Back to 1990

Chapter 1179: ?Gambling agreement

The defeat of Wall Street, Quantum Fund and Tiger Fund made them very sad. Many investment banks were involved in this matter. Now they are very passive in the face of Europe in the handling of this matter.

The top management does not want to show a low profile to Europe, and hopes that Wall Street will solve it by itself.

In the high-level conference room, the famous Wall Street bosses were among them, and a man in his fifties sat on the main seat. The discussion on this matter was extremely intense.

"I still think we should talk about it. This matter was illegal from the beginning. They are suspected of insider trading!"

"This is the control of resources. Britain has an unshirkable historical responsibility to South Africa. Now it is extending its hand to Africa. We absolutely do not allow it. We should analyze the problem from this perspective."

"No, it's time to find their weakness. This is obviously their trick. South Africa is their weakness. We should continue to exert pressure."

The scene was chaotic, and the man sitting in the main seat looked at everyone and said: "I hope everyone has a bigger vision, and we should focus on comforting Europe instead of fighting back hard."

"I suggest that the easiest point to break through in this matter is the Jiafeng Group. This company is not a big one. As long as we show a little kindness, I believe the matter will be resolved soon." One person said.

Soros pondered for a while and said: "I agree with this idea. Starting from Jiafeng Group, let the tungsten mine resume production, and the siege of this enterprise can be relaxed."

Many people at the scene agreed to relax the restrictions on Jiafeng, and some even proposed to return the previously seized lithography machine, seeking to relax Jiafeng's tungsten ore futures.

The man in the head looked very ugly. Looking at these people, they can sell anything as long as they lose money, and he scolded in a deep voice: "Do you know what this means? Relax the restrictions on Jiafeng? You know that in that area Is something happening in the ocean? What does this signal?"

Some people whispered and communicated in private, and many people didn't know what was going on at sea thousands of miles away. They only cared about finance and money.

Soros and Robertson looked at each other, knowing in their hearts that the money must be lost.

"It's still the same sentence, you can talk, but you have to talk to the UK. If you lose money, you will lose money. Don't make other mistakes at this time."

After the on-site meeting ended, everyone walked out of the conference room, lamenting that the sea thousands of miles away was the top priority. When they didn't choose well, there was no room for maneuver in this matter.

Soros returned to Wall Street and immediately called Robertson. They must admit the loss this time, and contact Schroder Group as soon as possible to negotiate and close the short position of the borrowed options.

And John was already waiting for them.

After the phone call, John explained the conditions he had prepared. As long as they are willing to acquire the shares of Jiafeng held by Schroeder Group at a price of 4 billion US dollars, the transaction on tungsten futures between the two parties will be voided.

"Forty billion? It's not worth so much. Four billion can buy two good peaks. This is its value in my heart." Soros said to the phone: "Otherwise, Robert invested directly .”

"That was the original price. The development of Jiafeng has been going on in the past few years, and their R&D investment in the chip field is also huge. Besides, it will only get worse and worse for you if this drags on." John said nothing Fear Road.

"The price still needs to be negotiated, and Jiafeng's growth and value can be viewed from multiple angles......."

On June 15th, 1996, in the years to come, when recalling this year, he would say it was a magnificent year, but Lu Feng's feelings were ordinary. He went to inspect the headquarters building, and made another trip In Tianjin, I went to see the newly assembled lithography machine assembly line, dust-free workshop, wafer workshop, etc.

Two months have passed since April, but that matter is still brought up in the streets and alleys, and the tone is full of indignation, and they can't be too angry to curse, **** the American guy.

Compared with the national struggles that ordinary people see, Lu Feng pays more attention to state-owned enterprises. He visited several enterprises. With more and more external restrictions, export-oriented enterprises have been hit hard. The problem is further highlighted.

Many places have noticed this problem, some people dare to poke it, and some people still push the problem back.

During this period of investigation, Lu Feng was thinking about a problem. He knew what would happen in the next few years, but he was powerless to stop it. The next step was a large number of workers leaving their posts. Nowhere else has so many jobs been created.

Lu Feng sometimes feels that he bears the responsibility of history, but he also has a deep sense of powerlessness, even though Jiafeng now has hundreds of thousands of employees in several large factories.

However, with the increase of personnel, the cost of expenditure is too high. Since last year, the wages of ordinary workers in the factory have been reduced. This is the result of the discussion of the board of directors. John believes that profits must be increased, so he can only cut off the flow.

Jiafeng's semi-annual report has come out, and the net profit in the first half of the year has exceeded the 500 million mark. With the continuous hot sales of the domestic home appliance market, there is still room for growth in the second half of the year.

The semi-annual report has a detailed list of the chip production situation. In the office, Lu Feng flipped through the thick report and found that it was still profitable after all.

