Back Off, Let Me Come

Chapter 1221: Young people have no moral principles (Part 2) [Seeking monthly votes]

Sometimes, Gong Xiqiu also wanted to report to the government.

"Can the inner demon be burned too?"

He almost let out a high-pitched crackle.

No wonder he had such a big reaction.

Inner demons are like lingering ghosts, they are everywhere and usually do not show up. Once a warrior falls into a low mood or reaches a bottleneck in his cultivation, he will sneak out like maggots attached to his bones. Which brave warrior is not entangled by a few inner demons in his life? Parents, relatives, and friends will not accompany a warrior throughout his life, but the inner demons will, and even Gong Xiqiu, who is as understanding as his mind, cannot avoid being a warrior.

He was almost killed by his inner demons several times!

This leads to brave warriors having a strong heart.

Because once there is a gap in the soul, the inner demons will take advantage of it. It ranges from failure to break through and internal injuries to severe cases from being possessed by a demon and losing control to the point of being unable to move forward for the rest of one's life. There are very few unlucky ghosts who die and disappear.

Gong Xiqiu felt that his brain was a little insufficient: "...But the inner demon, to put it bluntly, isn't it just a bump in the heart?"

Maybe it was a lifelong regret, or maybe it was an enemy who brought a huge psychological shadow to me... Looking back on the midnight dream, I felt unhappy and depressed. How do you burn this thing?

Gong Xiqiu couldn't imagine it.

Jimo Qiu said: "Of course it can be burned."

Gong Xiqiu: "..."

Jimo Qiu's answer was somewhat abstract: "Even inner demons are not truly invisible things, they are naturally dependent."

"Breathing fire can burn away the inner demons. I can't even imagine how popular I will become if this news spreads... Warriors all over the world will flock to me." Looking at the stalwart who stepped through the sea of ​​fire. On the body, Gong Xiqiu felt a dull pain from a dragon's tooth, "I was able to grind my teeth with his Mo Dao just now, but now I feel that his knife can break my teeth."

This is no exaggeration.

The aura of the medicine collector is so different that he looks like two different people!

Jimo Qiu gave Gong Xiqiu some useless reassurance: "Don't worry, it won't be completely burned. This is only temporary."

The inner demon is the "Qi" and the mental blockage is the "core".

This "qi" comes from one's own mental blockage.

As long as the "core" of the heart barrier is still there, the "core" will continuously produce "inner demon energy" and continue to haunt the warrior. The fire in Gongxiqiu treats the symptoms but not the root cause. After this period of excitement passes, the herb collector will return to his original state, or even become even lower.

Mental barriers can only be broken through by the warrior himself.

The medicine collector is so obsessed with it that he is afraid that it will be difficult to get rid of his inner demons.

"It's temporary for him, but it's a matter of life and death for us brothers." Who knows how long the excitement of the medicine collector can last! Even if you don't lose, don't forget that there is a jackal watching from the side.

Qi Cang will not miss the opportunity to eliminate his powerful enemy.

Gong Xiqiu smiled bloodthirstyly: "But this is the fun!"

If the herb gatherer was just the afterglow of dusk when the sun was setting on the mountain, and the hero was no longer energetic in his old age, what he saw in front of him was the blazing midday sun, so bright that people dared not raise their eyes to look directly at it! The momentum is getting higher and higher, and it has doubled several times in just a few breaths!

He felt the long-lost death threat from the medicine collector!

The medicine collector was immersed in the subtle feeling at this moment.

The blood that had been silent for many years was once again flowing unbridled and boiling, and the Mo Dao in his hand also let out a roar that made the soul tremble... How strange and familiar all this is!

He couldn't remember the last time he was so relaxed and open-minded. His homeland was in ruins, and he was disheartened and retired to the world. Over the years, his energy was not only dulled, but he also lost his spirit, and even forgot the feeling of moving forward.

"Old man, I've wronged you!"

