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Chapter 918: forum

The other end of the phone said categorically that this is definitely not going to work. Don't even think about the seizure of Guangming Electronics. Chatai feels that things are starting to go wrong.

When I hung up the phone, his face was a bit ugly. The opposite Vera saw that something was wrong with him and asked, "What's the matter?"

"Something went wrong, but it didn't have a big impact. It's now a foregone conclusion, and I can't make any big waves." Chatai said, feeling like he was comforting himself.

"Yes, you and my family are oppressed by such a large market, and other companies are also starting to engage in activities, where is there room for him to survive?" Vera smiled confidently; "Relax, even if it is No matter how great Monkey Sun is, he can't escape Wuzhishan."

Zhatai nodded slightly, these words were a comfort.

Vera is different from Chatai. His knowledge of Lu Feng is based entirely on some information. It is just a small company that wants to go overseas. He has never understood that the headquarters value such a person so much.

In his eyes, he could get rid of him by moving his fingers a little, and Chatai was busy with such a long time. If he hadn't joined him, he would still have no results.

Of course, Vera wouldn't tell Chatai these words.

"In my opinion, it is better to hold a business conference, and don't let Lu Feng hide in hiding, just call him over, squeeze him in business, hold a conference, let everyone take a good look!" Vera leaned on the chair. Said: "He has to dare to come, I promise to let him lose this person in the Thai market."

"This is also a way. After all, the media is now in our hands, and he can't make waves." Chatai thinks what he said makes sense.

"This is going to happen quickly, or tomorrow?"


The two went back to the company after eating, and just arrived at the company, a vice president entered the Zhatai office and said a little nervously: "Guangming Electronics is working hard. This morning, we started laying billboards, mobile vehicle promotion, store promotion, etc. means."

"How much did the sales increase?" Zhatai was a little surprised.

"It's estimated to have doubled from yesterday."

"How much sales were only yesterday? Even if it doubles, it won't be much." Zhatai didn't panic: "You go to arrange, organize a business meeting, call Thong Pala, Lu Feng, etc., and then notify. For some media, the live broadcast should be broadcast live, understand?"

"Okay, I will do it now!"

It has been two or three days, and there is still no action on Muzha's side. Zhatai feels that this person is a bit unreliable, so he picked up the phone and called Muzha, but no one answered.

"Huh, what white gloves are you talking about? I am embarrassed to come out with this ability?" Chatai didn't care about him too much. If he didn't do it, the 20 million baht would be his own.

What's more, in his eyes, Lu Feng is already at the end of his anger. As long as the current lockdown is maintained, it is only a matter of time before Guangming Electronics is blocked to death.

A plane took off from Bangkok Airport and its destination was New York in the United States. Muzha put on a casual outfit, wearing sunglasses and a mask. At this moment, he boarded the plane under the name of Muhan.

"I am afraid it will be difficult to come back again in this life." Mu Zha ordered a glass of red wine with the stewardess, looked at the bustling Bangkok outside the window, and slowly looked back. At least he is still alive, better than a few tall people. too much.

Propaganda was going on in full swing, but the international community did not pay attention to Guangming Electronics's propaganda on the streets and alleys. Kevin walked in hurriedly with a folder and saw Lu Feng said: "Sales are beginning to pick up."

"Isn't this normal? We are playing with personal design and taking the path of sadness. In addition, the people at the bottom have a kind of expectation for the prosperity of the country. Our products and after-sales service are okay. Everyone's turn will die. It’s not our turn to die." Lu Feng leaned back on his chair and said, "After standing firm, we must strengthen publicity and open more stores!"

"Does marketing still follow this route?" Kevin felt that this brand image was not selling enough.

"Marketing has never been a route. The essence of marketing is to be close to the hearts of the people and integrate the brand or product into the lives of consumers. When you have a different affection for a brand and it is a necessity, then next time you choose I will choose it without hesitation." Lu Feng looked at Kevin and said: "The domestic light is a kind of marketing, the real selling point, whether this light can be brightened, and this kind of thing cannot be used for a long time, you must learn to integrate it into the local area. , Take root in."

"I don't quite understand." Kevin wondered.

"It's doing high-profile charity. Donate money every year. I hide the knife behind my back. I have a smile on my face. So what we have to do next is donate money!" Lu Feng stared at him and said, "Understood?"

Kevin thought for a moment and said, "I seem to understand."

"Moisturizing and silent marketing is the highest state, just like the second uncle next door, he will tell you something good one day, you will definitely try it instead of resisting and questioning, or even when outsiders attack him. You will also help him, no brand is infallible, so what we have to do is to become the second master of consumers."

