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Chapter 1034: george backs down

After Huang Mao and Gao Noi Bridge resigned from Sean's consulting company, they didn't expect jobs to be so hard to find. They don't like ordinary companies. There is a radish and a pit in a big company, and they are all full. Yes, I heard Beko and Jiafeng's ripping off and decided to give it a try, but I didn't expect that there would be a chance.

In addition, Li Xiaosi, who had resigned, and the three of them contacted by phone, it was a hit.

That afternoon, Li Xiaosi drove to the Beko headquarters. She didn't go to the bar for the past few days. She gradually woke up from her beautiful fantasy and began to try to find a job, but because of the visa problem, no company asked for it.

Now that I am employed by Beko, I can take the opportunity to ask them to help with naturalization. As for Lu Feng being disgusted, that is all incidental.

It was a turbulent morning, and the people watching the fun were also tired. I thought it would stop in the afternoon, but at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, news came out. Women and agents were poisoned, claiming that this was Jiafeng's corporate culture.

As soon as the news came out, it shocked all four. In the UK, this is definitely an explosive scandal. How any company exposes this kind of thing will have irreversible consequences.

The phone calls came one by one, all of which were insults to Jiafeng.

It's hard to bring together the agents who are distracted. Now that this kind of thing is encountered, if it can't be solved in a short time, it will be a huge trouble.

In the conference room, several executives led by Manager Li looked at each other and did not speak. They have come to this conference room six times today.

"I think we need to call the police first. This is a smear of our corporate image and a slander against President Lu. Then I will contact Secretary Li in private to see if this can be resolved." Manager Li suggested one's own thoughts.

Others agreed one after another. This should be the best solution for this matter. Otherwise, it will take at least half a year to investigate. Even if it is found to be slander at that time, the impact on Jiafeng cannot be removed. .

Lu Feng sat there and didn't speak. Now it's tit-for-tat. If he took a step back, he would be pressing step by step. Let's not say that this matter is fake. Children are entangled.

"How is the law firm talking about?" Lu Feng suddenly asked.

"Should be able to sign it tomorrow."

"Sign it today, let them deal with Beko's financial fraud first, and refute the rumors about Li Xiaosi, especially to the agents, notify the major teams, and leave the rest to me. Also, if I am detained by the police later, remember to find someone to bail me!" After Lu Feng finished speaking, he stood up and said, "That's it, the meeting is over!"

"Do... do bail? It's not that serious, right?" Manager Li stood up and was a little confused. He didn't understand foreign laws, so he hurriedly followed up and said, "Mr. Lu, can you spend some money on this? "

"You can't spend it, do you think it's a poor place? It's selfish to spend some money, and they've made it clear that they want to **** you, so what if they won't let you in for a while?" Lu Feng saw that he was a little flustered, and comforted: "Small things, Just go to jail, manage the company well, I must be released on bail before Sunday, otherwise, the activities will be postponed, and also, if I go in, George will definitely take advantage of this time to attack frantically, and the subordinate companies will also Increase the intensity of activities and have a sense of rhythm in the market, this is a test for you!"

Manager Li was a little stunned after hearing these words. After he came here, everything was carried out, and only Lu Feng was the only one who made decisions. There were too many things happening in the past two days, and the speed was too fast. .

Lu Feng didn't say much, went straight back to his office, picked up the phone and called George directly. Faced with such means, there is only one way to go, and that is to attack, otherwise he can rely on the local relationship, Try to detain Lu Feng for as many days as possible.

With Manager Li's ability, I'm afraid that in less than a week, the agents and management of the company below will fall apart because of panic.

After the phone was connected, George's voice came from the other end, and he was a little tired. It could be seen that the high-intensity work of the past two days made him very uncomfortable.


"Who do you think it could be? Jiafeng's Lu Feng, you can count the three cobblers under my command together. This method is really dirty!" Lu Feng said to the phone.

"Hahaha!" George laughed when he heard Lu Feng's comment, and asked, "It works. Are you in the company now?"

"Yes, in the company!"

"Then don't hang up the phone, within 30 minutes, the police should take you away, and when you are released on bail, it's too late, you agreed to cooperate with me, you spend some money to find a backer, but you feel that If you can eat these markets, do you really think I am eating dry rice?" George said proudly: "You could earn credit, but now you can't earn it."

"Everyone has their own choices. The police are on their way, and I guessed it, so I'll give you a call and tell you one more thing. I found a file bag in the trash can downstairs some time ago. , I opened it up and took a look at the good guy, and the financial data of Beko over the years is actually quite different from the data disclosed in the stock market." Lu Feng said calmly, "Think about it!"

