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Chapter 997: Bet!

After discussing this matter within the group, they still chose to communicate with Lu Feng. After all, he was in charge of the whole process. The most important thing was that neither Liu Cheng nor other executives were afraid of escalation.

Once R&D companies are affected in other countries, it will be fatal to this year's R&D progress.

In the evening, Liu Cheng and two vice presidents called Lu Feng's phone in the office. The call was picked up by the secretary's office, and then transferred to the internal line.

"Which one?" Lu Feng picked up the phone and asked.

"Mr. Lu, it's me. Something unexpected happened here. The club in the United States was revoked and fined $200,000." Liu Cheng briefly explained the situation.

Lu Feng was not surprised by this incident, and said to the phone: "It's good to handle this matter properly. If you can attract more talents, you can attract more talents. All activities in the United States will be stopped, and the focus will be on places such as Fusang and Europe. , and at the same time focus on going to the top 100 universities in the world to do activities, how did the layout start this year?"

"Already actively decentralizing funds, Ruixin Lab is expected to increase about 100 people this year, and add two R&D centers in China. We have recently been discussing with two companies in Fusang, and may set up a transit R&D center in Thailand. At the center, they can communicate in two aspects of film capacitors and inductors, and they are mainly interested in Nokia.”

"It doesn't matter, if selling a Nokia can get you technology, then it's the most appropriate. They are allowed to cooperate with us in China?" Lu Feng asked.

"This is also the problem. Now a group of companies headed by Sony are very unfriendly to us, but some companies represented by the Roma Group want to cooperate with us, mainly because we have money, and they are not friendly to Nokia, Europe, etc. I am very interested in the communication technology of the two sides, and the two sides are very protective of each other, and we have become an intermediate link." Liu Cheng smiled and said: "When I talked to them, they all said that your relationship with Nokia is extraordinary, and they also Believe it or not."

"It's alright, as long as it's good for your work, as long as their chairman has a daughter, I'm bound to, you can tell them, but now there is more frequent technological communication between Fusang and the United States, and companies like Nokia and Siemens in Europe are still relatively weak. There are so many, everyone is struggling to develop, and they have to learn to play the middle ground!" Lu Feng pondered for a while and said, "For some engineers, they should be attracted when they should be attracted. There are not so many rules and regulations in the world.

"Um... President Lu, don't worry, I'm definitely willing to spend money." Liu Cheng didn't quite understand.

"You should specifically find some powerful people who are excluded due to internal struggles, and invite them to set up a laboratory by themselves. For some leaders, you should invite guests to Pattaya for a visit, and those who love money directly Don't be vague about sending money." Lu Feng asked bluntly, "Do you understand?"

Liu Cheng was a little dumbfounded on the other end of the phone. Besides going to Pattaya, isn't this a way to win over him?

"Mr. Lu... This is not very good, everyone is a senior engineer, and they are all people with respect in the world..." No matter how Liu Cheng thought about it, he felt that this would be more corrupt. 's reputation.

"Forget it, you don't have to do this, is Zhu Lidong in the company?" Lu Feng asked.

"Where are you, I'm at the headquarters now, are you looking for him?"

"Call him to come over."

About ten minutes later, Zhu Lidong knocked on the door and walked in. He turned to the phone and said, "Mr. Lu, are you looking for me?"

"Look for someone smarter and settle in the R&D company, mainly for reception work, understand?" Lu Feng asked.

Zhu Lidong was stunned for a moment and then reacted, saying: "No problem, don't worry, if no one goes, I will receive it in person when I have time."

"Don't go up when you see it's cheap, find someone who can speak English, leave the technical aspects to Liucheng, and leave the reception to them. The budget is sufficient, understand?" Lu Feng asked.

"Understood! Understood!" Zhu Lidong grinned after speaking. He really didn't know who was so lucky to fall into the oil tank of the R&D company.

"Is there any progress in technology recently?" Lu Feng asked Liu Cheng, "It's better if there is good news in the first half of the year, and the pressure on my side can be a little less. I haven't had a meal with John since I arrived in London."

"Mr. Lu, you can rest assured that there will definitely be breakthroughs in two directions in the first half of this year. They are still experimenting. One is the integrated circuit coating technology, and we are already applying for relevant global patents. The other is wafer technology. It can be close to world-class technology. In terms of communication, there will be related technical outputs this year with Ruixin Laboratory as the core, especially in the signal enhancement of base stations. In progress, three projects have already failed." Liu Cheng thought of something, and hurriedly said: "The communication patents are jointly owned by us and Nokia."

