Back Off, Let Me Come

Chapter 1208: The Eighth Year of Yuanhuang (Part 1) [Seeking monthly votes]

Qishan and others knew Shen Tang's love for Gongxichou's body. He had thought about twisting his head off and putting his own head on it. Now, just pinching his chest is considered civilized. However, these people obviously did not include Tan Ting and He Xin.

Tan Ting knew that Qishan had this method, so he was not surprised that Shen Tang could become another man. What really surprised him was Shen Tang's action! The whole audience was silent! The chess piece in Li Wan's hand fell on the chessboard, making a crisp sound, waking everyone up.

Qishan: "..."

Qin Li chose to close his eyes, out of sight, out of mind.

Shen Tang said: "What's wrong with you?"

Li Wan hesitated: "The master is... frivolous..."

It's not right to say that he is frivolous with Gongxichou. His face is a one-to-one replica of Jimo Qiu, the high priest, and this body is also the master's own, but with Gongxichou's "illusion". Even if he pinched the chest muscles, he pinched the master himself instead of Gongxichou, so it was naturally not frivolous. But this move shattered some illusions.

Shen Tang knew what she was going to say.

"How can this be considered frivolous?"

He looked down at the perfect figure who turned loose women's clothes into tight tights, exerted a little force to make the muscle contour clearer, and showed off proudly, "Let's take a step back, even if it's frivolous, there are 365 days in a year, so what's wrong with letting me play for one day?"

The speech was so grand that it immediately stunned the whole audience.

Li Wan heard that it was a bit perverse.

The internal rumors of Gongxichou Conservation Association are indeed true--

The master really admires Gongxichou.

Asked her why she knew the internal rumors?

Naturally, it was because Li Wan was also a member of Gongxichou Conservation Association. Although she joined for the welfare of the association at the beginning, after getting to know Gongxichou carefully, she found that it was not unreasonable for so many people to praise him, and it was indeed very appealing to some people. Over the years, Li Wan can be regarded as a half fan of Gongxichou, but Gongxichou has been missing for many years. Before the Zhenguo War, Li Wan's impression of Gongxichou was limited to the text and portrait on paper. After the battle of Zhenguo, she was shocked by his absolute strength.

For a half idol, she admired him but also feared him.

But the master in front of her was different.

Shen Tang said: "Don't you want to touch such a body?"

She wanted to take it for herself back then.

People should be bolder, what if the dream comes true?

Li Wan was stunned by this question. As a minister, she couldn't lie to the master, so she could only say embarrassedly: "I really want to."

Who doesn't want to touch the body of the top military commander of Kangguo?

Shen Tang said confidently: "Then is it wrong for me to touch it?"

Li Wan: "..."

Qi Shan raised his foot and kicked Qin Li secretly, his eyes hinted wildly - the Minister of Rites, who has always been dignified and polite, faced with the master's hooliganism in broad daylight, he didn't have any clue?

Qin Li's response was to step on his instep and deliberately roll it hard - the master acted hooligan in public with the faces and bodies of Gongxi Chou brothers, wasn't it a convenience provided by Qi Shan? Why don't you ask yourself what you did wrong when you pushed others to be the shield?

Qi Shan's face turned blue with pain.

He lowered his voice and threatened: "Qin-gong-su!"

"I'm not deaf, but you'd better shut up."

Don't force him to slap someone on his happiest day!

Others looked at the sky and the earth but didn't dare to look at Shen Tang. They were afraid that looking at him too much would affect the image of the master in their hearts. Anyway, the attendants were not here, and no one would write this down on paper for future generations to check. The master could do whatever he wanted. Shen Tang pouted and had a good chat with He Xin/He Shu's wife. She made it clear that Shen Tang's aesthetics were indeed ahead of the times, and such a fit body was indeed worthy of praise.

If I hadn't had the right tools, I would really like to paint a picture.

Shen Tang bit his snack: "There will be a chance."

Completely ignoring the slightly disapproving eyes of the He Shu brothers.

[Another Spring] As expected of a well-known entertainment club, there are many varieties. Each courtyard has its own theme, which is said to be as many as 30 kinds. Each themed courtyard also has a special program. In addition to regular singing and dancing, there are also popular stories that are popular in the market. Shen Tang wanted to join, but her red envelopes for suppressing evil spirits had not been delivered yet, and as a lord, she could not favor one over the other.

"I'll deliver them first and then come back."

Chu Yao was naturally worried and had to follow.

Qi Shan: "Come back early after you're done. There are five sheep today."

With five sheep hanging in front and wearing new skins, Shen Tang felt that the flow of civil and military energy was smoother. She waved her hand without looking back, indicating that she had remembered it. She jumped and disappeared outside the courtyard wall, and went straight to the nearest house nearby.

Along the way, many people mistook her for Gongxi Chou.

