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Chapter 1014: Spot checks

Remember [] for a second,!

Lu Feng called all the high-level executives to a meeting, increased the stakes on the basis of the previous risk prevention, split the outsourcing company, transferred the core people to the new company, and found some unimportant people to throw them out to block the gun.

Of course, all kinds of bureaus are not fools. If you want to resolve this crisis, you must start with leaders. You have to spend money. There is a famous saying in the business world that smart businessmen only make limited profits. , because those who want to pocket the profits will be killed.

At one o'clock in the afternoon, people from the Market Supervision Bureau controlled one of the Jiafeng Electronics team in the banquet hall of a five-star hotel, seized and sealed the products on site, and charged with false propaganda and illegal assembly.

In less than an hour, the Edinburgh City Supervision Bureau seized another Jiafeng Electronics team located in the city for publicity, and the reason given was the same.

The phone calls kept coming, and the division's teams all over the UK had troubles one after another. With a gloomy face, Lu Feng stood at the door of the office and said solemnly: "Notify all teams, suspend all business activities, ongoing, unchecked, all Change it to a sorority association and cooperate with all local departments to come and inspect."

The phone calls came out one by one. All the high-level officials in the office looked gloomy, and the depression in the entire large office was terrifying. Everyone's hard work for so long was probably going to be in vain.

The person in charge of the outsourcing company walked in and whispered to Lu Feng: "The core members have completed the resignation procedures, and now there are less than fifty people left. We have found one."

"Is someone here?" Lu Feng asked.

The person in charge brought over an Englishman in his 40s, with a big beard in his 40s. He looked a little scribbled. Seeing that Lu Feng was flustered, he was obviously a poor man living in poverty.

"What are you doing in the company?" Lu Feng asked.

"I'm in charge of stage construction, mainly backstage chores," he replied.

"Has the company treated you very well during this time?" Lu Feng asked again.

He nodded, this job is definitely a good job for him, there are not many things, and the salary is quite good.

"You also know that our company is good at creating miracles, and it is fair to everyone. You have the potential to get rich overnight. I am very optimistic about you. Now, there may be some problems in the company. If you are willing to help me with this , I am also willing to recognize you as a brother, don't live a mediocre life, doing chores is a very risky job, as long as you nod your head, you will be the chairman of the company in the next second!" Lu Feng patted him on the shoulder and said: "The monthly salary is 5,000 pounds. If the police arrest you, I will compensate you with tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands of dollars."

He looked at Lu Feng with some hesitation.

"You are already so old, do you have any other hope in your life? Give it a shot, you won't be able to stay for a long time, at most half a year, after you come out, you will have everything, maybe you will be detained for a few days, you You can also get tens of thousands of pounds, I'll give you five seconds to think about it!" Lu Feng didn't intend to talk nonsense, and he would change people if he couldn't.

The man thought for a moment and nodded in agreement.

"Take him down and replace the actual controller of the company with him!" Lu Feng instructed the person next to him.

At 4 o'clock in the afternoon, the three joint enforcement agencies of quality inspection, market supervision, and taxation seized the outsourcing company on the spot, and had to check Jiafeng Electronics, which is an affiliated company.

Lu Feng was prepared for this thorough investigation, looked at Manager Li and said, "How much cash can I take out now?"

"Cash?" Manager Li didn't know what he wanted to do, so he thought about it and said, "One or two million, but there is a bank downstairs, so it is convenient to withdraw money."

"How much can I take? It's better to take 10 million and put them all in my office." Lu Feng ordered.

Manager Li didn't know why, but he could only do as he did.

An hour later, the office area on several floors was full of people from law enforcement units. Everyone left their posts. Lu Feng, as the person in charge of the company, showed various certificates of business operation and customs forms, and a lot of documents were spread on the desk. All checked.

It was confirmed that there was no problem. One of the white men at the director level came over, looked at Lu Feng and asked, "What is your relationship with Regus Sales Company?"

"Partnership, there are all the contracts here, we entrust them to sell products, they give us a guarantee of sales, and we guarantee their exclusive agent in the market." Lu Feng replied.

"Who is the actual controller of this company?"

"It's a man named Hunter. I've met twice, but I don't know much about it." Lu Feng replied.

"Hehehe!" He smiled with disdain, as the person in charge of this joint law enforcement, he is definitely experienced in investigating this kind of company, he said: "He became a Regus Sales Company this afternoon. The actual controller of , you have been in contact with a few months ago? Besides, he is a errand, and suddenly he has become the boss? "

After listening to this, Lu Feng was not in a hurry, and said with a smile, "You enter the office, I will talk to you about this matter slowly, and I'm not in a hurry, we can't run away."

