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Chapter 1068: announcing

In the past six months, Liucheng found that the foreign-invested team was constantly trying to win over the management, and even several foreign-funded team leaders would openly say at some dinner tables that only when the company entered a professional operation can the company become stable and pink.

This so-called specialized operation means de-coredization, dividing all positions of the enterprise, hiring professional managers at the top management, and deciding the direction of development by the board of directors. This is the operation mode of a large international group.

Under this model, the entire group will become the working man of the board of directors, and the individual ability will be greatly weakened. Most importantly, Liu Cheng believes that this is weakening Lu Feng's influence in the group.

Lu Feng looked at him, obviously everyone knew the form of the first enterprise very well, and said, "What if you come back? You can do your own thing safely, don't think too much about other things, who told you this?"

"I'm not stupid. I'm so old, and I've been in the workplace for half my life. I understand all those sloppy bowels, but I just don't want to do it. Yesterday, I chatted with a few executives and found a lot of problems. There was management training in the former group, I stopped by and listened to it, and that was exactly what I was talking about." Liu Cheng sighed, looking rather helpless: "In addition, with Zhu Lidong, Du Guoying sometimes chats over dinner, everyone is now Also worried about changes in the company.”

Liu Cheng told Lu Feng the thoughts of those executives.

Lu Feng lit a cigarette, smoking a cigarette and looking at Liu Chengdao: "Every period has difficulties to be faced in every period. Without these funds, the R&D company would not be able to go so smoothly. Don't worry too much, I will solve it. As for the new company, I think that the group will hold part of it, and the other party's technical team will hold part of the technology, and I will pay some money for part of it. This President Zhang is a powerful person, you should study more."

"At that time, I must ask for more advice. These are the things inside the company. Everything else is fine. Can I apply for a patent now?" Liu Cheng asked.

"I'm here to tell you today, hurry up to apply for a global technology patent, and announce it to the outside world, as well as your mobile phone." Lu Feng took a breath and said, "It's been quiet for so long, it's time to give them something. Exciting."

In the morning, Lu Feng attended the meeting in the R&D company and learned about the current internal situation of the R&D company. The focus was on the use of the R&D budget, overseas talent reserves, and the progress of major core projects.

The meeting was hosted by Liu Cheng. Lu Feng just sat and listened because of his identity. He had a meal together at noon and was going to the group headquarters in the afternoon. Lu Feng asked Liu Cheng to call the rotating president in advance and told him that he was going to investigate. visit.

Liu Cheng was quite dissatisfied at the dinner table: "You have to use the name of inspection to go back to your company, so you can go directly."

"Observing the rules, this is a very important point, don't leave some words behind." Lu Feng looked at him with a puzzled look, and said while eating, "This is what I told you personally, the next two years will be a bayonet. When it’s time to see red, make a phone call and say it in advance, and no one can pick it out.”

"Okay!" Liu Cheng sighed.

After the phone call, Wei Yandan, the rotating president, was also taken aback, and hurriedly called Liucheng's personal mobile phone.


"Mr. Liu, it's me, Wei Yandan, is Mr. Lu at your place?" Wei Yandan on the other end of the phone was a little puzzled, "Why did you call me and tell me to come and investigate?"

"Mr. Lu just wanted to go and have a look and ask about his work. Isn't he not working as a management team now, so I'll let you know and go to investigate." Liu Cheng replied.

"What's the situation? Is there something wrong with the board of directors?" Wei Yandan lowered her voice unconsciously when she spoke.

Liu Cheng raised his head and glanced at Lu Feng, and said, "No, it's just a regular reception, you can arrange it."

At 1:30 in the afternoon, Lu Feng left the R&D company by car and arrived at the headquarters of the group half an hour later. The security guards at the gate stood in two rows. There was a red carpet at the gate, and a ladder was driving a banner at the gate. Lu Feng's car was just parked. , parked a Toyota sedan behind the butt.

Lu Feng got out of the car, looked at the few people hanging the banner and said, "Okay, don't hang it up, put it away."

The man holding the banner turned his head and glanced at Lu Feng, and said angrily: "The big leader is coming, you know a hammer, go and don't knock you."

The door of the car behind opened, and Du Guoying walked down in a suit. He didn't see him for half a year, and he looked a lot more mature and looked more like a leader.

"Mr. Lu?" Du Guoying hurriedly trotted over and said, "If you want to come, just come, what are you doing for an inspection? If you say that, I will accompany you up there."

Lu Feng looked at him and asked, "Are you late?"

"How come, I'm going to pick you up, didn't this just buy a car?" Du Guoying crossed with a smile, saying how good the car is, the two walked upstairs.

"How is the pager this year?" Lu Feng asked as he walked.