They called her "General Gongxi" one after another, and some of them were even brave enough to chase her for several streets and ask Shen Tang for an autograph. Shen Tang was pressed for time and only had time to agree to one of them. He looked at the carbon stick he handed over and asked, "Where do you sign?"

The boy who claimed to be a senior member of the Gongxiqiu Conservation Association was excited. He turned his back to Shen Tang, ripped open his clothes, and revealed his not-so-thin back. Shen Tang wanted to withdraw a chat record: "Isn't it bad for you to turn your back to me?"

The boy said, "Don't worry, you won't take advantage of others!"

Warriors will not turn their backs to strangers easily, let alone show their weaknesses, but idols are different. Gongxiqiu's strength is undoubtedly strong. If the idol has ill intentions towards him, the result will be the same whether it is from the front or the back, and he will meet the King of Hell in a minute!

Shen Tang swallowed the spit on the tip of his tongue back into his stomach.

"Okay - you're such a cute fan." There was a sense of innocence that had not been beaten by the dangers of society, "What are you signing for?"

The young man clenched his fists and was hit twice with passion.


"What can the enemy do to me?"

Shen Tang: "..."

The carbon strips given by the boy were not real carbon strips, but "sticks" made from the juice extracted from a special plant. It was not convenient for writing, but it could leave color on the skin. If you don't clean it with other plants, the color will last for a long time. The tattoos popular among the hot-blooded young people of Kang State mostly use this raw material.

"You are quite arrogant——"

Shen Tang smiled and also wrote his horoscope.

Seeing the young man run away screaming in excitement, she felt even happier. Although the world is not stable yet, Shen Tang's inner sense of accomplishment for being able to raise such a pure and passionate young generation in a small space is beyond words. After running a lap to save money, apart from those who wanted to reunite with their families or had appointments long ago, other singles asked to join "Another Spring".

I pray that Yuanliang will pay for it and it will not be wasted.

The night has just darkened, and lanterns are lit everywhere in Fengluo, the capital of the country. The lights are as bright as daylight, and the faint aroma of barbecue wafts out of the courtyard of [Another Spring]. A sheep was already on the grill, and when Shen Tang arrived, he was just able to get a piece of fragrant and tender lamb leg.

The fat of the tender lamb leg meat is mixed with the secret sauce to bring out the most delicious flavor. The skin is slightly crispy on the outside and tender and elastic underneath. Take one sip and the juices will overflow, and the color and flavor will be great!

“Hot—Siha, this bite is so satisfying!”

Except for Shen Tang and a few military generals who had a slightly wild eating style, everyone else was very gentle. They used knives to slice the meat into pieces, chewing them slowly and leisurely. They eat carefully and slowly, making the others look like reincarnations of starving ghosts.

It's not interesting just like that.

I don’t know who suggested a competition.

It's boring to throw pots and shoot arrows. Let's not talk about warriors here. Even the literary scholars are mostly good at the six arts of the gentleman, and there is no way to compare them in a competition. Simply open up a sandbox battlefield, and both sides will build a "different space" with Wenxinwudan as the core.

Bai Su said: "This is meaningless."

Except for the two parties involved in the war, no one else can see the screen.

Qi Shan clapped his hands: "What's so difficult about this?"

【Another Spring】Business is good for a reason.

As a veteran in the market, Xu Jie knows very well that if a business wants to become bigger and stronger, it must have one or more unique assets that cannot/be difficult for others to copy. If you can't be replaced, your business will last for a long time! Shen Tang's various whims and whims inspired him a lot.

For example, she mentioned "television" more than once.

The sandbox between military officers and scribes is a simulated war space, where they play against each other. If the scenes inside can be moved outside so that outsiders can also watch the battle, wouldn't it be more playable and interesting?

It can also stimulate the competitive spirit of scribes and warriors.

In the end, Xu Jie really thought of a way to save the country.

Shen Tang felt amazing when he heard this.

"This is interesting!"

For the sake of fairness, we draw lots to form a team and agree on a warning line to suppress the strength to ensure that the gap between the two sides will not be too large, and a hundred moves will determine the outcome. When Shen Tang saw the number he had drawn, he said: "Come on, who is Ding? Let's start a team fight!"

Shen Tang’s teammates——

None, the game is played by an odd number.

Shen Tang: "...It's okay, I can do one against two!"

The opponent drawn——

Baek So and Lee Wan team up.

Kang Shi pointed: "My Lord, I don't have much advantage."

Because they agreed that a hundred moves would determine the outcome, the two parties tacitly agreed to skip the testing phase and use the ultimate move. Bai Su also summoned his own valor totem, which was huge, could slap people with its tail, and spit water jets at people. Black and white creature. As soon as it appeared, it used its size to collide with Shen Tang's middle army formation, and it was as powerful as breaking a bamboo!

Shen Tang glanced silently.

Draw up 60% of the martial energy, chant the formula and recite the spirit.

