The mechanical dragon roared deafeningly on the sea. The steel armor plates around it opened quickly, and ferocious gun muzzles extended from its body one after another, continuously pouring out firepower, completely destroying one warship after another at close range.

Ron pulled an elite Siren off her ship suit with one hand and threw it high. The mechanical dragon behind him raised his head, and surging flames spewed out, blasting the elite Siren into powder.

Ron licked his lips with his tongue, and the pleasure of fighting and the desire to kill filled his brain. Every cell in his body seemed to be cheering.

This is the feeling. Except for the commander, only this feeling can make her so intoxicated.

At this time, she has completely left the fleet group and penetrated into the encirclement of the Siren fleet.

Perhaps for many ship girls, going deep into the hostile place and being surrounded by many ships is a way close to seeking death, because going deep means danger.

But for Ron, he never agreed.

Deep in the enemy's formation, you will undoubtedly fall into the enemy's encirclement and be attacked from all directions, but this does not mean danger.

On the contrary, when you go deep into the middle of the enemy's formation, although you need to be attacked by many enemies at the same time, it is precisely because you go deep into the enemy's formation and have the hull of the enemy ship as cover, the firepower from the main battleship that is really fatal on the battlefield is more difficult to lock her.

Relying on its own high mobility and those clumsy hulls as cover, Ron can easily open the unparalleled in this chaotic battlefield.

After all, for Ron, her own defense is enough for her to ignore the attacks of most ordinary ships on the battlefield. The attacks that are really threatening to her are nothing more than the main guns of those battleships and the bombs dropped by the air formation.

Without the threat of these two, tearing the entire battlefield apart is as easy and simple as drinking water and eating for Ron.

The Purifier had also noticed the figure who was fighting in and out of his fleet.

As early as the first time the other party blocked his laser cannon with all his strength, the Purifier had already noticed Ron.

At this time, watching the other party crisscrossing the entire battlefield like a dragon, he had a thought in his heart: "Whose subordinate is this? How can he be so brave?"

But she was naturally not the kind of person who could see the enemy showing off in front of her without any reaction.

She snorted lightly, and the huge shark warship under her seemed to understand her intentions, and all the nodes on her body began to light up with extremely bright light.

The light gathered into a point and gathered towards the hideous mouth of the huge shark warship, and huge energy gathered.

This appearance naturally attracted the attention of many people on the battlefield.

Yixian, who was delaying the advance of the Siren Fleet in the outer circle of the battlefield, also noticed this scene and hurriedly sent a message to remind everyone to be careful, especially Ron who was deep in the enemy group.

After all, she was the most conspicuous on the entire battlefield.

It has to be said that most of the ship girls on the battlefield cannot learn the crazy fighting style like Ron.

Crazy and adventurous, but the improvement of the morale and strength of the entire fleet is obvious.

After all, unlike the almost emotionless fighting machine like Siren, although the ship girls are also born for fighting and have very superb fighting skills, they will eventually be influenced by their own emotions.

Excited when winning and panic when being attacked, all of these will affect the combat state of the ship girls.

And with such a person who can be called a god of war, at the forefront of the battlefield, there is no doubt that he can give confidence to the other ship girls.

This is similar to the ancient battlefield, where the morale of the soldiers will not collapse if the general flag does not fall.

As a pioneer, although Ron rarely commands the other members of each fleet as caringly as other ship girls who are good at commanding.

But she also has her own way of leading the team.

She is not responsible for commanding, but only for charging.

But as long as she appears on the battlefield, no one can ignore her existence.

It can even be said that as long as she stands there, most of the Siren's firepower will be unconsciously attracted to Ron.

Without her, the opponent is too arrogant.

Even the Siren, who have no emotions, will not tolerate such an enemy to go deep into such a dangerous place in their strategic depth for strategic purposes.

Pinghai turned lightly on the battlefield and avoided a shelling that came close to his face.After raising his hand and firing a few more shots, he began to dodge the artillery fire from other directions again.

As a light cruiser, Shuang Hai Yi Xian is similar to Roan in positioning as a very strong pioneer, but there is still a big gap in firepower.

Moreover, unlike Roan who relies on high defense and high destructiveness to stand at the front, Shuang Hai Yi Xian is actually better at wandering on the edge of the battlefield, using its own high mobility to constantly pull with the opponent, and take the opportunity to counterattack and wear down the opponent's fighting methods.

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