Back Off, Let Me Come

Chapter 1269: One Battle to Decide the Southwest (VI) [Seeking a Monthly Vote]

Cui Hui is much softer than she thought.

Years of old grievances turned into sighs in front of my mother's mourning hall.

She held on to her tired mood and looked down at him.

In her memory, her father, who was always gentle and elegant, was actually old, and she had already lost a close blood relative. The remaining one had his ups and downs, and she was afraid that she would spend the rest of her life in regret. Cui Huidao: "My mother... left you a last word before she died. She said that she didn't hate you much about what happened back then, she just hated God's will to trick people."

I hate this world where it is difficult for ordinary people to live in peace.

Cui Xiao had no reaction to her words, and Cui Hui didn't bother to care whether he could hear it or not: "My mother also said that in fact, she also has something against you. If Aweng hadn't been childless in his life and was too obsessed, with your temperament, you might not Will go into those murky waters.”

How could our ancestors be good people who were bandits?

In Aweng's generation, the world is even more chaotic.

It is difficult to raise a male, and Aweng only has one daughter, Aniang, in his whole life, so it is too difficult to continue the bloodline. Perhaps it was God's blessing that he unexpectedly adopted a young adopted son-in-law, who happened to have the cultivation talent that only high-ranking people had, so Aweng couldn't help but have other thoughts. If this son-in-law can succeed, won't the past of Lao Cui's family be wiped out?

Future generations can also live an upright life, instead of continuing to live in the mountains and forests, being on tenterhooks all day long like mice.

Over time, this became a worry for Aweng.

As for his father, he also agreed with Aweng's plan.

As time passed, Cui Hui also tried to understand his parents' difficulties.

The mother also tried to untie her daughter's knot before she died.

[Some things cannot be entirely blamed on my filial brother. 】

He felt nothing while staying in the village, but outside the village, his life experience, status, talent, background...these were naked realities that he had to face. The gap is so big that the people he regards as treasures become scum that everyone else can despise.

Not to mention anything else, just thinking about the fact that his children would discuss marriage in the future, and his in-laws would ruin his flesh and blood because of this, he went crazy just thinking about it.

His sister should be given a title, and his children should be hereditary officials. This lineage of the Cui family can shine in the family. From then on, they have completely got rid of their background as a bandit, and no one dares to use their identity to ridicule. However, he never thought that this road would cost so much. How could he not hate Qi Yuanliang for interfering? How can you not hate yourself as the executioner?

Cui Xiaoran listened to his daughter's story.

He smiled weakly: "She should be blamed."

At least it's the one who's to blame this time.

Cui Hui didn't understand the implication, but he didn't delve into it.

The son brought a bowl of warm water to Cui Xiao and sighed: "The nunnery has limited resources. Father, drink some warm water to moisten your throat first. Don't make yourself too embarrassed. I'm afraid my mother will feel uneasy after seeing it."

Cui Xiao finished his drink in silence.

Passing the wooden bowl back, he finally saw his son clearly.

His son felt uncomfortable staring at him. He touched his face, which had not been washed for two days and was shiny. The fat under his fingertips was bulging, and he stretched out his handsome features when he was young. He looked at them and said, " Isn’t this… getting fat in middle age?”

He squatted next to his old father, one person against the other two.

Fabric is used to make clothes all year round.

Cui Xiao couldn't say anything and looked away, saying in a hoarse voice: "It's not easy for your mother to still be willing to recognize you."

Kewu likes good colors, how could my sister not have this hobby?

His son was so cute when he was born. He was beautiful from a baby to a teenager. He thought he would last a long time, but he never thought that he would look like this in middle age. The son turned to look at the coffin, with a slight twitch in his mouth: "Mother doesn't think her son is ugly."

Not until he gets fat and no longer recognizes him.

Speaking of which, his mother did get closer to his children and Big Bear Ermi when they reunited during the holidays, and spoke concisely to him, but he thought this was because of his maturity and stability. Parents and children are getting older, and it is no longer appropriate to cuddle and cuddle as before.

Cui Xiao looked at the coffin: "I'll find it objectionable."

My sister said that she would not like the child if it was too ugly.

The son muttered angrily: "That must be a joke."

The more I talk, the less confident I become.

When he was young, he was also a handsome boy from all over the country, but his life was too comfortable and he couldn't keep his mouth shut. In just six months, his cheeks became more rounded and his jawline became clearer before he ran away from home. At the Mid-Autumn Festival family dinner that year, my mother came from the nunnery to reunite. Her eyes widened when she saw him, and his expression seemed to speak a thousand words, but in the end she said nothing.

Looking back now, I guess it was not a good thing to say.

He pursed his lips like he did when he was a child, and was about to make a few excuses - when he reaches middle age, his children will be able to flourish in two years. If they are fatter, they will be fatter, and if they are uglier, they will be uglier. He needs to be someone's son-in-law, as long as his wife doesn't dislike him - but before he could even start his defense, he saw his father look away.


Cui Zhi: "..."

The fault of Ke Wu's good color may not be entirely due to her mother-in-law.

Before the wake, Cui Xiao had to deal with some things.

