Back to 1990

Chapter 1043: fool

Half an hour later, Liucheng called back, and someone from Nokia headquarters told him that Elmi was now in the London branch, and just a few days after she was dispatched, she told Lu Feng her current phone number.

After hanging up, Lu Feng sat there and muttered, "She's in London?"

Lu Feng was not in a hurry to call Elmi. This time, he asked others for help. With Elmi's character, he would never be reconciled if he didn't get back the grievances he suffered before. .

Lu Feng first called Sean and asked him to inquire about Nokia's situation here.

"Nokia? You don't need to check this." Sean on the other end of the phone looked at his translator and said, "Tell him that the competition between Nokia and Ericsson in the European market is very fierce, and it is clear to the industry that this year in the UK market It is even more difficult to fight, now that Nokia is at a disadvantage as a whole, and the headquarters does not want to invest too much money, so this time Elmi was transferred to make her replicate the miracle in China."

"Copy? Without me, what would she copy? Is the mobile phone industry very hot in Europe now?" Lu Feng asked.

"Now is the blowout period for mobile phones. Last year, the market growth rate was about 20%. This year is not expected to be low. The prices of several mobile phone manufacturers are getting lower and lower. Mobile phones used to be a business demand, but now they are becoming more and more young. The direction of people has gone, European countries are encouraging manufacturers to produce, and the market is very good, so Nokia is in a hurry." Sean said slowly, these things are open to the mobile phone industry.

Lu Feng inquired for a long time, and finally got to know a little about the situation. According to what he said, Elmi's situation should be very difficult now. After all, there is no 'Jiafeng' willing to cooperate with her in London.

Lu Feng hung up the phone and thought about it. There is absolutely no need to be weak when making a call now. She is asking for herself, and Siemens also hopes to achieve mass production as soon as possible in the mobile phone industry and compete for the market.

But Lu Feng knows one thing, that is, Siemens mobile phones did not come out until after 2000, and the sales were very mediocre, and disappeared within a few years.

If Lu Feng went to talk to the two sides with the conditions, the two sides would definitely skip the contact with them individually. This is the pain point of the problem and must be solved.

Lu Feng scratched his head worriedly and lit a cigarette. After thinking about it all morning, he didn't have any good ideas. While eating, he suddenly remembered some scandals between himself and Elmi in the past. Maybe this can be used to make an article.

After one o'clock in the afternoon, Lu Feng didn't call Elmi, but called Herman directly. The assistant answered the call and helped make an appointment.

When it was time for the appointment, Lu Feng called, and the voice on the other end of the phone was rather arrogant: "I'm sorry, all the appointments in the future have been cancelled. The president has a meeting today, so let's make an appointment another day."

"When can I make an appointment?" Lu Feng asked.

"I can't guarantee this. It is recommended that you call at 8:00 in the morning to make an appointment every weekday. Are there other things?"

"there is none left."


The phone was hung up without hesitation, as if the Siemens company was an unattainable mountain in front of Lu Feng.

"What the hell?" Lu Feng cursed twice.

Herman couldn't get in touch, so Lu Feng could only contact Elmi first. The call was picked up shortly after the call. Elmi's slightly low voice came from the phone: "Who is it?"

"It's me, Lu Feng from Jiafeng Group!" Lu Feng said to the phone, "Are you in London now? Why didn't you make a call when you came?"

Elmi was a little surprised when she heard that it was Lu Feng, and immediately recalled some memories, a look of displeasure flashed across her expression, and said, "I'm in London, are you there too?"

"Yes, it seems that you don't pay much attention to me. Jiafeng's business has now expanded to Europe and has been here for half a year." Lu Feng said with a smile.

Elmi became interested and hurriedly asked, "Then your sales channels are ready?"

"We are using another sales model here, no channels!"

When Elmi heard this, she immediately lost interest. She was now an ant on a hot pot, and she didn't care what Lu Feng was doing here. There was only one thing in her heart, and that was how to get the sales channels cheaply, so that more The goods are stored in front of consumers, even if they are doing activities, it is easier to do a lot.

"I still have something to do here. I've been busy recently, so I'll invite you to dinner when I have time." Elmi was about to hang up the phone with a few polite words.

"Don't, although we don't have any sales channels, we still know a lot of companies here. We have connections with companies like Siemens, Carrefour, and Walmart. Do you want to open up sales channels here?" Lu Feng's words A pair of these are like my buddies.

