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Chapter 1075: upcoming reception

"Then when will you arrive? I'll send someone to pick you up at that time. After you book your ticket, tell me the flight number." Berg asked on the phone.

"Well, okay, okay, I got it." Lu Feng coped.

"Then when do you book the ticket?" Berg asked reluctantly.

"When booking a flight, I will notify you." Lu Feng continued to deal with it.

"People are more anxious here, can you come over in three or five days?" Berg said unrepentantly.

"I'll try my best, there's still something to do here, I'll hang up first." Lu Feng hung up the phone after he finished speaking.

Berg raised his head and looked at the officers around him and said, "You heard it too. He will come in a few days, maybe this week, maybe next week."

The policeman is not a fool. What he said just now was obviously a shirk. They looked at each other and knew that it was impossible for Lu Feng to come back now.

They detained Berg. After communicating by phone, they believed that they should go to judicial extradition, and counted the amount of Jiafeng involved in the case.

Although the private agents don't know what happened, there has been rumors that Jiafeng has exploded. The agents who got the news early will deal with the products they have accumulated at half price. As for the slow ones, they can only smash them. in their own hands.

Several countries involving Jiafeng Branch began to sort out the amount involved in Jiafeng’s case. Due to the lack of time, in order to show the seriousness of the case, only a rough estimate of the amount involved was made. The data submitted by the British police ranged from US$5 billion to US$80. between billions of dollars.

When the amount is submitted for review, after reading it, the leader thinks that these things are not clear anyway, so he simply adds some of his relatives, friends or partner companies to make it easier to make false accounts.

This uncountable loss has become a fire for many people to throw into the garbage account. When several countries combined the loss amount, they found a jaw-dropping figure, involving more than 90 billion US dollars.

When several people in charge were on the phone, they were a little speechless about this number, but the matter has come to this point. It wasn't him who did it. When I told Huaxia, I just made up the whole thing, and the case involved hundreds of billions of dollars.

When the domestic and foreign affairs channels just received the news, they were shocked on the spot. Either they lied or Lu Feng ransacked a small European country.

Lu Feng hung up the phone. The speed of the inspections in Europe was obviously faster than he expected. It is estimated that this year will cause trouble.

In the city, a meeting about the reception of the inspection team was going on. Deputy Mayor Li and his group were called over. There were more than a dozen people sitting at the meeting table. The leader was Mayor Zhou, who was in his fifties and looked thin. , a pair of big eyes piercing, with a cigarette between his fingers.

"I still hope that everyone can realize that this is an opportunity for international high-tech to see Shenzhen. It's not when you take the opportunity to be awkward, or when you are an official, and you can clearly distinguish the priority from the secondary. Deputy District Chief Li, what are you doing? What's the situation?" Mayor Zhou asked after taking a puff of cigarette.

"Mayor Zhou, we are also trying to receive the inspection team and give them a plan, but they can't do this, and they can't do that either. We still want to do it well." Deputy District Chief Li said aggrieved: "Originally, this matter is After discussing it, it turns out that Mr. Lu came, and he is like the king of heaven."

"I don't want to hear what you say. I didn't let you sit here to hear what you said. Now you are revolving around others, not people around you. Don't you understand the truth? I also read that plan, How can foreign engineers come here?" Mayor Zhou scolded the Deputy District Chief Li: "Be smart when you do things."

"No, it is also difficult in our district. The company Jiafeng occupies a large proportion of the district's economy, but it can't play a leading role. Everywhere in the district needs money. I have told the city for so long, please be considerate. Inside the district." Deputy District Chief Li retorted.

"There are difficulties to overcome. Everything has been arranged. What do I want you to do? People will come tomorrow, and now nothing is arranged. This is what you do? Is it a quarrel for you to go?" Mayor Zhou was a little confused. He was so happy that he took a cigarette and said to everyone: "The work center has been placed on Jiafeng recently. We must seize the window of opportunity, let the chip industry take root and sprout locally, and attract the global semiconductor industry to look at us and be well received. Work, that's the focus of this time."

"As for Jiafeng, he can't fly. Jiafeng is a phoenix egg. We must use this egg to attract more phoenixes to build their nests. We must formulate guidelines for the development of the semiconductor industry in this city, and use this as a guide in investment promotion. Focus on the key points, carry out key publicity, and attract more supporting manufacturers to land in the next few years."

Deputy District Chief Liu was scolded and sat there not to speak. He didn't need to ask to know that he had to be scolded by the District Chief when he returned to the district.

After the meeting was over, Mayor Zhou called Lu Feng as soon as possible. His words were full of apologies. He divided the reception problem into two parts. Jiafeng arranged the inspection route. Everyone performs their duties, and the district is responsible for support.

