Li Xun found himself in a room with an area of about 60 square meters.

The walls, ceilings and floors are made of unknown metal.

The whole room was illuminated by a dark red light, but no lamps emitted this light were seen.

Boom! Boom! Boom....

A knocking sound suddenly sounded, interrupting Li Xun's observation.

He looked to the left and saw a metal door on the wall, but he didn't see a hinge at the shaft.

The constant knocking sound came from outside the door.


The lightning bolt in the bottle inside the backpack emits current noise, and it continues to get bigger!

The knocking outside that door was also getting stronger and stronger, accompanied by the scratching sound of countless claws!

The metal gate began to change shape, and some areas were visibly raised!

"There are many entities out there, meow!"

Xiao Yi licked the cat's paw and said this sentence lightly.

Li Xun looked at Xiao Yi with some surprise.

When encircling and suppressing the plan, it also behaved a little intimidatingly, and now in the face of a large group of entities that may be outside the door, its tone is so relaxed?

There are quirks!

Groove, large group entities!

Li Xun was agitated and quickly took a step back.

I just entered an unfamiliar environment, just observing and judging the situation here.

"Here it is... level ! The first area, you have to leave quickly! "

Wait, maybe try 'snap-out/click-in' candy bars."

He took out a pale gray candy bar from his backpack and did not eat it himself, but looked at Xiao Yi.

"Come, Xiao Yi, eat sugar."

Xiao Yi looked at him like a fool and did not speak.

But he walked over and took the candy bar in his mouth.

It knows what this candy bar does, and when consumed, it can become invisible and used to hide from entities.

However, when it was eaten, nothing changed on its body.

"Can't you? Is it a problem at this level, or is the candy bar invalid for the entity?

Li Xun was a little puzzled, but did not try to eat a "card in/card out" by himself.

Otherwise, if it only takes effect on themselves, Xiao Yi and Xiangwei will still have to be chased by the entity group.

He turned and walked towards another metal gate on the right, and he had to get out of here!

Push the door....

Not on!

Push again....

Not open yet!

"Xiaowei, help push together!"

Go ahead....

After nine attempts, the metal door did not move!

"I'm going, so bad luck?"

Li Xun looked at the metal door in front of him and was speechless for a while.

According to the records, this door usually takes 1-10 attempts to open.

And he, not opening it nine times, is enough!

Xiao Yi stood at Li Xun's feet, looked up at this Hanhan, and said

, "Do you want to try pulling it, meow?"

When Li Xun heard this, he leaned over and picked up Xiao Yi, grabbed his paws and buckled them on the door, and said:

"Come, the claws are strong, hold tight, I shout one, two, three, and it will open and pull."

Xiao Yi, this stupid cat, can't you see that there is nothing smooth on the door!

Boom! Boom!

The knocking sound kept coming from behind, and the metal door had been severely deformed, and it seemed that it would be smashed open at any moment!

Li Xun did not dare to delay any longer, took Xiao Yi back into his arms, and pushed the door with his shoulders.

Not surprisingly, for the tenth time, the door was easily pushed open.

One person and two entities entered a narrow corridor, also filled with dark red lights.

This corridor, much like the corridor of a modern hospital, just looks a little weird.

The corridor is flanked by wooden walls with metal doors, randomly distributed, extremely asymmetrical, some open and some closed.

The "EXIT" logo, which radiates red light on the ceiling, is hung as you like and irregularly.

After Li Xun went out of the door, he turned around and closed the door as soon as possible.

Without stopping, he ran quickly towards the far side of the corridor.

According to the description, the wanderer entered this corridor, that is, "run if you don't want to die!" "Behind the main area, the door in the room will be knocked open in 10 seconds.

Sure enough, as soon as he ran a few steps, the sound of a metal door falling down was heard in the room.

The entity has entered the room!

Then, in a matter of seconds, the door behind him will also be pushed open.

At that time, tons of entities will swarm out and launch a pursuit!

Li Patrol accelerated again and ran wildly!

A few seconds later, howls, hisses, and roars came from behind!

Tons of entities poured out of the room, crowded the corridors, and roared and rushed towards Li Patrol!

"My mother!"

"Annoying monkey!"

Li Patrol grabbed a fire salt bomb from the side pocket of his backpack and threw it back, regardless of the outcome, he continued to run wildly.

