Back Off, Let Me Come

Chapter 1217 1217: This old man can see hidden diseases (Part 2) [ask for monthly votes]

The deputy general, Gong Xiqiu, had followed him since he was still in Tang Guo's tent. Over the years, he had developed a pair of sharp eyes and could accurately distinguish the meanings of his general's various subtle expressions. Seeing the subtle look in Gong Xiqiu's eyes, the deputy general came closer.

He asked softly: "Does the master know these grasses?"

It looks like the roots of weeds and trees that can be seen everywhere in the deep mountains and old forests.

Gong Xiqiu ignored him, but the middle-aged man who was rescued heard it. He Wenwen put down today's gains and turned to look at the offending lieutenant. The deputy general was caught off guard and was almost startled by his eyes. After calming down and thinking about his embarrassing reaction, he tried to regain some dignity: "Are you a herb collector nearby? You have an interesting face. You have the look of an eagle watching a wolf."

The herb collector said in a displeased voice: "You are a young fellow who is an old herb collector, how can you still call it grass? Humph, you don't know the stuff."

The deputy general looked embarrassed.

The reaction was that my wording was inappropriate and made people angry.

He originally wanted to speak harshly, but when he thought of being lost and embarrassed, the group had no choice but to ask the herb collector to guide them. Adhering to the survival principle that he who knows the current affairs is the best, he immediately softened his attitude and apologized with a shy smile: "My father-in-law said You're right, this is indeed my lack of knowledge, please don't take it off and don't act like a rough guy."

The medicine collector calmed down after hearing this.

Out of the corner of his eye, he noticed Gong Xiqiu's gaze: "Do you know him?"

Gong Xiqiu regained his composure and answered accurately: "My family practices medicine and helps him process herbal medicines all the year round, so I know a lot about him."

The eldest brother's bug will eat anything.

Although the recipes are extensive, they are actually very picky.

When Jimo Qiu went out to practice medicine and collect medicines, Gong Xiqiu stayed at home to take care of his ancestors in the house to prevent the riot of poisonous insects from affecting the neighbors. Gong Xiqiu has been exposed to many strange and strange herbs, and has solid theoretical knowledge, which is the same as treating long-term illnesses.

The medicine collector's expression softened.

After counting the number, he put on his backpack and was about to leave. The lieutenant stopped the person in a hurry, fearing that this precious randomly refreshed guide would run away: "My husband, my husband - my husband, don't leave in a hurry. Can you help me? We can Give you money."

Being a herb collector is not a lucrative profession.

Those precious medicinal materials either grow on cliffs or in remote mountains and forests where there are no human habitations. These are places where snakes, insects, rats, ants, jackals, tigers and leopards roam. Even if you are not lucky, complex terrain may take your life away. He can't make much money all year round, and his life is always in danger, so he might as well help them, and the reward will definitely give him a three-year break.

A sure-profit trade!

The herb collector was not a broad-minded person. He was thinking about the offense the deputy general had just made, and tried to avoid his outstretched hand.

Gong Xiqiu said: "Old man, please don't leave in a hurry."

"Don't let people leave? What do you sneaky gangsters want to do!" A look of anger appeared on the brown and rough face of the medicine collector, and his eyes were cold when he looked at people. He patted and inserted it into his waist. A hatchet for chopping bushes, "I'm not afraid of you!"

Gong Xiqiu raised his hand to tell the deputy general to close the microphone quickly. He was responsible for explaining to the medicine collector: "We are a group of merchants who transport goods. I heard that Youguo is in urgent need of things. If we pass this batch of goods, we can make a lot of money this year." I made a fortune and got the goods together, but I didn't expect that the original guide was bitten by a poisonous snake and it was too late to save him. My brothers and I got lost here..."

The medicine collector looked at the group of people indifferently, grasped the hemp rope on his back, and said arrogantly: "What does this have to do with me?"

The deputy general couldn't help but open the mic with enthusiasm.

"Why are you so unreasonable, old man? If we hadn't passed by, would you have been able to come up if you had stayed down there? As soon as it gets dark, the wild beasts in the mountains will smell the smell and come over to add food. After all, we are also your benefactors, why don't you help us lead the way? I don’t intend to let you, a white-collar worker, go out and give you money later to ensure that you don’t have to come out for a year and a half... Oh, why did you leave? "

Before the deputy general finished speaking, the herb collector refused to give face and wanted to leave.

He rolled his eyes when he turned around.

The expression is all about the bad luck of encountering something dirty.

Where would the lieutenant let people go?

He still wanted to stop him, but Gong Xiqiu stopped him first and said to the back of the medicine gatherer: "These medicines of yours are not old enough. They were dug out too early. Even if they are used as medicine, they will not have much effect and cannot be sold at a high price."

The medicine collector suddenly stopped and turned around to look at Gong Xiqiu, as if he was trying to determine whether what the young man said was true or false.

"You think this medicine is not good?"

