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Chapter 1029:

, !

Everyone in the office raised their spirits. From today onwards, the working state of the past may become a thing of the past. From what they could hear from Lu Feng's words, Mr. Lu had a complete grasp.

As they walked out of the conference room, the whole company started to get busy. The team that had been in contact with Beko returned to the company as soon as they got the news.

At 9 o'clock in the morning, the outsourcing company had already taken the bus to the suburbs to distribute flyers. The person in charge of the company's agent team was also contacting the general agents of the major teams. The activities were officially resumed today, and they told these agents that the matter was not over yet. But Mr. Lu didn't want to wait any longer. For everyone's sake, he was willing to have a hard battle with these capitals.

I got the latest draft of the stage speech, and asked to put all this time on Beko's head and turn internal problems into external pressures, which is bound to make everyone more united, especially in terms of Lu Feng's image, they will be affectionate. Bingmao tells how Lu Feng was oppressed by these capitals, until these people asked Lu Feng to deceive the vast number of agents, Lu Feng quit for everyone!

At ten o'clock, the people from Beko started to contact the people from Jiafeng, and they dawdled with each other for so long. Today, the contract should be signed. At the meeting last night, they talked about the progress, and the general manager Paul said that if they were to sign the contract again. If you drag it, then let someone check it directly, and the rest is no nonsense.

After the call was connected, the person in charge of Jiafeng said that there was no need to continue the conversation. They had no sincerity at all. Now they have returned to the company, and all related contact work has been dissolved.

On the other end of the phone, I was stunned when I heard this. This negotiation is obviously what it looks like, but now Jiafeng is not going to continue?

Before the person in charge could ask why, the call was hung up.

He felt something was wrong at the first time, and hurriedly called Paul to report it.

In Paul's office, after picking up the phone and asking a few questions, Paul's face suddenly changed greatly, and he said solemnly, "What did you say? They are not ready to contact? They are not cooperating with us? Are you sure?"

The person on the other end of the phone really said that no one knows what substantive changes have taken place in the past few days. This time, the cooked duck really flew.

"I see." Paul hung up the phone, stood up and went to the chairman's office. He found that George hadn't gone to work, and hurried back to the public office to call him privately, but no one answered. He should still be sleeping now.

Paul felt that things were abnormal, so he called Lu Feng's office first, but no one answered the phone. After calling several times, the assistant answered and told him that President Lu was busy and would call him back when he was free.

In the morning, tens of thousands of Jiafeng's agents were all mobilized. In the five-star hotels, everyone sat there and listened to the speeches on the stage.

During this period of time, Louise can't stand it anymore. There are rumors that Jiafeng is illegal activities everywhere, and the products are not easy to sell. She has contacted all the relatives and friends she can contact, and has used all social connections. The last time a product was sold was ten days ago.

In order to sell the product, she even started to distribute flyers and set up stalls in some wealthy communities, doing half of what she could do, and many people around her have quit.

As she earned money, her expenses also increased, and she did not accumulate too much money. If this event hadn't started, many people present would not be able to support it.

The speakers on the stage talked about the difficulties Jiafeng was facing. Lu Feng knelt down for them and begged them to let them go. Busy for the agent, there are many people leaving, but it doesn't matter, I believe they will come back when the difficulties are over.

"No one knows what kind of darkness a seed has gone through in the soil, and no one has seen what kind of wind and rain it has gone through. Only the moment it blooms will shine through the whole world. Jiafeng is willing to work hard for everyone. Even if more people don't want to experience hardships with us, Mr. Lu said that as long as we bloom, the nectar can bring fragrance to everyone, that's the meaning of our existence!"

"Our decisive battle with the darkness of this world is not for the power to control the light one day, but for the hope that the world will shine!"

Everyone at the scene was in tears. An enterprise that does not ask for anything in return, does not do anything for itself, and burns itself to illuminate others, moved everyone present. Many people betrayed Jiafeng at this time, but Mr. Lu has nothing to do with it. No complaints and understand them very well.

This made many people present very unhappy with those 'traitors'.

"Mr. Lu knows that everyone's life is very difficult during this time, so on the original basis, the company's meager profits were distributed to everyone, and then 10% of the profits were made. He said that it doesn't matter if we are difficult, and we don't want brothers and sisters. They can't see the light in the dark, he hopes this profit is the light in the dark for everyone, the sun is about to rise, and the light will triumph over everything!"

