Back Off, Let Me Come

Chapter 1062 1062: Sacrifice, Thunder (Part 2) [Please vote for me]

Chao Lian also said: "Business matters, let's talk about old times later. After all, you are a person who can stand alone, how can you still be so unable to control your emotions? You are not afraid of being laughed at by the people below."

The guard was so excited that he wiped his nose and tears with the back of his hand.

Tears turned into laughter: "Are you seeing a joke? Which bastard dares to see my joke? Break the paws of anyone who sees it, so that you can remember it."

Chao Lian not only did not respond, but frowned and persuaded: "Don't break someone's claws at every turn. Leading troops in battle cannot be achieved by brute force. Although military generals have always used military merit to convince others, soldiers also follow generals for the opportunity to make meritorious deeds. But you don’t treat the soldiers as human beings and always intimidate them. Even if they say they are afraid, they will not be convinced in their hearts and may even stumble them.”

The guard smiled and responded without any displeasure.

Although Chao Lian was several years younger than him in terms of age, seniority in the world of generals was not based on age. When Ziyi Gong was still there, Chao Lian saved him twice. If it weren't for Chao Lian, the grass on his grave would have been replaced countless times. Chao Lian reminded himself that it was also out of good intentions, and he accepted it readily: "It's not really an interruption, ahem, just say it casually."

Chao Lian said: "That's even more unacceptable."

Easily lose dignity.

Whether it is being too violent or cruel or having fun with the soldiers, it is too much. Even a good-tempered brother like his elder brother must keep in mind his propriety. The guard thought carefully and nodded. Fang Yan on one side interrupted the conversation between the two, and the guard tacitly agreed to skip the topic and enthusiastically welcomed the two into the city. Chao Lian also realized that what he said was a bit over the line and stopped talking.

"The Lord has managed Shangnan very well over the years."

This was Chao Lian's biggest emotion after entering the city.

The Sangnam County seat is completely different from what I remember.

The original city wall became the second inner city, which expanded by nearly half of the area. The newly built city wall was strong and towering. On the basis of retaining the original layout, the buildings in the city are constantly being renovated and built. From the scale of the building, we can roughly estimate the permanent population here.

Even during the war, there were many people in the city.

When Chao Lian was communicating with his eldest nephew and their family letters, he occasionally heard some news about Shangnan County. Except for Shangnan County, several surrounding places that had been protected by Big Brother have been treated kindly. These are also one of the main reasons that prompted their brothers to return to Shen Tang. Shen Youli is impeccable in every aspect. After her eldest brother left, she became the person most like him in the world.

Following her is what the eldest brother wants to see.

The smile on Fang Yan's face was filled with memories: "It's been too long since I've been back, so many places have become unfamiliar. If no one guides me now, I'm afraid I won't even be able to find where to stay."

The two brothers did not settle in their old home.

It’s better to wait until we defeat the powerful enemy before revisiting our old place.


"Why do we only have these people?"

Chao Lian officially took over the military power of Shangnan County, and the original guard general handed over the books on defense and manpower. He just took a few glances and quickly came up with a few figures in his mind. With that said, he handed the booklet to his sixth brother Fang Yan, who frowned the whole time.

These manpower is not much worse than before.

But the problem is that Shangnan County has a large population. Judging from the expansion of the government office, the increase in population is considerable, and the corresponding garrison strength should also be increased. Fang Yan closed the book, quietly put it aside, and looked straight at the guard with his dark eyes.

"what happened?"

This small amount of troops is nothing in normal times. Once the enemy leads a large number of elites to sneak attack, Shangnan County may not be able to defend it. Realizing this, Fang Yan wiped away the relaxed and comfortable feeling just now, and the curve of his lips lowered, and he was not angry or intimidated. Back then, he assisted his eldest brother, not only as a military advisor, saving lives and healing the wounded, but also in charge of rewards and punishments in the military camp. Just one glance can make one's scalp tingle.

The guard opened his mouth, as if he was in trouble.

Fang Yan: "No matter what the reason is, why didn't such a big thing be reported to the Lord? Can you afford the loss of Shangnan?"

All of us are people who have struggled through troubled times.

Who has lived to this day and has not experienced one or two massacres? Does he know what disaster this concealment will bring to Shangnan?

"Since my eldest brother took over and came to the south, this place has not experienced troubles for too many years. Have you forgotten what a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood look like?" Fang Yan said harshly in anger and asked, "... …Are you worthy of the folks in Shangnan County?”

Does he remember how he survived? He relied on the life-saving dry food donated by an old farmer in Shangnan County, and waited for his big brother to come! It is not said that a drop of water's kindness will be repaid by a spring, but one cannot repay kindness with hatred, right? Fang Yan put his hand on the hilt of the sword.