"The market continues to expand, and the speed of expansion is very fast. In the first half of the year, the market grew by more than 50%, but the high growth shows a weak trend. This high growth is due to the price advantage. Starting from this year, Sony has , Motorola's sales volume can be said to be staggering. The market price is generally below 2,000 yuan, and the user's recognition value is reduced. There are pagers' own limitations, and there are also suppression of mobile phones. This year, the price of mobile phones has decreased. It is about to be eliminated, and we believe through market research that with the development of mobile phones, card-type phone booths, and public telephones, the future of pagers is relatively slim.”

Du Guoying's mouth was like a machine gun, analyzing the market with Lu Feng, and he said it righteously.

"Yes, the investigation of the market, products, consumers, and the trinity is very detailed." Lu Feng nodded and praised.

"Thank you Mr. Lu for your compliment, it's just my job." Du Guoying said that the elevator door opened, and he hurriedly continued: "I think domestic mobile phones should have more price advantages than Nokia, Motorola, and Sony. The future is destined to be the future of mobile phones, I have heard from the grapevine that our mobile phones will be launched next year, and I assure you that they will definitely not be able to raise their heads in the market." Du Guoying said firmly.

Lu Feng suddenly stopped moving forward, stared at him for a few seconds and said, "Talking and chatting, why did the mobile phone business become yours?"

"We're in charge of communications, pagers, mobile phones, isn't it natural?"

"One more question, where did you hear that our mobile phone business is going to be listed next year?" Lu Feng stared at him and asked, "Who told you?"

Du Guoying looked embarrassed, grinned at Lu Feng, and said, "Gossip."

"How petty? If you don't tell me, I will punish all the people in charge who know about this at the board meeting. After all, it involves commercial leaks." Lu Feng said solemnly.

"Don't, don't, Mr. Lu, I just listened to Mr. Liu, and he didn't say anything, just drinking and talking nonsense." Du Guoying hurriedly said.

"Mr. Lu, why are you here?" Wei Yandan hurried over and asked.

"You don't need to make those pomps, Zhu Lidong isn't here?" Lu Feng asked.

"He's in a meeting out of town, let's go to the office first."

The company still retains Lu Feng's office, but the sign at the door has been changed to honorary director. Lu Feng entered the office and sat on the sofa and asked, "How about the rectification of the factory in Tianjin?"

"All the rectifications have been completed, and the voter has also been sentenced, ranging from indefinite to five years in prison. Now the factory has been put into production. This year's market growth rate is relatively large, and the growth rate of home appliances is the highest. These two years have been a wave of marriages. Well, the domestic market plus the overseas market is also fortunate that the new factory is put into use, otherwise it would be really stretched."

Wei Yandan sat down and said: "The products are selling well, but the growth in profitability is mediocre. Although the competition in the home appliance market is not so fierce now, there are still activities to be done. In addition, the unit prices of small home appliances, pagers, and VCDs have dropped. This year The price of VCD has dropped seriously, because of the rampant pirated products, if the profit of the first half year is only calculated about 1.3 billion."

"In the second half of the year, we should be able to achieve the group-wide target of 1.5 billion yuan. Let's work hard. There will be no problem with 3 billion yuan for the whole year. The financial statements of the board of directors at the end of the year will show that, without adding your US dollars in overseas markets, it is still a loss. "

"What about the construction progress of the headquarters building?" Lu Feng asked.

"Last month, I attended the capping ceremony, the completion of exterior walls, interior decoration, etc. It is expected to be this time next year. The relocation will be possible in the second half of next year." Wei Yandan said to Lu Feng: "We have achieved the first-class domestic appliance market in China. , we held a meeting to discuss that it is a very critical step to open up new markets in the next few years.”

"Is this what Zhu Lidong thinks? What does he want to do? Sell mobile phones?" Lu Feng looked at Du Guoying.

"At the last meeting, Mr. Zhu believed that it is not just mobile phones, but a full range of electronics. We think the electronics industry in both office and entertainment areas will explode. He wants the company to develop computers." Wei Yandan said.

"Yes, dig the roots of the old club. We will discuss this matter later. Let me tell you something. Starting today, all the core management personnel of Jiafeng Group are prohibited from going abroad, and the following people can be allowed to run more overseas. , like what vice president, let them run more." Lu Feng ordered.

At four o'clock in the afternoon, Jiafeng R&D Company officially announced that in the chip industry, the three core technologies of wafer, corrosion and lamination have achieved breakthroughs and will apply for global patents. I believe that in the near future, its own core technology The technology will exceed 50%. At present, the technology can be applied to the production of eight-inch chips. The technology is first-class and the country is leading.

With the evening news and TV news reports, the domestic semiconductor industry is in a frenzy!


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