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Chapter 1154: ? Put it in an envelope!

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The discussion on the spot was very intense. Most people thought that this was a surging competition that must be taken seriously. As for Lu Feng, they were just throwing it out to test the truth.

You must know that the total investment of the United States in South Africa exceeds 50 billion US dollars, most of which are all kinds of mining development, and the processing plant of tungsten alloy is one of the important strategic resources.

Lambert tried to correct the topic several times, but the people at the scene were obviously overwhelmed, and he had no choice. In the end, the meeting decided to start from two levels. The high-level warned South Africa and asked them to put pressure on them to resume tungsten production as soon as possible. Represented by Goldman Sachs, communicated with Schroders Group and warned it.

After the meeting, Lambert sighed helplessly and got into the car. He didn't know what these people would do to this matter, but he felt that as the country dissipated, these people were now reckless. Trying to find an opponent to toss, it seems that only in this way can prove their worth.

Two days later, a phone call was made to the high-level officials of South Africa. The tone of the phone was very bad, and they were asked to fulfill their promises. If they turned to Europe, it would be an irreversible disaster.

The South African side is naturally not cowardly, and responded with a slap in the face. As for the resumption of production of the tungsten mine, the South African side said that they will decide whether to produce it themselves, and there is no need for the Americans to teach them how to do things, and the tungsten mine association is also based on the Based on human rights and ensuring life safety as the first law, this shutdown and maintenance behavior was carried out.

Goldman Sachs also sent someone to contact the Schroders Group, hoping that they would not interfere too much in South Africa, let alone delusional colonization in the new era.

In the conference room, John sat there listening to the question marks all over his head. The president of the group stared at him and asked, "Isn't the investment in this Jiafeng Group a strategic investment in high-end manufacturing? Why did you go to South Africa to buy mines? Go? People on Wall Street now think we're manipulating mineral energy and suspect we're authorized, what do you say?"

John's old face was blushing. He really wanted to say that he was wronged. Where is this going? It's impossible to be responsible for everything that happens to the company he invests in, right?

Then tomorrow, Lu Feng murdered and set fire. Should I also ask, is it a European strategy?

"Do you know about South Africa's investment in mining?" The group president softened his tone when he saw his predicament.

"I didn't see it in the relevant report," John replied.

"You have invested so much money, and you don't know where the money is going? What about supervision?"

"It's my problem, I'll make sure to rectify it." John knew that he had made a big mistake and asked the group president, "What should I do now?"

"What should I do? If I reply that this is not our strategy, and the other party thinks that we are cowardly, I reply that this is our strategy. Isn't this picking up **** pots from outside to be a job?" The group president said angrily.

"What did you say?" John asked curiously.

"Attitude is tough, the topic is left and right, and the last question I don't know!"

"With so many tungsten mines shutting down, the production of tungsten alloys over there will definitely be affected, and the price of tungsten futures will definitely skyrocket. Since this matter can't be concealed, let's make a fortune in futures." John said after a while of silence. : "Didn't Wall Street say we're doing things? If they say one thing, we'll back down. What do Goldman Sachs, Morgan, and Merrill Lynch think of us?"

The president of the group seemed very helpless when he heard this. It was like two people in the school. One of them ran over inexplicably and said that you are causing trouble for others. It is better to be more restrained. The other is unable to explain it. To say it wasn't me doing it would be too cowardly.

How will you mess up in the future?

What do the rest of the school think? What do you think of the chicken? What do you think of the big goose?

The idea that John mentioned is very good. They have to be tough. They are not the ones who do it. But since you dare to ask, don't blame me for doing things on futures!

The president of the group agreed with John's idea, first long tungsten ore futures, and then released news to let Wall Street funds come in to take over.

John left the conference room, and the first thing he did when he returned to his office was to call Lu Feng. At this moment, the anger in his heart could not be stopped. He wanted to take Lu Feng off the board of directors as soon as possible. Let's talk about the relationship between the two sides, and now let him draw the sword.

In China, at eleven o'clock in the evening, just after Lu Feng took a shower, Jiang Xiaoyan put on his pajamas and sat on the sofa reading a newspaper. Her small villa was already renovated and could be moved in at any time.

"What are you doing here?" Lu Feng wiped his hair and said, "It's so lonely to live alone, it's so lonely, and there's no one with a warm bed."

"My mother called me and said, did you go back for a blind date during the new year?" Jiang Xiaoyan asked, putting down the newspaper.

"Just because of this, we moved out?" Lu Feng came over and sat beside her, put his arms around Jiang Xiaoyan's shoulders and said, "That girl is very snobbish, how can I compare with you? What's the relationship between us? Good roommate for many years, you wait for me to finish this period of time, you also put aside the things at hand, let's travel, eat and drink, have fun, see thousands of red dust, and taste the bliss of life."