"Okay, I'm waiting for your good news. This year, we must achieve both communication and integrated circuits. In contrast, the drive from the United States is not so important, but we still can't give up. Contact some international organizations to spend Order some money, organize them to communicate with Huaxia, and take advantage of the time to promote the corporate philosophy, understand?" Lu Feng instructed; "This matter can be carried out for related majors in universities around the world."

"Don't worry, Mr. Lu, our marketing department will do this." Zhu Lidong replied.

"Then let's do it first. I'm a little busy here. If there is any situation, I will communicate in time."

"Okay, then you'll be busy first."

"Goodbye, Mr. Lu." Zhu Lidong said sweetly from the side.

After hanging up the phone, Zhu Lidong looked at Liu Cheng and said, "Leave the reception to us, you mustn't give me some money? Go out to eat, drink, lasa, add that, it's all money, your R&D company has enough budget, give it to us first How about tens of millions of dollars?"

"Why should I give you money?" Liu Cheng said unhappily, "I still need US dollars."

"Because it's an international business, I won't bully you. How about transferring a budget of 10 million US dollars from the finance department to our marketing department? Is this price a good deal?" Zhu Lidong's face was full of profiteers With his hands on the table, he said, "I don't want your money, I use your money to do your business, do you understand?"

Liu Cheng didn't know how to refute, but he felt that it was not good to give money and felt uncomfortable. After a while, he said, "I'll call President Lu to ask."

"Okay, okay!" Zhu Lidong hurriedly said: "Don't bother him anymore, how much the reception will cost, I will go to the finances to calculate it, I will get off work first, Lao Liu, you are such a big man, don't have anything to report to President Lu. , how old are you? How old is he? Right!"

Liu Cheng looked at him and said, "I will pass this on to President Lu!"

"You!!" Zhu Lidong lost his temper because of his anger, and said, "You were probably a guy who made small reports to the teacher when you were in school. I got off work first and left."

Lu Feng flipped through the folders in front of him and approved them one by one. Now the approval authority for the entire company is in his hands, and the workload has doubled.

Yesterday, more than 20 local people were recruited, and the wages were not low. The preparatory work was almost done, and the rest was to distribute flyers. I don’t know how many people will be attracted in the first game.

Lu Feng put the folder aside and suddenly saw the contact information that the single mother gave him.

"Who is it?" A piercing female voice came from the other end of the phone.

"I want to ask, is Louise your neighbor?" Lu Feng asked.

"Yeah, what's the matter?" The voice on the other end of the phone was quite dissatisfied, as if the woman had been fed up with Louis' phone call to stay at his home.

"Please help tell her that next Monday, an event will be held on the third floor of the Sheraton Hotel. If she is invited to participate, it is said that the Asian man she met at the vegetable market invited her." Lu Feng said.

"Okay, I see." After speaking, the woman hung up the phone.

At ten o'clock in the morning, Sean came again. He has been working diligently in the world these two days. He went back and forth between various departments of the company to inquire about news. He already knew about Lu Feng's promotional activities. This kind of direct selling activities Too many people have done it, and the efficiency is slow, and the cost of investment is not low.

There was a knock on the office door, Lu Feng said a word to come in, and Sean opened the door and walked in.

He walked in without saying a word, walked to the sofa and sat down on his own, Huang Mao took out a cigar and lighted it, and the three of them posed across from Lu Are you three free? Lu Feng asked Huang Mao, "Ask him, is he free?" "

"We will provide you with corresponding consulting value. We are also investigating your company during this time. Our boss has a systematic understanding of what you have been busy with recently." Huang Mao stared at Lu Feng and said, "Only But this package is not in the salary range.”

Hearing this, Lu Feng put down the pen in his hand and asked, "What's up? Do you still have services outside of the package?"

Sean took a cigar and said to Huang Mao: "Tell him that this direct sales method is too inefficient, and the people he is targeting also have problems, and the purchasing power is low. This plan will not last for more than two months, and it will definitely not be implemented. I can try to make a direct sales plan for him that suits the national conditions here, but I don’t have much confidence in this regard, after all, the market is here.”

After listening to this, Lu Feng frowned and said, "Tell me about you, you earn me so much money, just bring a few folders, and now there is an additional charge. As for my set of things, I think it can work, and Very capable, if you don't believe it, let's make a bet?"

"What to bet? How to bet?" Sean became interested.

Seeing his interest, Lu Feng couldn't help grinning. Where does he have such good money here, he said, "If my plan goes ahead, you will lose, I promised you before. Salary, but there is no more, you work for me for nothing, if you can't implement it, I will use your plan, your salary will be doubled, and I will buy your plan at a high price, how about it?"

After listening to this bet, Sean laughed, pointed at Lu Feng with the cigar in his hand and said, "Young people don't know how high the sky is, so bet!"


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