Li Xun and William followed the man from a distance, shuttling around the main hall of the hotel.

It wasn't until a more remote corridor that the man stopped and entered a room with the death moth.

Li Patrol waited for a while before taking William to the door.

"Three moth graffiti? Sure enough, it's them, moth cryoma - moth monopoly interest group.

He looked at the three-moth graffiti sign on the door, a smile on his lips.

"However, this is the territory of the fifth-layer beast, how could he allow these guys to fool around here, could it be that some agreement was reached?"

Next, he did not rush in, but took William to find a hidden corner and secretly observe the situation here.

For two hours, no one came or went there.

When Li Xun was about to give up, the door opened, and the man who had entered before walked out with two transparent cans in his hands.

He could see clearly that those two jars were filled with purple moth jelly!

The man held two jars of moth jelly and carried the death moth, and left down the other side of the corridor.

After waiting for a while, there was no movement at the door, and no one else appeared around.

Li Xun took William and walked to the door again.

He first took out the moth jelly from his backpack, and the two of them drank a bottle cap, and then without hesitation, he held the water gun in his right hand, twisted the doorknob with his left hand, pushed the door and walked in.

"Hmm? ...... Not!

As soon as he entered the door, Li Xun covered William's mouth for the first time.

William was puzzled, and suddenly felt that something flew over, rubbed on his body, and immediately wanted to scream, but was covered by Li Xun deadly, and could only make a mumble sound.

However, William immediately reacted, this is a male death moth, and he experienced a similar scene in Level 3.

Inspector Li noticed that William had calmed down and slowly let go of his hand.


, Patrol..." "Shh..." Li

Patrol stopped William, who wanted to speak, and began to look around the room.

The whole room was almost dark, but there were a few places where there was a little light.

With the help of the faint light, he could see the layout of this room, similar to the presidential suite of the hotel, and they were now in the largest living room.

At each light there is a nest, as well as a female death moth, which is much larger than the male and can be distinguished at a glance.

Listening to the fluttering sounds around him, he deduced that there were at least a dozen male death moths in this hall.

The lightning in the bottle in the backpack constantly emitted electric noise, but because they both ate moth jelly, although the moths around them were a little irritable, they did not show any hostility towards the two.

Li Xun walked to a nest, and the female death moth also did not show any intention to attack.

He dared to fumble within it, but found nothing.

Recalling the two cans of moth jelly that the man took just now, he was a little annoyed when he boarded, the moth jelly produced here must have been taken away by that person, and he should rob the man.

However, Li Xun still did not die, and he and William parted their actions and continued to explore several other rooms.

Finally, he found a nest in the bathroom with a female death moth, suspected to have just given birth, secreting moth jelly from the abdomen to feed the young moth.

Li Xun approached slowly, looked in through the faint light, and suddenly felt surprised.

The moth jelly that the female death moth is secreting is golden!

"Good stuff, it can restore 30% sanity after consumption, and strengthen courage and determination, absolutely essential in level 5!"

Li Xun looked at the golden moth frozen and muttered, and took a transparent jar from the side, about the size of a small can bottle, but made of plastic.

He began to carefully pick up the golden moth jelly, and from time to time he had to give some to the young moths so as not to irritate the female death moth.

When the jar is two-thirds of the way through, the dead moth stops secreting moth frost and retracts its wings, as if to go dormant.

Li Xun was content, he closed the jar, put it in his backpack, and withdrew from the bathroom.

"Hey, patrol, look what I found."

William also returned to the living room at this time, came to Li Xun's side, and mysteriously handed over something.

Li Xun looked at the thing William handed over suspiciously, and through the weak light, he could barely see that it was a small purple pill.

"Purple pills? Moth jelly... Wait, this is a moth pill!

"Damn thing, actually made this pill, this thing is extremely addictive, ten times more than moth jelly!" This is the du pin in the back room! The

moment Li Xun recognized the origin of the pill, he was furious.

This kind of harmful thing should not appear in this world!

Whether it's the front room, or the back room!

William was frightened by Li Xun's sudden anger, and all the pills in his hand fell to the ground for a while.

"Patrol, you... You okay?

"Tell me, where you found it and how many more!"

Li Xun stared at William viciously, that gaze was simply to choose someone!

William was a little scared, he didn't know why Li Patrol was like this, and he took Li Patrol to a room in fear, and it was here that he found the pill.

Li Xun directly turned on the bright flashlight to illuminate this room.

There was no other furniture in the room, except for an oversized table in the middle with various chemical instruments and several bottles of pink liquid, one of the ingredients for making pills, rose water.

On the side of the table, there was a large cardboard box, countless moth pills, so messily placed inside, there was a small half box.


The light attracted almost all the death moths in the room, surrounding Li Xun and William.

Fortunately, the moth freezing effect has not yet dissipated, and the two are safe for the time being.

"William, find your way back to our room."


"Okay, you exit now, after you go out, immediately run to our room, no matter what happens here, don't come back, we will meet in the room."

"Patrol, you..."

"The time is up, get out quickly!"

William didn't talk any more nonsense, he guessed what Li Patrol was going to do, quickly left the room, and ran to the room where he was staying as soon as he went out.

After waiting for William to leave, Li Xun gathered all the chemical instruments in this room, as well as the small half-box of pills, and put the bright flashlight in the middle of a pile of things.

All the death moths surrounded the light source, and Li retreated to the corner of the room, holding the water gun in both hands.

"Burn, sin!"

As the words fell, he pulled the trigger, and a large amount of fire oil spewed out from the water gun.

In an instant, the house burst into flames!


The room where Li and William stayed at Level 5.


The door of the room was pushed open and slammed shut, making a loud noise.

After William entered the door, he immediately locked the door and moved away from there, slumped on the sofa in the living room, panting violently.

He didn't just run because he saw something weirder.

At this moment, a figure appeared in front of the door out of thin air, and the burning breath of flames and the scorched smell emanated from his body.

"Patrol! Are you okay! As

soon as William saw Li Xun appear, he immediately ran forward and asked with concern.

Li Xun did not speak, waved his hand, walked to the sofa, sat down, took out almond water from his backpack and took a sip.

He unloaded the backpack in front of him and the storage tank behind him, leaned his body against the back of the sofa, let out a long breath, and felt that the whole person relaxed.

"In this way, I steal... No, it's to take some of their moth jelly, it's just a matter of course! "

Li Touring thought about the feat just now, and he only felt hearty!

"Patrol, you burned that room?"

"Yes, those harmful things, you can't keep them!"

"Well, patrol... On my way back, I saw something strange.

"What's strange?"

"Walking on two legs, yellow, with a smiley painted on his face and a balloon in his hand."

"What! It's a partygoer! How could it be here?!

Li Xun jumped up from the sofa in shock and looked at William in disbelief.

After repeated confirmation, he immediately took up his backpack and water gun storage tank and walked to the door.

"William, we must get out of here quickly!"

After that, without waiting for William's reaction, he opened the door and walked out.

William didn't know why, but quickly followed.

After Li Xun went out, he looked around, found no trace of the party, and after identifying the direction, walked towards the corridor on the right.

He had to get to Beverly Hall as soon as possible, where there were numerous doors that randomly led to the rest of Level 5 to make it easy to throw off the partygoers.

The two had not gone far when a howl sounded behind them.

A creature with a humanoid head and a skin and bones ran out from the side of the corridor on all fours and quickly chased after the two.

Behind it, followed by a two-legged creature with coarse yellow skin.


"William, run!"

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