After the two sides stared at each other for a while, Wang Yu was defeated helplessly.

You won this time, Big Gaga!

I always feel that Big Gaga lacks common sense in life compared to York. I thought that the second-year syndrome was difficult enough to deal with.

Here comes Big Gaga, a straight woman of steel. After this round of straight punches, I, the commander, was directly knocked down.

He had to say earnestly; "Big Gaga, not everyone can be like you and always maintain a high-efficiency working state."

"Normal commanders will feel tired and unable to concentrate after continuous work. At this time, what they need is a good rest and the caring care of the secretary ship instead of being urged to continue working."

Yes, is that so?

Gascogne instinctively felt that something was wrong.

What the commander said seemed to make sense, but after comparing the data in the database, the current working hours of the master seemed far from the standard that could be called fatigue.

And am I not fulfilling the duties of a secretary ship?

Why is the commander teaching me how to do things?

Then why do we need the code of conduct for the secretary ship?


"Master, you just want to be lazy, right?"

Although Big Gaga is cute, it's hard to fool him...

Is it really like York said, that I am actually a stupid commander?

Forget it, at this time, I should just exercise the commander's privileges!

"Okay," Wang Yu waved his hands, neatly added a batch of children's toys and brandy to the port area material procurement list, and signed his name directly.

Regardless of whether Gascogne had any objections, he said while the iron was hot: "Okay, Big Gaga, put aside the commander's laziness for now, and tell me about the situation in our port area before. I need to know about the situation in the port area. Is there anyone who wants to tell me something in particular... the kind of words that miss the commander so much."

Everyone misses the commander so much.

Gascogne looked at Wang Yu's strange smile. There is a record of this smile in the database... defined as shameless!

"No, everything in the port is fine. All the members of the port asked Gascogne to convey their regards to the master."

Well, it's the same as saying nothing.

That's right, who would ask Gascogne, a taciturn person, to pass on a message? She can't figure it out herself, how can she help others figure it out?

"Forget it, didn't Gascogne ask you to familiarize yourself with the various situations in the port? You have been by my side all the time, and you haven't seen the port clearly!"

Guanghui is in charge of the command center, responsible for monitoring the sea area and external communications. Gascogne took over Guanghui's previous work, which seemed like a secretary ship.

"As the master's secretary ship, Gascogne's greatest responsibility is to share everything with the master by his side."

Secretary ship, yes, Gascogne is a secretary ship.

Wang Yu felt his heart sink, and finally realized that something was wrong.

After crossing, Guanghui naturally became his secretary ship. He didn't feel anything wrong, and Guanghui had always been consolidating her identity as a secretary ship in front of him intentionally or unintentionally.

There is nothing wrong with this. After all, Guanghui helped Wang Yu solve many problems in the headquarters with the identity of a secretary ship.

Without the help of Guanghui, he might not have left the headquarters yet.

So Guanghui is fine, but why do you, Gascogne, directly claim to be a secretary ship!

Although it is not a big deal, shouldn’t the identity of a secretary ship be appointed by me, the commander?

But why do I feel that after I slept, you two arranged everything for me clearly...

Does the code of conduct of the secretary ship teach this?

"Gascogne strictly abides by the requirements of the code of conduct of the secretary ship, please rest assured, master!" Gascogne replied word by word with an unchanged expression.

This rhetoric... It seems that the code of conduct of the secretary ship is not written, so it does not need to be followed, right!

What is written in it, let me see!

"Master, this is a top-secret document, it is not convenient to disclose..."

I thought that even if the port area raised the banner of rebellion, Gascogne should be the only one who firmly followed me!

But I didn't expect you to be the leader of the rebels!

What happened to the promise to always obey the master's orders?

Is it true that the power of the secretary ship is unlimited, and the commander's power is only to appoint the secretary ship...

No, I probably, should, maybe I don't have this right now...

ColorThere is a knife above the head. After the secretary ship becomes the wife, she can do anything beyond the limit. Young commanders should pay attention!

Only by keeping a virgin heart can you become strong. I have no chance.

This can be recorded in the commander's code of conduct to educate the younger generation in the future.

If it was a ship girl like Akagi or Taiho, he would not be surprised at all if they wanted to seize the identity of the secretary ship from Wang Yu.

After all, these yanderes have too strong possessiveness for the commander. After not wanting to take the position of the secretary ship, he would not believe the commander even if he was well-prepared.

But Gascogne is different!

Gascogne is a cute girl who believes in whatever the commander says. This way of rushing to determine the status right away is definitely wrong!

I don't know whether it was taught by Dunzi or conspired by Guanghui, or Yue Kehao, simple and cute.

No wonder so many commanders like destroyers. This kind of simple and cute little girl doesn't have so many little thoughts. Her eyes are full of love and admiration for the commander. She will kiss and hug from time to time. She is so considerate. They are all little angels.

But it seems that York has always been with Guanghui. She is closer to him than the commander. She is almost a little fan of Guanghui...

It should be... No way?

In such a big port area, I am actually alone!

"I have checked the port area. When did it happen?" Gascogne has hardly left his side in the past two days. He has actually seen the port area and checked it once...

"Gascogne will do a good job of patrolling every night to ensure the safety of the port area. Please rest assured, commander!"

Every night! How can I rest assured.

The next port legend is you!

The blue ghost that never sleeps will appear in the empty midnight, wandering in the port area, bringing fear to people...

"Rest? Gascogne has multiple behavior modes, multiple modes switch operation, there is no need to rest in the least efficient mode!"

The girl raised her chin slightly, with a hint of pride in her tone, and seemed to be very proud of the fact that she has multiple behavior modes.

"Well, Gascogne is indeed unique in this respect." Wang Yu affirmed Gascogne's excellent performance, and the girl's face that has never changed for thousands of years seemed to have some changes.

The corners of her mouth seemed to be slightly raised? I shouldn't have seen it wrong!

"But rest is still necessary. Even in normal times, there should be some time to move freely!"

"Free action? Gascogne doesn't understand what needs to be done..."

A trace of confusion flashed in the girl's eyes. Didn't she just need to obey the master's orders?

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