The herb collector caressed the blade of the Baigui Mo Dao passionately. The sharp blade reflected his eyes that were quenched by the cold light, just like an evil ghost crawling out of the eighteenth floor of hell. At this moment, the hundreds of ghosts engraved on the blade seemed to be celebrating the return of the ghost master, and each one burst out with a shrill and ferocious laugh. Suddenly, a dark wind blew, and an astonishing cold air filled the sky and the earth, once forcing back the fireworks that entangled the herb collector.

Mo Dao made a low hum, as if in response.

"Okay, okay -"

In excitement, the medicine collector said hello three times.

"Old man, we will find the best whetstone for you today!" Mo Dao needs blood to be sharp. What whetstone is more suitable than the head of a strong man? The medicine collector got the answer and looked at Brother Gong Xiqiu with a sneer, "Grace is kindness, hatred is hatred. If you help me return to the top, I can fulfill one of your requests. For example, keep a whole body!"

The surging murderous intent rushed directly towards Gong Xiqiu.

The dragon's beards are flying messily in the breeze.

Gongxi Qiu's huge dragon body stepped back.

"Are you afraid? It's a pity it's too late!" The medicine collector didn't notice that Jimo Qiu had put away his armor - this action was equivalent to raising the flag to surrender in a martial arts competition - but he didn't care. Want to show weakness and surrender? The medicine collector refused!

"Afraid? No -" Gong Xiqiu suddenly burst into wanton laughter, his longan was filled with fighting intent, and the dark green light that burst out was sharp and narrow. He moved the dragon claw suspended above Jimo Qiu's head, and a steady stream of divine power poured into his meridians. As the divine power flowed through, pieces of brand-new dragon scales replaced the original snake scales, "I just want to give you, an old guy, a shot." Eye-opening!”

The already huge body grew at the sight of the wind, nearly doubling in size in an instant, almost covering half of the sky in the royal capital! The snake scales completely disappeared, and the horns on top of its head turned into a pair of shining dragon horns.

Medicine collector: "..."

He had already opened his eyes without Gong Xichou's demonstration, because Gong Xichou's Wudan Totem state was not achieved even by Wudan warriors who had just broken through the 20th level of Chehou.

It once gave him a subtle sense of oppression.

"Real dragon? What a pity, I am here to slay dragons!"

The herbalist's attention was all attracted by Gong Xichou, and he naturally ignored Jimo Qiu who "raised the white flag". The latter suddenly made a move, offering the wooden stick in his hand, and uttered an ancient and low prayer, as if it was a response from the ancient world.

Intuition told Gong Yang Yongye that Jimo Qiu was holding back bad things!

Without thinking, he immediately chose to control the knife with Qi, aiming directly at Gong Xichou's face. Gong Xichou spewed dragon breath, swung his tail to take the knife, and at the same time pressed his left claw in a virtual manner, bringing Jimo Qiu into his safety range with a protective posture. The moment the dragon's tail touched the knife shadow, he realized that the opponent's attack was just a show!

The real killer move is elsewhere!

Gong Xichou suddenly came back to his senses, and a strong killing intent came from above.

The longbow in the hands of the herbalist shot out thousands of arrows, almost covering every dragon scale on the dragon's body. Gong Xichou impatiently swept down a large area, but there were still a small number of fish that slipped through the net. The arrows were accompanied by countless wind blades, and each arrow was a 3,600-knife slicing!

However, the dragon scales had amazing defense, and the arrows collided with them, which could only splash countless sparks, but could not leave a gap. When the dense ding-ding sound extinguished, the sparks dispersed, and the dragon scales were still shining!

"You want to compete with me in archery?"

Gong Xichou was annoyed when he saw others playing with arrows. Mama once told him that this emotion of his was called-the most annoying thing was that others pretended to be Bking in front of the field he was best at! Come one and beat one!

As for what Bking is?

It seems to be a king with absolute dominance in a certain field!

