Back Off, Let Me Come

Chapter 1228: The anger of the sly guy (Part 2) [asking for monthly votes]

Qi Cang listened to Shen Tang's absurd tune, and veins on his forehead could not help but bulge. Although he always claimed to be an unrefined and rough man, he actually had some aesthetic sense, but this aesthetic sense was not good enough in front of the celebrities educated by aristocratic families.

He never expected that there would be someone in the world who was more vulgar than himself.

This person's identity was suspected to be related to Shen Youli.

Qi Cang's face fell, as if he was at a car accident scene where a facelift had failed. His eyebrows and eyes showed deep disgust: "What kind of great immortal did you offend with your voice? I have done many evil things in my life, and I am afraid that listening to your song can wipe it out."

It was so bad that it could be called torture!

"General Qi, I respectfully call you a general, how can you lie with your eyes open?" She pointed at herself, unbelievable.

Shen Tang hadn't heard Qi Cang's mental attack and slander so relentlessly for many years. She wanted to get angry and denounce Qi Cang for not appreciating her artistic core. Slander! All slander! Qi Cang can report to the police for slander of this level!

Qi Cang sneered and was a little hesitant.

The outside world has mixed opinions about Shen Tang. Among all the negative information, none of them said that she was not good at literature and music theory. After all, she is now the ruler of a country. If she didn't understand it before, she would be urged to make up for it after she founded the country and ascended the throne. Without mentioning other things, just one point - if Shen Tang's music theory level is so poor, how can she understand the elegant music of major festivals, palace banquets and sacrifices?

If she can't understand it, she will not be ridiculed for her cultural level?

She doesn't mind being ridiculed for being illiterate, so will the court officials around her mind? Those noble families who have been cut down by Shen Tang again and again in the past few years and secretly hold a grudge against her will not secretly be sarcastic to her? Qi Cang bumped into Shen Tang's eyes full of anger: "I don't lie."

I won't change my name or surname!

Shen Tang had the urge to draw his sword and cut Qi Cang!

Screw his bullshit. The overall situation is the most important thing. No one can slander her music theory level! Shen Tang's heart was in turmoil, but on the surface, she was murderous. Qi Cang once thought that she would tear her face and attack - no matter how he usually tested Zhongli Fu in a weird way, she was calm, as if she had welded the disguise on her face. She never expected that the other party would be broken by such a small detail.

It really opened Qi Cang's eyes.

It is easier to break than Zheng Qiao.

The movement on the southeast camp was just a feint by Kangguo. This fire bull formation seems to be very powerful, and the scene can make people retreat, but in fact it is useless. Except for the first batch of fire bulls that charge at the front, the rest are fake!

The first to discover this was a cavalry of the allied forces.

They found that these fire bulls were not right. Some of them had amazing collision force, while others were soft and weak. Ordinary inferior soldiers could block them with physical strength alone, not to mention these heavy cavalry wearing armor. One cut can penetrate three or four fire bulls on the path. The body of the fire bull exploded with a sound, and the sound was not like the muffled sound of a sharp blade entering flesh, but rather like splitting some wood?

"There is something wrong with these things!"

The cavalrymen who rushed to the front found something unusual.

After all, the bulls in the fire bull formation were creatures of the Word Spirit. They only had the appearance of living things, but in fact they were still dead things formed by the gathering of martial spirits. Martial spirit is their body! Once the martial spirit is defeated and cannot maintain a stable state, the form of the fire bull will be forcibly released, and it will be transformed into pure heaven and earth energy again, returning to the earth!

After they disappear, no objects will be left behind. The process from breaking to dissipating can be as short as one or two breaths, or as long as more than ten breaths! The fire bulls that were cut and eaten by the cavalry left only "corpses" all over the ground, and the earliest ones that fell had already exceeded the time limit.

As if to confirm the cavalry's guess, the bodies of the fire bulls on the ground suddenly exploded, making a thunderous sound, and dazzling white light exploded around them with huge impact force! The explosion was like a signal, followed by explosions one after another!

Boom boom boom boom boom --

The cavalrymen who entered the formation to cut had no time to escape the explosion range.

Qi Cang's eyes almost popped out of their sockets.

He turned his head suddenly and stared at Shen Tang: "What is this?"

Shen Tang pinched his chin and said: "This is not a pure fire bull formation. It should be that the people of Kangguo did something in it."

It's like more than a thousand straw straw and wooden figures hidden at the bottom of the river.

The allied generals mistook it for an ambush, and tried to fry fish and shoot rockets, but they only stabbed the dummies after all the hard work. They also lost a lot of water players, and were sprayed with countless feces by the martial courage totem killer whale, which hit them physically and mentally.

The fire bull formation in the southeast camp was the same.