"Have you interacted with so many companies in only half a year?" Elmi sounded a little unconvinced. It was not that difficult to cooperate with these big companies, otherwise Nokia would have talked to them directly.

"Is it that difficult? Besides, I know a lot of people on Wall Street, and I often come here to attend dinner parties, not to mention some companies. Even high-level people are familiar with them. I attended a high-level banquet yesterday. There are all the people in the company, and the president of Siemens is also there. We have had a little friction in the European market recently. He was very embarrassed when he saw me, sat down and chatted for a while, and apologized to me!" Lu Feng said casually. , seems like a piece of cake.

"Apologize to you?" Elmi frowned slightly, why did it become more and more mysterious?

"Yes, let me tell you, in the past six months, how much do you think I spent on it?" Lu Feng said to the phone: "You don't even dare to think about it, don't look at me with the eyes of the past, now Jiafeng It’s an international company, and after adopting a new model here, it makes money quickly.”

"How much?" Although Elmi felt that Lu Feng was bragging, Lu Feng did have some ability in her heart. When he was in Huaxia, he was considered a one-handed existence, not to mention so young.

"In the last few months, I put in 100 million pounds, and all this money went into that fund. Once the four-year period is up, I will be stable in the UK. Of course, I am alone in this kind of thing. It's definitely not possible, the Schroders Group is still operating behind it, they are my old club, think about it, what is the status of the Schroders Group in the UK?" Lu Feng's words were full of self-confidence, quite a bit of a roadside **** off. Drink too much nonsense.

Elmi began to believe a little bit. After all, the Schroeder Group is too powerful here, and the capital will fund many factional funds in private. She has heard a lot of this kind of thing.

"I always thought you were doing well in Huaxia, but I didn't expect you to be able to show off your fists like this here. We haven't seen each other for a long time. Let's go out for dinner at night and catch up." Elmi looked at Lu Feng's body. When it comes to hope, no matter if it can be done or not, try it first and then talk about it, and you won't suffer any loss.

"Tonight? I don't have time. Princess Diana has a fashion dinner. I have to go to it. Tomorrow, I'll see if I'm free."

"Okay, depending on your time, I just came here, and I don't know much about the company. I'm sorting out the corporate framework these days, so I'm quite busy!" Elmi told Lu Feng everything frankly. He tentatively said: "I just happened to be fine at night. I'm relatively familiar with discussing fashion dinner parties."

"This is really not good. I only invited myself. Another day, let's do this first." Lu Feng hung up the phone after a few polite words.

Elmi on the other end of the phone took a deep breath while listening to the busy tone, thinking to herself how long it had passed, the original Lu Feng was chasing after him to cooperate, in order to find an endorsement for the enterprise This kind of hype, and now it seems like he is begging him.

Elmi felt that she was developing very fast. It was amazing to be the vice president of Nokia's marketing at this age, but compared to Lu Feng, she seemed to be nothing.

Lu Feng looked at the phone in front of him and let out a long sigh of relief. No matter what else, he at least frightened Elmi for a while. After getting the conditions from her, he could talk to Herman.

More and more people from the outside world are paying attention to Jiafeng. The recent outbreak has made many people jealous. Some of them are good at exploiting the loopholes who bought Jiafeng's products and then went to the court to sue, citing the unqualified product quality as the reason. by claiming compensation.

The terminal retailers headed by Wal-Mart are still arguing in the court. Some people say that Jiafeng has made several billions, while others say that it has made tens of billions. All charitable organizations and environmental protection organizations will all come to the door. I hope Lu Feng Be generous.

How much money Jiafeng earns, it is estimated that only a few key figures in Lu Feng know. If they don’t donate money to those organizations, those people who turn around will start to abuse. For a while, Jiafeng’s reputation is bad, but Lu Feng doesn’t care. , At the current speed of development, no matter how slow the development is, there will be enough leeks gathered in a few months, and now he just wants to take the money away.

There are good and bad news on the market. The good thing is that when Elmi heard about this from the market, the whole person was shocked. The profit of tens of billions, even if it is printing money, is not so fast. Without the support of major forces, this money would not be earned by a foreigner like Lu Feng.

Elmi completely believed in Lu Feng now, not to mention going to the princess's good night, even if Lu Feng said he had an affair with the princess, she thought it might be true.


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