Back to 1990

Chapter 1057: appease

"Okay, then I'll book a flight to Paris first. You can write down my phone number and you can call me." Zhang Fengxia told Lu Feng her phone number on the phone, and the two chatted for a while before Jiang Xiaoyan called The phone hangs up.

At first, Lu Feng thought it was the two of them who were arguing, but after chatting for a while, Jiang Xiaoyan realized that it was not.

Thinking of Jiang Xiaoyan, Lu Feng's heart is even more chaotic. Some things have to be resolved. People say that time will dilute everything. Maybe it is true. At least Lu Feng is now reluctant to give up when Jiang Xiaoyan is gone.

Sometimes at midnight, he tossed and turned and couldn't fall asleep, and Lu Feng was also thinking about why he couldn't let her go. There must be feelings, but sometimes Lu Feng felt that the reason was that Jiang Xiaoyan was the only person he was close to in this era. In life, whether poor or rich, the adult world is always lonely.

In the last life, Lu Feng was also rich, but he was often lonely. There were many people around him and many smiling faces, but he knew very well in his heart that when he lost everything, all these things would disappear, some smiles never entered his heart, some friendships also on the surface.

I don’t know how many midnights, I can’t sleep because of the emptiness, even if I’m in a high-end banquet hall with people around me, everything is prosperous like a dream, but deep inside my heart is empty like a black hole.

When a rich man tells you that he is unhappy, he is really unhappy.

Lu Feng also often thinks that maybe it was those difficult days that made him so unable to let go of Jiang Xiaoyan.

A low sigh resounded in the room, and he was the only one left to sit there, squinting and staring out the window. The prosperity of London was in sight, people were troubled when they were rich, their body's desires were satisfied, and their hearts were dry as if In the desert, there is always a hesitation between gain and loss.

Three days later, the agreement with Siemens was halfway through, and Jiafeng’s model was about to come to an end. More and more agents began to make trouble, and some teams even formed their own trade unions and hired lawyers to sue Jiafeng and demanded Jiafeng returned the goods and sued because of quality problems.

Some time ago, in order to squeeze the last bit of oil and water, Lu Feng asked the agents below to stock up, and promised to launch a large-scale event for them to attract enough buyers to come.

Lu Feng set the date for next month, and now many people are rumouring that Jiafeng is going to close down, and everyone starts to make trouble. The originally arranged meeting has been arranged, and a row of Audi cars are parked downstairs.

After Lu Feng changed his clothes, Manager Li knocked on the door and walked in. He said to Lu Feng, "Mr. Lu, everything is ready, let's go downstairs now."

"Okay!" Lu Feng tidied up his clothes and said to Manager Li, "Are all the documents ready?"

"All information is complete."

Lu Feng nodded and walked downstairs.

The London indoor basketball hall, a gymnasium that can accommodate thousands of people, has been simply changed to the venue for this meeting of thousands of people in Jiafeng. Behind the stage is a huge poster, which says Jiafeng is sailing, and every position is full. There is a small bag as a souvenir for everyone.

At the same time, the venue is full of photos of excellent agents and blueprints for future development. From the overall layout, it is extraordinarily grand, and even from these layouts, Jiafeng's ambitions can be seen.

Many people began to take their seats, sitting and chatting, and there were many elderly people.

"I tell you, this time I must not listen to him fooling around, but I heard that this company is not reliable at all."

"My husband and I figured it out at home. I've made a lot of money in the past few months, but I also have a lot of money in it. It's better to go to work every month."

"It's a liar, and you didn't watch the TV saying it was a typical liar."

"Yes, did you go to the union a few days ago? That Sulton lawyer explained their model to us. Now there are such companies everywhere. I don't know how many people have been harmed."

"You guys came late, I think it's early. I lost a lot of money. Some people are still in debt, and their houses are gone. It's impossible to sue them."

"In addition to taking you to participate in activities, see what industrial parks, and then tell you how big the company is, in the end it can't sell anything at all, so you can buy it yourself. What is said in class, and you have to buy advanced classes, you are deceived badly."

There was so much noise at the scene that the ceiling in the basketball hall was about to be lifted. Some people even held up banners and stood up and shouted loudly for the scam company to pay back the money.

As the host stepped onto the stage, he picked up the microphone and made everyone quiet a little bit, but it was of no use. Lu Feng had already arrived at the backstage. Looking at the noisy scene, he stood up and walked directly to the front desk.

"Shut up!!"

