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Chapter 1176: Jiang Xiaoyan's displeasure

Lu Feng knew what was going on in this world at this moment, but he was too weak to participate in the conversation about these things.

Compared with the previous life, the current Lu Feng has a newer understanding of the world. If in the previous life Lu Feng believed that money can do whatever he wants, then now Lu Feng deeply understands that money is really fragile, and the world is not built by money. It is the strength of the country that rises.

In his last life, he also hesitated, choosing between a big country with a small population and a small country with a large population.

Calls from London came one after another, and the high-level executives communicated fiercely through various channels. They didn't care about Jiafeng Group, they cared about influence.

With the sky getting darker, this night is destined to be a sleepless night for many people. Quantum Fund and Tiger Fund have sold out all the futures contracts in their hands. They have borrowed new contracts through several banks yesterday and opened Empty orders, go short as soon as the market opens today.

This futures made Soros and Robertson each more than one billion dollars.

With the opening of the market, the price of tungsten ore began to rise, but it was less intense than yesterday.

On Wall Street, Soros arrived at the company early and held a morning meeting to confirm that the loaned futures contract has been credited. Everyone is very ambitious. This kind of opportunity is too rare for them. Now this matter has spread all over Wall Street. Many financial companies are eager to try.

Half an hour after the market opened, Soros and Robertson began to siege Schroeder. A large number of contracts were thrown out. The buyer's market was very tight, and there were hundreds of millions of transactions in half an hour.

As the market closed in the morning, Soros and Robertson threw out all their two-point chips, but they didn't move the price by half a point. This made them feel a little surprised. Where did Schroeder come from to be so confident?

Half an hour after the close, the London Futures Exchange suddenly announced that in view of the large fluctuations in tungsten ore futures, in order to be more fair and protect the interests of participating companies, futures trading is based on the concept of stable sales and balanced prices, so the tungsten futures in May The ore delivery must be delivered by a trading company that meets the specifications, and there are requirements for the label of the product.

As soon as this news came out, the pot was blown up in an instant, and the products were delivered strictly according to the labels of the futures exchange, which meant that several companies in the United States could not borrow the products from the US treasury for delivery. At that time, there was no other way but to face default.

On Wall Street, Soros was a little dazed looking at the faxed news in his hand, and asked his manager over and over again if it was true, and the other party replied that it was the news half an hour ago.

"This is a UK sanction on us and this has never happened before!"

"What should I do now?"

Everyone panicked. Obviously, this was aimed at them. They opened empty orders, hoping to buy them back after the price fell. If the price did not fall before the delivery, then they would face the same fate as the futures contract they had borrowed before. breach of contract.

Schroeder Group, John looked at the situation in front of him with a smile on his face. The market opened in less than ten minutes in the afternoon, and a large number of people gathered in front of the office computer. John told the traders: "After the market opens, the first Time drives prices up and they either buy high-priced contracts or wait to default."

Everyone at the scene was full of smiles, and it was obvious that both Robertson and Soros had fallen into this trap.

With the opening of the market, the price rushed up in a straight line. With the exclamation of retail investors in the exchange, it easily broke through 80,000 US dollars, and then went straight to the 90,000 US dollars mark. This figure will never be believed in the eyes of ordinary people. At this moment, it was broken down like paper.

Wall Street, Soros and Robertson both covered their faces with their hands when they saw this situation. They both looked extremely annoyed. The manager next to him was already frowning. The situation was worse than they imagined.

"The price has stabilized, shall we buy it back?"

Soros took a deep breath. He couldn't accept the fact that he sold it for 70,000 in the morning, but bought it back in the afternoon for more than 90,000.

But the price is still rising, otherwise the position cannot be closed.

But there is another way, that is to let those companies in South Africa resume production. As long as they start production, no one will buy tungsten ore at such a high price.

"If you don't buy it, contact those companies and the government department at the same time." Soros said in a deep voice.

The price of tungsten ore futures stabilized at 100,000 at the close.

The phone calls between the two sides started to clash again. Compared to their busyness, Lu Feng calmed down. Apart from answering a few calls, he seemed very powerless. He walked around Cape Town and contacted the local court. The rest is waiting.

On May 10th, with more than ten days left before the futures delivery, Lu Feng received a call from John, asking him to go back first. It was useless to stay there. Before leaving, Lu Feng went to see the ambassador. He also said to let Lu Feng go back first, and bring back some people.

The situation here is rather chaotic, and the overall situation is stable at present, so there should be no major problems.

On May 11th, Lu Feng took off with the 20th person to return to China. When the plane landed in Shenzhen, Lu Feng was the last to get off the plane. Instead of going to the company, he went home first.

