Written on the front: The skill effect of the enterprise in the game is invincible and the carrier-based aircraft causes double damage, this

powerful brick-flying skill still allows the enterprise to have a place in the aircraft carrier to this day, but in the game, this thing is not easy to perform, so I directly converted the damage into quantity, that is, the number of carrier-based aircraft directly doubled, in order to show the effect of the skill, and the effect of other similar skills, such as the swordfish of the cellmate, is the same, and will not be explained later。

In addition, in my imagination, the black company did not open its skills at that time, and the number of her carrier-based aircraft was extremely exaggerated.

The reason for this setting, I think that the black company is the strongest meta in the embers, and the target should be the United States, Midway Island level aircraft carriers, take the island sister as an example, her number of carrier-based aircraft is almost three times that of Shinano... Therefore, the predictable horror of Midway does not require skills, so the number of carrier-based aircraft is three times that of Shinano, and then the aviation value is normal, then it can mess with Shinano.

There is also the removal of carrier-based aircraft, and the black enterprises themselves can still rub nuclear bombs by hand, which is really outrageous.


"Are you okay?"

Although Ling Bo is an expressionless Sanwu, he is actually gentle and kind.

Akagi didn't answer, pushed away Kaga, who was supporting her, and his eyes fell on Chang Hao's face, who was still lying on Ling Bo's back, looking at her with blazing eyes, seemingly... Still smiling?

"Looks like you're not afraid?"

Chang Hao didn't answer Akagi's question, frowning: "I obviously said not to be too heavy..."

Chang Hao snapped his fingers.

The light rose from his fingertips, and Akagi's first reaction was to dodge, but the light was too fast, whether she or Kaga, there was no time to dodge.

"Hmm..." Akagi bit his lip and squinted at Chang Hao.

"Looks like you've been cured by him, maybe that's why the business is going crazy?" Eugen

watched Akagi change his face several times, and finally couldn't help laughing, although she was also taken aback, but it still made her happy to see Akagi lose his temper like this.

"Hmph..." Akagi squinted: "What are you still doing here, do you need me to keep you for dinner?"

"Okay, okay..." Eugen smiled even more happily, she took two steps and turned her head, and before she could speak, Akagi's hand lit up with flames: "Am I too good to talk?!" Eugen

shrugged: "It's okay to lend us two days..."

It wasn't until Eugen's figure completely disappeared that Akagi gathered the flames and looked at Chang Hao.

"Let's go..."

But it's not convenient to say anything here.,Akagi still hopes to return to the field of heavy cherry blossoms as soon as possible.,The power of the company... It's not something they can deal with.

Akagi quietly hooked the Rubik's Cube in his sleeve, his white fingers clenched tightly, Chang Hao opened his mouth, but finally didn't say anything.

On the way back, Akagi didn't say a word, Kaga was expressionless, Ling Bo didn't say a word, and Chang Hao looked back and forth at Akagi and Kaga.

It's rare to have a chance to see such a calm Akagi, obviously such a big beauty... What was Akagi like when I saw it in Chongsakura?


The sound of clothes tearing, licking... From dawn to dark, it is generally not less than five hours...

So to see such a Akagi, it's no wonder that Chang Hao smirked.

After about half an hour, the group came to the front of a small island, and around the peak, through a narrow waterway, a small port appeared in front of them.

It is a sacred residence in the style of heavy cherry blossoms, and the villages in the mountains in the distance are full of people coming and going, and all kinds of girls with all kinds of strange characteristics.

Needless to say, they're all heavy cherry blossoms' ship girls...

"Lord Akagi... This is?" the

black-haired woman wears glasses, pointed ears, and a green kimono, dignified and elegant.

"I'm Chang Hao, a commander, hello Canglong.

Canglong looked at Chicheng with some confusion, and Chicheng was looking at Chang Hao at the moment, not knowing what he was thinking.

"Ahem..." Canglong coughed lightly.

"Let's lock it up first. Akagi was expressionless, she still had a lot to do now, but this man's ability, she stared at Chang Hao's face, and the latter also stared at her expressionlessly.

"Huh?" Chang Hao broke through his defense and made a bitter face: "Can you not be locked up?" I promise not to escape, and your small island is surrounded by the sea on all sides, and it is impossible for me to swim back."

"You don't seem to have any consciousness of being a captive..." Akagi sneered, turned around and followed Canglong away.

Kaga looked at Chang Hao: "Follow me."

Chang Hao sighed: "Okay..."

What can he do? He's just a helpless commander.


iron door slowly closed, Kaga's figure gradually faded away, Chang Hao looked at the environment of the prison, and the accident was very good.

In addition to not being allowed to go out, independent bathroom, a bed, desk, TV... Chang Hao bet that this was built by Ming Meow, because the previous prison in the port area was like this, after all, it was usually for some little girls who made mistakes...

Uh··· And some pervert.

Thinking so, Chang Hao subconsciously looked to the right, there was only a small window between the two prisons, and the fine railing blocked the middle, and the field of vision was very limited.

There seems to be no one, Chang Hao breathed a sigh of relief, and always felt that as soon as he entered a place like a prison, he would refresh a fixed NPC.

"Really... It's not a novel, how can you refresh your fellow inmates when you encounter

a prison?" Peng Peng~~

Chang Hao was startled by the movement behind him, and then he noticed that it was also a prison over there.

"I heard the commander's voice!" Chang

Hao felt that his eyes were dark, and he looked at the prison on the left along the fine railing.

The black-haired beauty is standing in front of the windowsill, she is 1m75 tall, with a perfect figure, convex where it should be, convex where it should be, slender thighs, black pantyhose, blue gown, looking neat and free.

Looking up, her short ear-length hair is neat and neat, her perfect face has sapphire-like pupils, and her beautiful red lips are slightly pursed, no matter where she looks, she is the perfect goddess!

That-like expression really makes people think how it can appear in such a perfect woman, seeing the Royal Ark showing an infatuated expression, it is as if Sister Zhou has opened her mouth, which is really dark.

"Commander! I finally found you... Are you here to save me?"

the perfect goddess put away her's expression slightly, staring at Chang Hao.

"Obviously not..."

Chang Hao spread his hands and walked to the window: "My dear Royal Ark wife... Can you explain why you're here?"

his face snapped over and startled the Ark Royal: "Hmm! The Commander is too close... I· It's okay to expel my sister... Well, I was secretly infiltrated Inazuma on a mission by order of Her Majesty the Queen!"

She quickly adjusted her state and replied with a serious face, but she didn't dare to lie on the railing.

"Isn't it because of the little sister on the island?" Chang Hao smiled.

"When... Of course, I mean, of course not!" the Royal Ark stammered.

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