Back Off, Let Me Come

Chapter 288 288: Sharpening the knife [please vote]

"Which family does this belong to?"

Looking at this number, Shen Tang thought it was the sum of several families. He picked up one and opened it to read. Unexpectedly, he heard Qi Shan say with a dark face: "One family, all related to the Zhang family."

Shen Tang almost lost his grip on the dossier and the slips.

He pointed at the pile with trembling fingers.

He asked in disbelief: "You said - a family?"

How many people are there in the Heyin Zhang family?

So capable of committing evil?

Shen Tang read the contents of the file at a glance. To put it simply, the son of a family was falsely accused of stealing a chicken by Diao, the manager of Zhang's front yard. It was a fighting cock with great military achievements, and its worth was worth several acres. Waiting for fertile land.

According to the law, double the loss must be repaid.

Unless the complainant is willing to keep it private.

How can this family compensate?

The male head of the family died of a serious illness during his service in the early years, leaving only three orphans and a widow. The widow had to work hard to support her son and daughter. She also had to endure the criticism from her parents-in-law, the criticism from her neighbors, and the scorn of her relatives. She was considered to be her destiny. .

In order to appease Diao's anger and loss, he is willing to sell the widow and her daughter as prostitutes, and at the same time sell off the widow's savings over the years.

Desperate and helpless, the widow rushed into the house to get a dull knife.

In full view of the crowd, the child was disemboweled.

Strongly prove that the family of three is innocent.

The result was that there was no chicken in the son's belly.

Instead, it brought out some rotten food that had not been fully digested.

Diao was so frightened by the widow's actions that he was so frightened that he was unlucky. He said that he had mistakenly admitted the wrong person, and left with a group of policemen who came to the door. The widow held her son's body and sued Diao, but the result was nothing.

Diao's mistake was a small mistake, but killing her son with her own hands was a big mistake! What she killed was her late husband's only son. Such a vicious, inhumane woman should be flogged for fifty years, tortured with ink, and grated to serve as a warning to others!

What happened to the widow?

Shen Tang didn't see the specific answer either.

Those who pound rice are also used to treat rice. To put it simply, people are sent to labor camps to pound rice with a mallet in both hands. The laws of the Xin Kingdom and the Geng Kingdom are different. The former generally needs to pound rice for three years before being freed, while the latter takes five or seven years depending on the severity of the case.

When looking at the dossier time, the laws of Xin State were used.

Three years is a long time.

If Diao wants revenge...

A female slave pounding rice died, and no one cared.

Furthermore, the widow has been beaten, tortured and pounded for three years. How can the only daughter survive in these three years?

Judging from the attitude of the parents-in-law and the clan members, they don’t seem likely to take over this hot potato. The so-called misidentification by Diao does not exist. According to the details recorded in the file, nine out of ten people did it on purpose. With a little pressure on him, the purpose was achieved.

Who knows that the widow has a strong character.

This is a way to prove one's family's innocence.

Shen Tang looked at it and sighed sadly.

Picking up another volume casually, it also belonged to Zhang.

Either a member of the Zhang family or a servant of the Zhang family, and there are also in-laws who rely on the Zhang family's relationship. Compared with a widow who was forced to have her child disemboweled, it was also hard to watch. I wish I could punch out the brains of that man who bullied others and looked down upon human lives.

"It's early in the morning, my lord, it's better not to look at these irritating things..." Qi Shan said, but waited until Shen Tang finished reading the cover sheet before reaching out to take it.

Shen Tang took a deep breath.

He waved his hand to the soldiers to carry everything inside.

The prison was so poor that there were only a few people there.

People like Zhang didn't bother to put in their eyes and ears.

It also costs money to buy ears and eyes.

Shen Tang is not worried that the news will leak out.

She said: "Are we going to do it tonight?"

Kang Shi didn't expect that Shen Tang would do what he said.

On the second night after taking over the throne, He Yin kicked down Zhang's door. The efficiency of this action would put Captain Yang, who had difficulty in making choices, to shame.

Kang Shi said, "Isn't it too hasty?"

Shen Tang: "Hurry is haste, but when they react, we are the ones who are passive. Before they have thought about it and noticed our efforts, we forcefully take down the Zhang family first, killing the chicken to scare the monkeys! It's too late, the chicken should be killed I became wary.”

In addition to this reason, there is another reason.