The director narrowed his eyes and glanced at Lu Feng, hesitantly walked towards Lu Feng's office, opened the door, and the floor, sofa, and table inside were all full of money, which was very shocking at first glance.

"Please come in, this is the decoration style of our company. Even if you step on it, it is called making money with your feet. This sofa is for guests to sit on. The back is not a pillow, but two million pounds. Please sit down!"

As Lu Feng spoke, he quietly observed the reaction of the man in front of him. It was obvious that he was already extremely shocked. How many people could stand the sight in front of him?

If he didn't show disgust at the first time, then the next thing was endless sinking.

But is there anyone in this world who hates money?

"What's your name?" Lu Feng asked him.

"Charlie!" His voice was a little hollow.

Charlie has seen money. After all, it is to inspect some companies, but it is the first time he has seen financial resources in this way. This way is really earth-shattering, the face of the upstart, but he doesn't know why, he thinks this The planting soil exudes a charming fragrance, especially the smell of banknotes, which feels more relaxing than killing chickens.

"Lu Feng! We are an international company from the East. Our main products are home appliances. If you are new to your country and you are not familiar with your place of life, you will inevitably be deceived. With such a big battle today, speaking from your heart, I am really scared, and we are here to generate income for your country. After all, we have to invest money and provide jobs. After coming here for such a long time, we have indeed felt the high quality and enthusiasm of the British people. But for law enforcement, it's the first time."

"We should be friends. The most hated thing in business is lawbreakers. Since you have already been dispatched, I believe that there must be something wrong with that agency. As the saying goes, there are multiple friends and multiple paths. Today, I am also acquainted with you. , When I was in our country, I often dealt with these leaders in charge. You know me a little and you will know that I am a very loyal person and often send some furniture or something."

Lu Feng patted the sofa next to him while talking.

Charlie knows that this company is not clean. They came to investigate after receiving the report letter from Beko. As far as I know, it is at most a false propaganda, and the fine will not be much money. small problem.

A random chair in this office is enough for punishment, and there are many local companies. Coupled with this smiling young man in front of him, he seems to be very good at doing things and speaks nicely.

"That's at your place, can you still do this here?" Charlie's criticism seemed very weak.

"Yes, yes, I will definitely correct it. I like to make friends. I will set up a bureau another day and invite you to a meal. There will be many important people coming. As for me, I can do this business, customs, taxation, etc. , There are still many friends in the field of market inspection.”

Lu Feng is reluctant to spend money on a little guy like him. It's almost like painting a cake for him. I have already shown you so much money. I also know a lot of important people, which is enough for him to imagine.

Charlie sat there feeling the "diaphragm" under his buttocks, licked his lips, looked at Lu Feng and said, "Are you describing a bright future to me?"

"No! I'm stating the facts. At your age, you have enough room for advancement. You can run for election. If you do, I will definitely support you. We are an international company and need friends!" Lu Feng mian Lu smiled at him.

Charlie felt a little hot in his heart. How many people can digest this kind of cake?

"Let me tell you, your company's problem is not a big deal. It's best not to involve pyramid schemes. In the past two years, this thing has done us a lot of damage!" Charlie warned.

"Don't worry, UU Reading will never, we are a normal business." After Lu Feng finished speaking, he walked to his desk, opened the drawer, took out a business card, and saw a small gold bar in the drawer , took it out, put it under the business card, put the business card in the pocket of Charlie's suit jacket and said, "My business card!"

A few minutes later, Charlie stepped out, and Lu Feng followed behind and closed the office door.

"Okay, the relevant information has been asked clearly, there is no need to check here, focus on checking that Regus, let's close the team!" After Charlie finished speaking, he took the lead and walked downstairs.

Watching the crowd retreat, Lu Feng took a deep breath. Now he must find a backer, otherwise this road will not work, making small money is fine, but big money is difficult.

"Isn't that old boy Sean here yet?" Lu Feng asked Manager Li.

"It said on the phone that it was in contact, come later."

"Don't wait for him, hold the meeting, suspend the activities first, and appease the existing agents!"

Lu Feng knows that this situation requires two-sided attacks. The market is about to welcome companies like Beko and even Siemens. In terms of supervision, he also needs to know more leaders. The end must be starvation!

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