as our own girls. It would be bad if they caused any misunderstandings. If the headquarters thinks that our port area likes to bully newbies, it will not sound good if it gets out."

Seeing the commander's cautious look, Ron no longer wanted to tease the commander.

Thinking of the commander's good performance this time, she nodded gently, "If anything happens, I will discuss it with the commander first."

This made Wang Yu a little stunned. Is Ron so easy to talk to? Feeling Wang Yu's reaction, Ron tilted his head in a strange way and asked, "What's wrong, Commander?"

"Nothing." Wang Yu smiled awkwardly, "I just didn't expect it. I thought you wouldn't like those ship girls very much..."

"Who said that?" Ron adjusted his leg stretching posture in the water, put his right leg down, and put his left leg on his right leg again. Water dripped down his calf like pearls.

I treat people differently depending on the person. As for the ship girls in the headquarters, they are not threatening at all.

As a secretary ship, she represents the commander's face outside. How could she bully them for no reason and leave a bad impression on other ports and ship girls? The commander really thinks too much.

All the mistakes are the commander's fault! If the commander had honestly liked Ron from the beginning, he wouldn't have to target the other ship girls, and everyone wouldn't be so scared when they saw him.

No one would misunderstand Ron.

All the mistakes are the commander's fault. How can I make the commander apologize to me this time?

Well, seeing that the work is almost done and Ron seems to be in good condition at the moment, Wang Yu breathed a sigh of relief.

How about retreating now while Ron is not paying attention?

I wonder if the mechanical dragon is still guarding the gate?

I don't know if Ron knows my thoughts.

"WhyWhat's wrong? Commander, do you want to leave?"

Damn! Ron, can you read minds?

It seems that it's not just Ron, whether it's Glory or Amagi, they seem to know what I'm thinking sometimes!

Damn, am I so easy to understand?

Looking at the expression on Wang Yu's face, Ron burst out laughing: "I don't have any mind-reading skills!"

She reached out and touched Wang Yu's face, "It's just that Ron is always thinking about the commander in his heart..."

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