Back to 1990

Chapter 1010: grade

Manager Liu opened his folder and said, "At present, a total of 1,300 contracts have been signed, and the speed of pulling people's heads is very fast. The factor of such a fast speed has a lot to do with the loan. The first batch of products exceeded 100%. Seventy of them were bought by the partners themselves, and the most have sold four sets, and the sellers are relatives, friends, colleagues who are relatively close."

"At present, the total sales are 14 million pounds, and the net profit is 5.35 million pounds. This is a net profit. After deducting the rent of the office building, staff wages, and the mess in front of the site, our gross profit is 100%!"

"Tomorrow will start a new round of gatherings in the northern suburbs. Now through our systematic coordination, we have reached cooperation with many five-star hotels in the surrounding area. In the future, the cost of this aspect can be reduced by half. Buses, car rental companies, stage We have reached a cooperation agreement with the planning company, which can reduce the cost by up to 70%, and the lowest is 30%. As for the bus, we plan to buy a few old buses and tax credits!"

"There is also the issue of taxation, because the non-exclusive licensing contracts signed with these people, their salaries, social insurance, employee insurance and other messes are not available, and all income is uniformly counted into the corporate income tax, which is particularly expensive. Come down, thirty-three percent!"

"We are not professional in tax issues. Recently, we were negotiating with a large local tax custodian company, and they said that they can use some legal means to increase the tax rate to 20%."

Without employees, this relieves too much of the burden on Jiafeng. If you include employee wages, corporate expenses, profits from major middlemen and dealers, plus corporate income tax, foreign companies simply cannot survive here.

"The UK is not a big place, with a population of 50 million to 50 million. Our target group accounts for less than 30% of the total population, that is, the age group of 35 to 50 years old, so soon we will encounter a bottleneck. , If it develops fast, within three months, Jiafeng will become an underground monster in the UK!"

"When we were young, we had to publish more newspapers, and don't go to some authoritative media to advertise, which would easily attract the attention of the government, so we went to some pheasant media, and when we developed, we should not publish any media advertisements. Be a low-key elephant and live a long life like this!"

"The population of the UK is too small, the market is too small, and the market can be saturated in a short period of time. What is the most important thing now? Systematize this model, recruit people who can be hired after training, and as we develop rapidly , we must make talents high-end.”

"If a company binds the people at the bottom, it may disappear at any time, but when it binds high-level intellectuals, entrepreneurs, social activists, stars, and even officials, it is like the root of a big tree. No matter how much wind and rain, you will not fall down, you must understand this truth.”

"We are now developing the branches and leaves above. As we grow, we must find ways to take root. The root system is not thick enough, the root is not deep enough, and it will fall down with a little turbulence."

"Another problem is that the inspections to Germany and France should be put on the agenda. First, open an office there and conduct a social survey of the surrounding residents. After understanding the social structure, it will be easier to start. The first batch of People, whoever has more control over the entire process first will pull the team over."

"This is definitely an opportunity for them, go and stand firm and do it well, then you will be the person in charge of the branch. When you go down to the meeting, tell them that there are definitely not many opportunities like this. Fang's team."

"This is a big problem. If you don't do well, a big team will break up, so you need to set up a hierarchy, so that they can feel that they can get to the next level with a little effort, let the system manage people, let people manage people, and accidents happen. It's too late."

"So, rank the agent, adjust the level every month, and distribute profits according to different levels. The entry level is level 9. If you sell a product, you will give it at the current price. The highest level agent, such as 790 Nine products, they take one hundred and ninety-nine, and we will give them back one hundred pounds each!"

"The advantage of doing this is that the monthly income of the first-level agent will be very explosive, forming a head effect, and the number of people who can do it is limited, we can't spend much more, mainly relying on the huge ninth-level agent, but You can think about it, if someone sells a hundred sets of products a month."

"A set of products is 799 for TV, 899 for VCD, and 499 for stereo. They sell a set for almost 500 pounds, and then add more than 200 rebates to them, multiply by 1 Hundred, that's seven or eighty thousand pounds!"

"What is the concept of an income of £70,000 or 80,000 a month? Isn't it an overnight wealth? We must make this rebate system solid and promote it. It will be the most solid foundation for our development."

