Back to 1990

Chapter 1183: ? Sue

"It's not too short of a few steps. By the way, has the equity of Hurricane Capital withdrawn?" Lu Feng asked.

"It's very troublesome. Now Hurricane Capital controls United Capital, and I'm the director of Hurricane Capital. Besides, why should we be so clear?" Su Yourong thought for a while and said, "Even if you want to separate next year, let Hurricane Capital to control mainland enterprises, you also need financing, right?"

"Let's talk about financing, there may not be a lack of funds at that time." Lu Feng said: "I don't think the situation will be too bad."

Su Yourong doesn't think the answer is that simple. What Lu Feng wants is to control the R&D company. At that time, all Jiafeng products will have to charge patent fees. The problem is that the R&D company needs to invest a lot of money every year. They only need to block you for a year. The R&D company immediately became a rootless duckweed.

Su Yourong is very clear about this issue, so she is sure that Lu Feng's company needs financing.

Half an hour later, several lawyers came and entered the reception room. Lu Feng briefly explained the situation. The lawyer's suggestion was to issue a statement first and publish the matter. If any person objects, the original contract shall be voided.

Lu Feng called Feng Zhiyao over, and the two parties drew up a declaration of inheritance rights for the son's will, which was notarized by the notary office and sent to the newspaper for publication.

After four o'clock in the afternoon, Lu Feng sent Feng Zhiyao back, and then followed Su Yourong to the Repulse Bay villa area. This area is a famous tourist attraction, and there are endless tourists on the beach. After entering the private area, it becomes much quieter up.

The large villa of 700 square meters is very imposing, with a private garden of two acres of land, plus a kilometer-long private coastline, everything here is like a seaside manor, which makes people yearn for.

"Fifteen million dollars!" Lu Feng stood in front of the villa, looked around, took a deep breath and said, "It's too big!"

"Didn't you say that she doesn't want to come with you? As far as the two of us are concerned, it's really a bit older." Su Yourong stood aside and said.

Lu Feng turned his face to look at her, and said angrily, "What's the matter with you?"

"You man, I've helped you so much, what's wrong with living in your house?"

Lu Feng turned around and decided to buy it, then turned to Su Yourong and asked, "When will I meet the owner?"

"Then I'm afraid it will be difficult for you to see them. They have moved to England, otherwise how could this house be sold?" Su Yourong said to Lu Feng: "He has an agent in Xiangjiang, you can find a lawyer and talk to them Just make a contact, by the way, do you still have money?"

"Why do I have no money?" Lu Feng asked with a smile.

"Didn't you invest all your money in a bank at the end of last year?" Su Yourong asked, "Why do you want to invest in a bank? The combination of these two words, the mainland and private banks, is very risky." .”

"So I don't know anything about the company. I just hold shares. It's been half a year, and I haven't even gotten the half-year report." Lu Feng said helplessly: "It's enough to make money in a daze. Besides, more than ten million yuan USD, I can still take it out personally.”

In the evening, after the newspaper published it, it quickly aroused heated discussions among the public, and all major media called Feng Zhiyao to inquire about related matters.

Xinhongji and Feng Zhicheng looked at the statement in the newspaper with a bad face, looked at the people opposite and said, "Hasn't he already given up? Why didn't he work hard in the restaurant and started to make trouble?"

"I heard that Lu Feng is here."

Feng Zhicheng sneered, obviously he didn't help him, and now he picked up Feng Zhiyao, this trash.

"Did you get that contract?"

"It has been searched from the old house." The other party hesitated and said: "But there is something wrong with the supplementary clauses inside, and the lawyer who signed the contract at that time has also run away. We use this contract to refute his statement of rights, so we will It is equivalent to handing over the right of inheritance!"

"Then don't take out the contract, just raise an objection and tell them that this part of the inheritance right belongs to me." Feng Zhicheng said.

The faces of the lawyers on the opposite side were not very good-looking. If Mr. Feng died, he could still mess around. It is normal for his brothers to have internal strife, and the court will not intervene too much.

The problem is that Mr. Feng is not dead yet.

"From a legal point of view, the shares in Sun Hung Kai still belong to your father. As long as he speaks, you will be kicked out immediately, and he can still amend the will." The lawyer reminded.

Feng Zhicheng's face changed when he heard this, and he said after a while, "I'll go to the hospital to visit my dad later."

In the evening, after dinner, Lu Feng still didn't wait for Feng Zhicheng to raise his objection, he didn't show the contract, and there was no movement, which made several people confused.

"I guess he has already discovered the problem with the supplementary terms of the contract, so the contract will not be brought out." Feng Zhiyao sighed and said, "I'm afraid he will use nonsense."

"You're really enlightened." Lu Feng glanced at Feng Zhiyao in surprise, thought for a long time, and suddenly said, "He won't visit your father, will he? Let him know that your father has passed away. If it takes effect, no one can move the property ownership under your father's name, so there is room for messing around."