A group of them were the products of the true fire bull formation, among which were not only mixed with the phantoms of fire bulls that were used to make up the numbers, but also mixed with the real wooden fire bulls. These specially made fire bulls have the masterpieces of the chief craftsman of the General Works Supervisor hidden in their bellies, and they are guaranteed to explode!

The products of the General Works Supervisor Mojia Beiju must be top-notch products!

There is no dud inside!

The power of this thing cannot kill the soldiers with martial spirit protection. At most, they will be shot by flying fragments or their internal organs will be shaken by huge forces, but it is hard to say for ordinary soldiers. If they are not in formation and behind the morale shield, they will die!

Even if they are lucky enough not to die, they will become disabled. In the current situation of scarce medical conditions, such injuries are not worth rescuing and using medicine.

"Indeed, they have been manipulated..."

Qi Cang took advantage of the chaos to sneak into the battlefield and took a look at the ruins, and took a deep breath in his heart. The soldier at his feet was not very lucky. He was surrounded by two problematic fire bulls on the left and right, and was blown into a bloody mess. The armor was broken, the exposed skin was a dirty blood color, and the wounds were burnt and exuded a strange stench.

Qi Cang looked closely and found that the wound was pierced by fragments.

He resisted the nausea and pulled out a piece to take a closer look...

After seeing clearly, he immediately threw it back to the ground.

He kept rubbing his thumb and index finger back and forth, as if he wanted to shake off something dirty. There was no other reason, this piece of debris was not clean. Not only was there something like rust and copper rust on it, but there was also a bit of sticky attachment with a foul smell, which should be feces.

To be more polite, the fragment had been soaked in gold juice.

But there were still the remnants of the blind fire bull that were looking for trouble with him.

Qi Cang didn't care whether the other party was a creature of the fire bull formation or a wooden puppet mixed in it. He raised his hand to transform into a weapon and chopped out the air force from a distance of several feet, and the fire bull exploded. The scorching white light and the air wave stopped half a foot in front of Qi Cang, leaving only a wisp of smelly wind, which drilled into his nasal cavity and disgusted his nerves.

With a snap.

A bit of brown dirt with a warm breath splashed on the upper of his combat boots. A nerve in Qi Cang's brain completely broke, his eyes widened, and his hair stood on end. The majestic martial energy burst out from his body, and the vortex whirlwind formed could easily throw boulders into the sky, not to mention those fire bulls. Qi Cang's mind moved, and he used martial energy to compress the air in a specific area to the extreme. The fire bulls in the sky mooed and screamed, and exploded into fireworks. Immediately afterwards, countless fragments with tetanus buffs and some liquids fell down.

Shen Tang seemed to have expected it, and gracefully opened an umbrella.

Cui Mi took a silky side step and hid under her umbrella.

Sigh: "Kangguo still knows how to recycle waste."

While the allied forces were still thinking about how to pollute the midstream opponents with feces and farts in the upper reaches, Kangguo had already used all these treasures and sent them to the top of the allied forces without leaving a drop.

Let alone the lethality, the disgusting power is absolutely full.

Shen Tang said: "After all, there is strength in numbers."

Using local materials can also save a lot of money.

Since Shen Tang informed the Ministry of Revenue that Kangguo would have to fight against foreign countries in the next few years, and if he failed, he would die. Xun Zhen, the old man, became more and more stingy, racking his brains to save every penny. He fought against the whole court with his own strength. Apart from the normal expenses, no one else could get even a penny from him.

Kangguo successively annexed Beimo and Gaoguo. Beimo was divided into Beizhou and Mozhou, and Gaoguo's original territory became Tangzhou, Dizhou, Shenzhou and Wuzhou. Six more states were added at once, and the staff of each state and county government office had to be sufficient, and the positions without establishment in each team also needed people... Just to ensure the basic operation of the grassroots, the scale of the royal court almost doubled!

The extra officials had to be paid enough salaries, and the pressure on the Ministry of Revenue can be imagined. In the first year, Xun Zhen almost lived in the Ministry of Revenue. Other court officials wrote several times to increase the number of officials in various departments, but they were all sprayed back by Xun Zhen, and even cheated.

[You can expand the staff, but you pay for the salary yourself! 】

[God damn it, today you come here to ask for a few positions, tomorrow he also wants a few positions, one by one you say you are loyal to the emperor and love the country, and share the emperor's worries, God knows if you old guys want to form a clique for personal gain! My Lord, I have a report! 】

If Xun Zhen can't say anything, he will ask his allies to help him.

Expanding the area from a point, making a small matter a big matter, and breaking the sky with a big matter.

There are quotas for court officials, how can they be expanded at will? At present, they can still be supported and salaries are paid on time every month. If there are too many officials one day, and the salary exceeds the tax revenue, who will solve the problem of redundant officials? I am afraid that if there are too many people, there will be many people who fish in troubled waters.

The civil and military officials in the court were irritated by Xun Zhen.

