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Chapter 1047: you are my god

Lu Feng never expected that a man in his 50s or 60s like Sean would do this kind of thing and pretend to be a bullfighter with two bull horns on his head.

The savage felt that something was wrong. The two seemed to know each other. They smiled awkwardly and said, "You guys talk, I'm going to eat first, and I'll come and sit in a while."

Lu Feng held Sean's hand, looked at him and said in a low voice, "Since you know there is such an event, why didn't you tell me in advance, you see, I'm here today dressed decently."

Sean glanced at Elmi, stretched out his hand and pulled Lu Feng aside, and said in a low voice, "This is a make-up party, don't show it to me, I didn't participate before, this is the first time, I thought you knew Well, who is that?"

"My girl, how is it? Do you have some energy?" Lu Feng asked him.

Sean took off the mask of a serious man at the moment, nodded with satisfaction, and asked, "I haven't seen you bring it, where did you meet?"

"She is the vice president of Nokia, and her father is the executive president of Nokia. Let me tell you, Nokia is having a hard time right now. After being beaten by Ericsson, they can't stand up, so they want to sell some equity in exchange for cash flow. Elmi has a good relationship with me, and wants me to pull the strings with Schroeder Group." Lu Feng said in a low voice.

"What?" Sean couldn't believe his ears. Nokia wanted to sell its equity? They have come out of the roughest and now sell the stake?

"How is that possible? Don't be deceived. Nokia's financial situation is still fine now." Sean vowed.

"They have no problem, but if they want to expand, they need funds. The competition with Ericsson has just begun. Let me tell you, there is oil and water in this matter." Lu Feng said seriously.

"Do you like this money too?" Sean felt unreliable. It was like Jiafeng was going to expand, and it was just a few million short of speech.

"It's not that you don't like it, help, it's so beautiful, right?" Lu Feng raised his eyebrows at him and smiled.

"Okay, please help, don't be deceived, and don't call me by my name, I beg you." Sean put forward his own request, this dinner will be officially held tomorrow when it comes out tonight At a business dinner, everyone will dress like a dog and say that they just came today.

"No problem, I just want to contact Herman through you. I always make an appointment when I call him." Lu Feng expressed his thoughts.

"Let's talk about it later, this is not the place to talk about things." Sean shied away and walked inside. He turned around and said, "Don't follow me, play by yourself, don't let people fool you."

Seeing that he had finished chatting with Sean, Elmy stepped forward and asked, "Do you know him?"

"Sean, the CEO of the famous 'McKinsey' in Europe, I asked you about it just now. It's not easy to handle. If you want to make it happen, you have to listen to me, you know?" Lu Feng asked.

"Sean?" Elmi searched for the name in her mind, as if she had heard her father say it, nodded and said, "As long as it can be done, anything will do, it's better to hurry up, the pressure from the headquarters on me big."

"If you want to go faster, you can't go through the normal process. Otherwise, you should know how cumbersome the negotiation between big companies is. So, this matter can't go through the normal process." Lu Feng glanced around. The two of them are obviously different beings here, and many people are looking towards this side and whispering.

"Let's have dinner first." Lu Feng walked towards a dining table with Elmi, and said casually, "I think you need your dad's help in this matter. If Nokia doesn't know anyone in Europe, he will definitely go to your dad. Verify."

The two sat down and ordered some meals. Elmi felt that the means Lu Feng wanted to use might not be very bright.

"You first talk about what you can get. If the result is not so good, it is impossible to cooperate with you in such a way." Elmi whispered.

"Siemens' sales channel won't last long. It can give you one year at most, maybe even half a year. I have the ability to let you share and cooperate with the channel without spending a penny." Lu Feng said sincerely to Elmi. : "I also have my goals, which drive us to reach a series of cooperation with Siemens."

"Tell me first, what are you going to do?" Elmi already felt that Lu Feng was just trying to deceive.

"It's very simple, I will tell Siemens that you can reach a cooperation with it to make up for Siemens' shortcomings in the field of communications. The requirement is to exchange their sales channels. They are in a hurry to communicate now. I will make a small condition in the middle. Everyone can set up another large R&D center in Finland or Sweden, Jiafeng will pay, you will contribute, and the results will be shared by the three parties." Lu Feng gave his own ideas.

Elmi pondered the feasibility of it. It is absolutely impossible for Nokia to share core things with Siemens. An Ericsson has already caused them a headache, and another Siemens, the European business community is afraid to stage a show. Three points of the world.

"There's no way we could pass this contract."