Feng Zhiyao was taken aback when he heard this, and hurriedly said, "I'll call the hospital."

When I called, the other party said that Feng Zhicheng really went to see Mr. Feng, but he was blocked by the hospital on the grounds that the patient was critically ill, and he is still making trouble there.

Putting down the phone, before Feng Zhiyao could speak, Lu Feng had already stood up and beckoned him to go, and the two hurried to the hospital.

At the entrance of the intensive care unit of the hospital, Feng Zhicheng led a few people and yelled loudly at the medical staff, his face was full of displeasure, Lu Feng trotted forward a few steps and said, "President Feng, why are you so angry? This is a hospital, not your home. "

Feng Zhicheng turned his head to see Lu Feng, frowned a little, and said, "I'll come and see my father, can't I?"

"No matter who the father is, he has to follow the doctor's request. Feng Zhiyao can't see you, let alone you. Now is the critical time. The doctor said that after half a year's treatment at most, Mr. Feng will be discharged from the hospital." Lu Feng turned to Feng Zhicheng He smiled and said, "I'm so happy for you!"

The words "discharged from the hospital" felt like a heavy hammer hitting Feng Zhicheng's heart, which made him a little terrified. If his own father was discharged from the hospital and learned that Feng Zhiyao went to the restaurant to serve dishes, he might not even think about taking a dime.

"You have no right to prevent me from seeing my dad!" Feng Zhicheng shouted at Feng Zhiyao, "Where is my dad? It's actually in the ward, where did you make it go?"

"Because Dad's physical condition is more concerned by the outside world, so I came to this hospital directly at the beginning. Besides, you did not pay for the money. The hospital signed a confidentiality agreement and will not tell you." Feng Zhiyao stepped forward and continued: "I am in good condition now. I bought a new special drug from Europe some time ago, and I believe I will be discharged from the hospital soon."

"I don't believe it. I don't believe anything you say, unless you let my father tell me." Feng Zhicheng stared at Feng Zhiyao suspiciously.

"Believe it or not, now you should leave Sun Hung Kai and leave my position. Now, whether it is the company or the old house, it belongs to my father's property. He is not dead yet!" Feng Zhiyao said with anger in his voice: "I used to Believe in you, treat you as a family member, you will kick me out of the house after you sign the agreement, what belongs to me, how do I lose it, how can I get it back!"

"Can you take back what you gave to me?"

"I gifted it to you? Come out with a gift agreement. If there is no gift agreement, then follow the will, not to mention, Dad is not dead yet!" Feng Zhiyao scolded: "You are like a pig and a dog!"

Feng Zhicheng's expression changed after being scolded by him, he stared at Feng Zhiyao closely, and said, "Then you go ahead and sue, if you get it back, I'll go head first!"

After Feng Zhicheng finished speaking, he strode away.

Lu Feng turned his head and looked at Feng Zhicheng's back with a worried look on his face. He really couldn't figure out how Feng Zhicheng could be so confident. Now everything was against him. If he really sued the court, he might lose without even his underpants.

"Hurry up and sue!" Lu Feng patted Feng Zhiyao on the shoulder and said, "First return the property rights to your father, then make clear the will, take back your position in the company, and let the court kick him out."

"I'll talk to my lawyer tomorrow. I really didn't expect someone to be such a rascal." Feng Zhiyao said a little indignantly.

Lu Feng felt that the other party had confidence in what he said, and he was afraid that someone in the UK would support him in doing so, and it would be troublesome if it happened.

In the early morning of the next day, the major media once again focused on the Feng family. The rich family's grievances resumed, and the youngest son came back with a plate to fight for the family property. All kinds of headlines could be said to catch people's attention.

Feng Zhiyao discussed with the lawyer, and formally submitted the indictment. UU Reading Outside the court, a large group of reporters frantically surrounded the lawyer to inquire about the situation.

More people paid attention to Mr. Feng's physical condition, while Feng Zhiyao said to the camera that his father had improved slightly, and before he died, Feng Zhicheng rushed back to **** the family property, seized the company, and kicked himself out.

Faced with various questions from reporters, Feng Zhiyao appeared much more mature.

At a golf course, after hitting a golf shot, Patten casually handed the club to the caddy next to him, turned his head and walked to the rest area, and said to Feng Zhicheng beside him: "I read the newspaper this morning. Is it? They are all scolding you."

"It doesn't matter, these **** media are just ladies. Whoever pays the money will get the goods. Compared with them, I care more about your opinion. Anyway, you are still in charge now." Feng Zhicheng looked at the other party after finishing speaking.

"I support my friends. Today next year, I have already returned to my hometown." Patten sat down and took a sip of water, and said leisurely: "I still hope that someone can play some memories here. If you support us, I will support you !"

"Absolutely support me, Mr. John supports me, of course I support you, I will trouble you about the court affairs." Feng Zhicheng said with a smile.

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