Back to 1990

Chapter 1050: half a month later

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In the western restaurant, Lu Feng and Elmi were eating slowly. Most of the companies in the outside world had given up on Nokia, and even if they were sold, they would not be able to turn to them.

Siemens' marketing department got in touch with Nokia, and the people below had no idea about these matters, and they submitted analysis reports one after another.

Herman sat in his seat and looked at the report in front of him. The office door was pushed open, and several heads of the marketing department walked in. Herman looked at them and said, "Sit down!"

"President, I think this matter is an oolong. All the sources of information are from Jiafeng's Lu Feng himself. From all aspects of Nokia, this matter is not credible." A man in his fifties said the man.

"Although there are constant rumors outside, I contacted a minority shareholder of Nokia's board of directors, and they did not hold a board meeting internally." Another humane said.

The scene was chattering, and all the signs indicated that Nokia had no intention of selling it, and the family was living a healthy life.

Herman didn't think so. He lit a cigar and sat down. He looked at the crowd and asked, "Then why doesn't the CEO of Nokia face the problem? He used to be vague on the phone call before, and only then did he stand up until it became a big issue. To clarify, and Lu Feng is very close to Elmi, let’s analyze his character, is he the kind of person who is willing to apologize easily?”

The people present glanced at each other. If this is an analysis of human nature, then I don't know.

"One more thing, Siemens will face market pressure tomorrow, and it is expected that the financial situation will be in a year's time. Do you want to seek financial support from the outside world? Do you think the senior management will hype it up?" Herman asked.

When everyone heard this analysis, they seemed to understand a little in their hearts. They must not publicize it. Otherwise, the entire enterprise will be dissipated in an instant, and it will only lead to an even more uncontrollable situation.

"What do you mean, now their senior management has this intention, Lu Feng's apology was caused by pressure from Nokia?"

"Yes, that's what I thought, it's fine if Lu Feng doesn't apologize, it's not right for him to come out and apologize. We still need to pay close attention to this matter. It's best to sit down and talk with Lu Feng. Being able to directly eat Nokia, even if only in part, is a huge boost for our communication/mobile phone development." Herman directly expressed his thoughts.

The other executives stopped talking. The decisive moves of companies of this level are extremely confidential, and some are even contacted in private, and will not be announced until the second day after the acquisition is completed, also because they are afraid that some companies will interfere with them.

"If you say that, this Lu Feng has become an important person instead?" A white man in his sixties looked around and continued: "Didn't you two meet in London some time ago, just happened to be on the phone? thing."

Herman was quite embarrassed to hear this. Before, Lu Feng made an appointment to call him and he didn't answer, but now he wants to contact him and can't get in touch.

"So everyone has a snack on this matter. You should pay more attention to relevant news. You can also chat with some consulting companies. That's it for today."

After everyone disappeared, Herman called the assistant and asked him to continue to help make Lu Feng's phone call.

Half the city of London was talking about Lu Feng's origins. This man from the East has attracted too many people's attention. In addition, Elmi's appearance is like a manipulator that detonates explosives. I don't know how many people are jealous behind their backs. on.

Half a month passed in a flash, and as public opinion slowly subsided, people were occupied by daily news. In the past two weeks, Sean has been here several times, and Lu Feng has been invited to dinner several times, and he is inquiring from side to side. He said that about Nokia, he asked for Ericsson, but Lu Feng thought it was not.

After repeated questioning, Lu Feng also seemed impatient. He told him that he was just being silly and that he had already apologized, so he couldn't embarrass his future husband, but he drank too much that day, and it seemed like he was leaking his mouth. Nokia just mortgaged part of its equity, and it didn't want the outside world to speculate. It just wanted to make some money quietly through its own hands.

Sean tossed left and right after returning and couldn't fall asleep. For a while, he couldn't understand which of Lu Feng's words was true and which was false. From various sources, Nokia was indeed short of money. If it could get a lot of money to invest in brand building/sales channels In other words, they can really survive.

With Nokia's current situation, the possibility of high-level gambles is very high. From the outside world, it is a slow death to be beaten by Ericsson.

Thinking of this, Sean immediately got up and wrote an email to Herman directly.

After this period of development, Jiafeng Group's business in the UK has reached its peak. Unlike other businesses, when the business reaches its peak, there will be a retention effect, and a considerable number of customers will use it for a long time. Jiafeng's products are different, it basically The above is a one-time use.

When the peak of the business passes, it will usher in a cliff-like decline in sales. Now Jiafeng basically completely shuts down the loan process. Due to too many agents and sales decline, many teams have begun to make no money, and some people have started to make trouble. This bomb is going to explode sooner or later.

