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Chapter 1083: I can't hold my fart

"Are you that Su Yourong?" Jiang Xiaoyan asked towards the phone.

"Yo, can you still hear it?" Su Yourong was surprised and asked, "How is Lu Feng now? I want to talk to him."

"He was not at home, so he was picked up by the public security bureau in the morning, and he hasn't come back yet."

Su Yourong frowned upon hearing this, and asked, "Have you been detained?"

"I don't know. You should ask President Wei about the company." Jiang Xiaoyan replied.

"If he comes back, be sure to ask him to call me back as soon as possible."

After Su Yourong finished speaking, she hung up the phone and sat there looking at the sunset outside the window. A bit of sadness appeared on her pretty face, this time was completely different from the past.

Sun Hung Kai also learned about the relevant situation at the first time, but Zhenkun did not go to Lu Feng immediately. He first collected some information from abroad and held a meeting.

Mr. Feng was hospitalized again two months ago. This time, the situation was worse than the last time. He could no longer be discharged from the hospital. The internal affairs of the group were basically ignored.

Looking at the news in front of him, Feng Zhiyao was quite worried about Lu Feng and asked, "I wonder how Brother Feng is doing now? Have you contacted him?"

Everyone in the conference room looked at Feng Zhiyao and didn't speak. Now everyone is concerned about the money issue. Is he still worried about his brother Feng?

"There is no need for us to worry about President Lu. The most important thing now is that the mainland's attitude towards this extradition request is implemented according to the plan given by Europe, then we will suffer huge losses, but this One thing to note is that the major shareholder of Jiafeng Group is Schroders Group, which includes the interests of the United Kingdom.”

"For such emergencies, I think we should communicate with the Schroders Group first, and then make a decision when things become clearer. Because Mr. Feng is in a bad health, I hope everyone will not disturb his old man. We want to Make a variety of response plans to avoid all kinds of situations." Zhenkun is no longer an emergency for this kind of thing from Jiafeng Group.

If other companies invested in this kind of thing happened, it would definitely be the first time to intervene, but Lu Feng did not make a fuss about it, it was high risk and high return.

In the past half a year, Feng Zhiyao has made rapid progress in his work. He can basically handle some things. Zhenkun also sees his progress, but he also sees his fatal shortcomings. He is too kind.

A financial person, kindness is the greatest sin!

After the meeting dissipated, Feng Zhiyao seemed a little anxious, and said to Zhen Kun, "Uncle Kun, if something really happens, we will apply for asset preservation in advance and freeze Brother Feng's personal assets, right..."

"Don't worry, the contract we signed originally contained restrictions on the authority of the management management. Although he passed the resolution of the board of directors to do these things overseas, we can sue on the grounds of exceeding the scope of authority. Authorized by the bureau, it will cause heavy losses to investors, which can be recovered, although the wolves will share the food, they will definitely get some back." Zhen Kun comforted.

"I'm not talking about that. If something really happened this time, he doesn't even have a house in his name, and he will be imprisoned by then. How will he live after he comes out?" Feng Zhiyao looked worried and said, "It's really going to get to that point. Forgive people and forgive them."

Facing this, Zhenkun didn't know what to say, just looked at him: "Hehehe!"

After speaking, he patted his shoulder and walked out.

Feng Zhiyao didn't know what Zhenkun meant, so he stepped out of the conference room and returned to the office to call Lu Feng to inquire.

As the above news came out, Lu Feng had been released. Jiafeng Group headquarters and R&D companies refuted the rumors. Liu Cheng himself was interviewed on TV and explained some technical matters, but he forgot. , and how many people can understand the jerky professional knowledge in his mouth, who cares?

In the hotel, He Zheng had been on the phone with the Science and Technology Committee for more than an hour, telling them to do business as usual, not to be disturbed by the outside world, and to find out about Jiafeng's situation.

After dinner, He Zheng held a brief meeting with the people in the group and asked them to focus on the research and development of the company's semiconductor technology within three days. It is necessary to find out whether it involves foreign technology patents, at least internally.

After the meeting, He Zheng called Mayor Zhou as soon as possible. On the phone, he first talked about the inspection arrangements for Jiafeng Group, and then he said, "I think we need to pay close attention to the layout of the semiconductor industry. , Now the situation has changed, and what I said before has not changed.”

"No problem, we will arrange an inspection tomorrow morning. I don't think Lu Feng should be allowed to show up. He has been very controversial recently, and it is inappropriate to continue to appear on TV." Mayor Zhou suggested.

"It doesn't matter."

The two simply exchanged a few words and hung up the phone.

