Back Off, Let Me Come

Chapter 950 950: Beating (Part 1) [Please vote]

Gong Xiqiu looked at them sideways.

He said in a bad tone: "What expression are you looking at?"

In the eyes of these people, what kind of unreasonable and reckless person is he, Gong Xiqiu? Gee, he likes to use force to solve problems. That's because it's easier to use force. Why use your brain to beat around the bush when you can solve it with your fists?

But that doesn't mean he has no brains.

If he didn't have any foresight, he couldn't even deceive Tang Guo, let alone live to this age: "Everyone judges people by their appearance. I don't know how you grew up."

Fourth Uncle Lin and Fang Yan: "..."

He never expected that he would be taught a lesson by Gong Xiqiu.

Just when Fourth Uncle Lin was thinking about smoothing things over, a straw grasshopper fell from the sky and landed on Gong Xiqiu's shoulder. He looked at the indifferent Gong Xiqiu, then looked at the grasshopper, and thought to himself, "Is this guy out of his mind because of his anger?"

A brave warrior is very vigilant.

The stronger the strength, the stronger the unconscious self-protection. If you approach any brave warrior at will, your hands may be broken off by reflex before your hands touch the person, or even beheaded! The qualities that warriors develop over the years are no joke!

Gong Xiqiu in front of him was indifferent to this grasshopper.

Is it so easy to get close to him?

The answer is obviously no.

Gong Xiqiu raised his hand to take off the straw grasshopper, looked up at a window in the tall building opposite, and raised his hand in that direction.

Jimo Qiu asked: "Are you an acquaintance?"

Gong Xiqiu smiled and said, "It's a benefactor."

After a while, a figure came out of the window and landed lightly not far from Gong Xiqiu. He said in surprise: "It's really you."

Gong Xiqiu returned the straw grasshopper to her. The young woman took it with a smile, turned around and threw it back to the shorter girl: "When will you change this problem?"

Gong Xiqiu looked at the young woman: "Are you a student?"

"I haven't really started teaching yet. How can I be a teacher? This child is a distant relative of the same clan. My great-grandfather raised her in the house because he had a crush on her. She is not very old, but she is like a kid. She likes to pass by the most. Young talent." The young woman flicked the girl's eyebrows with her fingers, "There are no children in the house, and everyone is spoiling her. Please don't be angry, Mr. Gongxi."

The girl snorted and hid behind the young woman.

Although the young woman said it tactfully, Gong Xiqiu understood clearly. Was he being teased in the street?

The person teasing him was still a childish child?

It was just a harmless joke, not to mention that the target was a member of the benefactor's clan. Gong Xiqiu had no temper. He laughed and laughed at himself: "Being her father at my age is considered a late marriage. How can I be called a young talent? The little girl has made a mistake. .”

When the girl heard this, her eyes suddenly widened.

It seems that he did not expect that Gong Xiqiu was so much older than his actual appearance. He cast a questioning look at the young woman who was traveling with him, and the young woman nodded in affirmation. The girl pouted and said: "So, you are a brave warrior? Why don't you wear the brave tiger talisman?"

Gong Xiqiu said: "I don't have this habit."

The girl was dissatisfied with this answer, raised her chin slightly in dissatisfaction, and said with a hint of pride: "But this is Feng Luo! Didn't you see the instructions for entering the city when you entered the city?"

Gong Xiqiu glanced at the young woman and shook his head.

He really didn't pay attention to what he needed to know before entering the city.

The young woman explained: "The requirement to wear the Wu Dan Tiger Talisman is also to check the identity and reduce unnecessary conflicts."

Most people will think twice when they see a token.

In the first half year since the establishment of the royal capital, fights often occurred. For the sake of public security, this rule was added. If the person who violates the rules is discovered, he may not be able to enter Fengluo King's capital openly for several years. If he sneaks in secretly, he will be caught.

If caught, you may be jailed for seven days.

Gong Xiqiu: "..."