Some people in the audience couldn't bear it any longer and burst into tears. Everyone knew how they spent this time. If they had been living in a world without hope, they might never have been disappointed, but too many people learned from Jiafeng. Seeing hope, seeing the opportunity to change fate, hope can be annihilated at any time in the wind and rain, and now it is back.

"Don't cry, we should be more united to defeat all capital, come and clap for yourself!"

The explosive music at the scene sounded, and the people present clapped their hands under the infection of the scene atmosphere. At this moment, they could not wait to give their lives to Jiafeng.

Such scenes are being staged in different places, they need spiritual support, even if they are deceived, they hope to be deceived to the end, at least Jiafeng gives them an ethereal hope.

With the sales reports submitted by the major teams, in the office, Lu Feng flipped through the filtered reports in front of him. The person with the best sales volume sold 20 sets of products. .

"This is the top 50 people, and it's not far from the example we want to launch." Manager Li looked at Lu Feng and said, "Today, the factory, stadium, and helicopter can all be settled, and this time it will cost a lot."

"Don't worry, compared to 20 million pounds, what is this amount of money?" Lu Feng looked at the list and suddenly remembered Louise, this woman can dig out a lot of stories, and asked, "That Louise How much did you sell this month?"

"Which Louise?"

"It's the one with the child, the one who appeared in the first scene. You can look for it. I sent her a flyer. There are stories to dig out."

A few minutes later, Louise's information was transferred. She only sold six sets of products this month, and they were all sold at the beginning of the month.

"Put her out as an example, and the remaining nine people can be deduced from this table and so on. This Mark's sales ability is good, you can set the first place or something, dig out the relevant stories, all you need is The kind of get-rich-quick, propaganda.”


Everything was going on in full swing, and George had just woken up. After getting the news, he was completely stunned. After packing up, he arrived at the company and called Lu Feng as soon as possible.

In the restaurant, Lu Feng was eating when a clerk came over and said in a low voice, "Mr. Lu, Mr. George from Beko called, and Mr. Paul from their company also called in the morning."

"Let's talk after dinner!" Lu Feng suddenly remembered something while eating, raised his head and said, "Call Sean and ask him to come to the company for dinner."

The clerk was stunned for a moment, then nodded, wondering in his heart, what's so good about the company's working meal, but he did it anyway.

After the phone call, Sean understood immediately, and drove to the downstairs of the company an hour later.

In the office, just as Lu Feng sat down to take care of things, Jon knocked on the door and walked in.

"Come here? The company cafeteria has improved the food today, and I thought about asking you to come to eat. It seems that you came a little late." Lu Feng laughed.

"When I came, I thought that I might not be able to eat, but it doesn't matter, I'll bring you something." After finishing speaking, Sean put a portfolio in his hand on the table, sat down and asked, "Today is comprehensive. back to normal?"

Lu Feng opened the portfolio and looked at the contents. There were about 40 pages of content. All kinds of data were relatively comprehensive. The financial fraud was mainly concentrated in the years before the listing and in the recent years. In order to maintain the market value, Beko made the dealers stock up and increase the stock. Shipments, wait until the financial report is completed and then return the products. Most of the goods here are not real production, but they are just an account.

The total inflated sales amounted to 1.7 billion pounds, and the inflated expenditure was 12 pounds. Later, he bought a piece of land to promote the construction of a factory to increase production. As a result, the foundation was laid. 100 million pounds, UU reading this account is filled.

During these years, George conducted six equity sell-offs, with the share price up to sevenfold, cashing out £1.3 billion.

After reading all the information, Lu Feng made sure there was no problem. He stuffed the information back into the bag. He raised his head and said, "It's fully recovered, and I'm going to make a big one. I've spent 20 million yuan, so I have to earn it back. The existence of hands and eyes reaching the sky, this kind of thing is in your hands."

"I'm waiting for him to buy it, but Mr. George obviously feels that he can't rely on his personal connections. I don't dare to contact him to make an offer, so I can only wait for someone who is destined." Sean said with a smile.

"Yeah, otherwise, you can't stand the crime of extortion. It suits me very well. I hope you can provide more help, especially in maintaining the relationship between Harry and Brisbane. Lu Feng put the documents back in the drawer and said, "I know you are very busy, so be busy first. As long as you cooperate well, you will definitely not be forgotten when there is a chance in the future."

"Then I would like to thank Mr. Lu. For business information in some areas, you can contact this person." Sean took out a business card from his pocket and put it on the table, and said, "I have been busy with a few meetings recently."


Lu Feng put away the business card.

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