"I didn't let you pass. I was in charge of mediation in the middle. You signed a contract with me, and I signed a contract with Siemens. If you have any questions, you can come to me. It has nothing to do with you. I can fool you with Jiafeng's technology. It's been half a year, do you understand now?" Lu Feng said towards Elmi: "So we need a relationship, you just say I'm your fiancé, this relationship is enough."

Elmi scrutinized the details. The feasibility is very high, and Nokia and Siemens do not sign any contracts. If they pass through Jiafeng, the risk can be said to be very small. If something goes wrong, it is also Jiafeng. Group undertakes.

"You can give it a try!" Elmi agreed, she really had nowhere to go now.

The air conditioner is on in the restaurant, and there are not many people eating. Many of them are in the room/private room. All kinds of beauties on the scene are dazzling, black/white/yellow, everything.

Elmi looked up while eating, and said in a low voice, "Want to play? I can leave you alone."

"It's alright, I can't talk about being disturbed, I just haven't seen this battle." Lu Feng said with a smile.

"This is the life of the rich. They long to have the world's women, and the world's materials and money. I have also experienced these feasts." Elmi looked like she had seen the world.

"You're not talking about rich people, you're talking about capital." Lu Feng was full, lit a cigarette, and took a sigh: "It doesn't matter whether men or women are the same, circles will allow people to obtain faster business information. You have to do something in common, commonly known as launching into the water, regardless of whether you are rich or middle-class, it’s all the same.”

The two sat there chatting, and everyone who came in had to stare at the two of them. In less than half an hour, everyone in the audience knew that Mr. Lu from Jiafeng Group and Elmi from Nokia were also here today. .

It had become the biggest topic at the scene, and that's what Lu Feng wanted. The masked dinner party was written in big letters on the invitation, and there were even some descriptions of the on-site activities.

Being a gentleman on such occasions, and being an old hooligan on serious occasions, only the contrast can make people remember it for the first time.

The on-site broadcast rang: "Dear guests, the dance party is about to start, please go to the third area to participate. After the dance party, there will be a blind selection event, please take your room card to the beauties who are going to participate."

"A boring activity. If I knew this, I wouldn't be here." Lu Feng stretched and said, "Would you like to have a drink and go back earlier?"

"Okay, let's find a quiet place." Elmi stood up and waved to a **** waiter, "Prepare some red wine and help us find a quiet place."

"Okay, there are no people in the No. 1 area now, and there are grasses and lawns. Come with me." The waiter led the way to the No. 1 area.

Arriving at the place, it was indeed very comfortable. Just after sitting down for a few minutes, I suddenly heard a sultry sound coming from the grass not far away. Lu Feng frowned slightly, and Elmi also looked over there curiously. In the darkness, Lu Feng Saw an acquaintance.

"What the hell, savage?" Lu Feng called out.

The savage turned his head and glanced at Lu Feng and Elmi, who were startled. He hurriedly brought over the grass skirt he had left aside, and said embarrassedly, "You two want this place? It's okay, I'll give it to Lu. Mr. make No...I...I don't mean that." Before Lu Feng could finish speaking, Savage had already dragged a girl and ran away.

Lu Feng and Ermi looked at each other, and both of them were a little embarrassed. What the heck is this? In a smoky atmosphere, Ermi whispered with a red wine glass in his hand, "I know why he likes to be a savage."

"Pfft, hahaha!" Lu Feng couldn't help laughing.

Without the interruption of the savages, this place is quiet. Now is not the right time to talk about any business, nor is it the time to talk about business, spend the past month, wine, and chat about what kind of experience you have had during this period of time, how much you miss, although it is a bit fake. , But the atmosphere is here, so you have to think about it if you don't want to.

After eating five bottles of red wine, the two of them were a little overwhelmed. Lu Feng leaned on the rattan chair and looked at Er Xiafei's cheeks, and said, "You are really beautiful."

"You are also very handsome, especially after you left you and compared with other men, I realized that your abilities are not possessed by other men. The most handsome thing about a man is not his appearance, nor his muscles, but his intelligence." Elmi Wei Wei After a while, he reached out and brushed his hair, and asked, "Have you not talked about other women for so long?"

"No, other women are not attractive to me, Elmi, you know, you are my god!" Lu Feng said affectionately.

Elmi blushed at what she said, lowered her head and said, "I don't quite believe what you said."

"You know, men have desires. If he loves a woman, he can restrain his desires. Since I left you, I have always been in manual mode." Lu Feng took a sip and said, "Look at me, come here. I've been here for hours and haven't seen another woman at all."


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