Lu Feng's second aunt was called to clean up at home and take Duoduo to and from school.

"Lu Feng is back?" The second aunt saw that Lu Feng was overjoyed, and said excitedly: "I haven't seen you for many years, and now the longer you are, the more handsome you are."

"When did you come?" Lu Feng asked politely.

After exchanging some pleasantries, Lu Feng went upstairs and returned to the room. Compared to the previous successes, this time he really felt powerless and didn't do anything. If it wasn't for Schroeder, there would be no room for turning around this matter.

At eight o'clock in the evening, Lu Feng received a call from Soros. Compared with the last time, Soros is obviously not so arrogant now.

"Mr. Lu, don't make things too difficult. You can't just deal with Europe all your life, right? Even European financial companies have exchanges with Wall Street. Let me tell you this, if European financial companies If the company no longer needs you, then you will be abandoned by the whole world." Soros persuaded earnestly: "You should think about your future."

"What kind of consideration? Resume production now?" Lu Feng couldn't help laughing, and said, "Then I will be attacked by Europe and you now. Of course, if Wall Street can show enough sincerity, I think it can be done." talk about."

Lu Feng could tell that they were really in a hurry this time, but if they just gave some verbal promises, then it was impossible for Lu Feng to give them a satisfactory answer.

"Of course, I also think it should be. We can unite several Wall Street companies to cooperate with Jiafeng. You don't have to worry about Schroeder Group's withdrawal of capital. We invest and cancel the blockade of Jiafeng." Suo Ross promised.

"It may not be possible to buy shares. At present, there are very few shares. If I sell them again, I will be out."

"Can you dilute the shares!"

"I'm sorry, the equity transfer documents I signed with all the investors promised not to dilute the equity within five years. It is also to protect everyone's interests. You can buy shares if you want, and I can sell another 3% to 5%. Equity, plus the conditions you mentioned later." After Lu Feng finished speaking, he pondered for a while and said, "But there is a prerequisite, that is, the contract must be signed first."

"Mr. Lu, don't you believe me? The process of signing the contract is very long, and you also know that the delivery of tungsten ore futures will be this month."

"It's not that I don't believe you, it's that I don't trust Americans, or you can use another way, we can sign a separate agreement, the content is what you promised, if you can't do it within twelve months, you will pay liquidated damages Yes." Lu Feng suggested again.

Hearing this on the other end of the phone, he was a little speechless. When did bad checks become so difficult to use? Hearing that Lu Feng didn't accept this, Soros changed his words again.

"Mr. Lu, you should know who is the most profitable to do business with in this world. In fact, you don't need to do what you are doing now. Let me tell you this, even in Europe, the United States is the leader in the end. You can't just Looking at commercial confrontation and other important areas, I believe that a qualified entrepreneur should have such strategic thinking.”

"Uh...Sorry, I don't have any!" Lu Feng didn't want to talk to him anymore, and asked, "Is there anything else? It's already late here. If there is nothing else, I will start Bye."

Lu Feng hung up the phone without waiting for him to speak.

Jiang Xiaoyan had already returned and was downstairs preparing to eat. Duoduo came up to ask Lu Feng to have dinner together. After going downstairs, Jiang Xiaoyan asked casually, "Is the matter resolved?"

"It can't be considered a solution." Lu Feng sat down and said, "I can no longer interfere with this matter."

Jiang Xiaoyan was taken In her heart, she always felt that there was nothing that Lu Feng could not solve. She raised her head and glanced at him. She wanted to ask a question, but the words turned into ;"Let's eat!"

"I plan to deploy in Xiangjiang. I must prepare in advance. Put the industry in the mainland and the corporate headquarters in Xiangjiang. Faced with more financing channels, I can also face the world." Lu Feng said while eating: "It's like It’s the same as when I came to Shenzhen from Suzhou, I’ll take a look there this year, and I can buy a house or something.”

"I won't go!" Jiang Xiaoyan said with a blank expression, "I won't go for Duoduo either. I will take the high school entrance examination next year, and Huasha is developing well."

"Xiangjiang is very good. Isn't this a step by step step by step, we start from the small cities in the north..."

"I used to be able to go with you, but now I can't. You can go as long as you want, and if you want to see more, you can come back once a year." Jiang Xiaoyan said with a rather indifferent expression.

Duoduo didn't notice Jiang Xiaoyan's displeasure, and shouted happily: "I'm going to Xiangjiang! I'm going to move there!"

"Why are you arguing over dinner? You want to go with him so much! Don't come back after you go!" Jiang Xiaoyan scolded.

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