Lu Feng took the microphone and exclaimed at everyone present.

The short voice made the scene quickly quiet down, and Lu Feng took advantage of this gap to continue to the crowd: "If I lied to you, would I dare to stand in front of you now? Standing here today to hold this meeting is for the sake of Explain some things, I hope everyone will be quiet, and the problem can only be solved through communication."

"Return us!" someone shouted.

"Let's talk about it first, those that should be returned will be returned, and it's not too short of time. Let me explain a little first, that is, many people say that Jiafeng is going to run. Today I stand here and tell everyone that Jiafeng will never run. We To become bigger and stronger here, we have recently reached a strategic cooperation with Siemens and will cooperate in home appliances.”

"At the same time, we have reached cooperation with 26 local banks, and will carry out all-round development. Jiafeng is not going to run, but to upgrade. Now everyone is a personal agent. In the future, Jiafeng will produce a full-scale home appliance model, which is TVs, air conditioners, washing machines, refrigerators, etc., as long as you think of home appliances, we will produce them."

"The agents of Jiafeng will also be upgraded. I believe everyone knows that in the early days of Jiafeng's personal agency, we helped many ordinary people at the bottom to make loans. This time, we cooperated with 26 banks to promote greater Franchise loan is to upgrade from individual to store, from store location, decoration style, passenger flow guidance, to hold large-scale events, and to carry out planning and training in a unified manner.”

"Yes, we are going to be strong and formal. I believe you have heard some news. Jiafeng has made a lot of money. We will invest in everyone again and grow together. We will also involve real estate development. It is expected that two communities will be developed and constructed next year, and the renovation and construction of these houses and the purchase of home appliances will all come from our products.”

"What Jiafeng wants to do is to connect the entire industry chain, that is, from housing, home improvement, furniture, home appliances, and even later to invest in the production of automobiles, motorcycles, and large-scale comprehensive shopping malls, to achieve full coverage for everyone's living consumption."

Lu Feng stood on the stage and talked endlessly about the three-year development cycle, the five-year development cycle, and what goals will be achieved in ten years. The audience gradually quieted down, and everyone listened in a trance.

This plan is too big, and everyone on the scene can't help but look forward to tomorrow. Compared with such a big plan, it seems that I have a small layout with a few thousand pounds of products in my hands.

After more than two hours of speech, Lu Feng explained clearly what Jiafeng will invest in in the future. Looking at the silent people below, Lu Feng took a deep breath and said, "Please believe me, I have never wanted to stand up. I came out and told everyone about this, because I feel that I have helped so many people, and everyone has formed a tacit understanding."

"But recently, because I am signing some documents with multiple parties, some companies are talking about this matter, and I have to stand up. As for those who have lost money as agents of Jiafeng, I can't do anything. Jiafeng's agent Ninety-five percent of the business is making money, so who are the five percent?"

"I was even grabbed by an agent and said, let me give him a sum of money, UUkanshu because he has no money to drink, there are too many agents in Jiafeng, almost millions of people , there are all kinds of things, and there are even people looking for Jiafeng to blackmail me, I am really tired of dealing with these things, and sometimes I even feel chilled."

Lu Feng looked helpless, stood on the stage and took a deep breath, and said to the crowd: "I know that some people have accumulated some goods in their hands, and now the market is saturated, we are developing new market demand products, if you If you want to return it, no problem, go to register in a while, we need to go through the financial process, after registration, you will return the product through the original channel, and the money will be credited to your account, which is what I promise.”

Just now a few elderly people were determined to return the goods, and now they looked at each other and were undecided. If they gave loans, helped to renovate the store, and found customers, then the goods would not be returned. What they were afraid of was that after returning the goods , When Jiafeng agents upgrade, it is not their turn.

Lu Feng told everyone about his current situation, how busy he was, which company bosses he talked to over dinner, how many new employees the headquarters would recruit, and how many new departments he opened up, all from his heart.

It was like sitting on the head of the kang and saying that he was very tired recently, and even explained to the people at the scene what he couldn't tell outsiders. In an instant, everyone felt that Lu Feng was more kissable than his own son at home.

The people who started to register the return on the spot, you look at me, I look at you, and in the end, there were only a few people.

"I have prepared some souvenirs for everyone today. You can take them away. That's all I have to say. I'm still quite busy. There are still a few dinners in the evening. I hope everyone understands, thank you." Lu Feng held the microphone in his hand. Handed it over to the host, turned around and left.


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