Back Off, Let Me Come

Chapter 978 978: Yuan Liang, listen to my quibbles (Part 2) [Please vote]

"Qi Zhongshu, Qi Taishi, Qi Yuanliang, please stay calm!" The alarm bells in Chu Jie's head rang wildly. He almost reflexively stopped in front of Qi Shan, pressing the hilt of the latter's sword with one hand, trying to Bring back the other person's sanity. This is not the right time to go crazy!

The veins in Qishan's hand holding the sword were horribly bulging.

Chu Jie: "Calm down and think about your daughter——"

Qishan's expression of despair gave people the sense that his next move would be to kill himself with a horizontal sword. Although Chu Jie felt that "evil plotting to kill oneself" was a more absurd scene than a man getting pregnant, he still had this weird worry.

Qi Shan tries to compete with Chu Jie.

How could he possibly shake the strength of a brave warrior?

"Let go!" There was a blush on the restrained wrist, but Chu Jie still remained motionless. Qi Shan finally laughed angrily, "Marshal Chu is worried that Qi will not be able to think about it and draw his sword to kill himself?"

Chu Jie just looked directly into Qishan's eyes quietly.

Obviously, he didn't believe it.

Qi Shan felt more ashamed and angry. He took a deep breath to suppress his mania and anxiety, and tried to say in a tone that he thought was peaceful, but in fact he wanted to kill someone: "Qi's life was given by a close friend. It is very precious. How could you give up so easily?" If you don’t let go—”

As soon as he finished speaking, Chu Jie let go.

Qi Shan rubbed his slightly numb wrist.

But with Chu Jie's interruption, the originally almost crazy thoughts faded away, and reason took over. Jimo Qiu looked at the two of them worriedly, or to be precise, he looked at Qi Shan worriedly. I don't know what happened to make the other party suddenly lose control.

Qishan said: "Nothing."

Jimo Qiu: "..."

No matter how you look at it, it doesn't look like anything is going on.

The boy's inner emotions were completely written on his face.

Qishan: "..."

When he drew the sword, he really wasn't trying to kill himself as Chu Jie was worried about. He just discovered that there were cracks in the faith he had adhered to for many years, and he acted excessively under the extreme emotional shock. What do you do after you draw the sword? He was confused and didn't know the answer, but his reason told him that no matter what he did, it couldn't be now. At least we must wait for the outcome of the current battle to come to an end, and we must not let our Lord be distracted.

Even if the other party no longer trusts you.

And he had no idea when this trust was lost.

Since the battle at Liguan, the state of Kang was established in chaos. From chaos to order, the Lord has not been seen to defend the enemy for so many years, and naturally there is no chance of being injured. She had never been hurt, how could she know whether she had trust? Qishan's mind was in chaos. Even though his reason told him that this was not a good time to think about this issue, he couldn't control his mind.

When did it start?

Ever since she came into contact with the Society of Gods?

Ever since she knew she was a member of the Society of the Gods?

Starting from the annual meeting of the Gods?

Or maybe it started from the fact that Yushitai has made things difficult for me over the years and the Lord has defended him several times and finally started to have opinions? Qishan couldn't tell whether he felt more wronged, more sad, or more desperate and angry. My brain hurt so much that it almost exploded.

It was a dull pain that was hard to ignore.

It was as if a chisel was chipping away at it.

Every time he chisels, a pair of eyes that may be filled with ridicule or suspicion will float before his eyes. The owners of these eyes are the former masters he once entrusted with trust. They died in different ways, and the only thing they had in common was that they all had something to do with him. Some died in the way of the scribes [killing lords], and some died because of his own calculations - because he could not accept the impurity of these lords.

A lord who cannot trust him has no need to live.

Finally, the eyes settled on the familiar almond eyes.

However, Qi Shan has long since lost the cruelty that he used to kill his master if he said so. He could not imagine what it would be like when these eyes looked at him, full of suspicion and suspicion. Just because I couldn't imagine it, the dull pain in my head became clearer.

Repeat it again.

Each time it became more unbearable.

Under the worried gazes of Chu Jie and Jimo Qiu, Qi Shan staggered forward, his body followed the instinct to hold on to the wall, and barely stood firm.

Not long after he stood firm, he felt a sharp pain in his chest.

He was forced to let go of the sword in his hand and instead held it against his heart. Bang bang bang, the sound of a powerful heartbeat kept amplifying in my ears, getting louder and louder until it completely covered the ambient sound. Jimo Qiu said secretly that it was not good, and raised his hand to send a breath.

As soon as his breath entered Qi Shan's meridians, he saw Qi Shan's Adam's apple rolling several times with difficulty, opening his mouth and spitting out a mouthful of blood, which was completely sprinkled on the wall. Chu Jie was so frightened by this scene that his heart exploded - he was not so panicked even if Yunda and Gong Cheng joined forces to kill him!


Chu Jie's words were forcibly cut off by [No Speech and No Sound].

As the blood spurted out, and Jimo Qiu used his divine power to help him sort out the disordered meridians, Qi Shan's pale face looked a little better. He turned his back and slid down to sit against the wall. He warned in a mute voice: "Don't make any noise, don't disturb the Lord and distract him. I pray that nothing will happen to me, it's just a temporary distraction."

