Back to 1990

Chapter 1031: dig people

George was very speechless. He lit a cigar. He had made some kind of friends, and he could only comfort himself that he was helping the disabled.

The two chatted for a long time, and finally decided to invest 5 million pounds each to jointly establish a company. From tomorrow, they will officially recruit the management of Jiafeng. They will pay twice the salary to increase the competitiveness of the market. At the same time, George feels that he It is difficult for one person to suppress the current Jiafeng.

Then find another helper to organize some of Jiafeng's information and hand it over to large retailers such as Walmart and Carrefour.

George is very aware of the powerful relationship among them. Going across retailers and facing consumers directly is digging graves for these large supermarkets. As long as the harm of Jiafeng is magnified, these companies will never sit idly by.

In one night, George used all the relationships he could use, and most of the London business community was alarmed. Even if the local business community didn't like George any more, he was an old man who had been with him for so many years. Feng Electronics has come to the point where it is now.

For a while, most of London was discussing this matter, and Lu Feng's name and Jiafeng's direct sales were also displayed in front of the London business interface for the first time.

The next morning, Lu Feng had a morning meeting as usual. Today, there are 17 events in the company. At the same time, preparations for the large-scale event on Sunday are also in full swing. At the morning meeting, someone proposed to promote the event, publish it in newspapers or find advertisements on TV stations. , this proposal was rejected by Lu Feng.

In direct selling, you must be prepared to make a fortune in silence. No matter how noisy the circle is, you must not be known to everyone, otherwise it will be easy to be watched by some departments and take the opportunity to make trouble.

Jiafeng is now like a lawnmower with full power. The new crowd of crazy reapers. As for the original 50,000 people, many of them have spent all their loans, and they can't sell a set of products. They have gone bankrupt. , For such people, the principle given by Lu Feng is to kick out the list of Jiafeng agents.

If someone takes the opportunity to make trouble, they will criticize these people as Jiafeng's **** at the event. After getting a loan, they will eat and wait to die, frame Jiafeng with sinister intentions, and even maliciously smear and suppress them from competitors.

When you grasp the microphone, you find that everyone agrees with what you say. In the absence of external supervision, you can use all excuses to shirk yourself. All success is because Jiafeng gave opportunities, and all failures are personal effort.

Looking at herself in the mirror, Louise can't lift herself up a little. Now she is beautifully dressed, whether it is makeup or clothes, she is very elegant. Standing in front of outsiders, no one knows that she had a problem with eating a few months ago. .

A few days ago, I made friends in the rich area not only for nothing, but even a few rich ladies ran out and scolded her, saying that she was a junior who wanted to be in the top.

"Come on, you are the best!" Louise cheered herself up in front of the mirror and said to herself, "Since they say I want to be a junior, at least they will talk to me, and there will be opportunities for communication!"

Before going out, Louise told the nanny to take good care of the child. She must work hard to make money, and let the child go to a good kindergarten next year, so that the child can receive a better education, so that she can completely change her life and stop making money so hard.

I drove the car out the door and went straight to the rich man's villa area, parked the car in the distance, and walked towards the lawn of the villa leisure area with my bag. This is the place where some nanny, children and wives gather in the villa. Men are also at home, and they will bring their dogs out to play.

Louise knows the rules of Jiafeng's game very well. As long as she can break into the rich circle, a set of products is only a few thousand pounds. For them, it is a small amount of money, and it will be easier to sell in the rich circle.

Rich people don't talk to her too much, so Louise's main target is babysitters. Although these babysitters don't have much money, they are domineering and more difficult to contact than rich people. How many times have you been ridiculed.

A Volkswagen parked next to Louise's car. Three men sat in the car and looked at each other. One of them was bald and said, "She really works hard, and tirelessly drills into the rich pile."

"For such a woman, I think she should get help, let's work, since she is in a wealthy area, we just pretend to be wealthy to contact her, and the task has been completed these days. ' said another middle-aged man.

"I'm just curious, why not us? Why don't I become an agent, you two help me!" The short man in the co-pilot obviously thought carefully.

"I'm afraid that the Huaxia guy named Lu will kill you, maybe this is his lover."

"Hahaha, I don't think he has such a taste. If this is okay, my wife is much more punctual than Louise."

"The blessing of the green hat, the magic is boundless!"