Mama also gave him an inappropriate example: [It's like you shoot arrows, whip and dance with halberds, Yuanmou's gun, and Dayi's mace. 】

Why do you say the example is inappropriate?

Because Gong Xichou considered himself an all-round player, he had absolute dominance even in the fields of spears, maces, sticks and clubs!

He subconsciously wanted to fight back with the same trick, but just moved his claws, and suddenly remembered that he was not in human form at the moment, and he had no idea what posture the dragon form used to bend the bow and shoot arrows. In that moment of stunned silence, the hidden murderous intent of the herbalist revealed its true edge - a few thin rays of light as thin as cow hair mixed in the thousands of arrow shadows, and slid into the defense gap along the dragon scales.

They had the same target -

It was Jimo Qiu who was protected by Gong Xichou's dragon claws!

Don't look at these rays as thin as spider silk, as if they could float away with a breath, but in fact they gather three times the power of the herbalist. Gong Xichou's dragon claws only touched the edge, and a piece of it was also cut off.

The rays intertwined into a cage, encircling Jimo Qiu. The herbalist's five knuckles moved lightly, and the cage that seemed to have no lethality instantly shrank inward! Gong Xichou realized that something was wrong. When he looked down at the dragon claw, his elder brother was cut to pieces.


The index finger brushed the thin scar on his neck that was hard to see with the naked eye, but Jimo Qiu did not see the red stain on his finger. The light prison was too sharp and the cutting was too fast. Before the body felt any pain, the limbs were separated. He looked at the broken flesh of the knuckles falling one by one indifferently, and admired it: "Good archery!"

At the same time, he felt a little sorry: "I failed to kill him."

Gong Xichou's angry dragon roar was loud, and he collided head-on with the sword energy that brought hundreds of ghosts to hunt. The sword shadow sometimes transformed into thousands, and sometimes merged into one, completely covering Gong Xichou's body. After all, Gong Xichou did not rely on the regular route to turn into a dragon, so there must be one or more weaknesses. The herbalist was impatient and too lazy to try them one by one. Casting a wide net, even if no weakness can be found, this arrogant young man can suffer a lot. His target is still Gong Xichou!

As for why he attacked Jimo Qiu first?

Who made Jimo Qiu look like a supporting person?

In a chaotic fight, isn't it common sense to get rid of the literati who are in the way first? Even if the herbalist hasn't really taken action for decades, I believe that common sense is still universal.

The logic of the herbalist is fine.

The problem is -

Sir, the times have changed!

Jimo Qiu, who should have died, not only did not die, but stood on the dragon head, with one hand making hand gestures in an orderly manner, chanting in his mouth sometimes fast and sometimes slow. The breath full of vitality brushed through the clouds and mist, and instantly turned into a strange crossbow: "It can shoot continuously."

One of his gains in the old clan land.

Gongxi Chou: "..."

No, let him hold a crossbow and shoot the enemy continuously?

In his cognition, even Zhuge Liannu can only shoot ten arrows at a time. Although the crossbow made of qi does not need to be manually replenished with arrows, it also requires a charging process. The gap between two shots is the best opportunity for the enemy to shoot! More importantly, the enemy is not a fixed target. Not only can they run and hide, but they can also rush forward and smash the crossbow with a slap!

He said he was unwilling, but he was very honest in action. He just thought it was to test the power of the new weapon for his elder brother! If it wasn't for his elder brother, Gong Xichou would not have bothered to take any action if it was anyone else!

The herbalist is also a veteran who has experienced hundreds of battles and is very familiar with battlefield weapons. He was originally worried that Gong Xichou's defense was too amazing. He didn't find the weakness after several rounds of direct probing. He didn't expect that this young man would be fooled by his accomplices. It's not a siege situation, but he actually went to the trouble to use a crossbow.

A crossbow to hit him alone?

What's the difference between this and using a catapult to hit a mosquito?

However, the herbalist soon stopped laughing.

