Back to 1990

Chapter 852: Elmi's Compromise




Lu Feng exploded and took a look at the newspaper. It was really a piano player who had found a girl and was arrested. In comparison, someone is a celebrity and something happened to Lu Feng. Grade.

"Brother Feng, I'm not making headlines right now. Why don't we spend some money?" Feng Zhiyao is already familiar with Lu Feng's set of things. As a result, Lu Feng also had the opportunity to choose.

"No, the financial circles know it. I'm going to New Jersey today. Will Uncle Kun go?" Lu Feng asked as he ate.

"What are you going to do in New Jersey?" Zhenkun looked at Lu Feng and said, "If Goldman Sachs can't do it, you should hurry up and get in touch with other companies now. Things are just a little test for you. There is always a game of investment."

Lu Feng took a sip of the coffee in front of him and said, "He is not a game, he just wants to kill me!"

"Tsk!" Zhenkun said with a slight dissatisfaction: "I said before I came here that high expectations for Wall Street cannot be too high, and high valuations are not acceptable. Come here to find an international backer, not to come for money."

"Okay, okay, I have my own rhythm, I'm done eating." Lu Feng stood up and said, "If you don't go, you can rest in the hotel, can Zhiyao go?"

"Go!" Feng Zhiyao seemed to be somewhat idle.

Zhenkun knew that he couldn't control Lu Feng at all. The things planned before he came, now they have their own plans, just like they didn't say it.

He wanted to say a few more words, but he was afraid that Lu Feng would be scolded, so let him go.

"Try not to cause trouble anymore. During this period of time, I have been in contact with the executives of Lehman Brothers. Maybe I can introduce you to it." Zhenkun said towards Lu Feng.

"Don't worry, you still don't know me?" Lu Feng stood up and went back to the room.

At nine o'clock in the morning, Lu Feng and his entourage got on the highway and galloped towards New Jersey.

The agency in New York can handle all the services. As long as you have money, there is nothing hard to get here, even if it is the law.

The Anti-Discrimination Association has been successfully registered. At the same time, Liucheng contacted several companies through intermediaries to help register branches and recruit basic employees, all of which can help with the agency.

The list of Wang Yuanhe's several people has been sent back to China via email. The R&D company has set up a temporary team to analyze these students, and at the same time transferred several people from the talent reserve center to assist in processing.

Formed an expatriate team and will fly to New York tomorrow to establish a branch in New York to absorb these high-quality and high-quality talents.

Eisen was not severely beaten. He had a bruise on his skin and a slight concussion. He came out after spending one night in the hospital. The cost was not large, eight thousand dollars.

Lambert arrived at the company at ten o'clock. It doesn't matter whether he comes to work or not. The newspaper and coffee on the desk are ready, everything is in order.

I sat down and took a sip of coffee and looked at today's financial news. When he saw Lu Feng hit Aisen's news, he frowned slightly, picked up the phone on the table, and said, "Where is Aisen?"

"He has just arrived at the company, and his condition is not very good."

"Let him come to my office." Lambert put down the phone after speaking.

He looked at the details of the report with a playful look on his face. Soon after the office door was knocked, Eisen walked in with a little redness and swelling on his face, and the whole person looked quite embarrassed.

Lambert took a look at him and said with a smile on his face: "Sit down, work hard, Eisen!"

"It's not hard work. I can only say that people from backward places like Lu Feng are of poor quality. I didn't expect such a thing to happen. Moreover, the other party has no knowledge of himself, and the valuation is too high. Investment value." Eisen said.

"Eisen, if I remember correctly, are you from that country too?" Lambert asked.

"Nonono! I am an authentic American. My parents moved here. I was born here. I am no different from other Americans." Eisen hurriedly corrected.

"Ok!" Lambert showed a touch of contempt in his eyes, and returned to the topic of work, and said: "Do you think investment can be negotiated once? I tell you, the first time I came, I didn't even want to talk to He talked."

It was the first time Eisen helped Lambert. His eyes lit up and he said, "You just want to play him?"

"No! I need to make him recognize himself. Now he will definitely not sell his equity at a low price. No fool will agree. I need to let him see the reality clearly. When he has nowhere, he will Will accept everything." Lambert said lightly, seeming to be his usual method.

"Then what if Jiafeng Electronics is developing well?" Eisen worried: "Isn't it missing a high-quality company!"

