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Chapter 345: Lost

The man's face was full of arrogance. When he said that he was more than one billion yuan, other parents around him looked at him more than one hundred million yuan, and here is definitely the rich class.

"Are you Tian Chong's father?"

The man glanced at the woman, nodded, and said nothing.

"Hello, hello, I am He Ye's mother, and my house is a building material..."

"Hello there!"

Tian Jun nodded slightly, and made a few polite sentences. When the parents next to him saw this, they were also polite. This kind of kindergarten originally had a somewhat communicative effect, let alone a rich man like Tian Jun.

Feeling the compliments around him, Tian Jun's face was a bit proud. You don't need to ask to know that after going back tonight, these parents will definitely tell their children to have a good relationship with this kid named Tian Chong in the kindergarten.

The people present, even if they were dumbfounded, spoke a few words, but Jiang Xiaoyan sat there and didn't respond.

Tian Jun turned his face and glanced, and chuckled secretly, thinking about what to pretend in his heart.

However, the more Jiang Xiaoyan is like this, the more he feels a little bit more interesting. In recent months, he has been picking up children. It has not been a day or two to pay attention to Jiang Xiaoyan, and he has never seen her man come.

Tian Jun is not short of women, but he is not uncommon for the kind of woman who rushes forward. The purpose of that kind of woman is too obvious and meaningless.

Under the **** of the teacher, the children walked in in a line, each looking for their parents, Duoduo rushed towards Jiang Xiaoyan, and threw directly into her arms.

A simple farewell ceremony was held, Jiang Xiaoyan took Duoduo's hand and walked outside.

Opposite the school gate is the parking lot. Jiang Xiaoyan just walked to the car and found that Tian Jun's car happened to be parked next to hers.

"What's your name?" Tian Jun lighted a cigarette and walked over.

"It doesn't matter what you call." Jiang Xiaoyan said without raising her head, reaching out and placing Duoduo's schoolbag in the back row.

"We are all parents, let's talk more!" Tian Jun looked at the car with some patience, and said: "Santana can land with 200,000 now? It's cheap, just a few meals."

Jiang Xiaoyan didn't want to be bothered and wanted to get in the car and leave, but found that his car was too tightly attached to his car and the door could not be opened.

"Can you drive your car out first?" Jiang Xiaoyan asked.

"I don't want to leave now, I just want to smoke a cigarette!" Tian Jun leaned on his big rush, smoking a cigarette: "You start a company?"

"It has nothing to do with you!"

"Let's chat, why are you so productive?"

When other parents received their children, they came over and saw Tian Jun opening his mouth: "Mr. Tian hasn't left yet?"

"Talking here for a while."

"Tian Chong, this kid is smart at the first sight. The last time he took the exam, he seemed to be the first place, right? Just like his dad, good-looking and smart!"

"Isn't it, don't look at whose child it is."

"Tiantian, Tian Chong will become good friends from now on, you know?"

"Mr. Tian, ​​let's have a meal together tonight. It just so happens that my husband is also back. He does the catering."

A group of women were chattering, and a few divorced women stared at Tian Jun with shining eyes, wishing to swallow this man in one bite. They may have inquired about Tian Jun's divorce at the beginning of this year.

Tian Jun looked at these women and didn't pay attention. Instead, he looked at Jiang Xiaoyan and asked, "Are you free tonight? Have a meal together?"

"Have you finished smoking? If you finish smoking, move the car away." Jiang Xiaoyan said without giving any face.

This made Tian Jun's face uncontrollable, and he kept showing her face again and again. This woman was shameless.

"If you want to drive it, let me tell you, even if your broken car is broken, you don't have a lot of money. Can you afford to lose a bit of paint on my car?" Tian Jun's voice is already a little bit disrespectful. Yue: "I tell you, there are a lot of people who want to eat with me."

The women next to him saw Jiang Xiaoyan's ignorance of admiration, and were somewhat unhappy. They drove up, but they didn't care. This one drove a broken car, but dragged him like two to eighty-five thousand.

"What's the matter? Is it so gold and expensive? Are people always ordinary people?"

"If your man knows who you are rejecting, I'm afraid he will slap you both."

"It's really going to an aristocratic kindergarten with the family, I can't even recognize myself."

"Looking at her look at Koff, I'm afraid that the man would have died long ago."

Jiang Xiaoyan had never imagined that these parents would be so vicious that their angry eyebrows were twisted into a ball.

It is also normal. Most of these parents are almost 30 years old. Jiang Xiaoyan is only twenty-four this year. With her tall head and good figure, even the teachers in the kindergarten praised her, she was just as beautiful as a fairy.

How can other women not be jealous, and if you don't swear at such an opportunity, how can you give up?

Tian Jun stared at Jiang Xiaoyan, threw his cigarette **** on the ground, and said, "Well, I, I have been divorced for almost half a year, and I have been with my children. I have a meal with me tonight. Your children's tuition for the second half of the year will be covered by me. Now, how is it?"