Jiang Xiaoyan was really moved when she heard this, sighed and said, "When you're done, I've heard this so many times, and after that, they're divorced, living under one roof, and living under the same roof. It's boring."

"What's so boring? Isn't life like this, not bad or bad, not embarrassed or embarrassed to live, let me tell you..."

"Jingle Bell!"

The phone on the table rang, Lu Feng picked up the phone and asked, "Who is it?"

"Lu Feng! People like you don't deserve to stay in the company. You'd better get out of the company now..."

Lu Feng hung up the phone before he finished listening.

"Who is it?" Jiang Xiaoyan asked. Although she didn't understand English, she could hear that the tone was irritable.

"No one, just a good brother from the past." Lu Feng fooled around, patted Jiang Xiaoyan on the shoulder and said, "It's getting late, you should go to bed earlier."

Jiang Xiaoyan hummed, stood up and walked upstairs, the phone rang again, Lu Feng hung up immediately, stood up and prepared to go upstairs, but the phone rang again.

"Come on, no matter what, you have to talk about it." Jiang Xiaoyan turned around and said.

Lu Feng didn't say a word, he stepped forward and unplugged the phone line. As soon as he got back to the bedroom, the phone rang again, so he had no choice but to pick it up.

"Can you communicate well? If you can communicate well, let's have a chat, if not, forget it." Lu Feng asked John.

"Lu Feng, I have worked in an investment bank for more than 20 years and have invested in hundreds of companies. You are the most **** up person I have ever met. There is no one. Your management of the company, ignoring the rules and arrogance, makes people feel disgusting. Disgusting!" John shouted angrily.

"I vaguely remember that when we met in the toilet in New York, you were not like this. You changed. We were good brothers at that time." Lu Feng sighed, "It's only been so long, time flies. You have already started to speak ill of each other like this."

"Is it interesting for you to mention this? Didn't you deceive me at the beginning? If you hadn't used Lewinsky as bait, I would have fallen for you? Later, high-end manufacturing was used as a guise. What have you done in the past few years?" John questioned.

"What are the overseas R&D centers doing? How much has the domestic market share of Jiafeng's products increased in the past two years? Are you blind? If it weren't for the suppression, how much would Jiafeng's overseas market increase? I can't do it? You can! You So awesome, you are fighting against the United States, you are trying to get me to enter the global market, why don't you blame me? Why don't you look at yourself?" Lu Feng stood outside the room, leaning against the fence and scolded: "If I Working with the Americans, do you believe that Jiafeng can sweep Europe?"

John was stunned by the question, making him speak as if he was not capable.

"Don't tell me this, what's going on with the tungsten mine in Africa? Do you know what you did? Why didn't you write it in the annual report with such a large amount of money to buy a tungsten mine? Jiafeng Group's finance is How bad is it? Let me tell you, starting tomorrow, I will send an audit team from Europe to review the accounts of Jiafeng Group!" John said viciously: "If there are serious discrepancies in the accounts, you will be imprisoned. Bar!"

"I'm in jail? Why wasn't the money for buying tungsten listed in the annual report? A total of US$276 million was Because I was afraid of attracting unnecessary attention, my daughter held it on her behalf. , the right to benefit and the right to enjoy are all under the name of the company, and the entire acquisition is listed separately and placed in the envelope under the annual report at that time!" Lu Feng said.


John remembered, there really was an envelope. When he gave the annual report, it was a lot of mess, what corporate executives' personal show, the company's development roadmap in 1996, the group management list, and even a piece of "Mr. Lu's hard work." 1996".

It was all useless things. John put these fancy things aside, including a small envelope below, he didn't dare to open it. He was afraid that it would say how hard Mr. Lu was, and he was not afraid of difficulties and worked hard for the board of directors. Welfare.

"This should be put in the corporate balance sheet, what does it mean in the envelope?" John said angrily.

"The board of directors doesn't stipulate that you can't put part of the company's balance sheet in an envelope?" Lu Feng asked back: "You don't have a rule! You can hold a board of directors meeting, and everyone will vote with a show of hands. Don't put it in the envelope."

"Fuck you!" John broke down completely.

"I'm going to **** you. I don't look good, blame me? If you want to send the audit team, feel free to send it, don't call me again, I'm going to sleep!" Lu Feng hung up the phone after he finished speaking. .

John sat there listening to the busy tone on the phone, thinking about putting that thing in the envelope, and feeling extremely aggrieved, why did he vote for such a grandson!

At this moment, he had already decided in his heart that Lu Feng had to roll down from his seat on the board of directors!


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