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Chapter 351: invite

Lu Feng called Zhang Fengxia and told her about this, so that she can stabilize during this period. The market has basically stabilized, and there will only be peace after the war.

There won't be too many things in the short term, so I won't go back for now.

Zhang Fengxia on the phone sighed and said, "What? Sister Xiaoyan has entangled you? Two or three months? Are you sure you are not skinny by then?"

Listening to her ridicule, Lu Feng smiled and said: "I want to help her find something to do. Didn't I always talk about getting a cosmetics company? I took advantage of this time to help her set up. All day long, all my thoughts are focused on pregnancy."

"Yeah, I also feel that she is not in the right state, and she is about to be devilish. When I called and chatted, she said this. A few days ago, her sister was pregnant, and she cried when she told me."

Zhang Fengxia sighed. She had an indescribable feeling for Jiang Xiaoyan. Jiang Xiaoyan's experience always made her feel sympathy, but she had a certain expectation deep in her heart.

Lu Feng ordered a lot of things, especially in the internal management, let her make some preparations first, and after returning home, it is convenient for her to do it drastically.

After hanging up the phone, I called Zhu Lidong and told him not to take any other actions in the market recently. The main focus is to withdraw funds. Of course, you can go on a business trip and go to other local markets to find out the situation.

Do some preliminary preparations for the market and be ready to attack at any time.

It also requires internal self-reorganization of the marketing department. The sales management companies in all provinces are all subsidiaries, and these companies are all under the management of the marketing department. However, as the business changes, the models of these companies should also be changed.

Lu Feng knows one thing. Now that the manpower is cheap, there are a few young girls standing at the door of the electrical appliance city booth to greet guests. The staff is very complicated. The most important thing is that these affiliated companies are all cooperative models.

The accounts must be clarified. Otherwise, I don’t know if I was killed. That is, Lu Feng has always been concerned about finances. A dozen days ago, Finance found that some accounts were not reconciled. Baoding and Shijiazhuang in Hebei Province The account is less than 300,000 yuan.

After checking, it was found that the cooperating dealers had a mischievous mind. They not only fiddled with the purchase order, but also cooperated with the dealers in the province to make false accounts.

This matter was investigated by the marketing department. If Zhu Lidong did not cooperate with the financial investigation, he just knew that there was a gap in Hebei, and he would know the specific problem.

Lu Feng is very aware of the management malpractice of large companies, which is absolute power. Once he causes irreparable losses to the company, it is useless to shoot him.

Need to split!

This is also a chance for the two of them to take it apart first, and then Lu Feng will do it again.

After making the phone call, Lu Feng went out. Jiang Xiaoyan planted a lot of flowers in the flower pond at the door. On his feet was a viewing platform paved with solid wood. Two deck chairs were placed on the sunshade mountain. Some fruits and Tea, looking at the sea not far away, is particularly cozy.

"It's finished." Lu Feng lay down and took a sip of watermelon juice, and said, "This is the longest vacation I have ever given myself."

Jiang Xiaoyan didn't expect that Lu Feng really planned to ask the company for two or three months, and said, "Why don't you do this because of me?"

"It's okay, there's Fengxia." Lu Feng lay down, tilted Erlang's legs, and yelled comfortably. He secretly thought that it would be better not to work.

"Then...Why don't you enter the house?" Jiang Xiaoyan felt that time was very tight, so hurry up.

"Huh?" Lu Feng turned his head and stared at her with wide eyes, and said, "Why don't you lie down here for a while? When do you have summer vacation?"

"Quickly, we will have a holiday in just a few days."

"After the holiday, you go back and give the baby to your mother!"

Jiang Xiaoyan nodded slightly shyly, she didn't believe it, she couldn't get pregnant this time, but the next moment, Lu Feng poured cold water on her.

"Didn't I tell you about the cosmetics company, let's take advantage of this time to get it up." Lu Feng thought for a while and said: "It's more than a birthday this year, and they are all five-year-olds. Next The semester is the big class, I mean full care."

"You stayed here to help me get the company?" Jiang Xiaoyan's words were full of disappointment, and she said: "Or, do you think I am too idle? Not worthy of you?"

"No, no, you will always be worthy of me, but pregnancy is not only a physical problem, but also a psychological problem. If you are nervous, it will lead to inability to implant, otherwise it will not be combined, or it will be just behind the wall Do you know how to penetrate this situation?" Lu Feng stared at Jiang Xiaoyan and said seriously.

Jiang Xiaoyan's head was full of question marks. What Lu Feng said, she had heard from the doctor's mouth many times, but Lu Feng seemed to be like a doctor.

Jiang Xiaoyan looked at Lu Feng. For the first time, she felt that Lu Feng was like a cloud of fog, which made her see and couldn't grasp it. The vague feeling that made her feel very insecure.