Lu Feng picked up the phone on the desk and called them, asking them to send the report to the members of the board of directors for viewing. The task was overfulfilled in the first half of the year, and a big project was steadily advancing.

A few minutes later, Goodley knocked on the door of Lu Feng's office, walked in and said, "Mr. Lu, the mid-year teleconference of the board of directors initiated by Schroeder Group will be held in an hour. I hope you can attend it then."

"Conference call?" Lu Feng frowned, staring at him and asked, "I should initiate the board meeting. What does he want to do? Play the piano!"

"I'm sorry, according to the articles of association of the board of directors, as long as the equity exceeds 40%, you are eligible to initiate a board meeting. Some members have been notified yesterday, and I will inform you today." Gu Deli said unhurriedly.

Lu Feng could tell that the visitor was not friendly this time, and asked, "What is this meeting discussing?"

"I'm not sure about this. The administrative staff will arrange for you in an hour." Gudley turned around and left after speaking.

Lu Feng called Wei Yandan and others over, and when he talked about the matter, they also felt that the situation was not right, there was no such practice, and there was nothing worth discussing with the board of directors.

"Wait, let's see what kind of medicine he sells in the gourd."

An hour later, Lu Feng brought a few people to the meeting room. Several phones had been connected, and various voices were extremely noisy.

"Everyone is here. It's already night here. If everyone is here, let's start the meeting." John's voice came from the phone, saying: "This time, the board meeting is just one thing. The investor believes that the current contract is very unfavorable to us, and after the investment, the management of Jiafeng Group, represented by Lu Feng, has not met our expectations......."

"Wait a minute, what do you mean by failing to meet the investor's expectations?" Lu Feng interrupted him and asked, "Jiafeng has been expanding rapidly in the past two years, market share, product update iterations, sales channel expansion, which one? Isn't it going fast?"

"Mr. Lu, listen to me first. This is not what I mean, but what the headquarters mean. In the first half of this year, our investment strategy intentions are changing, and our global investment plans have changed. So, now we are facing There are two options, first, to sell the Jiafeng equity held in your hand, because under our evaluation system, it no longer has a future, and it is classified as a junk equity.”

As soon as these words came out, the faces of the few people present all changed, and they all looked at Lu Feng. They thought it was the end of the year, but they didn't expect it to start now.

"According to the agreed agreement, your equity will be eligible for trading after three years, that is, the end of next year. And we have the right of first refusal within our group." Lu Feng said in a deep voice: "If you want to realize the equity change, there is another The basic condition is to transfer the remaining funds, your investment funds are currently incomplete."

"It seems that Mr. Lu doesn't quite agree, so let's change another way. We will invest another one billion US dollars to acquire all the shares of Mr. Lu and the management team, which is the originally set 3.5 billion US dollars to acquire 30% of the shares. Five shares, changed to 3.5 billion US dollars to acquire 75% of the shares." John proposed.

"Impossible! Absolutely impossible!" Lu Feng refused directly, and said, "Do you know how much Jiafeng's inherent assets are now? Your people are working in finance, and it costs 3.5 billion U.S. dollars to buy such a big company." , there is no such thing in the world.”

"Then increase investors and dilute the equity!"

"Impossible. There is a stipulation in the contract that the equity will not be diluted within three years. We are trading original shares." Lu Feng continued to retort.

John on the phone seemed to know that these would be rejected, and then suggested: "Jiafeng has not been able to generate any profits in the past few years. Before you said that the market expanded, you need to maintain competitiveness, and you need to invest in various hardware facilities. Now the initial investment It’s over, should it be profitable this year?”

"I'm here to report to you that Jiafeng Group achieved profitability in the first half of this year, with a net profit of 520 million yuan." Lu Feng replied.

"Then I propose to set a goal for the entire management this year~ annual net profit of 200 million. Only in this way can we strengthen our investment confidence. Please vote on this matter, and there is Mr. Lu's various financial claims have recently been checked by the financial department." John said solemnly.

"The profit target of Almighty was set at the board meeting at the beginning of the year, and it has no mandatory effect." Lu Feng retorted.

"If it is decided at the board meeting, of course there is no mandatory requirement, but this is in my gift agreement."

"Gift agreement?" Lu Feng felt that something was wrong.

"That private jet, you signed the gift agreement, and you are not free? The gift agreement written in Chinese on the surface is not an unconditional gift agreement. The third subsection of Article 25 and the sixth subsection of Article 37 It is a clause with a related effect, which stipulates that as long as you accept the gift, it will take effect after the board of directors votes and the voting result is equal to or greater than 50%." John said slowly: "This is a conditional right. gambling agreement."

Sitting there, Lu Feng felt numb, subconsciously said: "I am Cao Nima!"

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