Kevin understands that Tongpara’s simple and honest image, coupled with his personality, coupled with the close relationship of the "Second Uncle", the product quality is high, the combination of this set can make consumers mindlessly believe Own.

In the short term, such a marketing strategy is really slow, but if you enter it in the long term, it will really become a brand that will not fall.

"Then why not use it in China?" Kevin thinks that this strategy is better than the domestic multi-brand and multi-faceted strategy.

Lu Feng did not speak, lit a cigarette silently, and then said for a long time: "I don't want to lie to them."

" much to donate?" Kevin pondered: "Even if we donate, we don't have a promotional window..."

Before Kevin's words were finished, someone knocked on the office door, and Lu Feng said, "Come in!"

The deputy general manager of the Thai side walked in and said to Lu Feng in English; "Mr. Lu, there is an invitation letter initiated by Zhatai, which is scheduled for tomorrow and has just been delivered."

"Let me see, for some foreign meetings that are of no use, don't let Tumpala attend, and try to make him show up as little as possible." Lu Feng took the invitation while speaking.

"Not for Tumpala, but for you." The vice president handed over the invitation letter.

"For me?" Lu Feng was taken aback while looking at the words on it. It was actually an invitation in Chinese. It was written in italics: It is scheduled for tomorrow (September 7). Specially invited Jiafeng Electronics Group Chairman Lu Mr. Feng attended the Global Summit Forum of the Thai Electronics Association.

The name is quite big, but with such a hasty thing, Lu Feng would have guessed at all times.

"Is this asking me to come forward and send an invitation to Tongpara?" Lu Feng asked.

"Posted!" The vice president replied: "I heard that 270 media will be present tomorrow. Basically, some domestic media will be included, and there will be live broadcasts."

"Oh, two hundred and seventy media, such a big battle, such a big official power!" Lu Feng raised an eyebrow and said, "This is for me to start a controversy."

"It's better not to go to this kind of meeting. They want to pierce this film to show to ordinary people after all their lives. We can't give him this opportunity." Kevin said in a deep voice.

"No! No, no, no!" Lu Feng shook his head repeatedly, frowning slightly: "We have to go, if we don't go, then let them say it, and with such multimedia presence, you just said that there is no publicity channel for donations. They can’t pinch on the live broadcast, so let’s announce it on the spot!"

Kevin was right when he thought about it. If he doesn't go, he can't let them discredit him.

"Prepare, and go separately with Thong Pala tomorrow." Lu Feng said to Kevin; "Tell Thong Pala, let him continue to maintain a simple and unspoken image. Tomorrow if they dare to besieged and insulted, let them scold. !"

The two discussed and decided on the itinerary for tomorrow, and the promotion of mobile vehicles will be strengthened tomorrow, and the event will be officially launched. The consumption of more than 100,000 baht will be 85% off, and the price will be reduced.

In the evening, Thongpara received the invitation, and Kevin also conveyed Mr. Lu’s thoughts. He couldn’t afford much energy while sitting there. He originally thought that he would become the chairman of the board. Under the promotion of Lu Feng, he became a celebrity. Everyone respects themselves.

But the current Tongpara is a punching It doesn't look good. He has to cry every day. Had it not been for Lu Feng's use of money and fame, he would have stopped doing it.

"All right, I see."

"Remember, it's two million baht, donated to poor children to help them go to school, understand?" Kevin asked again.


For ordinary people, it is another ordinary end of the day, but for the business community, many people feel that the sharpest storm is coming. Guangming Electronics' offline counterattack is very strong, especially the sentence he reads. I don't see the light, I don't know how many people's hearts have been pricked.

Tonight, Chatai and Vera hosted a dinner, inviting a group of Thai business celebrities to participate in preparation for the forum tomorrow.

Although the two are the heads of the branch, they are not considered top-class in the business world. They have lost a lot of energy. The biggest person invited is Sompa, a big man in the rubber industry.

"You can come, our place is really shining, I toast you a glass." Zhatai was very bold and drank the red wine in the glass.

Sompa didn't want to come too much, just a trustee, and some favors still have to be paid back.

"Recently, your actions are not small? It's really scary after generation." Songpa said.

"It’s incomparable to you. I won’t work at Motorola in the future. I still have to rely on you. If you will attend the forum tomorrow, we can be considered as having a ballast stone, so I can rest assured." Vera smiled and said, "You may not I pay too much attention to the electronics industry. Recently, a foreigner came to our business, which disrupted our business. Every day I felt calm."

"Really? What kind of character?" Sompa asked curiously.

"I'm from Huaxia, tomorrow this place is aimed at him, you can speak a lot at that time." Chatai pleased: "We juniors can't raise our heads because of being bullied!"

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