Gong Xiqiu said: "It has only grown for more than ten years."


What kind of good medicine can these be?

However, this cannot be blamed on the ability of the medicine collector. The blame can only be blamed on the courageous warriors for their amazing destructive power, and good old medicinal materials need time to accumulate before they can grow. Secondly, because most of the folk herb collectors are ordinary people, their penetration range is limited, and good medicinal materials are often grown in areas where few people have set foot, so it takes more luck to encounter them.

Gong Xiqiu carefully observed that although the herb collector's picking and preservation methods were a bit rough, which affected the efficacy of the medicine, the medicinal materials he carried in his basket were considered to be the top of the medicinal materials that could be picked in this area.

Herbalist: "Did you find someone who is older?"

The answer is that we can't find it.

This debt can be traced back to the time when Zheng Qiao was in power and harmed the southwestern countries. At that time, there were constant skirmishes all year round, and the land was plowed by force. In addition, both sides of the border were worried that the dense vegetation would make it easier for the other side to hide and attack, so they simply burned it all. Not only was the site cleared, so the vegetation here basically only started to grow at that time. How old can they be?

Gong Xiqiu said: "My family has many."

The medicine collector's answer was just a sneer.

If Gong Xichou and his friends were smart, they should have rolled away from his sight instead of continuing to pester him and make him unhappy. If he was asked to find out where Gong Xichou's hometown was, he would have to go to his house to get medicine. If he lied, he would make Gong Xichou's whole family go to the King of Hell and ask why they died so stupidly!

Gong Xichou added.

"I have a prescription at home, which is much better than yours."

At first he thought it was a herbalist, but later he found that he had a strange smell of medicine on him - to put it more simply, this person had taken medicine and marinated it. Gong Xichou then realized that he might not be collecting herbs to sell, but to treat himself.

Isn't this easy to deal with?

His eldest brother can refine any poisonous insects.

Women eat it to strengthen their bodies, and men eat it to strengthen their yang and detoxify.

The herbalist who was stubborn suddenly became interested, and he signaled to the group with his eyes: "Okay, follow me."

He seemed to be very concerned about the prescription Gong Xichou mentioned.

If this is mentioned, Gong Xichou has countless examples to say: "My eldest brother has a small house, and he hangs banners for patients who come to him to ask for medicine. He wants a boy and a girl, as long as the couple are of childbearing age, no one will be disappointed."

All kinds of infertility problems that the human brain can think of are no problem-this is what his eldest brother said. Gong Xichou was also rude, so he asked: [What about me? I don’t have a wife or a husband, but I just want a child? ]

At the same time, he put forward tricky conditions, and he couldn’t lose his yang!

The eldest brother looked at him with a gloomy look.

He slowly grabbed a Gu worm and put it in his hand.

[If Ah Nian had said this earlier, why would the Gongxi clan worry about not having a large population? This Gu uses the body fragrance of women as a Gu inducer. You find a girl you have a good relationship with and borrow some body fragrance from her. After 49 days, the Gu worm will mature, and you can take it. ]

Gong Xichou looked at his eldest brother with a dull expression.

[What will happen after taking it? ]

[After ten months, I will be an uncle.] Jimo Qiu looked at his brother's physique seriously. The burden of pregnancy is not even a tickle for a brave warrior. Gong Xichou, with his strength, can easily give birth to three babies.

Gong Xichou was so scared that he wanted to throw the poison insect back at his elder brother.

Thinking that this move was embarrassing, he wanted to get back at him and asked: [Does it have to be a woman's body fragrance? Can't men do it?]

Jimo Qiu looked at him meaningfully.

Said: [Are you serious about asking this?]

Gong Xichou tasted an ominous taste: [This works?]

Jimo Qiu said: [God, omnipotent.]

If Gong Xichou had to embarrass himself, he could only offer the poison insect on the altar and use the power of God to satisfy the wishes of believers.

Gong Xichou got goosebumps.

[No matter how omnipotent he is, he still has to follow the rules of men and women, right? ]

Jimo Qiu could only give his brother some popular science: [The universe is infinite, the world is infinite, there are three thousand big worlds, and the small world is endless. What you call two sexes is only here. In places you don’t know, there are two sexes, four sexes, six sexes...even no sex...I can pray to Her Highness and ask her to help you find a suitable one. ]

For example, budding reproduction and fracture reproduction.

There is always one that can satisfy my brother.

Gong Xichou: [……]

My lack of imagination can’t figure out how to continue the race.

Jimo Qiu asked him: [Are you going to let me be the eldest uncle? ]

Gong Xichou was running in front, and his soul was chasing behind, fearing that his eldest brother would sacrifice himself by any means to become the eldest uncle. However, a glimpse of the whole picture shows that there is no infertility in the world that his eldest brother cannot solve, and he doesn’t even need to take medicine.

Gong Xichou said: "But my eldest brother is very busy, and you have to register to see him. There is a fixed number of appointments every month, and it is very expensive."