For example, waiting for news at the foot of the mountain.

"If I don't come back for a long time, I'm afraid there will be a misunderstanding and disturb my sister's final peace." Cui Xiao bent down to pick up the dusty knife fan and patted it. He closed his eyes and opened them again. If you ignore the red and swollen eyes, you can no longer see the obvious sadness on his face.

Cui Zhi stood up and followed him: "My son-in-law gives my father-in-law a ride."

Cui Xiao looked at Cui Zhi who was following him and sneered.

"You have the guts to come."

Cui Zhi also said calmly: "My mother has not passed the first seven days."

If the other party was really shameless and took advantage of him to send him down the mountain, Cui Zhi would have no choice but to admit that he was unlucky. Weng and son-in-law were silent all the way, and Cui Zhi stopped a few miles away from the Eternal Life Cult. His face was calm, but he was carefully observing in his heart.

Immortal believers are mostly a rabble.

How do the rabble know how to organize troops?

Everywhere I go, it's like locusts passing through, creating a mess.

Just scattered sand can hardly form a climate.

The one in front of me is different.

It can also be seen from the positions of people that they have been trained by others. Even if they are not comparable to regular soldiers and horses who have experienced hundreds of battles, they are still better than the ragtag group of people who generally fight on their own. I am afraid that they are better than others. It has a lot to do with him, Old Taishan.

Cui Zhi was thinking about it when Lao Taishan came out.

She was dressed as a mourner, and all the bright colors were removed.

Cui Xiaodao: "It's done, let's go."

There was another moment of silence as we went up the mountain.

Cui Zhi secretly observed Lao Taishan with his peripheral vision, sighing in his heart that he was tough-minded. If the person lying in the coffin was Ke Wu, he might not be able to regain his sanity in a short time. Not only did Lao Taishan calm down, he still had business in mind and even made a special trip to explain it.

He could understand the other party, and he might be considered callous in Kewu's eyes.

After a while, the night fell and everyone was quiet.

Cui Zhi and his brother-in-law accompanied Lao Taishan to watch the funeral.

Cui Xiao looked at his son: "What are you doing here?"

The son was almost choked and said angrily: "Even if I am 'different', my father should not be dissatisfied with me in front of my mother. I am worried that you will cry so hard again... I will treat my kindness as a donkey's liver and lungs. What day will it happen?" Auntie will definitely sue you if she falls asleep!"

Cui Xiaodao: "It's an eyesore."

The son was so angry that the veins on his forehead popped.

But he still didn't throw up his sleeves and leave.

Even if he had to leave, it was his father who should leave!

Cui Zhi: "..."

Cui Xiao looked at the altar table and murmured: "No way."

No one in the world could make him lose his temper and cry like this.

The first seven nights passed extremely long. Cui Xiao looked outside the door from time to time, expecting a gust of night wind to bring her news, but unfortunately there was no wind until dawn. Cui Zhi had chosen a geomantic treasure spot on the mountain two days ago and ordered people to dig a grave.

"Time is running out. I will build a new grave for my mother tomorrow."

The coffin is carried and buried, and the grave is covered with new soil until the face is completely covered.

Cui Xiao laid out the sacrifices and stared at the unengraved tombstone for a long time: "Sister, I won't let you wait too long."

Because there was something going on in the nunnery, Cui Hui went down the mountain early.

After the processing was completed, she waited left and right, but only her brother came.

"Where is Father and the Supreme Being?"

"Brother-in-law, didn't they follow you down?"

Cui Hui shook his head: "No."

"There is only one way up the mountain. I have been here just now and I haven't seen anyone coming down..." As he said this, he wanted to go up the mountain to look for it again. He knew that his father had never recognized anyone except his senior brother. As my sister's husband, "My father won't take the opportunity to show off to his brother-in-law, right? His temperament..."

I want to speak but stop, I stop but I want to speak.

My father had been Aweng's deputy for several years, so no matter how much he learned about poetry, calligraphy and spirituality, he could not completely eradicate the predatory and tyrannical nature of bandits. His brother-in-law would suffer a terrible disaster.

Cui Huihan's face turned cold: "I don't dare to forgive him!"

You may say this, but you are still honest in your actions.

The siblings turned back and went up the mountain to search.

Apart from the newly renovated solitary grave on the top of the mountain, nothing else was seen. The two searched carefully and finally found a lost jade pendant in an inconspicuous corner. He swallowed nervously, his hands trembling: "Brother-in-law's jade pendant?"

The children of aristocratic families bound themselves with jade ornaments and would not let them go easily.

What's more, he is the head brother-in-law of a wealthy family.

In addition to the jade pendant, the two looked for other clues.

"This fan...has writing on it?"

The fan of knives belonged to their father.

At first, I thought my father left the knife fan to accompany my mother, so I didn’t look carefully when I checked it. I just discovered that there was writing on it. Before, the knife fan was blank: "What was written on it?"

"Borrow...Cui use?"

At this moment, the wind on the top of the mountain was a little noisy.

The dogtail grass near the new grave swayed gently.

Cui Zhi knew that Lao Taishan might use dirty tricks to deal with him, but he didn't expect that the dirty tricks would come so quickly and so shamelessly!

