Command center.

Wang Yu watched the ship representing Gascogne approach the battlefield on the projection of the sea.

Gascogne participated in the battle.

Then, the dense marks representing the Siren fleet were instantly cleared from the sea.

"The enemy fleet has been destroyed, and the number of enemy ships detected in the current sea area is zero!"

As the radar broadcast sounded in the command room, Wang Yu couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief in his heart.

Although he had sufficient confidence in the strength of his ship girl, the first-level alarm sounded scary.

Fortunately, the Siren fleet was as vulnerable as imagined. Gascogne had defeated them all in one encounter. It can only be said that it is worthy of being a big Jiajia, and it will not disappoint people at all.

After relaxing, he noticed Little York, who was standing aside with his mouth wide open, stunned, and almost speechless with surprise.

He went over and rubbed Little York's head, and said, "See? Listen to your sister Gascogne in the future. When you can be as powerful as Gascogne, the commander will not care about you. No matter how naughty you want to be, the commander will not care."

Little York did not care about the commander's hand messing up his hair again.

She was trembling with excitement. She opened her mouth but found that she seemed to be unable to say anything, so she had to keep nodding with her mouth open.

Although I have always heard Sister Guanghui talk about how strong their port area is and how powerful Sister Gascogne is, Sister Guanghui easily defeated Essex and Bumblebee in the previous exercise. But that was just an exercise after all. Although winning 1 to 2 is also very powerful, it is not as shocking as it is now, directly destroying an entire Siren fleet.

After seeing it this time, she was completely convinced.

Strong, too strong!

Of course, she knew what it meant to be the main force of the Siren, what was an elite executor, and what was a first-level alarm...

But she saw with her own eyes that Sister Gascogne left the port area to attack, rode the wind and waves all the way to the battlefield, and defeated thousands of enemies, and then the enemy fleet was completely destroyed!

Is Sister Gascogne so powerful? Is it really because she is good at mathematics?

York didn't dare to think about it anymore.

Then she couldn't help but feel a little discouraged. In this case, how far is she from the training goal of injuring Sister Gascogne?

Is there still hope to achieve it? But looking at the commander beside him who was suppressing his calm but couldn't hide his excitement, he knew that he could, he could! He would definitely work hard!

Seeing that Guanghui sent out the signal again, no more enemy news was found on the sea for the time being.

Wang Yu was completely relieved. It seemed that the sea was calm for the time being.

He pulled York, who was jumping, out of the door and went to the port together. It was time to welcome the victorious knight back home. He felt that his steps were much lighter, and he didn't feel tired even when being dragged by York...

The Flower City was in chaos.

Suddenly, the headquarters finally sent news that the Flower Port, which had been silent for decades, would finally have a new commander to garrison.

Charlie was very surprised at the time. When he resigned from the post of commander more than ten years ago and retreated to the second line of the war, and came to the Flower City, this port area had been ownerless for many years.

At that time, the Flower City had also begun to decline slowly.

He heard that there had been commanders trying to apply for Flower Port to become their own port area. After all, it was the largest port area in this war zone. It was normal for many commanders to want it, but they all failed because of insufficient strength or various other reasons.

And just half a month ago, he suddenly got the news: a mysterious commander was specially assigned by the headquarters to garrison Flower Port!

Then, various engineering teams came to the former Flower Port to renovate the port area. I also received an order from the headquarters to fully cooperate with the Flower Port to restore the basic communication function and urban construction of the Flower City.

After the Flower Port is officially activated, the communication network of the Flower City must be established.

The project that has been abandoned for decades has been restarted. This is a very huge project. However, as a coastal city, it can continue in countless wars. Strong execution has always been the key to maintaining the city's prosperity.

The whole city has come alive.

Countless engineering teams are working day and night, and the whole city is full of vitality again.

Some speculators with a keen sense of smell have begun to enter the city in large numbers. In just a few days, the flow of people in the entire city has almost doubled.

House prices have also begun to soar. Some people who are afraid of danger have sold their houses and left their hometowns, but more areWith the continuous influx of foreign population, speculators who are optimistic about Flower Port are not afraid of danger!

Then he finally received the basic intelligence of the commander of the new port area from the headquarters.

Wang Yu?

One year of service, number of ship girls under him: 2?

What the hell, he felt that he seemed to have read the information wrong.

Most of the information is confidential, but this small part of the information is enough to make him doubt his life.

He had already planned that when the new port area was renamed, his city could also be renamed directly.

The future of Flower City is about to become the past. He can foresee that in the future, this quiet city will be revitalized in his hands and become more prosperous.

And his resume will also be marked with an extremely heavy stroke.

But what the hell are two ship girls? This is completely the data of a rookie commander.

He subconsciously looked at the rating of the port area. It was indeed A-level, and he was confused.

It has only been more than ten years since he stepped down from the position of commander. What happened?

I have never heard anyone say that anything big has happened. Why does it feel like the world has changed?

He tried to visit the port directly, but unfortunately the new port had no plans to communicate with the outside world for the time being.

They closed all external channels and only communicated with the headquarters, and even prohibited anyone from entering the sea area around the port.

This is normal. There are many things to deal with in the port at the beginning. Usually, the port will be closed for a period of time after taking office, and then it will enter a semi-open state.

Then wait.

He waited anxiously for another half a month, but what he waited for was a level one alarm.

The Siren Fleet attacked the port! This sea area is about to fall!

The shrill alarm sounded continuously.

This sound awakened the fear hidden in the hearts of the people in the flower market for decades.

The city became noisy in an instant.

He knew that now was not the time to hesitate, and quickly organized people to take shelter underground.

But this is not easy. A large number of people have begun to appear along the coast recently. Engineering teams, merchants, and other people with various purposes have gathered here, which makes the evacuation more difficult than ever!

But it's useless to worry about it. Now he can only do his best to evacuate, hoping to reduce the loss of personnel as much as possible and hold on until the support arrives.

He now only hopes that other fleets with the ability to solve this trouble can come to support quickly, or that the Siren Fleet can retreat earlier.

Just as the whole city was in chaos.

A piece of news that he couldn't believe came.

The Siren Fleet was completely destroyed, and the first-level alarm was lifted!

What's going on? Did a powerful fleet just pass by?

He collapsed on the chair weakly, and couldn't help but take a deep breath, Goddess of Luck bless...

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