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Chapter 1007: 3 products


Sean looked at Lu Feng in surprise and asked, "As the main responsible party, you have a lot of joint and several liability, so the cost is much higher than the traditional sales method."

"You can rest assured." Lu Feng closed his eyes and said, "I'm not a fool."

Sean was a little shocked. All he could think of was that Schroeder helped in it. This kind of thing is not just a matter of general relationship. Now it seems that Jiafeng Electronics and Schroder Group have been deeply bound.

However, for such a small company, why does Schroder help so desperately?

The car was parked in the hotel parking lot. It was less than 8:30, and there were already people outside the hotel. Lu Feng opened his eyes and saw this situation and hurriedly sat up straight. Eighty percent!"

Sean widened his eyes and looked out, muttering, "Eighty percent of the salary is gone!"

Everyone who came here today put on their most decent clothes. At first glance, it didn't look like they were here to receive cheap vouchers, but instead they looked like they were here for a high-end banquet.

The car stopped at the back entrance, Lu Feng got out of the car, Manager Liu was already waiting, he said excitedly to Lu Feng: "Mr. Lu, I see that the people outside are from Wuyang and Wuyang, they look like all It's like coming."

"It's good to have all the products. I'll take as many as you come. Have you brought the products?" Lu Feng asked.

"I only brought ten VCDs, ten televisions, and ten stereos for display purposes."

"Enough, today's main thing is to prepare all the contracts and prepare as much as possible." Lu Feng ordered and walked inside.

The scene was busy. Lu Feng sat in front of the makeup mirror and asked the makeup artist to help him clean it up. The door opened, and people outside had walked in. Lu Feng could even hear small noises in his ears.

The time was about to point to nine o'clock, Lu Feng stood up and tidied up his clothes, took a sip of water from the water glass, moved his mouth, and said in a low voice, "Harvest!!"

The explosive music had already sounded, and everyone walked to their positions quite gracefully. The host stepped onto the stage and the music stopped. She looked at everyone and said, "Dear wealthy people, dear brothers and sisters, we meet again, very happy. It is an honor to meet you here, there is a saying that perseverance is rich, this is the third time you have participated in our event, and today you will have a huge harvest."

"Okay, I won't talk nonsense anymore. Next, let's welcome the head of wealth, Mr. Lu Feng, with warm applause. Come on! Clap with me!"

All the people at the scene stood up. These people were completely familiar with the process, and they no longer had any subtleties. Accompanied by the explosive music, each movement was larger than the other.

Two rows of bodyguards came out from the backstage, and Lu Feng walked in the middle, surrounded by four beauties with enchanting postures, looking imposing.

On the stage, twenty bodyguards lined up in two rows, four beauties stood on the four corners of Lu Feng, and Lu Feng stood in the position of the stars and the moon, raised his finger and pointed at everyone present, and shouted, "Come together! "

"Clap! Clap! Clap!"

The applause at the scene was very neat. For five minutes, the hands that clapped were all red, but everyone's face was full of excitement, and the music slowly dropped. Lu Feng took the microphone, and the whole thing seemed to be bloody. Shouting: "My dear brothers and sisters, family members who are about to succeed, are you ready for success?"


"I can't hear you, are you ready?"


"Very good, I saw that everyone came here today wearing new clothes, and they are full of energy. This is very good. Only when you are in a good state will wealth come closer to you." Lu Feng said to everyone: "Everyone, please sit down."

After everyone was seated, Lu Feng stopped talking nonsense this time and said straight to the point: "In the first two conferences, I heard many brothers and sisters say that even if they wanted to make a fortune with me, life is very difficult now, and they have no capital. I also know these practical problems. Last night, I held an international meeting with the company's executives overnight. On the spot, I asked them to withdraw one billion US dollars from the Swiss bank and lend it to everyone as start-up capital. At that time, someone said, I am afraid of you Not yet."

"I directly let this executive resign. If my brothers and sisters don't pay it, then don't pay it back. You are all people who are going to be successful. I believe that if there is a big picture, people will not care about this money. Yes, anyone who dares to insult my brother, no matter who it is, will never do it!"

Many people below were moved when they heard this. They were international executives. They didn't know where the world was. Anyway, when they heard the word "International", they thought it was very high-end.

Such a big man usually doesn't look at her much, but now Lu Feng has fired him for her own sake. Louise can't express the warmth in her heart. In this world, apart from her parents, it is estimated that only Lu Feng can treat her to herself. So good.