"A sneak attack is against the rules of a gentleman..."

What's more, they still have a relationship as son-in-law!

Cui Zhi thought he was used to seeing strong winds and waves, but the scene before him was really unexpected! Cui Xiao sneaked up on him from behind, half carried and half dragged him, and swaggered down the mountain in front of his brother-in-law. Cui Zhi wanted to call for help, but the pill palace was blocked, and his throat was blocked by Wen Qi and he couldn't make a sound - the other party's [Speech Suppression and Sound Seizing] was so proficient, it was so proficient that it could be used instantly, catching him off guard!

Cui Xiao sneered: "pedantic! Soldiers are deceitful. I have to tell you in advance to deal with you? Isn't it stupid?"

Does Cui Zhi believe this?

Cui Zhi really didn't believe it. He just wanted to remind Lao Taishan to save face. Before going down the mountain, he was still stable. The only way down the mountain was guarded by people, including his own men. There were many brave and capable warriors to protect him. Cui Xiao could not take him away.

"Father-in-law, aren't you afraid that this will make Kewu sad?"

"The old one won't go away, the new one won't come, and you have made peace with her. Why is she sad for you?" Cui Xiao was so indifferent that he stabbed his son-in-law with a knife, and showed his kindness to Cui Zhiti. He woke up and said, "Don't expect your men to come and save you."

At first, Cui Zhi thought that there was Cui Xiao in the mountain, so he could be so unscrupulous, until he saw his old man, Taishan, swaggeringly using [Chasing Wind and Sneaking Scenery] to cross several levels of wooden stakes. The guards were unaware, but Cui Zhi was calm and calm. The face finally cracked.

"...Furthermore, you are the leader of the Cui clan of Qi State and a confidant of the leader of Qi State. I don't need to say anything about your importance. It's okay if we haven't met. Since we have met, how can we return empty-handed?"

Cui Zhi laughed angrily at his words.

As soon as the mother-in-law's first seven days passed, Cui Xiao robbed someone on the back foot.

Is this still something that humans can do?

Cui Zhi, the head of the Cui family and the head of the Southwest Branch, never dreamed that he would fall into the hands of the enemy in this way.

Cui Xiao brought back a big fish.

"Why are you back now?"

Cui Xiao's old friends were surprised to see him.

"Who is this young disciple?"

"My former son-in-law, Cui Zhi, the head of the Cui family."

Old friend: "Real or fake???"

Cui Xiao sneered: "It's true."

Cui Zhi also laughed angrily.

It’s not without reason that his old father-in-law was abandoned by his wife and hated by his children! It's purely his own fault!

The old friend frowned: "It's useless to catch it and put it here."

After all, he is Cui Xiao's son-in-law, so he cannot leave the sacrificial flag to the Lord.

Cui Xiao: "How could it be useless? As long as it's locked up, Cui will have no one to take care of it. How many obstacles will it cause to us?"

You can still sell it for a good price later.

The old friend nodded thoughtfully: "That's true."

Cui Zhi couldn't be killed, so he could only take care of him, leaving this hard job to Cui Xiao. However, he still wanted to say something about Cui Xiao: "It doesn't matter whether the battle situation is good or bad. If you have something to do at home, just take care of your family first. No matter how long it takes, seven or eight days will still take care of you."

Cui Xiao's face darkened: "No need."

He added: "Send someone to go to the mountain to get the medicinal materials."

Cui Zhi was almost shocked by his shamelessness.

"My father-in-law took my people and still wants Cui's medicine?"

Cui Xiao was noncommittal about this.

He ordered people to take Cui Zhi down and keep him under strict supervision.

After they left, he spat out a mouthful of almost black-red blood in the horrified look of his old friend, and his whole face was so white that it was almost transparent. The old friend held his wrist to support him, and the next moment he panicked: "Cui Shanxiao, what's wrong with your meridians and elixir..."

Not only that, but even the heart vessels were damaged.

This pulse condition does not seem to be a sign of longevity, but rather...

"Someone hurt you?"

Cui Xiao pulled his hand away, coughed and said, "It's just self-harm."

When the friend thought of the reason why Cui Xiao went up the mountain for a night, he swallowed his words of persuasion. Cui Xiao couldn't bear to see others pity him.

"Close your eyes!"

But his old friend did not let him be willful: "Xinglin doctors can heal."

Cui Xiao changed the subject: "It's just a little internal injury, why should we alert the medical department? The matter has come to this point, and there is no need to waste the opportunity for such trivial matters. Cui Zhishan is in our hands, whether it is to restrain the Cui family or instigate the Cui family to civil strife. Wonderful effect. My Lord doesn’t have much time, and the Southwest Continent is not worth wasting time.”


I went shopping today and paid with cash for the first time in three or four years. Then the boss asked me 64 and gave me 4 coins. I thought it was a dime and was about to say I gave it by mistake. As a result, the boss said that the current piece is like this_(:з」∠)_

The one-yuan coin in my memory was not so small. The luster looked like it was a dime before.

When I got it, I thought I was getting counterfeit money.

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