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Chapter 1054: upper cover

Herman seemed to understand Lu Feng's thoughts, and he felt more confident. He looked at Lu Feng and said, "I also always thought that Lambert was no good. They are investors, and they only have money in their eyes, and they have no sense of humanity. Sir, what do you say?"

"You finally said something human." Lu Feng raised his head and affirmed to Herman: "I really don't like him. I asked him for a valuation of tens of billions. Isn't Jiafeng worth the price?"

"Of course it's worth it, but that's how Wall Street does things. It's very domineering, old beauty, it's normal!" Sean said from the side.

"No! Jiafeng is not worth the price!" Herman's words shocked everyone at the dinner table.

"You look down on me, don't you? It's not worth the price?" Lu Feng was also taken aback by him.

"The Jiafeng company is definitely not worth the price, but Mr. Lu is definitely more than this price. With the help of Europe alone, I believe he can create at least 100 billion wealth in the next ten years." Herman stared at Lu Feng very seriously. road.

A few people on the scene were shocked when they heard this. Sean and Elmy didn't even dare to dream that a boss like Herman would flatter Lu Feng in a different way.

"You're so right, come, come, cheers!" Sean reacted and hurriedly raised his glass.

The atmosphere at the dinner table became more harmonious in an instant. After a glass of wine, Lu Feng said to Herman: "In fact, I have always admired Siemens. My biggest dream is to be a company like Siemens, but I have always I feel that no matter how big a company is, it can’t be arrogant, and arrogance is the beginning of death, whether it’s for individuals, companies, or even countries.”

"That's right, I'll have a drink!" Herman took a sip from the glass, put it down and said, "We and Lambert are just some very simple business relationships, if Mr. Lu doesn't like it, Don't worry, you can break it right away, it's not a thing."

"Really?" A look of surprise appeared on Lu Feng's face, looking at Herman like a reckless man, and shouting: "Just talking to you, I have made a deal with this friend, you are a cheerful person, and I am also a cheerful person, Let’s spread it out now and say, Siemens’ interception of Jiafeng can be withdrawn or not?”

"It's okay to withdraw, Nokia's equity, I want it!" Herman said solemnly.

"No problem, no problem at all." With a smile on his face, Lu Feng stood up and walked to Herman's side with his wine glass in his hand. He put an arm around his shoulder and said in a low voice, "I just want to leave. Now many people don't want me to go, it's not in their interests, and it's a win-win for both of us."

"I mainly want to teach you such a friend. I didn't do well in the past." Herman raised his head to look at Lu Feng and said, "Then can you tell me how much equity Nokia is willing to give?"

Seeing that things were about to be completed, Elmi said, "3.9% equity!"

The ratio of 3.9 has just been followed. According to the regulations of the Nokia board of directors, only those who own 4% of the equity can enter the board of directors, otherwise it will be circulated in the secondary stock market. Now that Nokia is not listed, where can there be a secondary stock market? market.

Herman frowned a little. With these shares in his hands, if he could not get into the board of directors, he would likely be squeezed out by major shareholders. Lu Feng clearly saw his concern and whispered, "Don't worry, if you believe in Nokia It will be listed sooner or later, you will not lose money, if Nokia’s business is getting worse and worse, it will definitely sell its equity again for a chance, and then it will be your turn to take action.”

When Herman heard this, he thought about it for a while and thought it was right, nodded in agreement, and said, "Then what do they want?"

"Sales channel!" Elmi said first, and now Siemens' major stores/logistics/wholesale channels/agents are all in great need of Nokia.

"Which regional sales channels?" Herman asked.

"All!" Lu Feng said for her.

Herman was a little hesitant to hear this. Their global sales channels are very large. These sales channels alone are worth a lot of money. In exchange for less than 4% of Nokia's equity, it is not a loss, but it does not account for much. Cheap.

"No, we have sales terminals covering nearly 2 billion people around the world. With Nokia's current situation, it is impossible to exchange sales channels in such a large area." Herman thought for a while and said, "If you specify a few countries in Europe Within that range, there is no problem with that.”

Elmi was already excited when she heard that things were about to happen. Just as she was about to say yes, Lu Feng preemptively said: "Impossible, absolutely impossible, if it's just a few European countries, even if it's a cooperation, it won't take much. money."

Lu Feng said this and stared at Elmi, making her calm down and acting in a full set. Obviously now Herman is lowering the price. The other party offers a low price in his heart. You agree to it. In addition, it is useless at all, and the best price must be the price after the two sides have to make concessions.