"Okay, don't talk about this, just do your work." The bald man looked at Louise from a distance and muttered, "Lucky woman!"

Louise saw several nannies standing together chatting, with a few children beside them, nothing more than chatting about their customers.

"Hello!" Louise stepped forward and said, "See you again, Aunt Ellie, you are getting more and more beautiful."

The woman named Ellie turned her head and glanced at Louise, looking a little impatient, and said, "This is the villa area, please leave, or I will call the property."

"No, no, I'm just here to chat with you. After all, you're so young and so beautiful. I want to learn some maintenance secrets from you." Louise complimented with a smile on her face.

A few people turned around and chatted, ignoring her at all, and Louise was not embarrassed, she stood by and listened, occasionally interjecting a sentence.

"Don't interrupt, OK? We don't need any protective TV, please leave, or I'll call the security now!!!" A black woman yelled at her, "Go away!!"

Louise felt embarrassed in every pore on her body and felt extremely aggrieved, but she could only laugh and step back, intending to change places. Just as she was about to leave, a bald man in casual clothes came over and asked: " What's up?"

"It's nothing, just rejecting a woman who sells." The nanny smiled and politely looked at the man as someone from the villa area.

"Then you can't swear, do you need any help?" the bald man asked Louise.

"I just want to meet a few new friends, aren't you working today?" Louise asked.

"My working hours are relatively free. You look pretty, and you're a salesman?"

"I'm not a salesman either, my main job... er... Do you know Jiafeng?" Louise asked.

"I haven't heard of it, why don't you go ahead and have a cup of coffee and sit for a while?"

"Okay, my treat!"

The two talked very well. The main topic was Jiafeng. Louise felt that she had met the person who understood her best in her life.

The two men sitting not far away were upset, talking about such a little thing for so long.

Jiafeng's team has launched activities all over the UK, including three in London. The number of new agents has surged since yesterday. Today, it has recovered to 50,000 people. It will be trivial to double in a short time.

A man in his thirties spoke with impassioned enthusiasm on the stage, and everyone in the audience was going crazy.

One of the white men in his 40s went backstage and found the lecturer who was speaking on the stage.

"What's the matter?" The lecturer looked at the person in front of him with some doubts. The company stipulates that no contact with the agent is allowed, but there are all kinds of people in the audience. Some people want to go through the back door, and some people worship the people on stage. Earning some money or earning some **** are both professional incidental income.

"I think you are very good. If you want to change jobs, your salary can be tripled!" The middle-aged man directly offered his own price.

The lecturer was stunned for a moment. Three times the salary is fake, but he also had concerns and asked, "What company? Is it a lie?"

"For a listed company, the salary is absolutely fine. If you go there, you will be the team leader, and the value will increase directly. We are also doing related business With your ability, going there is definitely second to none, if it is appropriate. Leave a call and we'll get in touch."

The lecturer glanced around, quietly took out a piece of paper from his pocket, wrote his contact information on it, and stuffed it into the middle-aged man's hand.

In terms of poaching people, George believes that the team brought by Lu Feng from China is the most important person. In one day, he contacted 127 people in Jiafeng through the headhunting company, including Manager Li, whose monthly salary was five Thousands of pounds astronomical price!

If it wasn't for Lu Feng's promise to let him take the position of the group headquarters after returning to China, and he had management options, Manager Li would have been really tempted.

As for other people who wanted to stay here, now they have such a good opportunity and such a high salary, of course they need to go out and integrate with the local people. The headhunting company reported back that these Chinese people generally have needs for immigration. George waved his hand and painted first. An immigrant pie.

The effect was immediate. At three o'clock in the afternoon, the resignation applications of the personnel department were already piled high, and the resignation applications of some senior executives were even placed on Manager Li's desk.

In Lu Feng's office, Manager Li looked a little anxious, looked at Lu Feng and said, "The digging is so hard, even I received a call from the local headhunting company."

"how many people?"

"One hundred and twenty-seven. Among them, one hundred and three are domestic teams. They seem to be determined to leave. I think hold a meeting to chat with everyone and keep them for a while." Manager Li suggested.

Lu Feng lit a cigarette and leaned back on the chair: "I think it's such a powerful means, just this little thing, want to go? Do you think the knife in the capital world is more gentle or more human? If you want to go out and see, then Just give them a chance!"


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