"The next is the dormitory area, which is a place for the ship girls to rest." Pennsylvania pointed to a newly appeared villa area.

Wang Yu saw the White Eagle flag flying in the center of the dormitory.

"This is the dormitory area of ​​the White Eagle. The dormitory areas of other camps are scattered in other directions. The dormitory area of ​​the ship girls is surrounded by the outer side of the center of the port area. The ship girls of each camp have their own independent dormitory area, which can also serve as a guard command center. The enemy can only attack the commander's area after passing through the area where the ship girls are."

"Such opportunities are of course rare, and judging the war situation is also a compulsory course for commanders. However, this layout will make the commander suffer from the embezzlement of his own ship girls at any time. Many commanders have complained that they are not free at all..." Pennsylvania made a joke while talking, which caused everyone to laugh.

Wang Yu also found that this hot queen was too extroverted and couldn't stop talking.

After passing the dormitory area of ​​the White Eagle, we entered the real core of the port area.

Wang Yu felt as if he had come to a huge garden. Wang Yu could even see a huge Ferris wheel standing still in the distance. Before, he could only see a lush forest on the island on the supply ship. The entire port area was hidden in it.

And now he really saw the full picture of the port area, and he was really shocked.

"Is that an amusement park?"

"Well, that is the amusement area of ​​the port area, including all the commercial streets in the port area are concentrated there. It is considered a place where the ship girls usually spend their time. There are also those teaching areas and training areas concentrated in that area, which are the main places for the daily activities of the ship girls."

Wang Yu had thought about what the A-level port area was like before. After all, it is known as the top port area, and it is definitely luxurious.

But he didn't think it would be so luxurious. Before, he imagined that the port area might be like the naval headquarters, occupying a large piece of land by the sea.

Well, now it seems that I really have a small pattern. This is not a port area, it is simply a miniature city. There must be no shortage of functions such as living education, business, entertainment, transportation, and medical care.

Wang Yu estimated the size of the entire port area based on what he had learned in his previous life. With enough supplies, the entire port area can accommodate more than 10,000 people for normal activities. In extreme cases, this number can be expanded by more than ten times.

At this time, Wang Yu had only one thought in his mind: the headquarters is really rich.

However, seeing that Guanghui and York beside him looked normal, as if the port area should be like this, Wang Yu felt that he really had too little experience.

Perhaps for some ship girls, she will only stay in the port area for her whole life. Although the port area is large, it is so small compared to the whole world. In her eyes, the port area and the commander are her whole world.

Suppressing the churning thoughts in her heart, passing by the houses that Pennsylvania said could be arranged at will, Wang Yu finally came to the most central location of the port area, which is also the most important area of ​​the entire port area.

"This is the command center." Pennsylvania pointed to a building in the center, where the signal tower or signal transmitter was placed. The signal tower was built in the same way as the communication device in the commander's system, and it can amplify the signal with the help of the commander's network. The communication of the entire Flower City basically depends on it. "

Wang Yu was a little surprised. Signal towers are a necessary condition for communication, which he already knew. But does the signal tower borrow the technology of the commander system? Does this mean that the commander skill system is also a man-made technology?

Regarding the origin of the commander system, Wang Yu has never received a clear answer. It is just said that the commander system began to appear some time after the appearance of the ship girl.

Wang Yu scratched his head and decided not to think about this difficult question anymore. This commander system is obviously not something that can be made by the technology of this world.

It can't be that Siren gave it to the commanders, right?

But Wang Yu felt that this was not very realistic. Because from what he knew so far, every part of the commander's skills revealed an unscientific feeling. Rather than being a black technology, it was like a plug-in for all commanders. Although it can't be said to be incompatible with the style of the whole world, it is also far from it.

On the contrary, his Tianqing Port module was inserted into the commander system without any sense of disobedience, as if it was natural.

"So the commander's office is also placed here. The command center and the commander's office are the commander's main office locations. Many commanders live here directly because there are many rooms. "

Damn, living hereThe company is really scary.

But I seem to be the boss, so it's okay...

Wang Yu suddenly thought of a question; "So when there was no commander here before, what was the communication situation of the entire Flower City like? It's impossible that the communication situation before was all stagnant, right?" Wang Yu knew that the communication in some inland cities was basically cut off, but Flower City is a coastal city, so would it also face such a situation?

Pennsylvania looked at Wang Yu with a little surprise; "The communication was not cut off, but the entire communication system was weakened a lot, and only a limited number of communication lines maintained normal communication. But as a graduate of the college, how could you not even know this?"

Wang Yu smiled awkwardly. Since Shangri-La did not publicize his identity everywhere, he had no idea of ​​explaining.

Pennsylvania only thought he was a second-generation who came to gild himself, so he ignored him. Pennsylvania continued with a sigh; "The former Flower City was also a prosperous big city, but... it was always like this, it rose because of the port area, and it would also decline because of the port area. Now that Flower Port has a commander again, the Flower City may not have a day of prosperity again."

Pennsylvania took Wang Yu to see the building where the construction device was located. It seems that in order to prevent the attack of the Siren, these important devices are stored in separate buildings.

The mind collection device, material collection device and crude oil conversion device are all in the same building.

As the name suggests, these three devices are special devices that produce mind cubes, material coins and crude oil resources. The output of these three devices will be affected by the level of the port commander and the number of ship girls. And they will interfere with each other within a certain range in the sea area.

And it will send out a huge signal, and once it is activated, it will basically completely expose the location of the base.

Wang Yu's biggest impression of these devices is that they are expensive. In his personal component module, these devices are for sale, and the price is also a reminder to the commander.

This is why the port area needs to provide a large amount of resources to the headquarters every year. These devices are resources rented to the port area by the headquarters. All other various black technology devices come from the friendly support of the headquarters.

It took almost a whole day for Pennsylvania Faria to introduce the various conditions of the port area to Wang Yu.

It was almost dusk at this time, and Wang Yu felt a little embarrassed.

There were still many ship girls waiting at the port, but Pennsylvania didn't have so many ideas. In her opinion, this was just her duty.

She took out a handover document and handed it to Wang Yu; "I can go back and report after you sign it." Wang Yu took the handover document, confirmed the content, and quickly signed his name. Both parties breathed a sigh of relief.

Pennsylvania soon decided to leave. "I know you might be busy during this period, so I'll take my leave first." She paused and spoke again. "The main fleet stationed by the headquarters will not withdraw from Flower Port in the next six months. We will be stationed and perform tasks at the naval logistics base in Flower City. If you really need help, you can directly contact the logistics base in Flower City."

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