"Laughter! Sadness! "

Generous gift crab!"

At this time, many thoughts flashed through Li Xun's mind.

Suddenly, he took a firm step forward again, and at the same time turned on the light source of his phone.

"Two, three... Nine, ten! As

soon as Li Xun's tenth step fell, he saw a small black supply box suddenly appear out of thin air.

He leaned over to pick up the supply box, and before he could open it to check it, he heard a "gurgling" sound and quickly approached.

It's a sad corpse!

Li Xun dared to stay in place, and ran away.

That speed is at least one level higher than just entering the back room!

But he didn't have time to pay attention to the change.

Snap, snap.

Li Patrol made a lot of noise when he stepped on the puddle during his run, and the laughing monsters around him suddenly and quickly chased him!

The gurgling sound is getting closer and closer, accompanied by a few growls!

Li Xun freed his right hand, took out a piece of fire salt from his right trouser pocket, and threw it behind him with his backhand.


A huge roar sounded, and a shock wave mixed with high temperature swept in.

Li Xun, who was running, almost fell down.

At the same time, a miserable howl sounded behind him, and the tragic corpse chasing Li Xun was blown up more than ten meters away.

The explosion produced a bright light that briefly illuminated the surroundings.

Li Xun used the light to see the appearance of the sad corpse.

The whole body is skinny, and the skin is reddish-brown dry and flaky, covered with holes and pus.

The violent explosion slowed the pursuit of the corpse.

But the strong light attracts more laughters to gather here!

Li Xun suddenly stopped and looked at a place that still exuded light.

That's probably where the human community is!

But on the way there, there are three laughing nightmares coming towards you!

"There is teleportation to save your life, fight hard!"

Li Xun looked at the three smiling monsters that were approaching, hugged his backpack and supply box with both hands, and rushed towards them with his feet.

As he approached the laughing scene, a child's cry sounded, as if coming from an old radio.

Li Xun who was running, suddenly felt a sense of weakness, his feet were soft, he fell to the ground, and his face rubbed fiercely on the ground for a distance, hot pain!

The supply box in his arms also fell out of his hand, and it became half open due to the impact with the ground.

A light blue light shone out from it, and a noise similar to that generated by electricity came out, which grew larger and larger as the three laughing birds approached.

In the supply box, there is a flask-like glass container with a silver reflective metal cap, and inside the bottle is a light blue lightning emitted by a turquoise cloud.

"Lightning in a bottle!"

The feeling of powerlessness came and went quickly, and the power returned to the body.

Li Xun thought that this should be the key to escape that played a role.

The moment he regained his strength, he abruptly got up, quickly rushed to the supply box, leaned over and took out the lightning bolt in the bottle.

In an instant, Li Xun found that all the laughing and sad corpses around him were all in unison, and an extremely disgusted expression appeared on his face.

At the same time, I feel that the strength of the whole body has become fuller, the body has become more flexible, and the mind is clear.

At this time, he suddenly remembered that when he first got the supply box, he had this feeling, but the situation was critical and he didn't care.

Taking advantage of the pause of the three laughing caters in front of him, he rushed forward sharply, passing through the gap between the laughing cats!


Li Xun suddenly felt a sharp pain in his back, but the speed under his feet did not dare to slow down at all, and he fled towards the distant light.

Relying on the sudden increase in speed and stronger physical strength, he threw off the pursuit of laughing monsters and tragic corpses far away and came to a place similar to a base.

A searchlight lit up and shone on Li Xun.

Li Xun stopped, held the lightning in the bottle in his right hand without a trace, and hid it between the backpack and his body.

After relaxing his mind slightly, a piercing pain came from his back.

He touched his left hand to his back, wet with pain, and by the light of the searchlight, he saw that his left hand was stained with blood.

Raise your blood-stained left hand in front of your eyes and look in the direction of the searchlight.

"I was chased by many laughing nightmares and sad corpses, asking for shelter."

Li Patrol shouted at the diagonal upwards.

Under M.E.G. agreements with major groups, they are obliged to provide assistance and shelter to humans at risk.

"This is the Level 153-RL regiment, which has agreed to provide you with asylum."

A loud shout with a strange accent sounded at the base, and at the same time the base gate opened and four gunmen walked out.

Bang bang bang....


