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Chapter 1003: Game 2 is about to start!

John said that it was not easy for these poor people, but if he really harmed his own interests and did something for these people, he was absolutely reluctant.

"The loan is just a routine operation for you. Who is the loan to, not the loan?" Lu Feng said to him, "What's more, your financial enterprises also have their own performance indicators, and you can appropriately raise the threshold, such as With a house and a car as collateral, the funds don’t need to be too much, just enough for their living expenses.”

John breathed a long sigh of relief, took out a cigarette from his pocket and lit a cigarette, thinking about this in his heart, but it's not a problem for Lu Feng's hundreds or thousands of people.

What he was most afraid of was that Lu Feng's endless demands, getting loans for these people today, and asking for something else tomorrow, was like a bottomless pit.

"It's not that I can't promise you about this matter. The interest rate must not be low, and it can be done for a longer time at most." John pondered: "It doesn't matter if I said it, at most it is a fight with the financial group. Say hello, if they are willing to do it, then do it, and if they don't want to do it, I can't help it."

"I have an idea here. We can cooperate with us to launch a loan contract with a duration of about two years. As long as they repay within one year, no interest will be charged, but the repayment within one year needs to be signed by us." Lu Feng moved towards John said: "We have a way not to sign, let them pay the penalty, we claim a zero-interest loan to the outside world."

"I will mention this plan to them." John had finished eating and looked at Lu Feng and said, "This is the last time. If you ask me another request after a while, don't blame me for being rude. We are an investment company. It's not a nanny company, it's here to help you all the way."

"Oops! Oops, I've said that, and I'm still stern, what else are we talking about?" Lu Feng smiled and handed him a cigarette, lit it, and said, "Everyone is mutual. Yes, what difficulties do you have in the future, you can find me for public affairs, and even more for private affairs, brothers, I can help 100%, and there are many ways to have friends."

John found some comfort in his heart. After all, Lu Feng is still a bit of energy. At best, he is a high-level wage earner, and he will be useful in the future.

When I walked out of the restaurant, it was already ten o'clock in the evening. Before getting in the car, John just said to wait for my news, and then walked away.

Lu Feng doesn't care if he can do it or not. He will put forward this concept at the conference the day after tomorrow and use the Schroeder Group as an endorsement for himself. At that time, he will make ordinary people feel that he is from the Schroeder Group. , even if it loses money, Schroeder will give the bottom line.

For the poor, the slightest risk will be magnified by them infinitely, so there can be no risk, it must be calculated by them to make a steady profit.

Back at the apartment, the other employees just got off work. The three-story apartment downstairs has been packed, two people are in one room. Lu Feng lives in a larger apartment upstairs. The room opposite the door has been empty. I will be back today. She found that the door of the room was open, and Li Xiaosi's suitcase was placed at the door, and she stood inside blowing her hair.

"Why did you move here?" Lu Feng asked in confusion.

"Hello, Mr. Lu!" Li Xiaosi greeted and explained, "The downstairs is full. Today, a few local employees want to live temporarily, so let us free up a room and arrange it for me here. Tell me if you have anything, I'll take care of it."

Lu Feng guessed that it might be the thoughts of the two managers. He didn't say much. He had met too many women like this over the years, and he was really tired of this kind of game.

If she is still the same old routine as those people before, with no new tricks, then forget it.

The next day, the real-time news report was delivered to every household. The front page headline was a few photos of Lu Feng, and a special topic was opened.

There was a knock on Louise's door, and a newspaper was stuffed into her box.

"Morning, Louise!" said the courier, ready to turn away.

The door was opened, and Louise came out and hurriedly said, "Wait a minute, I want to ask, is this newspaper safe? Can it be returned?"

The courier glanced at the information book in his hand and said, "You ordered a one-year subscription, which cannot be refunded. If you don't want to read it, it is also a good choice to use it to wipe your butt. I wish you a happy life!"

"Thank you for your suggestion!" Louise sighed and took the newspaper back.

After closing the door, Louise made breakfast for the child first. Yesterday's interview failed without a doubt. No employer would want to hire a woman with a child to work.

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Louise tossed and slept last night. Selling the house and hiring a nanny to rent the house had become an inevitable choice. After finally feeding the children, she simply ate her own meals and picked up the newspaper to read.

The headline was Lu Feng's photo. She was stunned for a moment, then flipped through it. After reading it carefully, she was a little excited. If you really look at the news above, this oriental man just came for herself.