Some court officials with ulterior motives did not dare to commit crimes against the wind.

A small number of people did think that the recruitment should be expanded, but there were also those who wanted to use the expansion to win over more allies and bring in family members.

Xun Zhen didn't care, and killed them all with one stick.

When thinking about money, Shen Tang couldn't help but sigh.

To be honest, more than 60% of the gold juice needed for frontline operations is self-produced, and the remaining 40% is collected from the public.

"At least it cost money, take a closer look..."

Looking at the fire bull exploding in the sky, Shen Tang's eyes flashed with a trace of pain, and he cursed Qi Cang thousands of times in his heart - Qi Yanqing, the fire bull puppet has a lot of "bombs" in its belly.

The allied scribes were not idle either. They quickly discovered the flaws of the fire bull puppet and ordered the command army to change the formation, from cutting and cannibalizing to driving and encircling. Gather them in one place, use morale to form a thick wall defense, and then detonate them uniformly.

In this way, the harm can be minimized.

Qi Cang crossed his legs and accelerated the process.

Afterwards, a rough glance showed that the allied army had more than a thousand casualties, which was not a big loss, but it was a pity for the several layers of military defense laid in the southeast of the camp. The raging fire bull only knows how to charge forward, and the allied forces have to try to stop it. As a result, the previously tight defense line is now full of potholes, like a dog's bite.

What's more annoying is that up to now, they haven't seen the main force of Kangguo's ambush, except for that stupid Wudan totem!

Qi Cang threw a knife into the rock at his feet.

He spat: "Kangguo's bastards!"

They are more cunning and cunning than before!

No, in the Dragon Slaying Bureau against Zheng Qiao, the forces of Longwu County were famous "gentlemen", and their fighting style was comparable to Gu Ren, and they were frank and a little stupid. Who knew that many years later, Kangguo's gang would dare to use any dirty tricks.

They are not very lethal, but they are very good at messing with people's mentality.

Shen Tang also echoed: "It is indeed a bastard, but fighting is not like playing house. Isn't it true that 'all is fair in war'? No matter whether the cat is black or white, a cat that can catch mice is a good cat. Similarly, no matter whether the means are elegant or inferior, winning the battle is the most important thing."

Bastard, is a compliment.

This means that the enemy can do nothing except yell.

Shen Tang was not ashamed, but proud. Qi Cang's veins hidden under his helmet jumped violently. Cui Mi added fuel to the fire at this time, wondering: "There is such a big commotion here, why are there no traces of other senior generals except General Qi?"

Especially Gongyang Yongye, the 19th-rank Guannei Marquis.

There was no trace of him on the river bank and the southeast camp.

Qi Cang looked into the distance and found that he still underestimated the level of Kangguo's mentality of messing with people. Almost soon after the fire in the southeast camp, the southwest, northeast, and south directions also showed restless air in the sky, and a light red was dyed on the horizon, like a beautiful woman's earlobe shy, which made people angry.

"Shen! You! Li!"

The premise for him to have fun is that the person being fooled is not himself.

Shen Tang beside him responded in his heart: [I'm here. 】

The Dragon Slaying Bureau plus the allied forces were also mentally broken by Kangguo's operation. The sneak attack was without any signs, the damage was real and fake, and they were clearly aiming to take advantage. The allied forces knew Kangguo's tricks, but who dared to gamble?

They could afford to gamble, but they couldn't afford to lose.

Once they made a mistake, the first battle would inevitably lead to a drop in morale.

They could only choose to defend comprehensively.

The King of Qi crushed his pipe, revealing the sharp blade hidden in the pipe, and put it on his waist and said: "Let them come!"

At the same time, Shen Tang stretched out his hand.

With the cover of the thick fog, she smiled with a mocking arc at the corner of her lips: "It's foggy and rainy, and it's time to snow."

This rain and fog was just an appetizer.

Gong Yang Yongye, who was wiping his Mo Dao in the tent, suddenly opened his eyes, stood up and lifted the curtain of the tent. The whistling mixed with wind, snow and rain mercilessly swept away the heating in the tent. The world seemed to have entered winter in an instant, and the pervasive cold air drilled straight into people's collars.

He lowered his eyes to look at the ground.

The rain froze the moment it approached the ground.

The water droplets of icicles broke into pieces, and the ice foam splashed.

The puddles turned into ice crystals, the raindrops condensed into hail, and even the drifting snow turned into countless fine blades, falling on the exposed skin, separating a bloodstain as thick as a silk thread. Gong Yang Yongye looked up with cold eyes, looking at the thick clouds that almost crushed the camp, releasing his breath and soaring into the sky, twisting open a vast sky and land.

He was waiting for someone here!

Dozens of clear dragon roars came from the sky.

A white and elegant figure stepped on the ice dragon and swooped down.

Before the person arrived, the shadow of the gun arrived first.


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