"What's wrong?" Lu Feng asked.

"How do you know these messy things? Didn't you graduate from elementary school?" Jiang Xiaoyan was suspicious at first. She used to think it was easy to make money, but Lu Feng was very talented in some areas.

"Huh?" Lu Feng was a little flustered by what she saw, and hurriedly said: "Yes, men, they all talk about women. I also listen to other people's words. Reach out to contact people."

Jiang Xiaoyan heard what Zhang Fengxia said to herself that Lu Feng’s career was getting bigger and bigger. A housewife was of no use to him. He came home and wanted to vomit something, but his wife didn’t know that he was there. What to say.

Love can indeed allow a man to tolerate a woman, but love also has a lifespan. When love dies, everything is over.

"Well, then do it. I have learned a lot of makeup recently." Jiang Xiaoyan nodded and agreed.

Lu Feng didn't expect that she promised to be so happy. He was a little surprised for a while, and became happy when she reacted. There is nothing happier for him than this.

When Liu Cheng learned that Lu Feng had returned, he immediately called and talked about the company's recent situation. He sent several teams to study abroad, and the first group had already returned.

Lu Feng’s task for Liucheng was not to confine himself to the TV set, but to develop a few more teams to research new things. Products such as radios, tape recorders, and walkmans should also be developed.

When Liucheng heard these things, he knew in his heart that Jiafeng Electronics was about to expand its product line, and Lu Feng was not reconciled to just making TVs.

For three days in a row, cooking every day and going to the beach to play, it seems that for a moment, apart from happiness, there is only happiness left.

Duoduo took the summer vacation on time, bought two tickets the next day, and sent her back.

Lu Feng was lying at home, and now he was waiting for Jiang Xiaoyan to return, a cosmetics company. For him, Lu Feng was already prepared. As long as Jiang Xiaoyan lost tens of millions to hundreds of millions of dollars a year, he Let her make it.

Why do you earn so much money?

Isn't it just for the daughter-in-law.

Besides, based on the scale of the initial period, she would lose one million at most, and she would be considered a business ‘wizard’ if it exceeded one million.

Lying on the sofa thinking about the market and profit of cosmetics, the phone on the table next to the sofa rang.

"Hey, who is it?" Lu Feng asked lazily.

"It's Mr. Lu? Remember me? Hao Dongren, the one at the entrance of the kindergarten." Hao Dongren's voice rang from the other end of the phone.

Lu Feng sat up quickly. He thought it was Jiang Xiaoyan's call, but he didn't expect it to be him.

"How did Mr. Hao find my phone?"

"This is simple. I asked a few friends, and I contacted Mr. Liu from your company. I have no other intentions. I just want to make friends and have a meal together. How about?" Mr. Hao asked.

"I've been very busy lately. It's just a acquaintance. I have no interest in doing engineering, and I don't want to have any intersection with big bosses like Mr. Hao, lest others say that I'm flattering you!" Lu Feng bluntly refused~www.wuxiaspot .com~Mr. Lu, I think I should be worried about this. Others say that I am fond of you. I don’t mean anything. I just want to have a meal with Liu Quan through you. Besides, you want to expand the new factory. , I'll give you cheap! "

Hao Dongren on the other end of the phone apparently investigated Lu Feng over the past few days, and inquired about the two companies Jiafeng Electronics and Jiamei Food.

I didn't know if I checked. Hao Dongren immediately decided to check, no matter whether it was useful or not, he must get in touch with this young man more.

Lu Feng frowned secretly and said, "This is my company's business. Isn't it a matter of a sentence for someone like Mr. Hao who covers the sky with one hand to have a meal with Liu Quan?"

"It's not easy. I do engineering. Engineering is not the same as electronic technology. Those who do engineering are obedient dogs. Mr. Lu can give Liu Quan a face because you don’t rely on him for food. I’m different. I’ve already followed Liu Quan said that you will come tonight, Tian Yuan Hotel, the private room on the fourth floor, I hope Mr. Lu will enjoy his face."

Hao Dongren didn't say much, and hung up the phone.

Lu Feng put down the phone, his face was not pretty. If he just had a meal, it would be a trivial matter, and he was afraid that this person would stare at him.

I was thinking of relaxing for a few days and living the days of disarming and returning to the fields, but after only a few days, I came to my door again.

More than an hour later, Jiang Xiaoyan called and booked a flight ticket for tomorrow. He went back at four or five in the afternoon, and still muttered for a long time, why didn't he go back? The family wanted to see him.

The reason why Lu Feng didn't go back was because he was afraid of seeing these relatives. What's more, those relatives of Jiang Xiaoyan's family were even more difficult.

After six o'clock in the evening, the sky outside began to darken. After thinking about it, Lu Feng decided to go to the banquet, picked up the car key from the table, and went straight to the Tianyuan Hotel he said!

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