"No, no, no!" Lambert stood up and looked at the street outside the window and said: "There is no Wall Street in this world. No one can grow up. I tell you this. The energy on this street is beyond your imagination. We can't decide. Who grows up, but we can decide who cannot grow up, not to mention that he is now a small company, even if it grows into a global giant, it only needs a few tricks, it will crash!"

"So Lu Feng must surrender!" Ai Sen's expression changed, and said: "Then we don't have to pay attention to him. When he hits the south wall, he will come back."

"No, we need to tell the others on Wall Street that we are optimistic about this company. We will knock down the valuation first, and then start, knock off his spirit, wear off his fangs, put on the rope, and accept the arrangements of fate! "Lambert said, standing at the window.

A smile appeared on Aisen's face. When he thought of Lu Feng's ending like this, he couldn't express his joy. Following Lambert's words, he said, "Let him be our running dog to make money!"

"This week, pay more attention to other trends. As for other companies, as long as they are willing to hand over part of the equity, they should sign the contract." Lambert ordered.

"The rubber company in Thailand, we are ready to sign, and the other party is willing to offer 25% of the equity. This company still has a lot of international orders, the prospects are very promising, and it is not in vain that we have been busy for so long. "Eisen said happily.

Lambert turned his head and nodded, but told him to stare more at Dianjiafeng Electronics and let him go to rest.

In China, everything is running in an orderly manner. Zhu Lidong also ended his business trip and returned to the company. He has formed a complete set of procedures for cooperating with counties and cities, which can be handed over to his subordinates. At present, he has cooperated with hundreds of counties and cities. The sales of Wiputa TVs were quickly pulled up.

The price war that used to be a hit with the bayonet, because several other companies are deeply trapped in the quagmire of the Northern Development Economic Zone, now several companies are busy with lawsuits, wanting to get their goods and money back, where there is still the mind to toss with Lu Feng, the original The price war has also ceased, and now it has completely formed a confrontation between the two giants of Wipuda and Changhong.

As the talent reserve center began to be divided into four major hospitals, coupled with the US green card, the attraction for fresh graduates has risen sharply. Wei Yandan held a special meeting and made arrangements for attracting talents at the meeting. Simply put, it doesn’t work. What method is needed to bring high-tech talents into the talent reserve center?

If you go out, you can blow it as you want, as long as you can get people, and you don’t break the law.

Jiafeng's people are still capable. The graduation season has arrived. They rushed into major colleges and universities frantically, whether they were facing schools, teachers, or students, all of them were coaxing and deceiving.

Many social commentators have said that Jiafeng’s win-win model is like a locust. It first advocates a bright future for students. After being recruited into the talent reserve center, it concentrates on training and classes, instills corporate culture, and creates fantasy bubbles. It is a moth to society.

There are constant crusades in the society, and neither Lu Feng nor Jiafeng's senior officials care anymore. Now there is a shortage of talents, that is, a lack of generals who have the ability to lead Jiafeng into the battle!

Those companies that insulted Jiafeng began to form their own teams and contact universities while cursing.

Wei Yandan’s work is proceeding in an orderly manner, but there are also headaches for her. Nokia’s European headquarters keeps calling, and the two parties have already entered the court. Seek skin with tigers.

The court knew that towards Jiafeng without asking, this matter was dragged on.

Jiafeng Electronics started to drag Nokia can't afford it. After this incident was spread to Europe, it was portrayed by its competitors. Because of quality problems, they were detained hundreds of millions of products. At a time, Nokia's product quality Was pushed to the cusp of the storm.

Don't talk about Elmi now, even her dad can't do anything about it. The initiative is in their hands. Every time they call, they say that Lu Feng is visiting the United States.

Nokia executives held six or seven meetings, and finally decided that this matter should not go through legal channels, which would drag the entire company to death. Finding Lu Feng's reconciliation is the only way out.

Since the matter was tossed out by the Elmi women, let them clean up the mess and demand that all sales channels in China be restored within half a month, as well as the cooperation with Jiafeng Electronics.

"Dad, what should I do? I can't find him at all now." Elmi's voice was crying, she couldn't figure out why this man suddenly lost interest in himself, so cruel.

"Booking the ticket, let's talk to him personally. The matter is over, we have to lower our posture."

Elmi sighed, that's the only way to do it. She always felt that beauty can overcome everything. This time Lu Feng taught her a solid lesson! ! []

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