"You blackmail me with a fake ledger?" George's voice became gloomy.

"How could it be? I signed a barrister today. As the company's legal counsel, they are more professional than me in this regard, and will never constitute extortion."

As Lu Feng was speaking, there was a knock on the office door, and seven or eight policemen walked in. Looking at Lu Feng, he said, "Now stand up, put your hands on your back, we are the police, please don't resist, or you will be responsible for the consequences. !"

"You heard it too, the police are coming, I have to go to the jail and squat, I'll tell you first, if I don't come out on Saturday night, the story will open next Monday, and I believe you will be on the Beko chart. Seeing a big green stick, I'll be waiting for you in prison!" Lu Feng put down the phone after he finished speaking.

Standing up and putting his hands on his back, two police officers came over and handcuffed Lu Feng.

"There are people who accuse you of rape. Since you are a foreigner, you have not escaped. We are summoning you according to the law. I hope you will cooperate with the investigation. Let's go!" The leading police officer gave Lu Feng a look at the summons. Then was taken away.

Seeing that the boss was taken away in the company, people were panicked for a while. Manager Li stood in his office and looked at him, but Lu Feng's face was calm, and he didn't seem to panic at all about this kind of thing.

"What on earth is Mr. Lu doing? Why do you feel that he is more stable in prison than I am at work?" an assistant across the desk asked.

"How do I know, hurry up to work, the contact person will apply for bail!" Manager Li hurriedly followed Lu Feng's instructions, contacted Sean first, asked him to find a relationship, and then called John, after all He is a local, and the Schroders Group is a local business.

George was sitting in the seat with confusion. He originally thought that this hand would take Lu Feng directly. Who would have thought that he actually had evidence of his own financial fraud in his hand.

"He bluffed me?" George thought to himself.

Beko, a company with poor profitability in the early stage, is not optimistic in the stock market. It has made false accounts for several years in the middle. If it is shaken out, George's life will not be much better than that of Lu Feng.

The two families are fighting so hard, but don't lose both, and finally let others take advantage.

The news of Lu Feng's arrest spread like wildfire. In just a few days, George's tactics attracted the attention of the entire London business community. In the future, whoever said he was clueless would be scolding other people. This series of dazzling tactics, It's not something that no-brainers can do.

At the dinner party, Stephen drank wine and told everyone that the situation was set. Even a small foreign company, even with the support of Schroeder Group, would not be able to make any big waves, and the huge profits of direct sales were really displayed in in front of the crowd.

George didn't tell Stephen about this. Although he was a friend, he told his friends about financial fraud that he was definitely kicked by a donkey in his head, and he had to weigh the pros and cons.

Neither George nor Lu Feng could sleep well that night.

Sean helped to get in touch with some contacts, while John was contacting the police station. Anyway, Lu Feng couldn't be locked up at this critical time. John put too much pressure on Lu Feng.

The next day, Jiafeng sent a message to the media to refute rumors, and also launched activities within the agency team. First, let everyone gather together to explain some Second, it is to exercise some new lecturer.

After ten o'clock in the morning, Beko's new company's activities continued. George didn't go to the company this time. The sleepless night made him look rather haggard.

The phone at the desk rang, George picked up the phone, the general manager of the Wal-Mart branch on the other end, they decided to sue Jiafeng Electronics after research, accusing them of unfair competition and selling inferior products, and hoped that Beko would cooperate.

"If I don't cooperate, are you still going?" George asked.

"Of course, these actions have seriously harmed our interests. As a retailer, we are qualified to make some decisions for our customers. We can guarantee the best, and this guarantee cannot be given to direct sales. They are liars!" He mercilessly classified direct selling as a fraud.

"I'm sorry, I may not be able to cooperate with you, I wish you all the best!" George hung up the phone.

After thinking about it all night, George has made a decision. If he wants to fight Lu Feng to the death, then if Jiafeng really has evidence of financial fraud, he will really have nothing.

At that time, he was interested in direct selling, not just to make more money, but if he had to put his old money in for a little money, this risk was not what he wanted.

There was a knock on the door of the office, Stephen walked in, saw George's haggard face, and said incredulously: "Did you celebrate with a few girls last night? Go to the new company, we should keep an eye on the new company. Progress, these days are important time windows!"

George raised his head to look at him, and said after a long silence: "I don't want to do it, I don't know if my efforts will be successful, but what I've felt these two days is that I'm really tired, quit it, go home and sleep. Go to sleep."


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