"Ande Yitian Sword——"

In an instant, there seemed to be an invisible big hand stirring up the wind and clouds above the virtual city. The strong wind gradually gathered into a giant long sword. The blade of the sword was pointed straight to the sky, and the infinite sword energy was all locked on this arrogant killer whale.

There was a hint of cunning in Shen Tang's eyes.

The gesture changed: "Cross the sea and kill the whale!"

The killer whale opened its mouth and chewed the virtual soldier: "..."

Bai Su: "..."

Gu Chi, who was watching the battle, almost laughed out loud.

"Where did you learn the spirit of speech, Master?"

Words and spirits also interact with each other, but it is rare to see them restrain themselves enough to name them. Bai Su's valiant totem is basically the overlord of the sea, and he will definitely be a killer weapon in water battles in the future. However, before this weapon could take effect, it kicked the upper iron plate first.

I always feel that Shaoxuan can be angry from today to the seventh day of the lunar month.

Although the martial arts totem was cut off by Shen Tang at the beginning, the result was that Shen Tang was eliminated in the first round because Bai Su's teammate was Li Wan, a standard literary scholar. Shen Tang watched his city collapse and was still confused when the commander in charge of the game announced that the defense of the city had failed.

See, when you go out to fight, you still need to bring a milk belt to assist.

That night, all five sheep were sacrificed in everyone's stomach. In the end, they added five more sheep to Qishan, so they ate ten sheep in total!

Qishan was angry when he looked at the bill.

Everyone is so good at eating, do you think they are eating thieves?

In addition to the valuable sheep, wine and delicacies are also indispensable. In order to reduce expenses, Qi Shan suggested that finished dishes be dispensed with. Party fun is not just about eating, but more about hands-on entertainment!

Everyone agreed.

Chu Yao took over most of the work, and Shen Tang was eager to try.

"Then - be careful, my lord, don't burn yourself."

Chu Yao never refused Shen Tang's request. He watched Shen Tang busying around in front of the stove with satisfaction, satisfaction, pride and respect. He helped him on the side.

With Chu Yao watching, Shen Tang's work looked okay.

"It's a little fuzzy..."

He sniffed it closely: "But it tastes good."

Shen Tang came to this world. Except for the first month when she followed Qi Shan and suffered a little, Chu Yao took care of her food and clothing every time she ate baked cakes. Especially for meals, Chu Yao basically took care of the cooking work. After his career improved, Chu Yao cooked less frequently. Seriously speaking, this was Shen Tang's first time to cook seriously.

"Try it, try it!"

This is the king cooking in person.

Even if it tastes bad, you have to support it and eat it.

What's more, Shen Tang followed the process Chu Yao said, plus a little bit of her own understanding and innovation, even if the heat control is not so good, it is not bad.


Qian Yong and his friends recalled that the New Year was particularly quiet that year.

The most noisy king seemed to have done something wrong, and he was actually quiet for many days. [Another Spring] What happened was unknown for a while. Until around the Flower Festival, the Censorate accused Qi Shan again.

The charge was that Qi Shan poisoned them and made them mute.

This accusation shocked the court and the public.


Poisoning people to silence?

This was actually done by the Minister of the Central Secretariat?

No, even if Qi Zhongshu and the Censorate had a big conflict, it would be fine if they fought in private, but how could it be escalated to poisoning?

Qi Shan denied it three times: "No, no, I didn't do it!"

The censor whose best friend was poisoned and mute was indignant.

"Wasn't it you?"

It's a long story. The Flower Festival is also a big day. The royal court arranged a special market to have fun with the people. The censor Gu Chi played the role of a folk storyteller, attracting many common people and officials to come and support. The friend was also taken there by the censor. He walked around by himself and accidentally shared a table with Qi Shan. Qi Zhongshu warmly invited him to eat cakes, but the result was - just one cake, and the friend became mute.

The friend fell for it, and Qi Shan tricked several familiar censors.

Gu Chi was telling stories at the top.

A table of mute censors sat below.

The mute censors were angry and wanted to overturn the table!

However, the market had elite soldiers around the master to take charge of security, and Qi Shan was teasing them secretly, so they couldn't move one by one. They watched Qi Shan use that plate of snacks to trick more censors.

Qi Shan said, "No."

He said sincerely, "That stack of snacks is a gift from the emperor."

It only temporarily makes people mute, and the ability to speak can be restored after the food is digested, which is comparable to [silencing and seizing voice].

When the censor heard the words "a gift from the emperor", he looked at the master sitting on the throne, and all the officials were silent.


The Minister of the Central Secretariat broke up with the Lord? The Lord poisoned Qi Zhongshu, who knew the snacks were poisoned, so he took the blame and tricked a bunch of unlucky censors? To warn the Lord that his evil plot was not easy to deal with? The King of Kang also started a power struggle between the monarch and his ministers, right?


Hehehe, I'll fly to Xi'an tomorrow to play for a few days_(:з」∠)_

The City That Never Sleeps in the Tang Dynasty, here I come!

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