Gunshots continued to sound from high on the base, especially the blue fire of Gatling, which was particularly conspicuous.

The laughing and sad corpses that came in pursuit kept falling.

Li Xun followed the four gunmen and ran to the base.

When the searchlight was about to move away from him, taking advantage of the other party's distraction, under the cover of the light, he quickly stuffed the lightning in the bottle into his backpack.

"Hello, my name is Jepson, the head of the level 1 outpost of the RL regiment."

As soon as Li Xun entered the base, he saw a strong blond man coming to him and introducing himself to him in the words of the beautiful country.

Fortunately, it was not too complicated communication, and Li Xun could barely understand and communicate.

"Hello, my name is Li Xun, thank you so much, you saved me!"

Li Xun looked at the strong man in front of him, showing a look of gratitude on his face.

"Well, I'll arrange for someone to take you to the medical room to treat your wounds later, and then arrange a lounge for you to rest temporarily."

"But as soon as a call comes from the outside area, you must leave immediately, and there are no outsiders inside the outpost."

Faced with Li Xun's gratitude, Simpson just nodded faintly and ordered a soldier to take him to the medical room for treatment.

However, when Li Patrol followed the soldiers to leave, Simpson looked at his departing figure thoughtfully.

Inside the medical room.

A hideous wound extended from Li Xun's left shoulder to his right waist, his flesh rolled up, and he was still oozing blood, but fortunately he didn't hurt his muscles and bones.

In contrast, the abrasions on the face are innocuous.

During this period, the medical staff wanted him to put his backpack aside first to facilitate the treatment of the wound, but he refused, and the medical staff did not force it.

This performance of his was recorded by the soldiers on the side.

After being treated by medical staff, he was taken to a lounge by soldiers.

After Li Patrol entered the lounge, the soldier left.

He quickly locked the door, closed the curtains, and began to scrutinize every corner of the room.

After finding no monitoring equipment, he walked over to the table and sat down.

I took out a thermos cup, almond water, blind powder, coffee beans, and fire salt from my backpack and brewed a cup of Zhicha coffee for myself.

This is good for quick wound recovery.


Drinking too little, the feeling of live maggots filling the mouth, still not adapted.

After Li Xun retched, he sat down again, took the lightning in the bottle out of his backpack, held it in front of his eyes, and carefully observed.

The light blue lightning was reflected in Li Xun's pupils, like a beating blue flame.

According to the M.E.G. database, lightning in bottles is extremely rare in both the W chamber group and the F chamber group!

According to the properties exhibited by the lightning in the bottle in front of you, combined with the data, it can be determined that it is a lightning bolt in the bottle belonging to the F chamber group.

For unknown reasons, most hostile entities are extremely disgusted by lightning in bottles, and carrying lightning in bottles can effectively reduce the probability of attacks by hostile entities.

This was also the reason why after Li Xun took it out of the supply box, the laughing and sad corpses suddenly stopped.

When there are hostile entities around, the lightning in the bottle will beat faster and emit a more intense electric sound, the closer the hostile entity is, the faster the lightning beats, and the louder the noise generated by the current.

As long as you carry it, you can predict in advance whether there are hostile entities around you and the distance away, which is definitely the best equipment for exploring the back room.

The lightning in the bottle also has a buff effect, which is about 60 cm away from the lightning in the bottle, which can significantly increase the running speed and jump height of the owner, and greatly increase the strength of the owner.

This is why Li Xun suddenly felt that his body was full of vitality, and he was more flexible and faster.

Li Patrol values the life-saving effect of lightning in the bottle -

when the owner encounters a fatal attack from an entity, there is a high probability of leaving a light blue arc around the owner and immediately teleporting the owner to a random safe location in Level 0.

Although Level 0 may not seem safe now, it will not be immediately fatal.

Li Xun believes that this ability will be one of the security guarantees of this trip to the pleasure layer!

At the same time, inside Simpson's room.

"Boss, I am absolutely not mistaken, what he was holding in his hand was the legendary lightning in the bottle!"

"And, it must be in his backpack, and since entering the base, he has been holding on to his backpack, even when dealing with wounds."

"Well, get the brothers ready for action, we have to get it before the call comes!"

Simpson looked out the window into the lounge, his eyes revealing cruelty and greed.

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