She is really going crazy! ! !

Money needs to be spent everywhere! ! !

Shen Tang got up at dawn to help repair the house. The roof tiles were broken, mold and mushrooms grew in the leaky areas of the house, and there were insects and ants eating them. The snow melted this morning, and there was water dripping in the house. The mattress on her bed could squeeze out half a pound of water.

The cash-for-work program still lacks start-up funds.

Qi Shan did not speak.

Starting early has the advantage of starting early.

Starting late has the advantage of starting late.

He also saw that Shen Tang at this time was a beast with red eyes after being hungry for many days. She could eat a mountain pig in one bite. Who could stop her from killing and eating? As the lord, she has made up her mind, and she just needs to help her realize it.

Kangshi didn't say much when he heard the words.

In fact, he also dislikes Mr. Zhang.

He stayed up all night last night, picking through files related to Zhang, holding back his anger.

The Lord is willing to take action to remove this cancer as soon as possible, which will be a good thing with no harm to both public and private interests.

Picking some grain from Mrs. Zhang's hand will make it easier to celebrate the New Year.

On this point, there is a high degree of unity of thought from top to bottom.

Although Shen Tang made the decision with a slap on his forehead, actually taking action required careful planning. They still don't know the background of the Heyin Zhang family, how many retainers the house has, and how many courageous warriors and literary scholars who can pose a threat.

If it is not done well, the entire Fugu City may be the first to suffer the consequences. This is not Shen Tang's original intention.

She wants the city to prosper and be revitalized.

I also hope that the people of this land will be reborn.

Rather than act recklessly and drag them into hell.

In order to keep the secret, Shen Tang originally planned to use a blue bird to send the message, but then he thought about it, Fu Gu was so poor that the birds didn't poop, the chickens didn't lay eggs, and suddenly a strong blue bird flew out...

It is not good to alert the enemy.

Shen Tang found an excuse to go there in person.

One of the main forces in this operation, Zhao Feng.

Before Zhao Feng took anyone back, Shen Tang was thinking hard about how to squeeze their labor force, and free prostitution was the most delicious.

Although the work is trivial, it is not very difficult. Zhao Feng himself is quite happy to do it. He never fishes and is the favorite of capitalists. Oh, because of Shen Tang's reputation, he also brought an "apprentice".

This "apprentice" is naturally Bai Su.

Bai Su is also well-known in Heyin.

To avoid trouble, Qishan helped her disguise herself.

Her age has changed from a flower-like seventeen or eighteen to an old woman in her thirty-seven or eighty-year-old. Her skin is yellow and black, her face has ridges and ridges, and her appearance is ordinary that you would not find if you were thrown into the crowd. Following Zhao Feng, outsiders only thought she was the wife who was serving Sasao.

At first, Qi Shan was worried that Bai Su would not act like him.

Facts have proved that you should not use your own knowledge to challenge other people's careers. Bai Su is a well-rounded female snitch, and sneaking into other people's houses is her basic skill!

If Qishan hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he would never have thought that the person in front of him, who was inconspicuous in every aspect and had no flaw in his posture and temperament, would be the female snitch! Bai Su's business ability is indeed excellent.

Shen Tang brought many people, and most of them were temporarily settled in the poorest, most remote and sparsely populated southwest corner of Fugu City.

It's not that the officials of the administration are deliberately making things difficult for people, but it's that this place has the most collapsed houses, the area is large, and almost no one lives in it. It's a perfect place for resettlement, but other places are not suitable.

Alas, I was already poor during the Chinese New Year.

Some time ago, my cell phone broke and I lost $6,000.

This is my iron rice bowl for dinner tonight, and the screen went black like crazy, and it swallowed up 500 of my manuscripts. Wow!

During the Chinese New Year, has stopped selling goods. Where can I buy a new job?

Huawei's laptops are extremely expensive.

The tablet I bought before was not easy to use for typing.

This year has been too difficult (灁灁)

PS: Punishment was a punishment in the Qin and Han Dynasties. It basically meant that women who committed crimes were sent to labor camps to pound rice, or they were sentenced to life imprisonment...

PPS: Tangmei: I am driven crazy by poverty

Mushroom: Me too

PPPS: There are currently 5843 monthly tickets, and there are still 823 tickets left before 6666. Today is the 30th, and the monthly tickets will expire in less than two days. Please help!

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