In layman's terms, it meant that he couldn't think about it for a moment and was almost in a daze.

The breath becomes trapped in the heart, causing damage to the meridians.

Chu Jie had to hold back millions of words - if he didn't want to speak out, he would just speak out, why bother with [silencing words and seizing the voice]?

Seeing Qi Shan's frail and weak appearance, he endured it.

With a little skill, Yan Ling's imprisonment was crushed into pieces, and I was worried about how this matter would end. He didn't believe Qi Shan's prevarication. If nothing happened, would my heart, which was forged with evil intentions, vomit blood for a moment? It’s good that you didn’t make anyone vomit blood!

Chu Jie looked in the direction of the battlefield and sighed—even though he didn't end up facing the enemy, he had the illusion that he was more tired than he did.

What happened here did not affect Shen Tang's side.

She knew that rushing out covered in blood would make Qi Shan think too much, but she didn't expect that Qi Shan's reaction would be so violent - the difficulty of coaxing someone into good company would rise from the difficult level to the hell level!

In order to go back and explain clearly as soon as possible, Shen Tang kept harassing the three-year-old Shan Nian who was forced to take the call: "Cut it, chop it, chop it - can you do it? If you can't do it, let me do it!"

Not only did he harass Sansui Shannian, but he also harassed his enemy Wen Da.

"Look at you, a little kid who has lived for more than two hundred years and still can't have the IQ of a three-year-old. What's the point of living for you? Your two apprentices are working under my account. What does this mean? It means that our country, Dakang, is far better than There is a future in the Northern Desert. Just fight the war in the Northern Desert, regardless of governance. Wherever you fight, it will be a hell on earth. On the other hand, it is different in Kang State. Wherever you fight and farm, the people will live and work in peace and contentment. This man , just afraid of comparison. Obviously, helping Kang Guo is to comply with destiny and accumulate merit. If you help Bei Mo, you are helping the evil tyrant!"

"Of course, I can tell by your appearance that you must have Northern Desert blood, but blood cannot mean anything. Pets only talk about blood, and people should talk about recognition. Wei Yuanyuan, who is of the same clan as you, abandoned the dark side and turned to the bright side. Now he is leading his tribe here. Kang Guo leads a good life. If you are willing, you and your disciples can also enjoy the benefits of Kang Guo leisurely!"

"Not to be missed."

"Lao Deng, did you hear that?"

"Hey, Bai Mao, squeak."

"Lao Deng?"

"White hair?"

"Old Prince of Ice and Snow?"

I don't know if Wen Da was harassed by Shen Tang's nonsense to the point of collapse. Three-year-old Shan Nian could hardly stand it any longer. Shen Tang's long list of words was a waste of saliva and made her mouth dry: "Can't you just stop for a moment? Aren't you tired of talking so nonsense?"

Shen Tang was surprised: "Wow, your voice is gone."

When Shan Nian was three years old, a sword beam of a hundred feet struck directly at Yunda's face.

The childish and innocent voice is no longer replaced by a cold threat: "If you keep talking nonsense, I will slap your face!"

Shen Tang: "..."

This seems to be the shame they both share.

In order to threaten himself, he can even say disfigurement.

A ruthless character indeed.

Wen Da's face was uglier than that of three-year-old Shan Nian.

The opponent is his opponent, but he is not attentive in the battle and can argue well. This kind of careless contempt is more unacceptable to him than defeating himself. But this person is even more slippery than a loach. No matter how much pressure he exerts, he is still just a hair away from being killed.

Once or twice, she can perform exceptionally well.

But four, five or more times, that is her ability to perform stably. This knowledge made Yunda more determined to kill Shen Tang, but the actual conditions did not allow it. because--

After Shen Tang closed the mic, the three-year-old Shan Nian raised his voice again, just like the childish and innocent one before: "I discovered it."

It sounded a bit regretful.

There was still no disturbance on Werder's face.

But in his heart, he understood what Shen Tang meant by "discovery".

The previous toxins did not disappear when the "tumor" was destroyed. Instead, they dispersed between heaven and earth, completely integrating with the energy of heaven and earth. She was unknowingly affected, so every judgment was faster than her body's - according to her judgment, she was only a few seconds away from ending Shen Tang's life and hitting his vitals, but her body's reaction was one step slower, and she was Get out of the way.

This desynchronization gap is small.

It was so small that even Werder failed to discover it immediately.

But it really affects the situation at hand.

The three-year-old kindhearted man Leng Buding said: "The sword is sharpened——"

Yun Da still didn't realize the meaning of her words. Shen Tang was still there in his field of vision, and there was a sudden pain in his shoulder.

One shoulder fell, and the lining fabric and a small piece of flesh under the scales were cut off by a sharp sword. The figure in his eyes was just an afterimage. The real Shen Tang had already taken action before he could judge. Werder's expression finally changed, and his mind was spinning rapidly.

"Second piece!"

Another sharp pain in my upper arm.