It even derived a word.

[Fengluo number is expensive], it costs money to buy a number.

The eldest brother's annual income can be more than 20 times the annual salary of Gong Xichou, the great general. Even Gong Xichou would be jealous, and what makes him even more jealous is that all these incomes are used by the eldest brother to worship the gods.

Of course, because other diseases do not cost much to see his eldest brother: "You want to have a baby, I will help you find my eldest brother to get a number."

The herbalist in front rolled his eyes at him and said mockingly: "Does your eldest brother sell medicine to others, guaranteeing a boy or a girl, and only charge money if it is accurate? Although my medical skills are self-taught, they are not inferior to those of the masters of Xinglin, and I have real skills."

Gong Xichou was not angry.

He just asked: "Why do you say that?"

The herbalist said: "I am proficient in regulating men's hidden diseases, and I can see it accurately. There is no one like you. If your eldest brother has this ability, why didn't he treat you?"

The warrior who listened to the conversation leisurely: "..."

Ah, these are what they can listen to?

Each of them looked calm on the surface, looking left and right, but in fact they were panicking, fearing that they would be killed if they knew the secret of the general. Gong Xichou was also stunned: "Why are you calling me a coward?"

Who is cowardly?

The herbalist just gloated at Gong Xichou, as if he saw an unlucky guy like himself, and felt so relieved: "Young man, don't you know that some martial totems and martial spirit attributes will affect their fertility?"

Not everyone is like this, but Gong Xichou is definitely one of them.

Seeing that Gong Xichou's Yuanyang was still there and his strength had reached this point, he knew that the young man did not leave a few bloodlines at the age of being able to have children, and naturally he would not have any more in the future. The herbalist seemed to see the scene of Gong Xichou's collapse like himself many years later...

He was even happier.

Maybe they can study fertility recipes together in the future.

The deputy general hurriedly interjected: "How could this happen?"

He was too shocked to care about the hidden problem of the herbalist. But the herbalist still hated him and said mercilessly: "You are qualified with your little strength?"

He was so weak that he was infertile and didn't bother to patronize him.

Deputy general: "..."

This is indeed not a problem that he should care about with his strength.

The herbalist pointed to the direction of the mountain and said harshly: "You can just go in that direction. If you are really lost, just go to heaven. However, I have to say something unpleasant - you idiots who can't even find the way, you'd better not have the crooked idea of ​​stealing people's hometown."

He seemed to misunderstand that Gong Xichou and his group were here to steal.

The herbalist has lived in seclusion for many years, obsessed with male medicine and various remedies for having children. He doesn't care about the disturbances of the world. As long as there is no fight on his head and the medicinal materials and medicine gardens he is guarding are destroyed, the world will pull his hair as much as it wants.

Fame, wealth and honor are fleeting.

The deputy general and others didn't even see clearly. The herbalist took a step forward and was already at the foot of the mountain. In the blink of an eye, there was no trace. The deputy general immediately took a breath of cold air: "General, this man--"

Gong Xichou said: "It's an old thing."

The deputy general's heart was relieved: "Have you seen through him a long time ago?"

Gong Xichou's words made his heart soar again.


He did not find the problem with the herbalist at first, but later he found it. Seeing that the other party had no intention of taking action, he adhered to the principle of more trouble and less trouble and waited and saw what would happen. His eldest brother prayed for him and asked the gods, and the result was a great evil, but he didn't say whether this great evil was found by the enemy or provoked by Gong Xichou's bad mouth.

He didn't want to admit it, but the other party's strength might be above his own.

At such a close distance, if the other party suddenly exploded, Gong Xichou could dodge, but the deputy generals and others would definitely suffer. This place is not a battlefield, and there is no value in dying here. Gong Xichou looked at the direction where the herbalist was going: "If it's an enemy, we will definitely run into him!"

But I didn't expect that this opportunity would come so soon.

The flags in Youguo changed hands, the walls of the capital collapsed, and there was war everywhere. The soldiers were like locusts passing through the border, searching the whole city for the royal family of Youguo, killing them all regardless of gender, age or young! Qi Cang was holding a steaming head in his hand. The owner of the head had eyes wide open and blood on his face, but he could vaguely recognize that he was the king of Youguo.

He said in a slightly bored tone: "Why didn't Gong Xichou come?"

It was really disappointing.

It seemed that the heavens heard his complaints, so they met his request and gave him a huge python from the sky. This giant beast, which was almost unrecognizable as a python, crushed half of the remaining hall with its body. Gong Xichou was finally forced to leave.

Qi Cang threw his head back, and two rays of light burst out of his tiger eyes. He could vaguely hear the blood in his body begin to surge and boil the moment the python appeared, his bones were also trembling and screaming, and a long-lost impulse occupied every corner of his brain.

Densely packed with the same word -



Alas, the influenza A is rampant recently, and no one in the family is spared from it.

PS: I will fly home at noon on the 6th.

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