"I think Miss Elmi seems very willing, but Mr. Lu is not happy?" Herman raised his head and glanced at Lu Feng who was standing beside him.

"Of course she is willing. Now she is in charge of the market here. As long as she does a good job, she will be promoted and raised when she goes back. I am different. I will be responsible for this matter. After reporting it, the other party will weigh the pros and cons. Their appetite, then it's my turn to eat." Lu Feng said with a smile.

"How much does Mr. Lu think these shares are worth?" Herman asked rhetorically.

"The global sales channel is indeed a bit inappropriate, but the whole of Europe plus the US market, I think it's no problem, right? And it doesn't take too long, two years of licensing time, I believe that two years, Nokia is enough to get out of the mud. "

For Herman, this condition is more cost-effective. After pondering for a while, he said, "All of Europe, let's get rid of the US market."

"No, this will definitely not pass." Lu Feng returned to his position with the wine glass in his hand, and began to pull the two sides.

After a lot of back-and-forth, and even digging into the terms of the contract, Sean kept silent. Seeing that it was twelve o'clock in the middle of the night, the two parties still hadn't reached an agreement, Sean said, "Otherwise, we'll make an appointment today. It’s a big framework. Let’s talk about it within this framework. On Mr. Lu’s side, the whole of Europe and the U.S. market are unwilling to give up. Mr. Herman has objections in the U.S. market. It’s no use arguing like this, everyone’s time It's more urgent, let me say something."

"Okay, Sean, say it." Lu Feng looked at Sean and said, "I'm more convinced by you!"

"Mr. Lu is not sure to give up, then write it into the contract. As for Siemens, take time to make up for it, from two years to one year. As for the counter location/publicity/and other detailed contract terms, here What do you think of chatting under the framework?" Sean asked.

In a year's time, it will have little impact on Siemens. What Herman fears most is that Nokia will use the US market to turn over and completely overwhelm Ericsson. It should not be possible in a year.

The two sides stopped talking. Lu Feng sat there smoking a cigarette and glanced at Elmi next to him. The two looked at each other. Elmi wanted to agree long ago. In retrospect, everything was in vain.

"Okay, I'll give Mr. Herman a face." Lu Feng nodded solemnly and agreed, as if he had lost several hundred million.

"Then the two teams will meet tomorrow. I also know that Mr. Lu is in a hurry. As long as the contract is signed, you can rest assured that the proposal on the new standard for household appliances will be withdrawn immediately, including the foreign exchange bureau/customs/Ministry of Finance in other European countries, etc. There will also be no obstruction from multiple departments." Herman mentioned it deliberately, just to stab Lu Feng again. In his eyes, Lu Feng is now in the net, and he desperately wants to run.

A look of joy appeared on Lu Feng's face, he stood up and shook hands with him, and said, "It's better, I hope you don't get too close to Lambert, this guy is very bad-hearted."

"So tomorrow, we'll meet at Nokia headquarters?" Herman asked.

"No no If you don't go to Nokia's headquarters, no one from Nokia will come forward, and you need to sign a non-disclosure agreement. I am talking to you as a discretionary agent, and I don't want Siemens to issue a statement. Whatever the sound, any news in the market may bring fatal public opinion to Nokia." Lu Feng stared at him and said seriously: "This is also the reason why the price is so low. Siemens can compete with those end-use electronics retailers.”

Helman glanced at Sean when he heard this, and there was no one from Nokia. Who can prove that this is the authorization of Nokia? Sean glanced at Elmy, as the daughter of the CEO, shouldn't this be so unreliable?

"It's better to have an official team for docking. After all, equity transfer also requires an agreement to change a series of things." Sean said.

"Now the power of attorney is on my new company, I just need to sign another transfer agreement with you." Lu Feng was stunned as he spoke, feeling the gazes of the two, and said with a smile: "You don't think I'm lying to you here, do you?"

"No, Mr. Lu also has a certain reputation around the world, and this is not the case." Sean looked at Herman and said, "As long as the power of attorney and transfer agreement that Mr. Lu took out is ok, then As far as signing, this matter is unwilling to mention for Nokia, after all, it is a temporary move and plans to repurchase in the future."

Herman was naturally muttering in his heart, but these two people in front of them wouldn't lie to themselves about this, a daughter of Nokia's CEO and a CEO worth tens of billions.

In addition, such an opportunity is really rare, Herman suppressed the doubts in his heart and nodded in agreement.


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