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Chapter 1206: ? Choking therapy

When Lu Feng got the news, he was dumbfounded on the spot, letting himself carry it?

According to their estimates, the second wave of short sellers will have at least 5 billion US dollars. Where can Lu Feng find the 5 billion US dollars? What's more, even if there are 500 million US dollars, he won't throw it in for Thailand. Thai baht in the future A few years of depreciation is doomed, and there is no other way to go but to lose money if you invest in it.

The problem now is that Lu Feng is a little bit stuck. This matter is not a matter of people-to-people exchanges. Lu Feng has a close relationship with Thailand over the years, and there are official intentions behind many things, because these things are involved, so let's leave it alone.

Lu Feng wanted to call Maha to explain. After thinking about it, he should report it first. According to Lu Feng's memory, it seems that there was no support for this matter. The accident in Xiangjiang was a large number of foreign exchange support.

I called and asked around, and the other side of the phone said that regardless of this kind of thing, if it is three to five billion, maybe I can get a loan or something. With such a large amount of funds, my own life in China is very tight.

It's fine if you don't pay, and told Lu Feng to try to maintain a good relationship with relevant parties.

After hanging up the phone, Lu Feng sat on the sofa, lit a cigarette and scratched his head. Instead of giving money, he asked him to do things more beautifully, which is very embarrassing.

Two days passed in a flash, Lu Feng had no clue, the group was noisy, and Maha's phone calls kept coming one after another. It was really hard to do anything, and Lu Feng thought of a solution that was not a solution.

Lu Feng picked up the phone and called Maha, the call was picked up by the assistant, and Maha's voice came after waiting for more than ten minutes.

"Mr. Lu, how is your financial preparation?" An interpreter's voice came from the other end.

"Prince Maha, no five billion dollars, but I have a way to fight against Wall Street. As long as I follow my way, they will definitely lose a lot of money." Lu Feng's tone was very firm, as if economists were in front of him at this moment. Appearing ignorant, he continued: "At the same time, our country is very dissatisfied with this kind of international bullying behavior, and is especially willing to help you. The problem is that the domestic situation is not good, and there is nothing we can do."

Maha also knew that it was impossible to help him much here, but he was quite curious about Lu Feng's method, so he asked, "What method?"

"The financial economy is behind the currency, and the biggest endorsement of the value of the currency is the real thing. Now the international talk about the baht is nothing more than a revaluation of Thailand's possessions. Since it is a valuation, there are high and low .Instead of clinging to a fixed exchange rate now, it is better to let it go."

"I know that after the liberalization, the Thai baht will not be competitive enough in the international currency, which will lead to an increase in import costs, but as long as we make the valuation low enough, then someone will support the Thai baht, as long as the currency and the real thing are separated for a period of time, Give the currency a sufficient depth, then there will be room for maneuver." Lu Feng analyzed it seriously.

"Wait, what do you mean?" The other end of the phone was a little dazed.

"What I mean is, if they want to short the Thai baht, let them short it, and lock up a series of value items such as your domestic enterprises, real estate, and intellectual property in a short period of time, and they cannot be traded. Then put them in, Wall Street is not saying that the second Fifteen baht to one dollar is too empty, so let’s be more realistic, if 50 baht to one dollar is reasonable in the eyes of short sellers, then we will help them suppress it.”

"The price of the Thai baht is set to 75 baht against one US dollar. In this way, the originally inflated value of the Thai baht will become extremely valuable in an instant. International currency speculators will see the opportunity to go long. In this way, the international Mutual pinching of funds will be far better than blindly letting others go short, maybe losing 50% of the original loss, but now losing 10% at most." Lu Feng explained.

"I remember you said, what is this called asphyxiation therapy?" Maha recalled.

"Almost, but one thing is that the other party will evaluate your domestic production value, and use this to measure the value of the Thai baht. If you want to get capital, you need to prescribe a different ecstasy soup. Didn't they say that Thailand's industry is hollowed out? Let them break the news in private, such as workers asking for wage increases, banks with a lot of bad debts, foreign exchange reserves are seriously depleted, etc."

"To create an appearance of national bankruptcy, so that those smart people will re-evaluate the value of the Thai baht. They will not think that the depreciation of the Thai baht by half is the bottom, and they will increase their efforts to sell short. When the real bottom appears, the national level will end. Make a copy."

"In this way, a little loss can be recovered, and at the same time, it will attract a large number of international speculators to enter the market to do more. At this time, it is necessary to announce that the bad debts are fake, the workers are satisfied with their income, and there is no problem with foreign exchange reserves. This will stimulate national speculators to go crazy. Duo, what is the best thing to use in this world? Of course it is leeks, this is the only way at present.”

There was silence on the other end of the phone, and after a long time, Maha said, "Mr. Lu, do you think you can come to us to be the Minister of Finance?"