At the same time, he unzipped his backpack and stuffed little Yi in.

Explosions and flames came from behind, and the roar of anger became more intense.

A few fire salt bombs simply cannot have the slightest impact on the number of tons of entities!

Li Xun took out two liquid pain grenades again.

Pull the ring and throw it back.

This time, he glanced back.

It's really a bit numb!

Laughing nightmare, hound, skin stealer, luminescence, death rat, death wasp, etc., and several pies are among them.

In addition to common entities, there are more that Li Xun has only heard of, has never seen, and there are many types!

The effect of the liquid pain grenade is remarkable, and the pain caused by strong corrosion slightly slows down the pace of some entities.

However, there were several light blue entities, and the liquid pain liquid had not yet sputtered onto its body, and had been instantly vaporized.

This time, Li Xun completely angered them.

I saw these light blue entities, their figures shook, their speed increased sharply, turned into several blue phantoms, and approached quickly.

"Light blue glow!"

"To die! Die! The

moment Li Xun saw the light blue entity appear, he was immediately shocked!

The luminescent is distinguished by its color.

Among them, light blue is the highest level!

This level of luminescent is extremely fast, and the temperature around his body is terrifyingly high.

In a very short time, the body of the wanderer can be burned to only bones!

Li Xun took something out of his backpack again and began to fiddle with it.

It is a cuboid object, exactly an anti-Euclidean device!

A scorching wave of air came from behind him, and the light blue luminous person had already chased a few meters away.

As long as he is caught up, Li Xun will be burned into a pile of bones within a few seconds!

In the nick of time, the space around him was distorted.

One step out, and when he reappeared, he was already fifty meters away!

Without any stops, he continued to run at a rapid pace.

Of course, he didn't forget to turn around and shout:

"Xiaowei, run!"


Xiangwei was suddenly shocked, you ran away, it is still in place!

When the heat wave hit, Xiangwei only felt a pain in his tail, exclaimed, and his speed increased sharply.

A black shadow flew through the dark red corridor!

In the blink of an eye, he appeared next to Li Xun.

"Lying groove, it turns out that Xiaowei you can be so fast!!"

Li Xun was stunned, he knew that the sound of the evils was fast, so he did not hesitate to use the anti-European device and fled first.

However, he never expected that the speed of the ringing could be so fast!

"Shhh, miscalculated, I knew I should have got you a saddle."


Hibiki didn't understand what the saddle was, but instinctively felt that it must not be a good thing.

The light blue luminous did not have any intention of giving up, and constantly accelerated the pursuit.

The entity that had been delayed by the grenade also chased after it again.

At the level! , the entity slowly adapts to the wanderer's ability to run.

Li Xun frequently used anti-European devices, and could not shake off the entity behind him.

After using the anti-Euclidean device again, he put it back in his backpack.

It has been used more than a dozen times today, and if it is used again, more than twenty times, it will cause depression complexes and nausea.

Li Xun passed through many open metal doors along the way, but he did not enter any of them.

At the level! , most of the inside of the door is a dead end, if you are trapped inside, it is really possible to send it!

He took out a bottle of almond water and drank a few sips to replenish his strength.

Running for a long time, it is extremely consuming, and if there is no almond water, or the energy bar he picked up along the way to replenish, he would have been unable to carry it for a long time.

Suddenly, a corner appeared in the corridor ahead, and when he saw it, he was overjoyed.

"There's a way to get rid of the Glow!"

Li Xun's speed slowed down slightly, as if he was exhausted, and he sounded to the side, making a vague gesture to the right.

The light blue luminous who was chasing after him, seeing that Li Xun's speed had slowed down, was overjoyed, and his speed increased again, and he was approaching quickly!

When the luminous man was only a few steps away from Li Xun, he suddenly paused his body, and with force under his feet, he turned sharply to the right and rushed to the right corridor.

The light blue luminous was too fast, stopped and crashed straight into the wall.

Without waiting for them to stand up, tons of entities pursuing behind them stampede!

The noise is endless.

The light blue luminescent has extremely high temperatures, burning many entities into fly ash!

But the number of entities is so large that it overwhelms it in an instant.

Continue to patrol towards Li and pursue him!

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