If there is a problem with the guard——

He did not hesitate to behead him first and then plead guilty.

The guard finally couldn't hold it back anymore and revealed a truth that shocked Chao and Lian, saying: "It's not that the general is concealing it intentionally, but the matter is really strange. There are still too many soldiers on the list, but the actual number is less than this ! These people have all escaped!"

"Most of the soldiers are from Zhechong Mansion, how could..."

Fang Yan and Chao Lian looked at each other.

I don’t believe why it was “escape” at all.

Could it be that the battle in the Northern Desert had shaken the morale of the army?

This is not right. Except for rumors flying around during the battle in the Northern Desert, Kang State had the upper hand at other times. The public opinion was also watched by the royal court, and the common people did not move. Why did the soldiers of the charge rush to flee? In addition, the soldiers in Zhechong Mansion are still carefully selected elites from Kang State and cannot easily become deserters.

"Are you really not a temporary recruiter?"

The guard said: "No."

The newly recruited soldiers were full of energy. They were all soldiers from Shangnan County. Their families, relatives and even the land they were assigned were all here. They had no way to escape. But then again, the soldiers who escaped from Zhe Chong Mansion were also locals.

There's something weird about this thing.

"Most of them have disappeared in recent days."

"Until then, everything was fine."

"The general made a secret investigation and found nothing strange. The escape of these soldiers seemed to have been planned for a long time. It was originally thought that they were assassinated by the enemy, but the investigation found that they left on their own without notifying or taking away their relatives." How dare you publicize the matter at this juncture? He could only hide it carefully, for fear that it would cause a large-scale mutiny.

He saw Chao Lian and his two men looking solemn and puzzled.

"Isn't it because of this that the Lord sent General Chao here?"

The expressions on Chao Lian's and Lian's two's faces were enough to tell everything. If it weren't for this matter, even Shen Tang wouldn't have received the slightest news.

The guard secretly took a breath of air.

Asked in a low voice: "Is it still too late?"

It seems that the manpower brought by General Chao is not enough.

Fang Yan made a decision immediately: "How many aristocratic families are there in the city?"

If you don't have enough people, borrow them from them.

Shangnan County has not been affected by the war for nearly twenty years. In addition to the original local nobles, many small tribes have also moved in. After the establishment of Kang State, they were eliminated, but only their land and hidden tenants were taken away, and nothing else was touched.

Each family can gather together three to five thousand people.

The guard said: "Everything from before is here."

Fang Yan: "If you have anything else to say, don't hesitate."

The guard said in his heart: "Every family has a lot of complaints about the royal court's arrangements. I'm afraid they won't come out to help relieve the siege this time."

This involves the rules for the appointment of Kangguo officials.

In principle, officials are all from other places, and even minor subordinates are not allowed to take up their posts in the local area. The latter must be at least one county away. Incumbent officials are not allowed to marry locals, nor are they allowed to take concubines, and the supervisory censor will keep an eye on them.

This move will help prevent the expansion of the power of local snakes, avoid the corruption of officials protecting each other to a certain extent, and is beneficial to the management of the Kangguo court. As a result, the local snake will feel uncomfortable.

During the years when Gu Ren was in office, he used a gentle yet firm approach, limiting the power of the local aristocratic families without completely angering them, which also brought benefits. Both parties found a delicate balance between the subject and the dodder flower. Compared with Wu Xian, Gu Ren is not so dependent on the aristocratic family and is much less constrained.

The local snake felt unhappy but chose to take a step back.

Gu Ren's three father-in-laws all had a high reputation in Shangnan.

The relationship is very good, and it can be considered as the local power camp in the south.

Everyone is prosperous and suffers.

When it was Shen Tang's turn, everything changed.

When Fang Yan heard this, he stood up angrily and shouted in a low voice: "Confused, they are all confused! Have their brains been kicked by a donkey? Since they were dissatisfied, why didn't they say a word before? Five or six years have passed, and this has just begun Are you making a fuss about separating the family?"

The guard bit the bullet and whispered softly.

"This matter also has something to do with the military advisors."

Fang Yan smiled angrily: "Is it related to me?"

This pot was really thrown off guard.

The guard sighed secretly: "Listen to me."

During the late period of the Dragon Slaying Bureau, Ziyi Gong and a group of brothers were poisoned by Huang Lie. Shangnan County was leaderless. Seeing that a fight was about to start in the territory, Longwu County sent people to pick up Ziyi Gong and his family. Shangnan County was nominally under the jurisdiction of Shen Tang, but it was actually autonomous. They hoped to choose a new backbone, but were too frightened by Shen Tang's military strength to take the lead. At this time, Chao Lian came back alive.

Chao Lian helped Shen Tang confirm his ownership of Shangnan County.

As of now, Shangnan County is still managed by each family.