"You are being polite, but there is a premise for the implementation of this matter, that is, it must be kept secret, and at the same time, it must be publicized. As for the secrecy, some people on Wall Street must not know. As for the publicity, when you do more later, you must let many people know. Leek knows. Another point, that is, the important assets in the stock market, I suggest freezing them directly and not trading them, lest the stock market will plummet and be bought out by cheap funds rushing in.”

"The gang from Wall Street rushed in because they wanted to rob. They just put away the valuables at home and then told the other bandits that they had snatched something good, so they would naturally fight each other."

"Mr. Lu, your method is wonderful, really, I thank you so much!" Maha kept thanking, and asked the person next to him if he had written it down.

"You don't need to be polite, because the company has something to do now, otherwise I can go over and sit in person, and call and communicate in time if there is any problem." Lu Feng hung up the phone after a good meal.

Sitting back on the sofa, Lu Feng didn't know where Thailand's fate would go. Whether it was better than history, or it was just ruined by him, no one knew.

It was already the beginning of November, and Jiafeng Group's request to re-appoint management equity representatives became more and more intense. There was a conflict the day before yesterday. Two middle-level managers fought with the security guards, and there was blood on the spot.

There are constant insults against Lu Feng from the outside world. Some people even say that Lu Feng is preventing Jiafeng from becoming a foreign-funded enterprise, and he doesn't care about the future of Jiafeng University's hundreds of thousands of employees. He just wants to satisfy his own power. Supported by many people.

On November 17, 1996, Jiafeng Suzhou factory went on strike. Thousands of people besieged the factory gate to demand workers’ rights. The local police dispatched. After mediation, Lu Feng replied to the factory manager that he agreed to restore For the perfect attendance award, the original piece-based proposal of 50 cents per piece was not agreed, and the single-piece price of 30 cents was still maintained.

On November 18th, Goodley stood up for an interview with the media. During the interview, he represented the Schroeder Group to sue Lu Feng for being ruthless and domineering, and took 3.5 billion US dollars from the Schroder Group. Manipulate shareholders, retreat on the surface, and actually control every step of the company.

Converting a large amount of corporate funds into personal assets through overseas, being involved in gangsters and evil, beating others, and setting up entertainment within the group, wantonly playing with beautiful female employees and female executives in the company, is simply the emperor of the earth with one hand covering the sky.

After the interview, he announced within the group that day that according to the group's past practice, the official vote tomorrow does not need to be approved by the board of directors. As long as the seal is stamped, the voting result will be deemed legal.

In the evening, when Lu Feng was sitting at home watching the interview on TV, Jiang Xiaoyan who was beside him sighed and said, "This incident is too big, you can't fight it, no matter what, your reputation is rotten now. "

"You want to drive me away? It's not that easy." Lu Feng whispered.

"Then people will vote tomorrow and stamp the seal of the group. What do you say? You did it before and fired all the management staff." Jiang Xiaoyan glanced at Lu Feng and said, "Let's talk, I've been in the past two days Going out to eat with people, some people know about my relationship with and ask privately."

"Just say that we haven't been in touch for many years. It doesn't affect you. Isn't it just the group badge? I communicated with Zhu Lidong this afternoon." Lu Feng said blankly, "Go to the headquarters tomorrow and grab the badge!"

In the early morning of the next day, the headquarters building of the group was crowded with people, and some people who were on vacation even came to watch the fun. There were various banners downstairs, and people who didn't know thought they were doing something.

Many people in the crowd were whispering. The one opinion that everyone agrees with most is that there is a problem with the location of the headquarters building. a solution.

At 9:30 in the morning, Lu Feng's car was parked in the parking lot. Wei Yandan and the others had arrived early, and the security guards were all in front to maintain order. There were even a few armed police vehicles parked by the side of the road.

Lu Feng entered the company through the side door. When he got on the elevator, he heard someone shouting with a loudspeaker outside. It should be that six candidates were pushed out for the management to vote, and the security guards pushed and shoved them there.

"Do you have the company badge now?" Lu Feng asked Wei Yandan.

"They should all be there, but now this group of people doesn't listen to us. They are completely out of control. The core power of the group has been controlled by Gudeli." Wei Yandan said helplessly: "Even if you go to get the official seal, People don't even give it!"

"Take it? Why should I take it? I'm here to grab it!" Lu Feng said in a deep voice.

At the top floor of the CEO's office, Lu Feng walked out. Zhu Lidong and Du Guoying were both there. Lu Feng looked at them and said, "Receive official seals one by one!"

"Just a few of us? I'm afraid we can't beat them?" Zhu Lidong asked with some doubts.

"A bunch of native chickens and dogs, how many of them are really desperate? It's nothing more than booing." Lu Feng waved: "Let's go!"

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