"However, Mr. Gongxilang is an exception."

In name, Gong Xiqiu is also the general of Kang State.

The young woman's eyes secretly glanced at the few people traveling with Gong Xiqiu. Some of them looked familiar, as if they had seen them somewhere.

When her eyes passed over Fourth Uncle Lin, she paused, and the inexplicable feeling of familiarity became stronger. Perhaps she paused too long on Fourth Uncle Lin. Others also looked at her, with a bit of inquiry in their eyes. She suddenly smiled: "Looking at all of you, you must be tired from travelling. Meeting each other means we are destined, why not I'll be the host, let's sit down and have a cup of tea?"

Chao Lian nodded and said, "Nvjun Lin spent a lot of money."

The young woman in front of her is not very different from four years ago, but she looks more mature, elegant and calm, like a piece of warm jade, or like a gust of warm wind. The young woman took a few people back to the tall building just now, and asked people to prepare a banquet for the guests.

The girl leaned against the window again and looked down at the excitement.

Her fingers flew dexterously, and soon a grasshopper came out again. She stretched out her head and looked around, suddenly she spotted someone, and threw it down. Soon there were several roars coming from downstairs.

The girl giggled and twitched her fork.

The young woman shook her head amusedly: "Aren't you going to run away?"

The sound of footsteps climbing upstairs was heard outside the private room. The girl pushed the window and climbed out: "Aunt, I will go back later."

The girl disappeared and the private room was opened.

"Lin, you—" The teenagers who pushed the door fell silent when they saw the people inside, and hurriedly apologized.

The young woman pointed to the window.

Several young men blushed, bowed their hands in thanks and left.

Where have Gong Xiqiu and the others seen this battle?

It's not that they have little experience, it's that they have been wandering around for most of their lives, either killing people or fighting on the road. In my impression, it is rare to see someone so naughty and innocent at such an old age. If they had this character when they were young, their bodies would turn into bones. The young woman smiled and said, "Those just now were her classmates, just joking."

It was a rare holiday in the academy, and the child who had been restrained for more than half a year couldn't wait to come out to have some fun. The girl pestered her to go out for a walk since she had a rare break, and she agreed. I just didn't expect to meet Gong Xiqiu by chance: "Normally, their personalities are quite calm."

Gong Xiqiu sighed: "It's better to be naughty."

He was much more naughty than this during those years in the clan.

The young woman's gaze fell on Jimo Qiu, who said nothing, "Is this gentleman...a junior in Gongxi Langjun's family?"

Just by looking at their appearance, one can tell that they are related by blood.

I'm just not sure whether he is Gong Xiqiu's son or nephew.

"Well, my eldest brother's child, his name is——"

When Gong Xiqiu said this, his brain suddenly got stuck.

I always call him my eldest nephew, and I know that his eldest nephew is called "Shaobai", but I really don't know what his first name is.

The atmosphere in the private room was awkward for a moment.

Until Jimo Qiu came to the rescue.

"My surname is Jimo, my given name is Qiu, my courtesy name is Shaobai."

Lin Feng didn't understand the customs of the Gongxi clan very well, and he was curious as to why the uncle and nephew had different surnames. However, he saw Gongxi Qiu looking at Jimo Qiu with a confused expression - the eldest nephew's surname was Jimo, so there was nothing wrong with that. What a controversy, the high priest's unique divine power and high priest equipment are genuine. Changing his surname from Gongxi to Jimo is justifiable, but why is he called "Qiu"?

Which "autumn" is it?

Why do you have the same name as your eldest brother?

Although the Gongxi clan does not have the rules and regulations of the world, they still believe in orderliness between elders and young ones, respecting the elderly and loving the young. Under normal circumstances, they must avoid the taboo of elder respect and avoid naming conflicts with their elders. The name of the eldest nephew... Could it be that the eldest brother had high hopes for him and deliberately gave his name to the eldest son? This situation makes sense. After some thought, Gong Xiqiu suppressed the rising doubts.