In the conference room, the situation in the company was almost the same. Lu Feng suggested that the method is to increase the formation activities, cheer each other on, and at the same time reduce the absorption of new members.

There are very few new members. According to Jiafeng's activity statistics list, a total of 6 million people have participated in Jiafeng's activities in the past six months. The total agent is 2.9 million, and the existing agents are 1.8 million. , According to the population structure of the United Kingdom, Jiafeng Group has basically screened the population between the ages of 35 and 55, and the product is one set per person.

Too many liars, not enough fools!

Looking at the data on the folder, Lu Feng lit a cigarette and muttered, "It's better to go to a country with a large population to get this set of money, and the hundreds of suites will be silent. Come on, let's end the meeting!"

Lu Feng closed the folder, looked at Manager Li and said, "You come to my office."

Inside the office, Manager Li closed the door, looked at Lu Feng and said, "Mr. Lu, a lot of recent lawsuits have been convicted. If you lose three games, the total compensation is 10 million pounds, and we have nothing to do with the court. With less money, the market as a whole now has little potential to tap.”

Lu Feng raised his head and looked at him. Manager Li's words were already very clear. The place was running out of oil and water.

"How about the other branches?" Lu Feng sat down and asked.

"France has the best development, followed by Germany, but it's not as good as here. Those countries have already passed the qi, and they have restrained us in all aspects. In yesterday's conference call, the French branch was able to transfer 80 million US dollars this week. , several other branches are still trying to figure out a way, the biggest influence is Siemens." Manager Li replied.

Lu Feng took out a folder in front of him and looked at it again. He raised his head and asked, "It shouldn't be a problem to return a billion dollars to the headquarters, right?"

Manager Li looked embarrassed when he heard this. There are too many places to spend money. This group of people just caught them in a gray industrial area. In addition, they are foreign companies. Meaning, the profits of the entire enterprise can be said to be one out of ten.


Lu Feng sighed lowly, it was already May, it seemed that he had to hurry up and get out, he sat there thinking for a while, and said, "Since pigs can no longer make money, they can only be killed and let the people below. Sort out a sales secret for me, and then let all the lecturers learn it for me within a week, and then sell courses in major teams. As long as you take our courses, the monthly income of hundreds of thousands of pounds is trivial, understand? "

Manager Li replied with a clear answer. He would set up relevant departments to implement this matter. At the same time, he also understood that the game could not be played in the end. Now selling classes is just to make up for some people outside to erode Jiafeng's profits. It's just a means, squeeze out the last bit of oil and water.

"Has the company you set up for registration done some time ago?" Lu Feng asked.

"In that folder." Manager Li pointed to an orange folder on the table.

"Okay, you can do your own thing, you have to hurry up with the sales course, do a good job of publicity internally, and make a grade in terms of pricing, such as one, two or three grades, it is best to put those who earn money from us, Let them spit it out." Lu Feng said very directly.

"I understand!"

"Let's go out." Lu Feng waved his hands and signaled that he could leave.

There was a small calendar on the table. It was already May 18th. Lu Feng calculated in his heart. The funds must be transferred out within a month, otherwise the trip would be in vain.

Sitting on his seat, he pondered for a long time, and smoked a few cigarettes. Now Elmi still believes in Lu Feng. There are fewer rumors from the outside world, but the inquiries between big companies have never been interrupted.

Siemens is too jealous of As long as Nokia is swallowed, their strength in communications will definitely grow rapidly.

Lu Feng seemed to want to understand something. He picked up the phone and prepared to call Herman. He hesitated after pressing a few numbers, then put the phone down and relayed Sean's call.

After the call was connected, Lu Feng said to the phone, "I'm Lu Feng, are you in London now? Have a meal together tonight?"

Sean on the other end of the phone was also a little surprised by Lu Feng's invitation. Now Lu Feng is definitely the top group of people in the European business world, at least that's what the outside world thinks, and the relationship between the two has faded during this time. few.

"I'm in London, just for a meal?" Sean wanted to explore something.

"I've been upset lately. I want to chat with you. Of course, it's not just about eating. I'm holding something in my heart. It's very uncomfortable. I haven't made much progress recently. Let's chat?" Lu Feng asked. phone.

"Is it related to Elmy?" Sean asked further.

Seeing his endless look, Lu Feng said directly, "It has something to do with Nokia, so you want to eat this meal, right?"

"Eat!" Sean suddenly came to the spirit!

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