Hope rose in Louise's heart. She didn't want to sell the house. If she could really make money by participating in this event, then she would be involved earlier than others.

Sitting there, Louise recalled what Lu Feng said on the stage that day, as long as they can seize the opportunity, they will be able to live without food and clothing in a short time, because they are the first batch of people to enter the gate of wealth, and they will definitely get it. more wealth.

This is how people's hearts are. Just now, Louise was still thinking about finding a job, as long as she can support herself and her children. Now she has begun to imagine that if she is lucky enough, she will buy a big villa and let her children live. Go to the best school and get a better car yourself.

Then I thought, if I am more fortunate, I will change to a manor, so that the children can bring their classmates to the house to play to their heart's content, and I can also change to a convertible sports car, and I can find some more handsome boys, or some Handsome star ........

The poor spend 90% of their time fantasizing about getting rich, and 10% of the time they blame others.

It wasn't just Louise who started to fantasize after seeing this newspaper. Most people would think about it. They were convincing themselves to believe everything Lu Feng said.

Even if there are some obvious flaws, what if...

Yes, in case, it is the hope of this in case that I don't know how many people will be killed.

Those who have attended the conference began to inquire about the news about Jiafeng Electronics from the people around them, and the people who went together began to contact and form a small circle, which constantly added certainty to this matter.

This is what Lu Feng wants. Everyone forms a circle and forms a barrier to the outside world. From the outsider's point of view, these people are no different from mental illness, but the people in the circle firmly believe in everything they do.

For a whole day, all the work of the company was centered on the second event that will be held tomorrow. It is still the same place, but this time, with some minor adjustments, Lu Feng will be more arrogant.

In the afternoon, in the large conference room, more than fifty people gathered and whispered to each other. Everyone's face was full of exhaustion. They were really tired during this time. First, they were unfamiliar with the place. It's not easy to do it, and secondly, there are too many chores, and no specific process has been formed.

Everyone has a lot of criticism in their hearts, and they earn about the same as the headquarters employees. During this time, they work more than 13 hours a day.

Lu Feng walked in, saw everyone being lazy, and knew that they were all tired, so he stepped forward and said, "Everyone, be quiet, I know everyone is very tired, I just communicated with the two managers about the preparations. It’s almost there, we’ll get off work after this meeting, everyone should rest early when they go back, and welcome tomorrow in a full state.”

As soon as these words came out, everyone at the scene suddenly came to the spirit.

"Tomorrow will still be nine o'clock, but the procedure has been changed, no longer from the stage, but from the gate of the venue, then I will not be sitting in the car, but standing on the roof, asking everyone to come just a few hours. One thing, tomorrow, we must ensure that we are full of energy, and everyone must show envy when facing those who come, smile, have a spirit of service, and treat them as honored guests!"

"Have five-star service, deliver things with both hands, and smile so they feel respected!"

"Also, if they have someone to communicate with you want to disclose the Schroders Group in the chat, just tell them in a low voice that the Schroders Group is now asking me to cooperate , and as long as you join this big family and become my brothers and sisters, you will be able to get a lot of money with zero interest!"

"Remember, they must have taken the initiative to ask you some inside information, and during the event, your attitude must not be tough, and you must have a good service attitude and have the attitude of a waiter."

The people below began to be a little dissatisfied. They were so tired that they came all the way to be a waiter.

"Do you understand?" Lu Feng asked.


"Okay, get off work!" After Lu Feng finished speaking, he looked at Li Xiaosi, waved at her and asked, "Is there any problem with the model this time?"

"It's definitely no problem this time. I've found four, and I won't go. It's a bit cold!" Li Xiaosi said embarrassedly.

"Okay, think about some details in other areas, don't make any problems with the details, and the newspapers and media should publish it." Lu Feng said solemnly; "Tomorrow is the key!"

Lu Feng's actions in the past few days did not make much splash to the outside world. After all, it was a small-scale activity. Even so, there was still a newspaper about Jiafeng on the table of Siemens branch.

Beko's people didn't want to watch it anymore. They even felt that their nervousness towards Lu Feng was ridiculous. What was this all about?

After reading the newspaper, the president of Siemens branch threw it into the trash can, and instructed the secretary not to put such junk information on his desk in the future to waste his time, and told the headquarters that this kind of person is not worthy of Siemens' attention! Click to download this site APP, massive novels, free to read!

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