It was not until the founding of Kangguo that new regulations were introduced.

The faces of the Shangnan family turned green.

At this time, if they want to get together and overturn the table, how can they do it in time?

For the sake of life, I can only swallow my anger.

Being stable these past few years does not mean that there is no anger in my heart.

When the guard discovered that the soldier was missing, he immediately thought of this route. Out of caution, he inquired about the situation and concluded that it would be better not to speak. If they open their mouths, these people may kneel down first.

He doesn't want anything, he just wants Wu Xian to be reused and Shen Youli is arrogant.

Fang Yan and Chao Lian's faces darkened with anger.

His hands were trembling: "Did they instigate this?"

"This is unlikely." He has had many dealings with these local aristocratic families and is well aware of their naughty characters. If the state of Kang is strong and prosperous, these people will not mind continuing their family under the protection of the state of Kang. No matter how poor their lives are, they will still be better than the common people in Guizhou, but they will not refuse the opportunity to stand up and call the shots. This group of people can look on coldly and add insult to injury, but they will not dig their own graves.

Fang Yan took a long breath and exhaled the turbid air.

"Keeping integrity can kill those with disloyal intentions!" When he opened his eyes again, there was only a cold murderous intent in his eyes, and he uttered chilling words, "You can break it if you go to the south, but - the day this place falls is also the day when their souls die. Instead of that, It is better to defend your dignity than to die from the enemy's random swords!"

The general can't suppress these monsters.

Still can’t hold it back?

It was true that they had forgotten him Fang Yan after being away for so many years!

Chao Lian also said: "Sixth brother, I will go with you."

Well, I'm not going to defend my sixth brother.

It was to prevent Sixth Brother from killing people. How else would the eldest brother lead the sixth brother wherever he went? Sixth Brother has been a healer for so many years that many people have forgotten that he started out as a poisoner. The enemy's entire family was poisoned and no one left a watchdog.

Fang Yan's mobility has always been astonishingly fast.

He brought someone to the door without even taking a sip of tea.

It's not right to knock on the door. He was obviously visiting an old friend, borrowing some from him and returning them after use. He also took the initiative to take care of the food for these people during this period, without having to provide food to his old friends. With such sincerity, there is no reason not to agree.

An old friend came over after hearing the news: "..."

Seeing the elite soldiers surrounding the door of his home, he closed his eyes tightly, mistakenly thinking that he was hallucinating, until Fang Yan went straight to the point to express his intention. The corner of my old friend's mouth twitched fiercely, wishing he could turn back time. He must have been staying at home, saying he was ill.

Where are you here to borrow someone?

Clearly here to rob!

The old friend tried to stall for time.

Looking up, he saw the impatient murderous intent in Fang Yan's eyes, and his heart suddenly went cold. Before Fang Yan could say anything, he smiled and got closer: "You and I have known each other for more than 20 years. Although we are not sworn friends, we are also close friends. It doesn’t matter whether you want to borrow or not. I said it back then, if my good brother has any difficulties, as long as they are the same as those of my foolish brother, I will say it bluntly and don’t do anything wrong! There are still more than 700 people in the house and the manor..."

He wanted to keep half of the family to look after the home.

In the end, Fang Yan interrupted him and everyone wanted to leave.

Oh no, there were less than a hundred people left for him.

He opened his mouth to bargain, but saw Fang Yan standing up, whose hand was still pressed on the hilt of the sword. He shut up.

He is not afraid of other people running wild.

Fang Yan is different.

This guy did a lot of shady things for Gu Ren back then, one was a good guy and the other was a bad guy. There are so many people gathered at the door of the house. If I don't know better, I'm afraid I will become the chicken that kills the chicken to scare the monkeys. My old friend could only grit his teeth and endure it.

Fang Yan asked his old friend before leaving.

"My lord, what do you think?"

The old friend forced out a stiff smile: "Shen Jun is benevolent and righteous, he loves the people like a son, and his heart is no less than that of Mr. Ziyi back then."

Fang Yan's words were completely out of context.

"Whether it is a high-ranking aristocratic family or a Guizhou commoner working in the fields, only when the world is stable can we reproduce and live in peace and have a future. If you ignore future risks for temporary profits, such short-sighted people will not live long."

Fang Yan took the people away to visit the next family.

My old friend was left standing there to watch.

When my old friend came to his senses, sweat was dripping down his spine.

Not long after, the steward came back to inquire. Everywhere in the city has been guarded by Fang Yan's troops. The guards are very tight and it is difficult to exchange information to eliminate the possibility of their collusion. Before they could react, catch them all in one fell swoop. Not cooperative?

There are ways to make life worse than death!

The old friend wiped the sweat from his forehead.

He murmured: "This matter has just begun. Why did the person named Shen know about it so quickly? And he sent Fang Yan?"


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