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Chapter 1060: Zhang Fengxia's pain

The next morning, just after Lu Feng finished his breakfast, the lobby manager came over with a man in his thirties and said to Lu Feng, "Mr. Lu, this is the translator I'm looking for for you. The salary is settled daily. Hundred francs."

Lu Feng looked at the man for a while, and the man greeted him in English, saying that he knew the situation in Paris very well and could go anywhere he wanted.

"That's good, take me to a place first, on the street of Notre Dame." After Lu Feng finished speaking, the lobby manager left.

A few minutes later, the two went downstairs and stopped a car and went straight to their destination!

Notre-Dame Avenue is the most famous street in Paris. Tourists who come and go are all heading towards this ancient art palace. Three kilometers away is a small stadium. This fair is here. There are more than 1,000 enterprises, and hundreds of new products are expected to be launched.

Lu Feng got out of the car and looked at the stadium in front of him. There were many tourists taking pictures in the square. Obviously, not many people knew that a semiconductor expo would be held here the day after tomorrow. Is it good looking.

The translator looked at the scene in front of him and said in a low voice, "Boss, you said that the Semiconductor Expo will be held here?"

"That's right, let's go up and ask first to see if it's true." Lu Feng walked towards the gymnasium.

"What is a semiconductor?" The translator asked in confusion.

"Core processor, you can simply understand it as the brain of a machine, what education do you have?" Lu Feng glanced at him.

"Undergraduate, double major in English and painting." The translator said quite smugly.

"Then do you know st?" Lu Feng asked casually.

"What is st?"

"The largest semiconductor company in your country is similar in size to companies like Nokia/Siemens in Europe, except that this company has no products and is directly connected with terminal product companies." Lu Feng said casually.

The translator shrugged his shoulders, seemed very indifferent, and muttered casually, "This is the capital of art."

"If there are no artillery, industry, and core high-tech industries behind art, where can art go?" Lu Feng didn't want to talk to him about these useless things. When he walked to the entrance of the venue, he saw that the door was closed, and there were several rows in the door. Flags, there are flags of some international associations, it seems that the biggest publicity is this, at most the mainstream media mentions it, and a few ordinary people will stare at the mainstream media.

Many countries are whales on the bottom of the sea, and they don't seem to have any advantages. When you really go deep into the industry, you will find that this group of grandchildren is very serious. They have all kinds of industries, but let's not say that in the eyes of ordinary people, they are engaged in art. .

"There is a window over there, as if someone is there." The translator pointed to an external window not far away.

Lu Feng walked over. This was a consultation window. A woman in her thirties sat a little plump. Looking at Lu Feng, he said, "What's the matter? I'm going to get off work soon."

"Hello, I want to ask, is the Paris Semiconductor Expo held here?" Lu Feng asked her.

After listening to the translation, the woman nodded and said, "Yes, didn't you see the flag at the door?"

Lu Feng glanced at the invitation card in his hand and said to her: "That's right, the boss of our company received the invitation, but he couldn't come due to time reasons, so he sent me to have a look, but the name on the invitation letter is not me. Can you help me with this matter?"

After hearing this, the woman stared at Lu Feng and looked at it. She didn't look like the kind of person who picked up an invitation letter on the side of the road, and said, "This expo is not open to the public, only those in the industry who have received the invitation. If you are eligible to enter, does your company have a stamped authorization letter? Authorize you to participate in this event."

"This... you can, but I don't have it with me. Can I make it easier? It's not easy for me to fly over from the UK." Lu Feng hurriedly took out the wallet he had prepared from his pocket. On the invitation letter, he handed it in from the window and said, "You are lucky!"

The woman wanted to talk about getting off work, but she opened the invitation letter and saw the money inside. She raised her carefully drawn eyebrows and smiled, and said to Lu Feng, "You are also lucky to come here, we are here to solve your problem. Yes, we first need to determine whether the person on this invitation letter is on the invite list, and then we will send an email to the invitee, I will go to our director, you wait a moment."

"Okay, fortunately!"

After Lu Feng finished speaking, he was a little helpless standing outside. Didn't that kid Sean say it's very simple, why should he contact him to check the truth?

In the past, the expo was open to the public, and there would be a list of some media reporters, and it was easy to get in. This year’s expo is not open to the public, but the communication between companies is relatively strict.