Sean quickly counted the funds for this model in his notebook. At first glance, it seemed that the more he went up, the more he could get, but his ability determined that more than 90% of the people could not make it, and only that one was left. A small group of lucky people can get it for a month or two at most, and the expenditure is not much, but the effect is great.

For ordinary employees, the salary of Li Xiaosi, the secretary, is the same, but the information obtained is different in different positions. The company is about to expand, so I don’t know how many people want to grab the position of the person in charge of the branch in other countries. European countries are very supportive. There are many, but there are also many people from China. For her, this opportunity is very precious!

Huang Mao and Gao Nose Bridge went downstairs and sat in the car smoking a suffocating cigarette. The two of them couldn't understand, how could such a powerful person as Sean become what he is today?

"I really don't understand. How dare a foreigner treat us so disrespectfully?" The more Huang Mao thought about it, the more unhappy he became.

"I told you last year that if you are not in a big company, there is no future for these powerful people to be assistants. You also told me that you need to accumulate some contacts. Now, you have accumulated this network." The tall nose bridge yin and yang strangely said.

"Damn, how dare you look down on me? It's just his set of things that can stand a check?" Huang Mao smoked a cigarette, suddenly remembered Li Xiaosi, and raised his brows: "That girl from the East is not bad, I think she seems to be I don't know much, I talked a couple of times last time and wanted to stay."

"You can do it if you want. Isn't she just wanting to stay, from a poor place, that's her dream." Gao Nose said casually.

Lu Feng finished the meeting and arranged everything. Sean left after a few chats. Lu Feng gave him a new task to help attract some powerful and powerful people, and he could also introduce some retired important people to join him. The salary of a company as a consultant is very high.

There were only two people left in the office, Lu Feng and Li Xiaosi. Li Xiaosi stood there with a heart, and wanted to say that he was willing to be the first group of pioneers to go to other countries.

"Tomorrow is a new conference. Are things all set up?" Lu Feng asked without raising his head.

"I'll go now." Li Xiaosi bowed his head and walked out.

In the evening, the company that had been in for more than a month began to operate normally, and the employees began to work from nine to five. Getting to know the people around, there are more lace news in the company, some people follow up the local employees who are in love, and some people hook up with the front desk of the coffee shop downstairs.

The sun sets in the west, the golden sun shines on the clean and tidy city, the trees on the side of the road pull out their branches, and the weather begins to warm up. People don't have the heart to appreciate these, they work in the world with their heads down, they may occasionally hear news about that country from the news, and they envy the prosperity there, as if they are not on the earth.

The joys and sorrows of human beings are not connected. Their sunset is as beautiful as a painting, but our morning sun is as tragic as a smear of blood. You were feeding pigeons in London in 1995, while I was digging the ground in rural China in 1995.

Li Xiaosi didn't want to go back after work, and was hanging out in the leisure area in front of the I was a little confused. There have been many powerful people in the company recently. She also thought about it, if it is the next one In the branch, Mr. Lu will definitely send Mr. Liu or Mr. Li over to stabilize the overall situation.

Competing with so many people, she knew in her heart that her organizational leadership ability was not good. The biggest advantage was that she was bilingual.

"This is abroad! Li Xiaosi, you don't have to think so much, no one knows you, and you have no moral shackles!" Li Xiaosi cheered to himself.

Huang Mao saw her going downstairs and swaying here, kicked the accelerator and whistled, put her head out of the window and said, "Hey, do you want to go out for a drink?"

Li Xiaosi turned around and saw the two of them, frowned slightly, and said, "No need, I'll go back to rest in a while."

"Don't, how about going to a bar? Is there a bar in your country? Take you there for a long experience." Huang Mao didn't wait for the other party to refuse: "Get in the car!"

"There is a bar in our country. I'm from Shenzhen. I won't go out for a drink with you!" Li Xiaosi said angrily and was about to go back. He knew what they wanted to do.

"Don't be so ruthless, get in the car, we know a lot of people with Sean, as long as we are willing to help you, let you become British nationality, it is very simple." Gao Nose Bridge said very directly.

Li Xiaosi was stunned when he heard the naturalization, but after a little thought, he still felt that it would be better to start with Mr. Lu. At least Lu Feng is rich, young, and good-looking. If he becomes an executive of a branch company, naturalization is not an easy matter. Son, in comparison, the conditions of yellow hair and high nose bridge are not so attractive.


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