"Okay, okay, you are lucky to come here and call to talk about this matter, we will definitely arrange it." After Lu Feng finished speaking, he felt that he should communicate with the head of the area in advance, so as to avoid any troubles. Get caught.

"By the way, there is another thing, that is, I was not in Europe in the first half of the year, over there, something happened, maybe there is some movement recently, I will let you know in advance."

Although Mayor Zhou has just come here this year, Jiafeng, as the largest private enterprise in the city, still knows about it. At the beginning of the year, he just came to visit Jiafeng accompanied by Wei Yandan. Also heard the name.

"Small thing? How small?" Mayor Zhou said cautiously.

"It's just a little economic dispute. Don't worry, it won't affect the company. I'm no longer the management of the company." Lu Feng wrote lightly.

"Okay, then the preparations for tomorrow are done. They are expected to arrive at 9:00 in the morning. When the time comes, they will go to the airport to pick them up. The local TV station and the provincial TV station will follow up and report." Mayor Zhou instructed.

"Don't worry." Lu Feng said politely.

Putting down the phone, Lu Feng picked up the folder on the desk. When he walked out of the office, he saw Duoduo playing on the computer in the next office. He leaned his head in and said, "Notify the reception team for a meeting."

A few minutes later, Sun Lin and the others gathered in the conference room. Lu Feng changed the inspection process briefly, and instructed Liu Cheng to show them some finished wafers at the R&D company tomorrow, and briefly introduce the R&D company. Concept and technical structure, etc.

Just find a few more unimportant employees to stand there and pretend to be the number of people.

In the evening, the sun sets and the heat in the air fades. Jiang Xiaoyan parked the car downstairs and looked at the window upstairs that belonged to her. She felt a little reluctant. She didn't want to go upstairs. But now there is only myself left at home, and it is so lonely.

"Mr. Jiang is back? Why don't you go upstairs?" The aunt downstairs asked while choosing a dish.

"It's a little hot upstairs, stay here for a while." Jiang Xiaoyan replied.

Jiang Xiaoyan was a little hesitant and wanted to find Lu Feng, but she was afraid that she would not be able to escape from him at night.

Thinking of this, Jiang Xiaoyan didn't hesitate any more, got in the car and drove straight to the villa.

At nine o'clock in the evening, Lu Feng drove Duoduo to the door of the house, looked at the co-pilot Duoduo and asked with a smile, "Have you been happy today?"

"Happy! Dad, I'm going to play on the computer tomorrow." Duoduo shouted.

"Are you interested in computers? Going to play tomorrow." Lu Feng agreed very boldly, pushed open the car door, and saw a man standing in front of the house.

Squinting to take a closer look, only to find that Jiang Xiaoyan was standing there, with an unpleasant expression on her face.

"Why are you here?" Lu Feng looked at her in surprise.

"You brought your child back at this point? What did you say you were playing?" Jiang Xiaoyan's voice was filled with Hearing her mother's voice, she was so frightened that she hurriedly shrank her head, and did not dare to get out of the car. .

"Look at you, you know to scare the child, I took her to the company today, this little guy is interested in computers, he can train in this area, much better than playing the piano, don't stand outside, I'll open the door for you. "Lu Feng smiled and walked forward, reaching out to hug Jiang Xiaoyan's waist.

Jiang Xiaoyan twisted her body to hide and asked, "What is a computer? What's the use of learning it?"

"Go home and say, aren't you tired standing?" Lu Feng opened the door and went to the car to hug Duoduo down, and said in a low voice, "Don't worry, Dad is covering you."

"You are still covering me, and you are being bullied by others." Duoduo obviously didn't believe him.

The family entered the house, turned on the lights, and sat down. Jiang Xiaoyan wanted Duoduo to continue practicing the piano, and she would sign up for an intensive class during the summer vacation to make up for the foundation. After listening to this summer vacation plan, she was no longer afraid to speak. , eyes peeking at Lu Feng, full of signals for help.

"The child is still young, just play when it's time to play. Too much reading can easily become a nerd. Let's not talk about it, it's all this time, and it's past ten o'clock to wash up. You, you live here, and we take turns taking care of the children. "Lu Feng gave Jiang Xiaoyan a suggestion.

Duoduo huddled beside Lu Feng, hid his little head behind his back, and asked in a low voice, "Dad, are you sure she won't hit me?"

"Definitely not, I'm a man, she doesn't dare to be arrogant." Lu Feng affirmed.

"But I feel like my mother is going to beat me to death."

"Don't worry, Dad will fix her for you tonight. I'll play on the computer tomorrow, and study it." Lu Feng affirmed.


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