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Chapter 1294: Su Yourong made a move

Jiang Xiaoyan hung up the phone and did not call Lu Feng immediately. She was no longer the rural woman who would cry and make trouble whenever something happened.

She can't restrain Lu Feng, let alone whether Lu Feng admits it or not, even if he admits it, what can she do?

Jiang Xiaoyan thought about it for a while, and called Zhang Fengxia. She used to be alone, but now she has a companion, and she can discuss what happens.

After the phone call was made, Zhang Fengxia heard the incident and came down from the second floor, and she went out of the house and whispered: "How did she know your phone number?"

"I don't know about that. Now it seems that what Su Yourong said is correct. He needs someone to take care of him. Now that there is an extra Liu Junjun, who knows who will appear in the future. Everyone who comes into contact with him wants to take care of him. Entering this house, even if you can block ten people, can you block hundreds of people?"

Jiang Xiaoyan sighed, looking a little discouraged.

Zhang Fengxia felt a little wronged, she couldn't understand why Lu Feng did this, both she and Jiang Xiaoyan liked Lu Feng, but why was he still not satisfied?

"I'll go ask him!" Zhang Fengxia said angrily.

"Don't go, you went to ask, can he admit it? Besides, even if you admit it, what are you going to do?" Jiang Xiaoyan asked, "Are you sure you've made up your mind and want to leave him?"

The anger in Zhang Fengxia's heart was suppressed forcefully. He was unwilling to leave. From the time she was pregnant with Miaomiao to the present, she had walked so many sad roads. Now she felt worthless for leaving because of such a trivial matter.

But the feeling of being betrayed in her heart was really uncomfortable, her eyes were red, she choked up and said to the phone, why did he do this?

I love him so much, and I am willing to turn against my family for him, and go to the United States to have a child, but now he repays himself like this.

Compared to Zhang Fengxia's excitement, Jiang Xiaoyan seemed a little numb. From the time he was beaten to now, she felt that Lu Feng had changed for the better, but looking back, he didn't change at all.

"Arguing is useless. We need someone to take care of her. In fact, after the Chinese New Year, I have been thinking about it. Instead of making trouble outside, let Su Yourong come in. She is different from the two of us." Jiang Xiaoyan paused All of a sudden: "I'm helpless, you love her, we can't control it."

"But the problem is to let her in, so there are three people. This matter..." Zhang Fengxia was a little embarrassed. The two people had already made the family feel ashamed. Now there are three people?

Of course Zhang Fengxia knew that someone like Su Yourong could restrain him, but what if he entered this family and not only restrained Lu Feng, but also the two of them?

The two of them had been talking on the phone for a long time, and now they were faced with two choices. If they wanted to control Lu Feng, they had to bring Su Yourong in, or they would have to pretend to be deaf and dumb in the future, and pretended not to see some things. I can't hear you.

As for the last way, it was nothing more than leaving, but Zhang Fengxia was unwilling to leave, she began to doubt herself now, what attracted Lu Feng to herself?

Perhaps this is the legendary man is not bad, women do not love?

After Zhang Fengxia's mood stabilized, she agreed to this plan. Now she can only hope that Su Yourong will join to make the family more stable.

At around nine o'clock in the evening, Jiang Xiaoyan called Su Yourong.

"I've already told you that you don't have to pay back the 20 million yuan, and this money is considered my end." Su Yourong said into the phone.

"I called this time not about money, but about something to do with Lu Feng." Jiang Xiaoyan explained the matter briefly.

"How could he do this?" Su Yourong looked a little surprised, and said, "But it's not convenient for me to take care of it now, so I should talk to him about this kind of thing, there are people with families, to do this kind of thing , you two join forces to beat him up."

"It's not about fighting. We really have nothing to do with him." Jiang Xiaoyan said in a particularly decadent manner.

"You two are too cowardly, how can you bear this kind of anger? Because of what? Just because you don't have money? Can't handle him?" Su Yourong said a little angrily, "If I were you, since I am this I am a part of the family, and I have a share of the company’s equity.”

"How dare I want someone else's company?" Jiang Xiaoyan said helplessly, "I don't know how to manage a company."

"You don't need to manage it, register another company, directly hold Hurricane Capital, set up a board of directors for the new company, and sign a concerted action agreement. As long as you sign some terms within the framework, you don't have to manage the company, as long as there are restrictions in the terms. Ability is enough." Su Yourong said into the phone: "In this way, the company will become from his own to that of his family."

"But why is he willing to sign such an agreement?" Jiang Xiaoyan said helplessly.

"Whether it's business behavior or emotional behavior, it's nothing more than being more ruthless than anyone else, and whoever dares not lose the other. You surrendered before you declared war. Don't you meet someone outside and like the other? Men, just like that beast Same, you have to be tamed." Su Yourong taught, "You two stand up to him, I assure you, Lu Feng will never be willing to lose you two."

