Li Xun held Xiao Yi in his arms and followed the tragedy through the darkness.

Wang Dajun said that he was still in trouble, and he was not accompanied.

Gradually, the darkness is receding and the surrounding scene changes.

In the pure black, some white is squeezed in and gradually increased, diluting the pure black to gray.

Unknowingly, Li Xun followed the tragedy to a gray world.

The style here resembles the Nice Country Hotel in the 30s of the 20th century.

But the difference is that everything here is off-white and full of oppressive atmosphere.

Li Xun feels that he is now in a black-and-white movie, which is quite interesting.

This is Level Frown.

The old layer of sorrow was occupied by laughing nightmare after the Glowface War.

This place was created by a man named Hans who helped the Sorrows.

Since his death, the floor can no longer be modified, making it vulnerable to attack.

As a result, those involved try to hide information about this level from the knowledge of other hostile entities.

After entering the mournful layer, the mournful did not stop and continued to shuttle with Li Xun in this hotel-style layer.

Along the way, Li Xun saw many paintings recording historical events hanging in the corridor.

In the courtyard of the hotel, there is a fountain, which is said to be an almond water fountain, and it is also almond water similar to vanilla-flavored cake.

He made up his mind, and after talking for a while, he must put some back and use it to brew a new flavor of Zhicha coffee.

Sorrow led Li Patrol until it stopped in front of a conference room, it looked back at Li Xun, then pushed open the door of the conference room and walked in.

At this level, meeting rooms are scarce and important.

Li Xun knew from this that this cooperation was very important to the tragedies!

He hugged Xiao Yi and followed the sorrow into the conference room.

The moment he saw the situation in the conference room, he immediately covered Xiao Yi's mouth.

In the conference room, there are at least dozens of mourning.

When encountering a group of mournful creatures, it is best to avoid making sudden noises, otherwise it may frighten them.

Frightened hordes of sorrows will immediately attack, injuring or even killing the person or entity that frightened them.

If Xiao Yi, this stupid cat, suddenly makes a sound, it will be really fun.

A rustling sound came, and Li Xun saw a mournful creature writing something on a wooden board.

After a while, the mournful one raised the wooden board and showed it to Li Xun.

It is written in very standard Daxia script:

[We want to know the specific plan].

"I think it's more efficient to communicate directly verbally, and I have a prop that makes it easier for us to communicate."

Li Xun put Xiao Yi on the ground and took out 2 Babel lip balms from his backpack.

I opened one of them, applied it to my lips, and said

, "Hello, my name is Li Xun, it's nice to meet you."

Shock (ΩДΩ)!

There was a commotion among the mournful people present, and they actually heard their language from Li Xun's mouth.

Babel lip balm is an item of the W chamber group, not in the F chamber group.

Li Xun put another Babel lip balm on the table and pushed it to the sad man who was writing on the wooden board.

The sorrowful man curiously picked up the lip balm on the table, followed Li Xun's appearance, and touched his glowing mouth a few times.

Afterwards, the two sides had a friendly and barrier-free oral exchange in the conference room.

Li Xun explained his action plan in detail, which was unanimously approved.

Finally, the sad one who had used the lip balm offered to exchange some items for the lip balm.

Li Xun refused, but promised them to come to the Sorrowful Layer next time and send them two for free.

After coming out of the conference room, Li Xun followed the previous mournful bird and walked outside the hotel.

While passing by the almond water fountain, Li Xun took all the almond water from his backpack and threw it away extravagantly.

Then, it is filled with vanilla cake-flavored almond water inside the fountain.

The Sorrow did not stop it, this fountain was originally open and free, and it could be used by all humans in the Sorrowful Layer.

After loading the almond water, Li Xun followed the sorrow to a black area.

According to Sorrow, through this black area, it will be stuck in Level 6 - When the lights are out, it will appear in an area where laughing nightmares are frequented.

Li Xun carried Xiao Yi to the dark area with his arms, and the miserable one remained in place without accompanying him.

After all, they are hostile to the laughing nightmare, and they will pinch each other when they meet, and it will get in the way.

When Li Xun was about to walk into the dark area, Xiao Yi in his arms spoke:

"Hey, can I stay here and wait for you to come back, meow?"

"I don't call hey, please call me master!"

"I called you master, can I stay here and wait for you to return, Meow?"


"Meow... Woo! "

Angry purr.

When Li Xun first stepped into the dark area, there was silence around him.

As he continued to walk deeper, he began to hear the sound of rushing water flowing through the pipes and felt a little depressed mentally.

He knew that it was now time for Level 6 - lights out.

This is a vast complex of buildings of uncertain scale, and any light source that tries to illuminate it will be absorbed by the strange spatial structure.

Therefore, it has become a carnival park for many entities in the darkness all year round.

Li Xun stopped, stood in place, stopped walking, and quietly stroked Xiao Yi.

In the silent darkness, only a comfortable purr came out.

After a while, a glowing smiling face appeared in the darkness, speeding towards Li Patrol.

Immediately after, the second, the third... At least a few dozen laughing birds appeared, forming an encirclement that surrounded Li Patrol in the middle.

Li Xun was very calm, took out the babel lip balm and applied it to his lips a few times, cleared his throat, and prepared to start his second round of negotiations.

Xiao Yi in his arms was also very calm, licking his paws.

As if they had something to rely on.

"I said, guys..." "


The laughter that came up was shocked!

They couldn't believe their ears, if any, hearing their language from a human mouth.

However, this does not affect them to tear the humanity in front of them to shreds.

But they didn't do it, and they seemed to be afraid of something.

"I found a few ringing cats, and I can take you to hunt them, but the only request is to keep one for me."

"I think it's a win-win cooperation, you guys say?"

Li Xun enjoyed the shock of Xiao Wei and continued to voice his ideas for cooperation.

There were unknown voices all around, probably the laughing monsters discussing something.

After a while, the laughter surrounding Li Xun disappeared into the darkness one after another and left here.

Only a smiling man was left standing on the side, quietly watching Li Xun.

Li Xun understood what they meant, and said with a smile: "

Happy cooperation!"

"Meow... Woo! Xiao

Yimi had reached a cooperation and urged Li Patrol to leave, it felt that it was a little cold here, and it didn't like it.

Li Xun touched its head, and then said into the empty darkness on the side:

"Thank you!"

A cold snort came from the darkness and quickly faded.

When the laughter on the side heard this voice, he obviously snorted.

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