Hearing this, the young woman sincerely congratulated Gong Xiqiu.

The fact that Gong Xiqiu wanders out all the year round to look for his brother and nephew is an open secret among the top officials of Kang State. Now that he has brought his eldest nephew back, it means that Gong Xiqiu will not leave again for a short time, which is a good thing for Kang State, which has tense borders.

She looked at Fang Yan and the others again.

He asked tentatively: "How many of you are from Mr. Gu's old team?"

Fang Yan and the others introduced them one by one, and finally it was Fourth Uncle Lin's turn.

The young woman frequently joined the army in her early years and had some impressions of Gu Ren's sworn brothers. Many years later, she is still familiar with them, but this silent middle-aged scribe is very unfamiliar. Judging from the conversations of several people, most of the middle-aged scribes were members of Gu Ren's old tribe who were lucky enough to survive. As soon as this thought came to my mind, I heard Fourth Uncle Lin introduce himself: "I'm Lin Chao, and I'm talking about Chao."

The young woman's hand holding the tea shook and the tea spilled.

She looked up at Uncle Lin's face in shock.

The abnormal reaction made Fang Yan and others look curiously.

What is the relationship between this young lady and Fourth Uncle Lin?

"Fourth uncle!"

Fourth Uncle Lin was stunned: "What?"

The female monarch hurriedly stepped forward: "Fourth uncle, I am Jiaojiao!"

The shock on Fourth Uncle Lin's face almost overflowed. He subconsciously turned his attention to Chao Lian, who was the only person who knew about his relationship with Lin and had seen Lin Feng as an adult. But he saw Chao Lian slapping his forehead with his hand, and then he remembered this matter.

He nodded quickly: "Yes, that's right."

Fourth Uncle Lin finally came to his senses. He looked at the mature little niece in front of him in disbelief, trying hard to recall the childish appearance of the latter. He knew that he would meet relatives during this trip, but he didn't expect that he would be caught off guard like this.

After a long while, he struggled to spit out a few words.

"Okay, okay, okay... Jiaojiao has grown up too." Taking a closer look at Lin Feng's appearance, he did have some similarities with his elder brother and sister-in-law. "How is grandpa?"

Lin Feng said: "My great-grandfather has a very strong body and bones."

Perhaps it was a pity that he missed Lin Feng's step-by-step enlightenment and growth process. He was now keeping a close eye on the younger generation - as the territory of Kang State stabilized, several clan members or their descendants who were lost in the past were gradually found. The girl just now is also one of them.

Because of this, the house can be more lively.

Now that my fourth uncle is back, I don’t know how happy my great-grandfather will be.

Fourth Uncle Lin asked again: "Where are eldest brother and the others?"

Lin Feng was disappointed: "We had several contacts in the early years, but the political situation there was not stable, and communication between the two places was very difficult."

Fourth Uncle Lin sighed after hearing this.

"This is really a trick of fate."

After he entered Kang State, he clearly felt that this country was different from other places. Judging from the current information, the leader attached great importance to the people's food and clothing. This was best reflected in the fact that he rarely saw the old and the weak begging on the road! The closer you get to the royal capital, the cleaner and neater the clothes of the common people become. Even in places that are not wealthy, common people can see patches on their clothes, but their complexions are considered healthy.

It's rare to see someone whose cheeks are so thin from hunger.

The official road is flat and extends in all directions.

The fields are neat and the crops are strong.

It is hard to imagine that this is a young country that is not rich in resources in all aspects and has just entered its fifth year of founding.

When the Lin family relocated, they did avoid immediate troubles, but they did not gain long-term stability. This journey has been difficult, and I don’t know how many clan members are left. Hearing that the political situation there was unstable, his worries became even more serious, and he sighed again.

"Brother, did they say they would come back?"

Lin Feng shook his head: "I didn't mention it."

Even if you have this idea, it will not be easy to come back.

"Fourth uncle, where are you staying now?" Lin Feng probed, secretly hoping that he could go home to see his great-grandfather tonight.