The smile was fixed in a very stiff and awkward arc.

This crossbow, which is the size of Gongxi Qiulong, does not fire ten arrows at a time, but shoots hundreds of dark green light balls from different angles at once, each of which is more than one foot in diameter. It is not accurate to say that the light balls are inside, they will be wrapped in an extremely unstable and violent aura. A slight imbalance will detonate the light ball. The explosions will pull each other and block one space!

What's even worse is that it doesn't look very lethal from the outside.

Only at the moment of detonation did the victim know the secret hidden inside! The herb collector noticed something fishy after eating the explosion once, and instantly escaped from the explosion range. Compared to the vastness of heaven and earth, the scope of the explosion was simply too small to be worth mentioning.

"Young men, please accept your fate!"

No one knows the advantages and disadvantages of crossbows better than him, a veteran.

The gap between the two shots is the death of Gongxi Qiu!


Thinking that he was waiting for Guannai Hou to go all out, before the Mo Dao in his hand could be slashed out, a new wave of light balls magnified in front of his eyes. No matter how he moved and dodged, the balls of light kept chasing him, with no intention of stopping to recharge. What's even more sinister about these light balls is whether the medicine collector can hide or not. This density will cause the light balls to collide with each other, and then cause self-destruction.

He has been hiding all over the place, but Gong Xi's hatred has not stopped yet.

There is no intention of exhaustion of martial energy at all.

The herb collector was annoyed and wanted to catch him and kill him, but Gong Xiqiu had a dragon with a crossbow curled in its tail. He swung his tail and hid very quickly. With the help of Jimo Qiu, he could keep up with the speed. Herb Picker is the same, but better in terms of battery life.

Yes, you can spend it if you can't defeat it.

No matter how powerful the Mo Dao is, what's the use if it can't cut anyone?

That's all, the herb collector also found that his speed was decreasing unknowingly! The shadow of the knife is not as good as a blow!

The muscles of my hands and feet are vaguely numb.

The medicine collector's pupils trembled, as if he was thinking of something.

He suddenly accumulated martial energy to disperse the filthy things in the meridians - they were rare in number and had a very low sense of existence. If you didn't observe carefully, you would even think that they were part of the meridians!

Yes, Jimo Qiu was poisoned.

To be precise, it was a poison.

The power of the light ball is not enough to threaten the life of the medicine collector, and the rapid fire can only blow up the person to ashes, which is disgusting, but Gong Xiqiu consumes a huge amount of martial energy, and the expenditure is not proportional to the investment. However, adding a little bit of Gu can overturn the result and give the medicine collector a big surprise - the explosion will produce a colorless, odorless poison that can paralyze muscles!

"Zhuzi, what a small trick!"

He can completely get rid of this poison in less than two breaths!

It's not harmful, but it's disgusting!

The medicine collector's admiration for Gong Xiqiu was completely wiped out, and his title changed from "younger generation" to "Shu Zi" with gritted teeth!

"Do you dare to face me in a life-and-death showdown with me?"

Gong Xiqiu just wanted to agree.

After all, it was not his style to go around with a crossbow, and he really wanted to feel the long-lost death threat, but when he thought of his elder brother being beside him, he swallowed back the words that came to his mouth.

The medicine collector couldn't get the answer and said angrily: "Coward!"

Accumulate 100% of your strength and kill the dragon with one sword!

The sword energy broke through the explosive air waves, penetrated the clouds and cracked the rocks, and the figure of the hundred ghosts twisted into a face with red face and fangs, swallowing up the dragon shadow in one bite. The herb collector said with a sullen face: "Get them all into the ghost's belly!"


I didn’t update yesterday because my family member suffered from high fever due to influenza A. He couldn’t control it with physical cooling and had to be sent to the hospital again. It took two days of infusion to stabilize him_(:з」∠)_

Dad has also had recurring fevers and colds for almost two weeks.

I always feel that if this continues, it will be difficult for Shiitake to retire safely.

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