"Things have been settled. After the conference call, a senior person from the company called me and told me a story about teaching a man how to fish rather than giving him a fish. If he gave you money, you might really I don’t have that much motivation, and it’s easy to become a stumbling block on the road to success.”

Standing on the stage, Lu Feng said with a heartbroken expression: "I can't destroy you. After we discussed it, it was changed to a loan. At this time, they said that it should be aligned with the highest interest rate in Europe. I can't listen to them this time. Well, I didn't sleep at three in the middle of the night last night, I had a big quarrel with them, and convinced the executives overnight!"

"It's what I should do to be able to give my brothers and sisters the lowest interest rate. If any of my brothers and sisters can't repay the loan due to various reasons after they get the money, you come to me and I will forgive you. , If the company doesn't agree, I will pay you this money, without this courage, how can I be qualified to stand for you?"

There was applause and cheers at the scene, and many people's eyes were red. Mark sitting in the middle had two lines of brooks on his face, and he kept clapping his hands. He was really touched. Where can I find such a good person?

There is no better and more caring person in the world than Lu Feng. He is like the closest brother, who will always be himself as a solid backing.

Louise wiped her tears with her hands and held the child in her arms. She finally made it out. Finally, she had someone who would always be kind to her. Even if the sky fell, he would still be reliable!

"Everyone, each loan of 15,000 pounds is enough for everyone to live for more than a year. This is a good opportunity for you. I hope you will seize the opportunity and work hard. I told you last time, I want to bring you three products today that wish me success, which have made me a world-class billionaire and will set you on your own path to success."

The live music sounded, and the backstage staff brought the products up. Several TV sets, VCDs, and stereos were placed on the stage. Lu Feng said to everyone, "These are three products that will help you succeed. They have a set of products. This one, called VCD, is the world's most advanced technology, and you can watch anything you want with just one disc."

"Only Jiafeng has mastered this technology in the world, and even the United States with the most advanced technology cannot make such a product. This product is called Meepo TV, and its appearance looks no different from an ordinary TV, but Everyone pay attention to the shields on both sides, there are two band transmitters inside, we all know that the TV is converted into a picture because it receives the radio signal."

"And this radio signal has a fatal flaw. Those who sell TV sets will not tell you. Think about it, in recent years, with the development of technology, are there more and more strange diseases? Lu Feng guided and asked, "I didn't have these diseases before, how did they come from?"

The people in the audience instantly thought of something, and they all looked shocked.

"That's right, it's caused by radio waves and radiation. Because other TV sets need to receive signals, radiation will cause long-term damage to the human body. Think about it, you sit in front of the TV every day, day after day, and you don't need much. If you get sick for a long time, what kind of disease will you get?" Lu Feng said to everyone with a serious face: "I tell you, cancer!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone was in an uproar.

"And our products, these two meter wave transmitters, have the function of a filter receive information signals, emit meter waves, hedge radiation, and radiate and radio waves within one meter of the TV. These invisible carcinogenic killers are all smashed, such a technology is the only one in the world!"

After listening to these two unique technologies in the world, there was a round of applause.

"Next, let me introduce the third product, this speaker. Compared with the first two, this one is only used on TVs. It is called the audio band massage speaker. Everyone knows that the sound is transmitted through the air. As it propagates, ripples form."

"This kind of ripple is too small, we can't feel it at all, but our pores can feel it. We have adjusted the sound band that is most in line with the breathing of human pores in this speaker. When you can't feel it, let You relax."

"What is the most important thing in a person's life? Of course, health is the most important thing. In a healthy environment, you can have the most perfect home theater enjoyment. Think about it, when you are tired, go home, put in a disc, and watch it. After watching a movie or TV series that you like the most, your whole person is rejuvenated, how comfortable is it?"

Lu Feng also introduced the functions of the TV, such as eye protection, anti-fatigue, and TV masks.

"The product is almost described to everyone. Maybe everyone has doubts in their hearts. Why should such a good product be sold through the hands of brothers and sisters? I tell you this, when I first entered Europe, Siemens, Beko, Haitian Le these manufacturers are eyeing me, there are threats and threats, but I am still here." Lu Feng looked at everyone with a heavy face and said, "I am blocking their way of making money, and of course they do not want these products to be listed here. ."


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