At home, just after dinner, Jiang Xiaoyan was sitting in the living room, dumbfounded, the door was open, and the outside wind was blowing in, she seemed quite comfortable, Duoduo was lying on the table and writing summer vacation homework, the cover of "Happy Summer Vacation" on the cover. The two words were crossed out by her.

Lu Feng was half lying on the sofa watching TV, Jiang Xiaoyan took a deep breath and said, "Many people are looking for you today, all from Xiangjiang."

"Look, if such a big thing happened, those investors are going to go crazy." Lu Feng said indifferently, "Don't worry, just relax."

"No matter how wide my heart is, I can't hold the Pacific Ocean. Is that Su Yourong still in contact?" Jiang Xiaoyan asked.

"I haven't been in touch for a long time. Her company invested in Jiafeng. It's normal for people to call and ask." Lu Feng replied.

"Isn't she all bankrupt? Why does she still have a company in Xiangjiang?" Jiang Xiaoyan looked a little unbelievable.

"If you're bankrupt, you can start all over again. People like her can break through anywhere." Lu Feng recalled Su Yourong's methods and sighed with emotion.

"The first time I saw her, I felt that she was not a good woman, and that attitude made me uncomfortable." Jiang Xiaoyan remembered that she felt useless and was the hostess of the family, and she made her a little bit of aura. .

"It doesn't matter if it's good or not. Business matters, don't pay attention to these." Lu Feng leaned on the sofa and said, "Just make money. I'm afraid I won't be able to go out for two years. Even if I go out, I have to use a fake passport."

With a bit of anger, Jiang Xiaoyan put her hands on her chest, suddenly stood up and slapped Lu Feng on the arm angrily, and then went upstairs.

"What's wrong? What kind of madness?" Lu Feng was beaten inexplicably.

Jiang Xiaoyan didn't speak, but went upstairs with her head down.

Lu Feng's charging phone suddenly rang, and he picked up the phone and asked, "Who is it?"

"Mr. Lu, it's me, Lu Feng. The city called me just now, saying that the inspection will continue tomorrow, but I won't let you show up. It's better to keep a low profile now." Liu Cheng said.

"Okay, I just don't want to worry about it yet." Lu Feng was happy even without accompanying him.

"There is one more thing, they canceled the factory area and the formation of the R&D center, and let us tell the key technical points in three days, and we have to ensure internally whether the issue of patent rights is really involved. This is nothing, the key is, That team leader He wants to give a guide, let us publish a report to praise him, and he will also write a guide to the semiconductor industry for the city, this is the report from the city." Liucheng asked: "Is this the right thing to do?"

When Lu Feng heard this, he immediately understood. No wonder he looked at him with a quizzical expression, because he didn't hold back his farts. Now that there are so many troubles, he can't hold back at all.

"Inappropriate! This report is going to be published. What is our R&D company? Just come to a person to guide us, and there will be new progress. We have invested so much money to hire engineers before, why don't we just say a word? His face should be bright, Shame we have to be naked?"

Lu Feng is This is absolutely impossible. After thinking about it for a while, you can see that this is a flattering deal. There are so many doubts about Jiafeng from the outside world. It is true that the money spent on foreign R&D centers is all about transferring assets.

Let's not talk about this for a while, Jiafeng really can't get any benefit from doing this. Apart from adding a dazzling qualification to him, what else can he do?

"Let me tell you, you can't do this even if you kill him. It's not that we don't trade, we have to make some money. The fools don't do this business. They have earned their reputation in the market, and He Zheng has earned their qualifications. What did you earn? Believe it or not, there are people who scold my eighteen generations of ancestors when this thing is sent out."

After Lu Feng finished talking to Liu Cheng, he felt that he couldn't hold back these people, and continued: "I'll go there tomorrow too, and I'll come forward and say it. By the way, when will Zhu Lidong come back? Is it tomorrow?"

"It seems to be tomorrow!" Liu Cheng replied.

"If he comes back tomorrow, tell Boss Wei and ask Boss Zhu to come to me, and that's it." Lu Feng hung up the phone after giving instructions.

A few days ago, Lu Feng asked Zhu Lidong to come back quickly after finishing his work. Jiafeng could not delay in the matter of the lithography machine. Once the Wassenaar Agreement was implemented, it would be really difficult to buy second-hand lithography machines from abroad. Soaring to the sky.

This must be arranged in advance!

Before ten o'clock in the evening, He Zheng took a shower and went to bed. He was not worried about what happened tomorrow. Jiafeng Group is a company at best, not to mention Lu Feng's current situation. He just doesn't want to, what can he do? ?

For He Zheng, who has never looked at Lu Feng, what is he? Officer, what is he? It's the people, not to mention that he is still from the capital, the arrogance in his heart has always been there!


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