When Jiang Xiaoyan heard such a suggestion, she also murmured in her heart, what if he was determined to abandon the two of them? At that time, wouldn't Su Yourong take advantage of the situation?

The two communicated for a while, and Jiang Xiaoyan said slowly: "I have always felt that it is not easy for you to be alone. During this time, Fengxia and I have been thinking about this matter. No matter what, we already have a child. If you have to If you do not recognize your father and son, it will be troublesome in the future, Fengxia and I have no objection to your entry into this family, but he strongly opposes it."

"Really?" Su Yourong was a little excited, and quickly thanked her. These days, she has already made preparations to raise her child alone.

As long as the two of them accept it, there will be no big problem with Lu Feng.

"The child has already been born, and he can't accept it even if he wants to. I always feel that a family should have a family. As long as we sisters work together, let alone Lu Feng, even Mount Everest can be conquered by him." Su You Rong Zi said: "Leave that girl to me, when will you come back?"

"At the end of April, it will take more than a month. It's boring to stay here." Jiang Xiaoyan replied.

"Then when you go back, fly directly to Xiangjiang. At that time, the three of us will gather together. Only when our hearts are in harmony can we think about one place and exert energy in one place."

After hanging up the phone, Su Yourong stood up and let out a long sigh of relief. Things were finally moving in the direction she wanted. As for whether she could subdue Lu Feng, she didn't have much confidence in her mind.

After all, the combination of the three of them didn't touch Lu Feng's core interests. It was nothing more than feelings and company, superimposed to put pressure on him.

This time, Su Yourong really wanted to unite with Lu Feng, otherwise the family would never be peaceful. She hoped that Lu Feng would focus on his work. If the three women in this family were enough to control Lu Feng, then She is also very happy to see this situation.

It's just that for her now, Liu Junjun is out of control, Su Yourong is different from Jiang Xiaoyan and Zhang Fengxia, she has a lot of means.

She called a group of people first, and finally hired two gangsters for 10,000 yuan, and asked them to follow Lu Feng from tomorrow to find Liu Junjun's current residence.

The next day, Lu Feng went to the company for a meeting. At noon, he received a call from Liu Junjun, hoping to have dinner with her. After noon, Liu Junjun took a taxi to a western restaurant not far from the company.

"Mr. Lu, I miss you so much, can you not go back tonight?" Liu Junjun said coquettishly as soon as he met Lu Feng's arm.

Lu Feng looked at her, and said: "You can't treat me as your everything, you should find something for yourself, and go back to Xiangjiang in a few days."

"Then I miss you, what should I do?" Liu Junjun accompanied Lu Feng into the restaurant, and suggested: "Or else, I'll be your secretary, just as I'm also looking for a job."

Be your own secretary?

Lu Feng looked at her and smiled. With her education background, I'm afraid she might not be qualified for the position of secretary. Lu Feng smiled and said nothing, and asked the waiter to open a private room. He already felt the woman's thoughts, and something sprouted in his heart. Back off. UU reading

As the food was served, Lu Feng ordered a bottle of red wine and said, "I have a check here, which is your previous labor remuneration, and a little living expenses I gave you. Now is the time when spring flowers are blooming." , go out for a walk, I am busy with work recently, and I will go to Europe in a while, see you in Europe then."

Liu Junjun took the check and saw 200,000 on it, a smile appeared on his face, and he said, "Which European country should I wait for you?"

"France, it's more romantic over there." Lu Feng held up his glass and said, "I'll go there after I'm busy, and I'll bring you back with me."

"You must go, can you not go home tonight?"

Lu Feng was a little annoyed by being soft and hard, so he nodded and agreed that he could go over and stay for a while.

After lunch, Lu Feng returned to the company to continue the meeting, and made adjustments to the current situation of the mobile phone market. Last month, the sales of Giti mobile phones declined, and the market competition was quite fierce.

In the evening, Lu Feng drove to the hotel, and he came out of the hotel at ten o'clock in the evening. There were two people watching from outside the hotel, and reported the situation to Su Yourong in time.

At eleven o'clock in the evening, two **** entered the hotel, knocked on Liu Junjun's door, and asked her to answer the phone.

"You don't need to know who I am. I'll just tell you one thing now, do what you're supposed to do, and don't think too much about the rest. Of course, if you think you can reach the sky in one step, you can try it, but I can tell you the end." Su Yourong said gloomyly: "You will die in an ugly way!"

Surrounded by two bastards, Liu Junjun was already so frightened that he was trembling while looking at the phone.

"Now you make your choice!"

"I....I was wrong, I'm sorry, I will never be by Mr. Lu's side again, and I will never pester him again!"

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