Ten minutes later, a white man in his fifties came out, looking like a leader, and walked up to Lu Feng. The woman just now introduced, "This is the director of our reception office."

"How did you get this invitation? It's an invitation letter from Deutsche Ske Transistor Co., Ltd. This company is not big, so it only issued one invitation letter." The director stared at Lu Feng, obviously doubting the origin of the invitation letter.

Lu Feng could hear from his words that Sean might have a leather bag company, and the other party knew it, so he distributed one and got it into his hands.

"Our boss has something to do temporarily, so let me take a look. As the general manager of the company, I plan to get to know more companies at the expo this year and reach some cooperation." Lu Feng replied quite officially.

"Is that so? It's not easy to come here. Our expo is mainly to provide convenience and communication for the development of the industry, not to embarrass you. According to the regulations, I'm afraid it won't work." The director spoke and returned the invitation letter. Lu Feng.

After hearing this, Lu Feng looked back at his translator and asked, "Are you sure what he said is according to the rules?"

"That's right!"

"Then I understand." Lu Feng reacted and took out all his money from his pocket. Most of it was in US dollars, probably several thousand dollars. He put it in the invitation letter and handed it over in front of them. , said: "You are fortunate, our small company, if this matter can't be done well, I'm afraid I won't even have a job when I go back."

The director is also a cheerful person. When Lu Feng tapped the money, he put it in his pocket and said, "Understood, I'll change your name, you wait."

After the two returned, the translator stood aside and smacked his lips, saying, "This rotten world sometimes feels really hopeless."

"When you have money, you will find that the world is different. We can't change the rules, we can only obey." Lu Feng lit a cigarette and turned to look at the tourists in the square without speaking.

After waiting for almost an hour, the reception staff at the window came out and handed a new invitation letter to Lu Feng, only with Lu Feng's name on it.

"Okay, go back." Lu Feng looked at the invitation letter in his hand, feeling quite good.

Today's Paris is sunny, and there is a gust of wind in the hot and dry air, which makes people not want to hide in the air-conditioned room. Zhang Fengxia has been here for two days, and the jet lag is reversed.

She couldn't understand the words of the people around her. Everything around her made her seem a little strange. Yesterday, there was a salesperson of tour groups, and today there is no one to speak.

Pedestrians are in a hurry, walking alone on the busy street, looking for a store to buy an ice cream, just walking out the door, a white man dressed in vicissitudes of life pointed the camera in his hand at her and clicked the shutter.

The man stepped forward to show Zhang Fengxia the photo, murmured in French, expressing nothing more than that this photo is beautiful and artistic. If you want, you can pay me a sum of money. If you don't want it, I will do it. keep it.

Zhang Fengxia frowned at herself in the camera, and said in English, "Please delete my photo."

"nonono, money, give me money, you are beautiful." The man was still praising Zhang Fengxia with simple words.

"I don't want it, you deleted the photo!" Zhang Fengxia scolded.

When the man sees that he can't get any money, he spreads his hands and prepares to leave. These unsellable photos will be packaged and sold to some magazines or other companies that need the right to use the photos, so as to make some money on film.

Before the man could walk away, a woman in her thirties rushed up and chatted with the man. The man reluctantly threw the rubber sole into the trash can.

"Are you all right? These people often do this kind of thing, mainly for tourists." The woman said to Zhang Fengxia in fluent English.

"It's alright, thank you so much." Zhang Fengxia said politely, "I don't even know how to thank you, why don't we have a meal together?"

The woman didn't hesitate nodded and agreed, Zhang Fengxia has been in this foreign country for the past few days, and she has an indescribable feeling in her heart.

Now I finally meet someone who can talk, and I tell all my stories at the dinner table. The woman opposite is eating, listening to the story, and saying, "I don't think such a man is worthy of your nostalgia. Should have a better life, in fact, men do not have a good thing."

"But now I can't give it up, I feel like I'm squeezed between two mountains, no matter how I go, it's wrong, I don't want to be sorry for Sister Xiaoyan, but I can't go against my deep feelings ." Zhang Fengxia picked up the glass with a little distress and drank it.

"You have wasted all your wonderful youth in the past few years. Now everything is thanks to him, and you have to wait for him in a strange city. This relationship is entirely your own painstaking effort. I Tell you, men are like this, men are the most disgusting creatures in this world, there is no one." The woman said viciously.


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