The childish voice smiled and said: "It's the third piece. If you don't react yet, you're just waiting to become a skeleton!"

Werder finally fought back.

It's still a little slower than the enemy's attack.

The situation here turned upside down in the blink of an eye. Werder seemed to have no power to fight back, but his response was still calm and even provocative: "Don't you want to give me a fatal blow?"

One sentence struck a chord with the three-year-old Shan Nian.

Of course it’s not that I don’t want to.

But Yunda's armor defense is amazing.

Repair happens faster than it breaks.

"Youli wants to see how hard your mouth is!"

Taking action again, the sword edge unexpectedly broke through the scales, but was blocked by the barrel of an ice and snow spear. She was slightly startled, as thousands of dense gun shadows rushed towards her like a dragnet. Werder seems to be immune to toxins in the air, no it is not!

Werder is not unaffected.

Rather, he deliberately slowed down his judgment and restrained his physical instincts.

Allowing body and consciousness to be synchronized again.

Werder can do this because he has experienced many battles and it takes him a little time to adapt to this kind of out-of-synchronization. In comparison, Gong Cheng looked more embarrassed. Without any intelligence, he was caught off guard by this turn of events, and suffered a big loss due to his unpreparedness. When he realized that something was strange, he was filled with color. It takes him longer to make adjustments than Werder, and he also spends a longer time falling into passivity.

Seeing that tonight failed to achieve the expected results.

Yunda shot away the entangled Shen Tang.

The figure flashed and suddenly appeared behind Gong Xiqiu.

How could Gong Xiqiu have thought that Yunda would be so capable?

It was too late to use the snake's tail to knock him away. In the next breath, his body suddenly sank, and the majestic force was like a hundred-foot wave, hitting him from top to bottom. Caught off guard, Gong Xiqiu was unable to maintain his air defense, and his body hit the ground like a cannonball.

Wen Da stepped on Gong Xiqiu and used his strength.

He reached out and grabbed Gong Cheng's shoulders.

Accelerate in the air and avoid the shadow of the sword coming through the air.

The shadow of the sword only penetrated the residual image he left behind.

Yunda turned around and glanced at the key passes and border barriers that were ready to attack. He waved the ice gun in his hand, and the wind and snow in the sky were guided to turn into thousands of ice crystals to stab Shen Tang. When Shen Tang used his sword light to crush all the ice crystals, he only had time to see the two of them scattered into flying snow.

Shen Tang, who had been silent for a long time, came online: "His uncle!"

Werder and Gong Cheng will withdraw now?

It’s about to enter a critical period to determine victory or defeat!

The three-year-old kindness did not catch up.

Gong Xiqiu, who was stepped on and knocked unconscious, got up from the ground, released the fusion state, and flew to Shen Tang's side. He looked at the direction in which Gong Cheng and the two disappeared, and his teeth itched with anger: " How could these two run away? They just ran away, and they stepped on me before they ran away. This kick was really a shame and a great humiliation——"

Naturally, the three-year-old kind thoughts will not respond to Gong Xiqiu.

Gong Xiqiu also found that something was not right with Mama in front of him.

When the wind and snow completely subsided, Sansui Shannian and Gong Xiqiu landed on the key wall. The former's eyes fell directly on Jimo Qiu. To be precise, it is at the heart of Jimo Qiu.

She looked at it intently for a long time and said suddenly: "You are not dead."

Jimo Qiu was looked at inexplicably.

When he was about to speak, he heard that the other party didn't know who he was talking to.

"It's done, Youli will leave first."

After saying that, her eyes changed.

Leng Buding regained control of his body. Shen Tang's center of gravity was unstable and he almost fell to the ground with his legs weak.

"Damn kid, you ran away without saying hello in advance!" She pressed her sword against the ground to steady her center of gravity, complaining that the three-year-old kindness was too unreliable. Compared with this naughty kid, Evil Thought is simply an angel on earth. Shen Tang adjusted to his body and stood up straight, "Ahem, cough, cough, Gong Cheng and the two retreat, there is no danger here for the time being. Order the guards to strengthen patrols and pay close attention to the movements of the enemy's main force. Our main force is coming soon, as expected. them!"

Shen Tang thought Chu Jie and the others should be very happy.


The atmosphere is still dull.

Even Yuanliang didn't come to praise himself.

Speaking of Yuanliang——

The smile on Shen Tang's face suddenly stiffened.

She looked at herself covered in blood, and then looked at Qi Shan, who was clean and expressionless, or Qi Shan, who was still holding a sword. The alarm bell in her head reminded her frantically: "Wait a minute, Yuan Liang, listen to my quibbles." , I swear to God I don’t distrust you!”

"It's Shannian, she is the one who harmed me!"

"She controlled my body and betrayed our agreement!"

"I'm innocent!"

"My heart for you can be judged by heaven and earth! It can be seen by the sun and the moon!"

As he said that, he gave himself a sword in the thigh.

Qishan: "..."


Ah, when I write about Tang Mei’s quibbles (crossed out), I always feel like a scumbag is cheating on her and trying to regain her respect. I always feel like something is weird.

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