The tuition fee for half a year is as small as 200,000 yuan, so much for one meal, and those divorced women have green eyes at the moment.

"Mr. Tian, ​​why don't I eat with you? I just haven't eaten yet."

"Mr. Tian, ​​I'm making a treat, it just happens to be my daughter..."

All kinds of invitations were thrown out.

Duoduo stood aside and saw Jiang Xiaoyan's face being forced, and shouted: "My mom doesn't want to eat with you, my dad is very good."

"Awesome?" Tian Jun glanced at Santana, smiled contemptuously, and thought to himself, do you have a father or not yet.

The women present all laughed. Who is rich in Santana?

"I don't want to eat anything, you drive out of the car, my man will be back tomorrow." Jiang Xiaoyan said coldly.

Tian Jun's face froze, and he understood what he meant. Do you have any man to do with me, and said gloomily: "Let's do it, 300,000!"

Three hundred thousand?

This is definitely a big spend.

Jiang Xiaoyan's face flushed red when he heard his humiliating remarks. She picked up Duoduo and placed her in the back row. She cursed her, opened the door of the co-pilot, and got in through the co-pilot.

Jiang Xiaoyan felt humiliated, and Tian Jun also felt humiliated. She had paid 300,000 yuan. She was humiliating her money! !

Pull the car door, start the car directly, kick the accelerator, and directly press the front of the car against Jiang Xiaoyan's front. The two cars are already close to each other.

The people nearby saw this situation and hurried back, for fear that the car would lose control and hit themselves.

Jiang Xiaoyan didn't know how to drive in the first place. Seeing this situation, he was anxious and angrily. He stepped down on the accelerator and knocked the opponent's big rush away and drove away.

"You **** have a kind of don't pick up your kids from school tomorrow!!" Tian Jun shouted.

Seeing this, several women next to him hurriedly stepped forward to comfort him. For people with tens of millions of assets, 300,000 cannot buy their dignity, but in this school, not everyone is multimillionaire.

Most of them are families with an annual income of about one million. They are very impulsive to cheat on people like Tian Jun, not to mention some divorced women who urgently need a generous wallet to support themselves.

After Jiang Xiaoyan went back, she bought a lot of vegetables, and the house was clean and tidy, although Lu Feng told her more than once that she would ask the housekeeper to clean it, and she didn't need to work on her own.

But since living here, she has never used housekeeping.

In the evening, the two of them talked on the phone for more than two hours. Lu Feng inquired about a lot of situations, hung up, and Lu Feng lay in bed with emotions.

He hasn't felt this way for many years, the feeling of homecoming.

The last time he met his first love in his previous life, Lu Feng was tossing and turning all night, and Lu Feng was even thinking that if he could open the video, he would definitely take a good look at Jiang Xiaoyan, and he might have a good chat all night.

The next day, at nine o'clock in the morning, Lu Feng's plane took off.

After the morning meeting, Zhang Fengxia walked out of the conference room hurriedly, and found that she had left long ago when she arrived at Lu Feng's office. She knocked on the door of the office next to her and asked a clerk: "Where is Mr. Lu? ?"

"Go to the airport!"

"Has breakfast?"

"After eating, I heard that he woke up at six o'clock in the morning, washing and changing clothes, went out to buy some gifts after seven o'clock, and went to the airport early."

"Okay, I get it now."

Zhang Fengxia felt a little depressed. She pushed open the door of Lu Feng's office and walked in to look at the unfolded quilt in the bedroom. There were still a few sets of clothes on the bed. It was enough to see his anxiety.

Sitting on the edge of the bed, reaching into the bed, there is still a bit of warmth inside.

With a light sigh, he looked extremely lonely in the lonely room.

"I guess I didn't sleep last night, it was all her in the dream!"

Zhang Fengxia was entangled. She was a smart person. She knew that nothing could happen between herself and Lu Feng, but deep down she didn't know what she was looking forward to.

Staying here forever is the deepest part of my heart, and another voice she doesn't want to admit, said in her ear, wait a minute, maybe there is a chance.

Everyone who is trapped by love is in the same situation, deceiving himself with hopes that are almost impossible to happen, to live in the emotional cage of his own planning.


She stood up and cleaned up the mess of clothes on the She folded the quilt neatly and went out!

Before eleven o'clock, Lu Feng got off the plane and walked to the exit position and looked around. There were quite a few people coming to pick up people, all holding signs.

The crowds are crowded, and from time to time someone catches up with them and asks whether you can sit in a car, live or stay, can you find a little girl?

"Don't find a little girl!" Lu Feng said in a bad mood.

"It's very tender, really tender, very tender!"

"Don't find it!" Lu Feng waved his hand to the aunt next to him very disgustedly, looking in the crowd with his eyes.

The aunt looked at Lu Feng as a rich man, and she was still young, so she refused to let it go, and whispered: "You guys have them too!"

"Huh?" Lu Feng lowered his head and looked at his aunt. This business ability is absolutely incredible!

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