Fourth Uncle Lin said: "It hasn't been decided yet."

Lin Feng was overjoyed when he heard this: "In that case, why not go home and rest for the night first, and then send someone to contact the Duke's office tomorrow?"

Fang Yan and the others must be looking for Gu Mansion.

Kang State currently has only one Duke's Mansion.

"If that's the case, I'll be troublesome for Ms. Lin."

Lin Feng's mansion was unexpectedly spacious.

When he returned, his great-grandfather had already gone to bed, and Lin Feng didn't want to send anyone to disturb him, so he arranged for his fourth uncle and his four uncles to stay in the guest house. Although the guest house is unoccupied all year round, it is cleaned regularly by dedicated personnel. Fourth Uncle Lin put down his luggage and looked around the room.

The furnishings weren't very luxurious, but they were better than he imagined.

If you remember correctly, the Lin family took away most of their assets when they moved their family. The savings left behind should not be enough to build such a house. I don’t know how much hardship my niece suffered for this. Lin Feng couldn't help but laugh when he heard his emotion.

"Not really, the Lord has paid for it."

Fourth Uncle Lin looked at her in confusion: "The King of the Kingdom?"

Lin Feng: "The Lord said this is a reward."

Shen Tang's first entrepreneurial fund and the confiscated Lin family property were all remembered by Lin Feng. At that time, I was still thinking about giving Lin Feng a dowry in the future, but I didn't expect that so many things would happen. This "dowry" becomes the original investment. When the royal capital was completed, Lin Feng originally wanted to rent a house with his great-grandfather and others, but Shen Tang waved his hand.

This house was donated to Lin Feng.

The location is good and the decoration is exquisite.

The prices of houses in the same area have skyrocketed.

It would be difficult for Lin Feng to afford such a small salary.

Fourth Uncle Lin listened with great interest and would smile from time to time. While he was pleased, he was also worried about the path Lin Feng had taken over the years.

"Thank you for your hard work these years."

Lin Feng takes care of the old people who stay in the clan area.

This made Fourth Uncle Lin feel unhappy.

As her uncle, these responsibilities should have been shouldered by their brothers, but now they have to be shouldered by a younger generation.

Lin Feng lit a lamp for him: "It's not hard work. Since you are the leader of the Lin clan, you should shoulder these responsibilities. You don't have to blame yourself."

Fourth Uncle Lin almost choked on his own saliva.


Lin Feng looked at him: "Father, they don't want to come back, and that's part of the reason. I am the leader of the Lin clan."

Fourth Uncle Lin silently digested this shocking news.

Lin Feng didn't say much.

He just said: "Fourth uncle has been away for too long. Today's Kangguo is different from other places. There are some things you can slowly get used to."

"It's getting late, fourth uncle should go to bed early."

Lin Feng nodded at him and backed out.

When leaving the guest house, I met Gong Xiqiu who had climbed over the wall.

The latter did not feel embarrassed at all as a guest climbing over the host's courtyard wall: "Mama Lin, does she know where my old subordinates are?"


The composition I wrote early in the morning was actually swallowed (angry!)

Regarding the fight between courtiers in the previous chapter, this is normal. After all, this is not the time when money was born, and the relationship between monarch and ministers is not as strict as everyone thinks. The prevalence of convictions or literary inquisition was a very late trend. In fact, even if ministers scolded the emperor in front of him, it would usually be fine. Some officials' duty was to supervise the emperor, let alone being beheaded or the entire family being in trouble.)

When seeing the emperor, he would stand and cup his hands (from standing and saluting to kneeling and kowtowing, the status of a minister is very high...)

It is not uncommon for courtiers to fight, and some even ambush someone on the way to court and beat them with sacks (there seems to be an example of someone being beaten to death during a court meeting, but this is rare). It's not that the courtiers were fighting, it's that the emperor didn't control the courtiers well enough (that's when the courtiers were slaves).

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